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Chance to be something[2/2]
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Ursula Areano Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

04-05-2013, 07:42 PM

Here, the moment of truth, It comes in the air, It's always the same, it's so insane, you cover your eyes, you fall inside, before it begins, it's over. - 30 Seconds To Mars

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4zTPC79nAcbQls-BO9Df...fXufQdB2nR]

Old memories back then

The camera opens up in the mansion of Areano. The camera begins to move closer to the house. We enter the house - There we see on a TV-set standing in front of a black couch. The TV shows nothing but static for a moment, until Ursula shown sitting in the couch presses a button on a remote. The TV then shows a poor quality shot of a wrestling show somewhere.

The ring is filled with debris of tables, light tubes and various other items, and above the ring is two people, standing on a scaffold. The first is a big, burly man, standing at least 6'5.

Most people would think "Damn that is a big man".

He's bloodied up, and trying to keep steady on top of the shaky scaffold. The other person is a much smaller female, just as bloodied. She holds a light tube, which she uses as a cane to stay upright. Suddenly, the man charges, but the woman dodges.

Smart thinking, right?

She turns and swings her tube, but she misses, exposing her back. The man hits a german suplex, shaking the entire scaffold. He then pulls her up and tosses her off the scaffold. With the sound of a cheering japanese crowd, the bell sounds as she hits the ring hard. The commentators are screaming incomprehensible lines as a reaction to the fall. The TV is then shut off, and the camera faces the person sitting in the couch. The person is the same woman that was thrown off the scaffold.

That was my last match in Japan for Tokyo Championship Wrestling. I know most will say" Is she that damn extreme. Well that is besides the point. Back to where I left off.

I don't expect many of you to have even heard of it, as it was barely large enough to be called a real federation. The man who beat me was just like me, a local wrestler. When he beat me, for his title, which was their only title at the time.

Just the thought of it right? That at one point in my career I was fighting in the independent leagues. Trying to move up the ranks as we know it. Making my name all over the world in Tokyo, Mexico and well, anywhere that would take me. I earned the respect off the fans, also well as my peers.

She blows at a piece of hair that dropped down into her face from behind her ear. She leans back in the couch while attempting to get her hair back under control.

Just the thought of it right. But in XWF there is saying "Fuck respect" could it be truth the fact of respect, the almost simplest turning into lies and hate. Since I been here those facts turned up correct. The fact of it being just talk. A way to throw you off the wrong path. It is very turn - but fuck that it will change.

Ursula sits back up in the couch, running both hands through her hair in an attempt to make it more manageable.

Could this be? Have I truly fell in a trapdoor? Or could Ursula set her own trap instead? Did Neonero truly believe my words?

Ursula begins to shake her head.

If he really think, that I was that stupid something is really wrong with that guy. Maybe is sense of being a promoter didn't work out to well. Maybe he led the groups in the wrong direction.

Maybe that's why he don't believe in respect, because of that. Because they didn't have the same vision of moving forward as him.

Knowing Nero he will state some unrelated fact about what happened. Just maybe he will quote is GG NORE catch phrase again. He sounds like a broken fucking radio. He is beating a damn horse trying to force his words down our throats.

Ursula sighs

Could it be his childhood? Maybe I am going to deep right? Maybe he was abused when he was young. Or he never had a mom or dad? Could that be it. Are you that lonely. Are the cheap whore's becoming to high on the market for you?

I understand, do you know how much money it cost to get a new vibrator, well truly not that much really. Maybe because I have a lot going for me right.

Ursula winks at the camera.

And then.....

I fade

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT8RYDY4c-c0gD0hfK9gjB...TNACw1k_Xo]

Sometimes I like to vent. - Victoria Jackson

Days when you vent

Location:Tampa, Florida

The screen opens up and we are inside the hotel room of Ursula Areano. She is sporting the new Areano t-shirt and cargo shorts with a mojito in hand staring out of the balcony window. She takes a few more moments to reflect on the beauty that is Tampa while sipping on her cool, refreshing drink before heading back inside the room and sitting down at her desk and turning on her iPad.

Hello everyone. Welcome to the Warrior Files. The official vlog of "The Next Big Thing" Ursula Areano. As you can see I am still in paradise after a disappointing PPV.

Ursula shows the beautiful scenery of the island.

This upcoming Monday Madness, I am facing both Neil Capra and Neonero. Oh my lord who should I start with first?

Ursula begins to rub her head; Ursula then snaps her finger.

Neonero? Or can I call you Nero? Who gives a fuck how you doing? It was pointless asking that question. The thought of you think you led me into a trapdoor. I stated this before, but I am sure it went over your head. Like me get deeper eh?

Well sure, you can claim to those facts. But when you really think of it right. Would I easily state those words? If it didn't benefit me? Just seeing the shocked on upon your face. Come on! the fact you made a promo first. Just screamed like tricky. Just the thought right now, the ammunition your are gather is increasing ten fold.

Is it bad on my end of it?

It depends really?

Ursula begins to clear her throat.

The of stating I respected, in the idea of your taking as far as you did. Just hoping that you gain some ammunition worth wild right. The thought about you really think that I want you to back down to me. The fact, you should come at me with your best. I want you to fucking bring it.

Ursula begins to smile.

So when I beat you. You can't blame the fact I beat your simple ass with skills. The fact the Neonero lost to me in a match. This is not just for a win. Oh no it is to state the fact, why I chose Madness was to Superkick bitch like you. Just the thought of it. The fact of let's hold on all the cheap moves. All the gimmick matches and have a fucking war.

But seemly we couldn't do that right? You had to pull a cheap move of stating respect? It was a smart, truly it was. But I don't think stating the quote.



Will save you? I could have did the same thing you did. State the point term your say every promo. It is getting kinda old, it was a nice way and all. But it seems like your are not catching the hint. Nobody fucking cares.

Ursula holds out her arms.

Are you sad little Nero, did I hurt you feelings? Well I don't care, just by the thought of it. The thought I underestimate?

Ursula laughs.

Do you underestimate me in that very ring? Do think you just beat me so simple. Do you really think I will lose this match. You have one focused bitch coming after your title. There is not a fact I will lose in my eyes.

I could less about anything about you. All I am focused is whipping your ass all over the fucking area. Then you will be known as my little bitch named Nero. Sounds good right? Well I didn't tell you to fucking speak, all I could do was laugh about the bullshit coming out of your mouth.

Ursula face looks surprised.

Taking hours and hours on end to state your promo. Eating up all the camera with utter shit - you surprise the hell out of me, truly you do. Just the thought of your meanless just bores the hell out of me. I wanted the old Neonero. At latest he was enjoyable. This is someone just trying to be Neonero trying to get into the swing of things.

You see Nero I could go on and on about your promo. But what is the point right? Your fucked, the thought right, your claiming you had me going, crossed your mind right?

But sadly when you think about as the last moment. You was always in my trap, it could make it simple for me to state the meanful questions your asking for? But knowing someone like you it will complete go over your head.

Because I hope you are ready bitch. Because your title your little claims off chanting GG NORE every fucking promo will be at an halt.

Neil? What is the point right?

Ursula leans back in the chair.

I fade

[Image: ursula.jpg]
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