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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Bad Medicine" RP Board (May 23, 2015)
Carson and Flynn are playin' Good Cop-Bad Cop Gone Gay
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Muddy Waters

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05-18-2015, 07:50 PM

Muddy stands in front of an old floor model television set with bunny-ear antennas, sipping a hot pint of whiskey and shaking his head as the end of Carson, ‘The XWF Management Team Doesn’t Know my Name’, Waters’ promo plays.

“What ah’ … aint’ this here ah’ bunch of crybaby bullshit? Guess is’ here cocksucker is ah’ fumin’ cause his butt-buddy Flynn is laid up in tha’ hospital, and they done found out his condition aint just venereal, it’s viral, and they aint got no cure.

Listen here dick lick, Muddy wuddun’t fer’sure whether or not yous’ ah’ pecker lover, but this little explosion of tears and emotions done sealed er’ right on up.

“Ooohh ma’ feelins is hurtin’, ya’ll was duckin’ us Prick Squad ass fuckers cause we sooo bad ass.”

Oh, here’s ah’ honest ta’ goodness quote from this dicksucker…

Hoodie Allen is ah’ <img src=""> Said:where was the Black Hand, Muddy? Where were they on May 11th, the date we scheduled our big match, huh?

May 11th…. Hummmm, May 11th, what tha’ hell was goin’ on at’ day? Oh at’s right! Nadda’ damn thang! There wuddun’t ah’ fuckin’ show ta’ book fer’ you stupid son ova’ bitch. You shoulda’ known at’, cause even you sat there basically ah’ reiteratin’ erry’thang Muddy done said when ya’ brought up that Kirk MacClay tried havin’ ah’ Tuesday show that moved ta’ Wednesday. Ya’ know, tha’ same bookin’ that Muddy and Scully was screamin’ fer’ ah’ tag match durin’, but neither of you pansy asses opted in…

Yet we be tha’ ones duckin’ matches?

Hoodie Allen is still ah’ <img src=""> Said:we had to prod Pest into agreeing to the exact terms of so you couldn’t duck it but you still did anyway

Muddy seems ta’ remember at’ conversation goin’ quite differently… Muddy seems ta’ remember Pest sayin’ over, and over that he done agreed to tha’ match… but you fuckin’ burnouts were too high from smokin’ pole ta’ notice. Hum imagine that.

What ah’ sorry sack of shit, Carson, how many times did yer’ Daddy beat you as ah’ young boy? Were ya’ too fuckin’ busy not doin’ shit round’ here ta’ notice that tha’ Black Hand aint got but four members? Guess at’s still one more member than tha’ Brick Squad has, seein’ as how them other worthless cocksuckers, Dick and Henry are MIA.

It really aint’ ah’ wonder though, once you pitiful excuses of rasslers’ done ran through all them jobbers, and all that was left was real competition, you’d hate ta’ start havin’ blemishes on at’ purdy little shit filled record ya’ like ta’ boast bout’. Guess at’s why yah’ never mentioned tha’ fact that Muddy called ya’ on paddin’ yer’ stats gainst’ tha’ likes of nobody and nobody.

Oohh never mind, Muddy fer’got, ya’ didn’t even watch his promo, ya’ had some Brick Squad fanboy camera man paraphrase it fer’ yah’… real fuckin’ typical fer’ ah’ lazy fuck who doesn’t book in matches fer’ damn near ah’ month then acts like he’s God’s gift to tha’ industry. Muddy’s motionin’ with his hand like he’s jerkin’ off right now”

He really is…

“What ah’ stupid man-milk drinkin’ pansy ass…

….. Said:He’s trying to jump into some alternate dimension to grab information because he’s too much of a fucking idiot to actually think of something clever to say.

Here we go… he’s off on at’ wacky-tobacy again…

………………. Said:It’s the dimension of Overly Obese Cockblowers.

Really? Boy, oh boy… remember when...

this stupid ass, Neo Vaniller Ice Said:he’s too much of a fucking idiot to actually think of something clever to say

Cause really…hum, come ta’ thank of it… Overly…Obese? …Overly….Obese….Cock, aint’ Muddy heard this b’fore’? OHHHH! AT’S RIGHT! DAMN! THIS RAGGEDY FUCKIN’ BUM IS AH’ STEALIN’ LINES FROM SID FEDER’S PROMO WORK!

Yet this here jackass was tarin’ down tha’ belt named after ol’ Sid, who by tha’ way ya’ disrespectful little piece of shit, is one of tha’ greatest X-dubya’-F Superstars of all time.

Sid’s biggest fan Said:The Federweight Championship. Like how it doesn’t even acknowledge him as a champion if we’re really going to go there.

Fer’ one Muddy wuddun’t even flexin’ his nuts bout’ bein’ tha’ Federweight Champ, you brought it up… and even though you was hatin’ on tha’ Federweight since it don’t list tha’ Champ’s name online, you still knew that Muddy was tha’ champ. Must be ah' bigger accomplishment than yer' snide ass was tryin' ta' minimize it as bein'... At least tha’ X-dubya’-F management team didn’t misspell Muddy’s name on tha’ Federweight page. Bitch.

Maybe instead of bein' such ah' worthless stain on tha' Caucasian species existence, you coulda' listened ta' Muddy's promo, then you'da' knowd' that Muddy never said that tha' Squad got voted to ah' win…
But it aint ah' suprise, it also wouldn't be ah' big surpise that Carson did watch Muddy's promo, while lubin' his two inch cock up with them salty ass emo tears he gots.

Who'd ever heard of such? Someone ah' channelin' that there dimension of Cockblowers and ever bein' able ta' pick up ah' win after it?

Vinnie Lane Mastered This One Guy's Mind and Said:Take a look for yourself anyway, man. It’s me that’s up there now. I’m all over the XWF website. I’m all over the promos and the posters. And I won this month’s award UNANIMOUSLY.

Oh right… but ats' just one mans words, Good Lord forbiddin' at' type of bullshit ever bled through onta' X-dubya'-F major programmin'...oh wait,

Is' one time Lane and D'Ville was arguin' bout' some Overly Obese Cockblower shit durin' ah' contract signin' and said Said:I’m in the running for the Star of the Month back in September? You come in with a late push and a heap of controversy and take it away.

The Superstar of the Month controversy, Loverboy, consisted of you and Evertrust crying your cases back and forth before time and space itself was erased from the XWF. And yes, through the smoke and rubbish that lay to waste in the end, the Doctor emerged with the prize. happened too. But fuck all at' shit, tha' fact of tha' matter is Muddy really thought ol' Carson was gunna' come wit' somethin' ah' little bit harder than what he did. Goddamn wigger gives tha' Waters strong heritage ah' bad name. His tiny little nutsack aint up ta' par with what it takes ta' be ah' real man…if ya' aint noticed all this anal sex lovin' city slicker does recycle material from promo ta' promo,

In tha' gay ass Morning After promo Lucky No. 7 Said:For real. You're the brains of Team ]

[color=#4682B4]Muddy thought at was purdy damned fresh fried and all what ya' said bout' Scully bein' smarter than Mav-Dick and all… until,

[quote= Lucky to be watchin' 7th Heaven ]
Can’t say I expected any better out of the poor fuck but I didn’t expect him to prove that Scully’s the brains of the team so soon.

at train wreck there happened jus moments ago when you's talkin' bout Muddy you lazy ass sucker. Carson yer' an unoriginal emo-wigger fuck, who's sad cause he got his ass beat by the negros he tried impressin' with his gay skinny jean style, and eminem tapes ona' daily basis.

Hows' bout ya' do tha' world ah' fuckin favor and go slit yer' little limp wrists, while listenin' ta' Linken Park cause ya' failed tryin ta' overdose on Dick's… powers. And since it's ah' thang, let Muddy digress…

All of a sudden some CSPAN promo of Flynn the cocksucker airs on the tube. Muddy watches it in it's entirety, farts loudly and laughs at it's gayness.

“Politics are fer' queers. But it's damn good ta' see that Dick Powers and Henry Winkelsworth aint' died and that they' out doin' somethin'… Lord knows they too chicken shit ta' be ina' ring anytime soon.

Somewhere between tha' sexuality confusion, kyke-wiggerism and gay AIDs awareness that takes place durin' any Brick Squad collab video, we heard ol' Flynny turnin' inta' ah' regular Mastermind and such, dealin' with some internal struggle of whether or not he's ah' queer. Flynn, Muddy thought you were tha' smarter, less loosened anal cavity havin' in tha' Dick Squad but yah' proved Muddy wrong.

First of all yer' ah' dick suckin' failure fer' makin' up ah' bunch of bullshit lies bout' tha' Black Hand as if ya' ever knew ah' damn thang bout' us…
Maverick posed tha' fuckin' idea fer' tha' stable, then Mr. Pest, bein' tha' true man, true leader and true prophet he is, saw into tha' future of Maverick bein' ah' complete loser and overthrew at' dick-tip lickin' title shitter.

<img src=""> ASS CLOWN EVANESSENCEFAN's evil side Said:Did you hear the one about how Muddy helped form one of the " hottest and most dangerous new stables, The Black Hand..."?

His words, not mine.

Hottest? Hottest how? Cause ain't not a one of them hot in the looks department and their lack of winning anything resembling a big time match would mean they aren't even hot in the sports metaphor sense.

Welp, never quite remember Muddy sayin' that, but whatever floats yer' faggedy little boat. It's become purdy damned obvious that tha' Brick Squad is known fer' lying bout' shit. At there sounds more like somethin' Muddy's ingenious-fingly eloquent-ed, middle aged negro narrator would say bout' Muddy. But how could Muddy or anyone else fer' that matter know at?

While we'd been spendin' all this here time talkin' bout tha' 9th Wall and all, Muddy guesses we could take it all tha' way back to tha' ever crumblin' mental walls of Mr. Fuck FACE…


F.A.C.E exposed to us all ta'night, since we're all mind readin' superhumans, that he's actually not ah good guy!!! ...Oh, no, wait… he's already done it once b'fore', and just like then it was ah,

DUMB DUMB DUUUUMMMMMB, moment. Flynn how's bout' ya' get ah' grip and calm yer' little ass down, and tell yer' Carson Waters robot given at' fake speech ta' calm down too. Why is he ah' robot yer' askin? Obvious… in his other gay promos Muddy watched, he wuddun't spittin' out them queer green glowstick words out of his cock suckin' mouth while he talked.

See yer' entire fuckin' act is ah' shame, just like yer disgraceful, undeservin' run as tag champs. But don't worry , Bad Medicine will be yer' first, and last title defense.

Muddy removes his sweaty whitey tighties, exposing his massive cock which he smacks the camera with as he exits stage left...
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