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We eat a nice dinner, and I try veal. - 2
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Ginger Snaps Offline
<3 Ginger <3

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

06-20-2015, 09:08 AM

I finished recording my promo and put the laptop up. I walk between my two men, and put my arm around Johnny's waist, and across George's shoulders. I'm so lucky to have them. We step outside, and there is already a cab waiting for us. George gets in first, and Johnny and the driver load his chair into the back. As I'm about to get into the car, I notice who the driver is. It's the English driver from the night at the club. He recognises me. I can see it in his face.

Hey, you're the bird from the club. The one who likes English boys.

I blush, I did not tell Johnny about this.

Yeah, I am. Thanks for helping my friend out of the cab that night.

I'm sorry I didn't call, it's just that I'm gay.

Johnny walks over at this time, and looks suspiciously at me and then at the driver.

Wait, Ginger, you gave your number to a taxi driver, and he turned out to be gay?

Yeah, I did. I'm sorry. We weren't together. I didn't think you wanted to be with me then.

No, don't apologise. This is just great. I'm not mad, I'm not jealous, I'm amused. I would have loved to see how you reacted when she gave you the number.

I feel embarrassed. I scurry in the cab, and try to end the conversation. Johnny goes back around to his side and gets in, he sits next to George, and I'm up front with the driver. I give the driver the address and he drives towards the restaurant. Johnny is making small talk with the driver, apparently they went to college in Bath before moving on. The Driver, Eddie, moved up here to drive a taxi while Johnny went onto Uni. They graduated college together, but didn't know each other. Big school and everything. We arrive at the restaurant and Johnny pays the driver as I help George into his chair, and we head in. I had Johnny call ahead and get us a booth. George prefers booths to tables, he can sit in the booth and feel normal. The chairs here aren't comfortable for his back, so he refuses to sit in them.

When we get inside I see it, the big banner that reads "CONGRATULATIONS GINGER". I did not know how to respond. I just stood there, with my mouth agape. Johnny walked in behind me and looked at the banner. He then looked at my face. George saw Tiffany at the bar and rolled over to her.

You like it? Yeah, when you won, they called me and asked me if I would bring you in for a celebration when you got home. I told em I would, and I'd give them notice.

I didn't react. Tiffany came running over to me squealing like an adorable piglet. She ignored Georgie, and threw her arms around me. She begin to hug me, and squeal in my ear. I stayed motionless. She pulls back from me and notices the look of horror on my face.

Oi! What'd you do, John? She were normal til the night at the club.

Wait, I know what's about to happen. We need a pillow, now. She's going to repeat what the banner says, and then collapse. She did it the night we got together.

I shake my head. My hair is no longer perfect, but I don't care.

No, I'm fine. I'm just awe struck. I can't believe you guys did this for me.

The owner of the restaurant comes rushing out to make sure I'm ok. I've known him since I was a wee one. He was at my mum and dad's funeral. He used to date my mum back when they were in college.

Ginger, are you ok? You wasn't moving. I got worried.

No, Simon. I'm fine. Don't worry.

Come, have a seat. You four, you eat for free tonight. I've set you up a great booth. The best for our town's best.

George rolled back and joined us, and then the four of us went to our booth. I sat next to my Johnny, and Georgie and Tiffany sat by each other. Tiffany didn't see it, but Johnny and I did. George had a thing for Tiffany. Oh, poor Georgie. Tiffany isn't the type to settle for one man. He doesn't care, though, he's watching her as the waiter comes over to bring us our menus, and complimentary bottle of Champagne. I don't like the taste, so I don't partake. Johnny doesn't care for it, either, so only George and Tiffany drink it. We sort through the menu and I decide to try a Veal Cutlet. Johnny decides to have a nice steak and salad, and Tiffany orders a Chicken Breast. I giggle when she says breast. George orders a plate of their four cheese ravioli. The waiter takes the menu and heads back to the kitchen. Tiffany stands up.

Right, I'm to the toilet. Ginger, come with me.

I don't have to use it. I tell her this.

I went before we left the house. I don't need it.

She doesn't accept this as an answer.

Come on, Champion.

She grabs me and pulls me up. I unwillingly follow her to the bathroom. I am trying to send Johnny a mental note. If I do not come out, call the police. This is Gingernapping! She is pulling me through the restaurant to a chorus of congratulations from people eating. I guess my win was a big deal here. She gets to the bathroom, and locks the door behind us. It's just us in here. Yup, Tiff is gonna murderise me for leaving to America and not telling her.

Omigod! You're finally dating John. Did you two... You know?

She makes a gesture with her hands, where she's made them into fists and bangs them together. I am confused.

What are you asking about? I don't get this.

I mimic her gesture. She just lowers her face to meet her palm and shakes it.

We've been friends for how long?

Since we were five. So?

How do you not get it yet? Did you two have sex?!

A light bulb goes off. I finally get it.

Oh, yeah. We had sex this morning when I got home. It was great. Hey, you know George fancies you, yeah?

Really? Aww. He's so cute. Ginger, would it be weird if I hooked up with your brother?

Well, I don't even know if he can. He is paralysed, you know.


Well, not really. He can move his legs, just not a lot or very well.

Perfect. I'm gonna see if he can still perform. You ok with it?

Don't hurt him. He's all I have left. I'm going to head back, I'm hungry, and I don't have to pee.

I unlock the door, and leave. I walk back to the booth and sit in next to Johnny. Our food is there, and George is eating his Ravioli. I look at my Veal cutlet. This doesn't look like a bird. I thought Veal was a bird. Either way I cut into it and take a bite. It tastes odd. Johnny stops chewing and looks at me as I make a face. I swallow and go back to making the face. He swallows as well, and looks concerned.

What's wrong?

This isn't poultry. I thought Veal was a bird.

Johnny chuckles and George puts his fork down.

Don't tell her what it is, yet.

Oh, no! Did I eat something bad?

Johnny consoles me. He really likes doing that.

No, baby. You didn't eat something bad. I'll tell you about it later. Just eat, and enjoy.

Tiffany walks out of the toilet, and comes to sit down with us. Her food is there, and she begins to tuck in. Her black hair has been pulled back into a pony tail, and her dress has been pulled up to show more of her legs, and down to show more cleavage. George has taken notice. She pretends to not notice his attention. We ate the rest of the meal in relative peace and quiet. It was delicious, and then the four of us headed back to the house to hang out and watch telly. Tiffany had missed my matches, and I hadn't actually watched them yet, so we put them on and let her enjoy the show.

While we watched them, I kept biting my nails, and getting nervous.

Omigod! I hope that girl is ok, that move looks like it hurt.

They all turned to me and looked deeply confused. They collectively let out a sigh.

Ginge, you sweet little girl, you. That girl on the telly? That girl were you a few nights ago. This your match we're watching.

I play it cool, like I knew that all along.

Oh, right. Yeah. I just wanted Johnny to kiss my head and call me a dork. He missed his chance.

He scooches closer to me, and kisses me on the cheek before whispering in my ear.

Ginger, your secret is safe with me. I know you forgot.

He's so awesome, and he gets me. I love Johnny. We finish watching the match, and Tiffany gets sleepy, she makes hints to George for him to come over, or invite her to stay, but he doesn't. She leaves feeling rejected. George heads to his room to go play Xbox live with some Americans. He wants to brag about how his sister came over to the US and embarrassed a bunch of yanks without much effort. It's these little victories for him that make his life better. I don't correct him, and tell him that I worked really hard to win that match. Johnny and I snuggle up on the couch and put on some Telly programme. I'm barely following it, my head has really started to hurt.

The programme go to an ad break, and I look at Johnny. My eyes get big and wide as I prepare to ask perhaps the stupidest question I have ever asked. Today. He cuts me off.

You mentioned George being sick, what is it?

He has Epilepsy.

I didn't think that could paralyse you.

He had a seizure, and fell. When he fell he hit his back, and damaged some nerves or something. His legs work, but they're very weak after the fall. He can't walk, but with a cane or something, he can stand. He's got therapy and stuff going on.

I shifted my eyes down the hallway, George doesn't like talking about his illness or injury. He wanted to pretend it wasn't real, and I liked to abide him there. I almost felt like I was insulting him by discussing it now. But, Johnny was family. Either way, I decided to change the conversation really quickly.

Johnny, what's Veal. You guys kind of laughed at me when I thought it was poultry.

He laughs at me some more, just slightly. I believe he senses me need to not discuss George's injury.

It's baby cow, baby doll. Veal is calf meat. You had Rose Veal, that's a calf of about 8 months, love.

I jump to my feet and run to the toilet and start to throw up. I'm crying and vomiting at the same time. It hurts, but I don't care. I'd rather the pain than the knowledge I tortured a cow. My heaves are loud enough to draw George from his room. He wheels to me as Johnny rushes to my side. John grabs me and begins to cradle me. I'm crying as he rocks me back and forth. He tries to assure me that everything is ok. I bury my head into him and sob loudly.

I'm so sorry cow. I'm so sorry.

He holds my head tightly, and strokes my hair. I would be enjoying this, if I wasn't feeling so guilty for my actions.

Sweetie, it's ok. The cow forgives you. But, even if you didn't eat it, the cow would have died.

She ok?

I can't talk, I can just cry. This is the meanest thing I have ever done. How could I live with myself?

She just found out what Veal is. She'll be ok. It's just a shock.

George rolls to his room, and Johnny holds me while I cry until I fall asleep. We both sleep there, in the bathroom, him holding me like a child. My face buried in his arm and covered with my tears.

[Image: aTUIZMN.png]

<3 Gator <3
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