Thump thump.
Thump thump.
His heightened senses could hear her very heartbeat as well as the sound of heels clicking on the wet pavement. It was cool and rainy that night. She really shouldn't have been out so late anyway.
The silent killer followed her, stalking like a beast stalking a gazelle on the Serengeti. He could smell the slightest hint of blood, and he was sure it was menstrual. Though, you all know he doesn't care. When a shark smelled blood, it attacked.
She stopped in her tracks and pulled her trenchcoat around herself, her blue eyes scanning the landscape. She could've sworn she'd heard something. She quivered a bit and shook her head, continuing to walk. Only this time, her gait became faster.
He could smell something in the air now that was a very familiar smell. It was the smell he'd smelled from Hooded Man as he decimated him last Wednesday. Fear. He would know that smell anywhere, having become more animalistic over these millenia.
He heard it. It was more of a chance to strike. A signal of weakness. From the shadows he melted, glowing red eyes and Cheshire grin appearing before his body materialized. Her blue eyes widened as she tried to stand on her now bruised ankle.
He smirked.
Cain: Well well, what do we have here? Lunch? Dinner? Or is it breakfast? I get so fucking confused with these timezone changes.
Perhaps out of pure naivety, she looked up at him, bruising locks of curly red hair from her face.
Woman: Excuse me? Would you please help me up? I seem to have twisted my ankle.
Cain looked out into TV Land, asking the viewer.
Cain: Who does this bitch think I am? A boy scout?
Woman: Umm...who are you talking to?
Cain: The XWF Universe, duh. Now, where were we, darling?
She sighed as the Beast creeped toward her, shining his sharpened black nails on his black duster. Suddenly, she pulled up her skirt, and winced. Cain just narrowed his eyes on his prey. Honestly, he knew this would be boring because she wasn't even trying to run.
Woman: Go ahead. Just take me. Have your way with me, I get this all the time. Probably shouldn't have been walking outside at night anyways. So yeah, just rape me.
The Killer King just stood there. He wasn't shocked by the woman's forwardness. After all, he considered himself, and I quote "a hottie". But he shook his head.
Cain: You must be mentally

, woman. And before you say anything, no I am not gay. I just don't get my pleasure from raping women. Ya see, I don't want your menstrual blood. I want your life. Don't you understand who and what I am?
Just then, she panicked and struggled to her feet.
Woman: Oh my god! You're gonna kill me?!
Cain: Yes, dumb bitch. You. Me. My nails ripping your throat out, my teeth tearing into the sinewy flesh of your heart. Because Cain.
She screamed and turned, limping away from her would be killer. Cain just smirked and followed her in a brisk walk, his duster flowing in the wind. She ran as fast as she could, but even with the increased adrenaline, to no avail. She looked back for Cain, however....he was gone.
Woman: .....huh?
She turned to run further...but ran into a wall. A wall in the form of a seven foot monster. Before she could even fall on her ample behind, his hand jetted forward...her breath leaving her as he held her by the throat.
From the look in his eyes, so filled with sick pleasure, she was done for.
CRASH! She felt her bones shatter...the poor girl couldn't catch her breath. Her plight would end though. She felt her chest rip open, her still beating heart the last sight she faded into darkness.
Taking a bite of the hesrt like an apple, Cain looked into the camera.
Cain: Once again, I told you all what would happen. I prophesized victory.
I called a shot. Like Babe Ruth before me, I made good on my promise..
A killer I may be, but...a liar I am not.
You see, I want to recollect something before going further. I want to give a shout out to one Ghost Tank, who's burning flesh refueled my desire for destruction. You really had me going for a while there, GT. I KNOW it's a bit "out of character"...
Air quotes.
Cain: ...for me, but you've gained my respect, GT. You could have been a worthless bitch like the rest of them and took your beating, but you showed dominance. Which is exactly why I see potential in you, "Phoenix". I'll keep your name in "the book" for future reference, trust me. When I am the King of the XWF, I may even spare you. You can sigh with relief now, GT. You are safe.
Hooded Man, however, was a disappointment.
Cain sighed and reached into his duster pocket, pulling out a smoke and his trademark monogram lighter. He lit the cigarette non chalantly and puffed.
Cain: I mean, you could have stopped my momentum before it even gathered steam, yet like most of God's failures, you were too sfraud to even try. I can blame you. After all, I am ten times as powerful as a Mastermind and a hundred times more vicious. Sebastian Duke, Vinnie Lane, Morbid Angel, Eli James...they may not admit it but they know it.
Now you, Hooded Man, I see potential in you as well. The potential of a sacrifice, provided I can get you out of hiding to shank your ass.
A light chuckle escaped Cain's chest and smoke wafted through the air as he began walking. He was a sight to behold, covered in blood. Sticky warm blood streaming down his chin, staining the brown filter of his cancer stick, he continued.
Cain:There goes the neighbourhood.
Stop. Drop. Shut em' down open up shop, this coming Wednesday is a momentous occasion. You see, DMX-Factor, you have the honor of being the first ever African American victim of Cain on national TV.
What? Did you think I'd forgotten you already? The fact the higher ups booked us against one another?
You'd be wrong.
You see, DMX, I did like your music at one time. That's right, I was down with the "Rough Riders". You're probably not "that guy", but my question is in that case...who the hell are you? Because I'm sitting here, kicking your name around in my head yet I'm having to make jokes about your name. Why?
Because I've never fucking heard of you.
He flicked the cigarette butt into a puddle, and walking to a two story building just stands there, looking upwards.
Cain: Listen, D. Can I call you "D"? Maybe Factor? I don't know who you are, or what you prefer I call you. But I'll tell you this. You will know me, and you already do.
I don't need to remind you of the story of my brother and I. It becomes redundant. I'll go ahead and say that the man you face is no normal man.
His form resonated at super speed and he jumped vertically, camera barely able to follow him as he did. He now stood against the backdrop of the full moon, clouds seemingly clearing on cue. Not looking at the camera, he continued his diatribe, an ominous warning.
Cain: D, I just want you to consider a few things before we face off Wednesday. I want you to think harder on those things if somehow you piss me off.
You're young. You're new.
I am over two thousand years old. I have been a farmer, a king, a murderer, a gladiator, and much more. Right now? I have evolved, D. As you see, my powers are at their peak and you? You are a simple man, looking to make a name for yourself here.
Me? My name is marred with mistakes. But since my return, I am two and oh. I have just as much to prove in this altercation. Which means, I am hungry. I am ready to take that brass ring and quite fucking honestly? I don't care who I have to step on to get it.
The camera zoomed in on the Killer King and he got real serious, real fast. His face a grimace, eyes aglow, he finished the warning.
Cain: We can do this one of two ways. I can come into that ring, beat the holy dogshit out of you. I can stomp your ass and make you non existant. Or you could just come down to that ring. You could realize the severity of your position and drop down to your knees. Then you can just forfeit for your own safety.
Option one? That means your legacy dies. Option two? You live and can say you kissed the feet of the world's greatest murderer.
Choice is your's, "dawg".