Well well look which dry dick virgin was actually man enough to stop jacking off to pictures of Rainbow Dash long enough to show his face.
Mr Dominance is leaning back in a leather seat in a luxurious private jet, yawning. Jackie is opposite him, asleep in her seat, there is a laptop on a small glassl desk between the two and the causation of Jackies slumbering and Traxs yawning becomes evident. Nico LaVeys promo has just finished playing on the screen.
Listen I'm making this one short and unpleasant like Frodo Smackins. Flying and mediocre promos make me sleepy.
Trax lets off another yawn.
Lets replay this promo and go over what you said LaVey, I really don't want to its practically audio NyQuil but here it goes.
Trax replays the promo from the beginning and turns the volume up so every word can be heard.
Nico LaVey Said:All of what I am about to do could have been prevented.
Yes I agree wholeheartedly. ALL of this could of been prevented.
If your mother just had swallowed this could all of been prevented.
If your father had did the world a favor and pushed the slut down the stairs after planting his seed this could off all been prevented.
But instead, you was born, you grew up.A shit stain to society and a detriment to your family name, I mean you got kicked out of your fathers Church of Satan for being too "dangerous"? No LaVey I thinks it slightly more believable that you got kicked out for being an annoying little jackass in all honesty. Because that's all you've been since you set foot in XWF. An annoying little jackass constantly in peoples faces.
Like a Mosquito you just can't swat away, you do nothing but bug people. So I'm going to do myself and the rest of XWF a favor when I treat you like the bug you are and crush you in the ring.
Nico Lavey Said:Every last strike, every last grapple, every last submission, and every last bit of pain I will cause Trax.
This scenario you've made up in your head...its not going to go the way you've planned it. You'll get a couple of strikes in sure, but I am the best pure striker in this company. Nobody lands hits like me, I will hit you harder, and I will hit you faster. You may have the height and weight advantage on me, but every power move you land on me I will recover from. Every submission you attempt to place on me I will break out of. Every ounce of pain you inflict on me I will inflict on your person ten fold. Because I am Mr FN Dominance and that's what I do. I overcome.I overwhelm. Thats what I've done so far. Thats what I will continue to do. And that is why, let me just make this crystal clear, the X-Treme Championship is staying with me.
Nico LaVey Said:If you were to open a door for someone, or light up a cancer stick for them, you're expecting a thank you. If you get one, then you are satisfied. If you don't get one, then you think "what a dick." But I didn't hold open a door for you, or light up a cancer stick for you. I stopped you from losing your title.
You didn't STOP me from losing my title at all. Whether you had intervened all not statistics show I would of kicked out. I have kicked out of every single pin attempt someone has tried on me whether it be in an official match or someone jumping me to try and win the X-Treme Title since being in the company. I have yet to be pinned for the 3 count. I have currently a 100% kick out rate. The first week after I won the X-Treme title people were coming out the woodwork to try and pin me, OK well mainly Ghost Tank, now the attempts have slowed down because no matter what creative ways people try to put me down, getting police to tazer me whilst I'm buying skittles or using mechanical arms, I kick out.
Just like how in this match, no matter how many times you or Fontanna put me down and try to cover me for the three count I will kick out. Resiliency Mr. LaVey. I have lots of it.I can take a beating almost as good as I can dish it out.You two knuckleheads, if you were smart, should co-exist and work together long enough to tire me down because neither of you will be able do an efficient job at that single handed, but I know your egos won't allow that. Just like your egos going to cost you LaVey, acting like you deserve anything much less a "Thank You", as if to say I owe you anything. I mean really what is this you said?
Nico LaVey Said:That deserves at least a favor from you, Trax. But you didn't say thank you, or do me a favor, or anything of the sort.
I didn't do you a favor? Motherfucker are you dense? I'VE given you a title shot. I'M the reason you're in this match.If it wasn't for me, you'd be facing Ghost Tank or maybe Roxy Cotton in the Monday Madness opening match. But instead in your debut match, you're in the main event. You're in a championship match. Now I'm fairly certain that could be heavily considered a "favor". You should be singing my praises to the Heavens. You should be kissing my feet. You should be blowing up my mail inbox with "O...M...G THANK YOU MR DOMINANCE FOR THIS GRACIOUS OPPORTUNITY TO PROVE MYSELF" messages. So you want a "Thank You"? Well so do I. "Thank You" for given you this undeserved opportunity Mr LaVey. OK sure, I gave you this "opportunity" because I figured beating Fontanna was too easy so I figured I'd kill three birds with one stone and accept his initial challenge, defend my title and teach you a lesson all in the same night buts its still a opportunity none the less I suppose.
Nico LaVey Said:Imagine someone like me as this company's Xtreme Champion
Dear God do I have to?
Someone like you, an insignificant little worm who turns up to promote his matches last minute because he's too busy fucking around talking smack to loose women backstage all day because it makes him feel better about all the times he got rejected by women just like that in High School? Someone like you, who has yet to do ANYTHING to prove themself, has failed to get a buzz going for him heading into this match. Someone who is going to be coming out to crickets and dust balls when he walks down that ramp, that ramp that may as well be the green mile because you'll be walking towards your execution. When I had my first match here, I turned heads, I got a buzz about me, people were TALKING about me, the then and still current Universal and IC Champions among those people along with higher ups in management, impressed with the skills and potential I displayed.The skills and potential I ran with and quickly made something of myself with by capturing the X-Treme title in my what, fourth match? Any skills you attempt to show in this match will be over shadowed by yours truly and any potential people possibly thought you had due to your brash demeanor will be proven to be non-existent.
And like the cockroach bug you are, once stomped on, you will scurry back into the woodwork from wench you came hopefully to never be seen again.
Theres a question that people have been asking with great curiosity behind the scenes.
"Is Nico LaVey legit?"
The answer is "NO".
You're not a legit wrestler.
You sure as HELL wouldn't make a legit champion.
Suddenly a waiter comes over to where Trax, Trax stops talking and looks up to him.
May I offer you any food or drink at this time sir?
No thank you I'm in the middle of a promo, however can you answer a question?
Yes Sir.
Do you think Nico LaVey is legit?
No Sir.
You don't think he deserves to face me?
I don't believe so Sir.
I agree. Tell me, what is the most random, pointless job you could ever think of, a job more suited for someone as non-legit as LaVey?
Um, collecting bags of sand Sir.
Hmmm right, collecting bags of sand? So that would make Nico LaVey a....SANDBAGGER?
Yes Sir
Thank you, you may go.
The waiter walks off and Trax turns back to the camera smiling.
Hear that LaVey? I don't think you're legit. A guy who doesn't know a wristlock from a wristwatch, the waiter not Fontanna ,doesn't think you're legit. Nobody does. And Monday it will be proven. When I show you and Fontanna just who the REAL Face of Hardcore is and what an actual dominant champion looks like. Attempt to cut me up a much as you like. Sick as many demons on me as you wish. But guys, whatever you do, DO NOT CROSS THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRAX. Peace.
Trax shuts the laptop and leans back in his chair once again closing his eyes to fall asleep for the rest of the journey as the scene fades to black.
Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno
XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:
One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"