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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Bad Medicine" RP Board (May 23, 2015)
And So It Begins...
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DMX-Factor Offline
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(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

05-17-2015, 12:03 PM

XWF Bad Medicine RP #1
"And So It Begins"

Characters used: n/a
Characters mentioned: Swagmire, Trax

Racism is alive and well in the 21st century. I can't help that. I've dealt with it plenty of times. It's a doomed ideology brought on by the same hypocrites that think that their ancestors rightfully discovered America. Hell, we have a holiday named after the man who sailed to the wrong land. We celebrate failure and mask it for success. That's the new American dream. I'm only one man, who happens to be African American. I alone can't change the way people think. On the bright side, I can exploit their aggression. I don't have to make a hateful person like me. In fact, it's counterproductive to try and do so. Give them a reason to...well...hate you more. Actually, another reason to hate you. Basically, plant in their mind that they can hate you for something more than just your skin color. It just makes killing them with kindness that more fun.

Swagmire seems to be one of those special cases, kind of like Dave Chappelle's enactment of the Black White Supremacist, who was actually blind and didn't realize that he was the person that he hated. Chappelle Show, Season 1 Episode 1. Check it out if you haven't. Definitely some funny shit. The comparison of that to Swagmire is that he's blind, figuratively. He's aware that he's black. But he doesn't seem to understand that it's not his fault. It's not his parent's fault. It's not the fault of anyone. Just as he doesn't know me, I don't know him. Well, much about him. But he's hellbent on hating what he doesn't seem to understand. It's the one flaw of society. You choose to discriminate against something or someone you don't know or understand.

I've always believed in tolerance, and always encouraged others to allow me to see everything from different perspectives. It's no different with Swagmire. I would like to know what allows him to passionately hate as much as he does. I don't want to be his friend, acquaintance, bff, bro, etc. He's already burned those bridges. But what I would love more than anything is to bash his skull to the ground until he confesses why he continues to live in the past and admit that there's nothing worse than getting the living shit beat out of him. Not even being black.

As far as Trax goes, what can I say? He's basically in the same boat as I am. The only difference is he probably is looking forward to ripping Swagmire's head off than actually winning the match. I mean...why whip someone when you can just kill them? I bet Trax wonders that. I know very little about Trax other than we share a common goal. But that doesn't change the fact that the match is a triple threat match. I must make the better first impression, but that probably means that I have to out-beat-the-shit-out-of-Swagmire Trax, and as focused as Trax is, that might prove difficult. I've never strayed away from a challenge though. It this is the path that leads to the XWF Universal Championship, then so be it. No time for complaining. No time for spilling milk. All I need to do is get in that ring next on Saturday, in my home state of Texas might I add, and show the higher ups that I can overcome animosity and be the best technical wrestler in this organization.

It's time to set the world on fire...


Saturday, May 16, 2015, San Antonio, TX
Club Rio, VIP Area

(One week before DMX-Factor's first match in the XWF, DMX chooses to wind down in his hometown of San Antonio before making the trip up Interstate 35 to Dallas. He spends Saturday night at a high end club called Club Rio, with a couple of friends, including a former tag team partner of his, retired wrestler B.B. Black. The club is packed as always, beautiful women everywhere, nicely dressed men as well. DMX and his crew look at the view from the VIP balcony as they reminisce about the good ol' days, when times were easier and a lot more fun.)

DMX: "I can't remember da last time I was able to do dis. I've felt like a recluse da last few years!"

BB: "Mayne, I fell ya. But da crazy thing is you won't be able to do dis again for a while since you gettin' back into da wrestlin' game. And you picked a dumb time to get back into it. Amber Rose is gonna be here next Sunday!"

DMX: "Yeah I know, dawg. If I'm not too beat up on Saturday, I might make it anyway. One would be a fool to pass up da opportunity to see da lovely Amber Rose."

BB: "You ain't kiddin' playa. Ay, do you ever speak wit Ryan Hunter still? Or Exodia?"

DMX: "Exodia, not so much. Ryan, yeah we speak every now and then. He's off doin' his own thing. I know he wants to get back in da game too, but he's got other priorities. I was gonna see how things go wit da XWF and then invite him, but from what it looks like so far, he prolly has more respect for himself than to try and compete wit these lunatics. He's already had a legendary career. Da XWF would be a downgrade for him."

BB: "So why are you givin' it a try?"

DMX: "So I can bring some honor and dignity to it, 'cause it seems things are so far gone now. And you know me, I'm always up for a challenge."

BB: *laughs* "You crazy, dawg. So you think you can just walk in a new organization and basically takeover?"

DMX: "Well you make it seem like da hardest thing in da world. Da XWF is full of racists, clowns, and ballerinas. I don't even have to do any damage. All I gotta do is let everyone else make fools of themselves and I'll finish da job."

BB: "See, dat's one of da things I don't understand, X. Your first match is wit a racist. Wat's da point? Why are you stoopin' so low?"

DMX: "Dat's da thing, BB, I'm not stoopin' to their level. I'm makin' da most of an unfortunate situation and overcomin' it. Remember, *sings* 'We shall overcome, we shall over come, we shall overcome some-day...aa-aa-aa-aay.'

(B.B. Black and DMX both laugh at DMX's foolishness, then in unison, they continue singing the song.)

DMX & BB: *singing* " 'Oooo deeeeep in my heart, I do believe! We shall overcome some-day!' "

(Both shake hands and laugh it off, as a waitress walks over bringing both of them each a glass of Jack Daniel's and Coke, as well as a Jagerbomb in the form of a shot glass filled with Jagermeister and a larger glass about halfway filled with Red Bull.)

DMX: "Yeeaaaah, dat's wat I'm talkin' bout. Hey lil' lady, do me a favor. Let da bartender and da DJ know, for da next hour, drinks are on me, compliments of da DMX-Factor! Ha ha!"

Waitress: "You got it, Darnell!"

(The waitress leaves the drinks at their table and walks off to tell the good news. DMX and BB take the glass of Red Bull and Jager and holds both up for a toast.)

DMX: "Here's to cheatin', fightin', stealin', and drinkin'. If you're gonna cheat, cheat death. If you're gonna fight, fight for a brotha. If you're gonna steal, steal a beautiful girl's heart. If you're gonna drink, fuckin' drink wit me!"

BB: "Fuck yeah, I'll toast to dat!"

(Both men tap both glasses, drop their glass of Jager into the Red Bull, tap the glass on the table, and finally chug the Jagerbomb. DMX shudders, then regains his composure, while BB laughs.)

BB: "I can't ever get over dat face dat you make everytime you take dat shot. Always priceless!"

DMX: "Fuck you! *laughs* You still have to pay for your drinks!"

BB: "Whateva, dawg, I'm good after dis Jack & Coke anyway!"

(Soon after, the voice of the DJ is heard from the speakers.)

DJ: "What's up, what's up everybody, there's a lot of sexy ladies in the house tonight as usual. Hey y'all, lemme make a shout out to San Antonio's own, DMX-Factor who's in the house tonight! He's out spending time with us for his birthday which is on Tuesday, but he's the one in the giving mood, meaning for the next hour, DRINKS ARE ON HIM!"

(The crowd celebrates as DMX looks over the balcony with his Jack & Coke in hand and lifts it high for all to see.)

DJ: "Appreciate the love, DMX, good looking out! Everyone get your ass to the bar and get you a drink!"

(DMX nods his head then turns to B.B. Black and the friends that he's with.)

DMX: "I 'preciate y'all being here wit me. Y'all have always supported me from day one, and y'all continue to do so. I'm gettin' back in da thick of things and unless I'm able to come back here next Sunday to get me some of dat Amber Rose lovin', y'all prolly won't see me for a while. So dis moment, dis night isn't just for me. It's for all of us. Dis is representin' wat's right wit da world. Dis is about overcomin' obstacles around us. Me buyin' out da bar, dat right there is proof dat we made it. But da job's not done yet. Dat bein' said, I need to thank each and everyone of y'all for da support. When I climb to da top of da ladder, when I become #1 again, it will be for all of us. No friend, enemy, nor racist will stand in my way! Let's do this, brothas!"

(DMX-Factor and the crew all circle around with their drinks to toast as the night continues on.)
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