Hero Xtreme Un is sitting on his monkey skin couch watching a video compilation of monkeys getting shot with guns, bleeding all over the place and dieing like the worthless animals they are. Hero Xtreme Un hates monkeys so fucking much. Then he receives a voice message and plays it aloud.
NOCMM: I heard there is a RACIST and MISOGYNISTIC video game called Hatred. I want you to find the developers, hire some hookers to rape them, and kill them and their families.
Normal people wouldn't be able to kill video games developers in Poland and wrestle for a bunch of Asian demons in the same week, but Hero Xtreme Un wasn't a normal person. He knows God. So that means he can teleport. He uses this power to destroy what the invisible lord tells him to. That's his function.
Hero Xtreme Un puts on his sunglasses.
Then Hero Xtreme Un teleports into Destructive Creations Studios carrying his prostitute gun. He puts the gun on his shoulder and plays it cool.
Hero Xtreme Un: This place looks like a garage.
The duo of horrible art creators look up from their shitty computers. They're stark naked fat dudes who look like they've never been laid, but somehow they have families that love them very much. That makes Hero Xtreme Un sick to his stomach.
Hatred Designer: It is a garage, but we pronounce it differently in merry old Poland.
Hero Xtreme Un: I love how edgy the game is. Which one of you made the girl civilian with breasts?
Misogynistic Hatred Designer: I did?
A prostitute comes flying out of the gun and latches onto his dick, sucking it without his consent.
Misogynistic Hatred Designer: I'm being raped! Help!
Hero Xtreme Un: You pronounce help differently in merry old Poland too.
Hero Xtreme Un makes eye contact with the other bigot.
Hero Xtreme Un: I assume you are the one who made it so you can kill black people in the game?
Racist Hatred Designer: NO! NO! I wanted there to only be white people! I promise! Please don't shoot a prostitute at me and make me have sex without consent! PLEASE!
Hero Xtreme Un flashes a cruel and wicked smile.
Hero Xtreme Un: That's racist too.
The whore comes flying out of the gun and lands on the racist, vagina to dick, without his consent. Then she starts licking his racist nipples. Hero Xtreme Un switches his gun to bullet mode and points it at the bitch's head.
Hero Xtreme Un: Where does everyone in your family live? I WANT TO KILL THEM, TELL ME.
Racist Hatred Designer: I'll never tell you!
Hero Xtreme Un points the gun at him harder.
Racist Hatred Designer: They live in the Nuclear Reactor. I know how to override it. I'll do it for you. I'll kill myself, my friend, and both of our families for you because you look so cool and you're so threatening.
Hero Xtreme Un: Cool. Thanks.
Hero Xtreme Un pulls out another gun and lets the two

lead him to the nuclear reactor while two whores bounce on their dicks and rape them. He shoves the guns into the back of their heads so they move faster. It is a long walk so Hero Xtreme Un decides to engage them in conversation.
Hero Xtreme Un: Why were you fags naked when I found you?
Racist Hatred Designer: We're nudists here in merry old Poland.
Misogynistic Hatred Designer: The male body is very beautiful so we bare it wherever we go.
Hero Xtreme Un: That's gay.
BOTH HATRED DESIGNERS: No, we hate fags.
Hero Xtreme Un: We're not so different...BUT I STILL HAVE TO KILL YOU.
The Polish bitches open the door to the nuclear reactors. The racist goes inside, but the misogynist grabs him arm.
Misogynistic Hatred Designer: We’re monkey-sitting for our friend right now. The monkey has nothing to do with this. Please take care of it for us.
Hero Xtreme Un has an even more sadistic look in his eyes.
Hero Xtreme Un: No, the monkey dies too and so do the prostitutes.
Misogynistic Hatred Designer: THE MONKEY DID NOTHING WRONG!
Hero Xtreme Un: Cry about it, bitch.
Hero Xtreme Un slaps him across the face with his gun. The misogynist wipes his tears away and the racist one leads them to the override console.
Hero Xtreme Un: What’s the password?
Racist Hatred Designer: 666edgy911me.
Hero Xtreme Un: TYPE IT IN!
GlaDos: Override engaged. The nuclear reactor blows up in 45 seconds.
Hero Xtreme Un waits until there is only ten seconds left.
Misogynistic Hatred Designer: Are you dieing with us?
Hero Xtreme Un: I know God.
Hero Xtreme Un: So that means
Hero Xtreme Un: I can teleport.
Hero Xtreme Un teleports away and the nuclear reactor explodes. Hero Xtreme Un is standing on top of a mountain overlooking the explosion.
Hero Xtreme Un: Mission Accomplished.
Hero Xtreme Un opens his mouth wide and swallows a bunch of flying cisgendered female monkey meat from the monkey the fags were babysitting. It tastes like a monkey. The scene fades to an Xtreme shade of black.
Star of The Month (February 2002)
WXC Tag Team Champion x3 (/w Venom Explosion (2), DJ Death)
UWF X-Treme Champion x5
UWF No Limits Champion x2
UWF Tag Team Champion x1 (/w Shaker Jones)
BBCXR Heavyweight Champion x4
SOW World Champion x2
RXW World Champion x1
RXW X-Division Champion x1
NWPW Rapid Division Champion x 3
WFWD Intercontinental Champion x2
XWL United States Champion x2
XWL European Champion x1
XWL Tag Bowl Winner (/w White Abyss)
BLOOD Bleeding Champion x3
All Time Record: 912-32-4
Hero Xtreme Un Record: 0-3-0
Priority prayers and more, back open for business.