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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
What Investigation?: RP 5
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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XWF FanBase:
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-12-2015, 04:54 AM

Monday, May 4, 2015 | 11:26 PM Local Time | The Ritz-Carlton Hotel | Washington, D.C.

You can say what you want about the current XWF Intercontinental Champion. But the fact is, he is everything he claims to be. He's big and strong. Imposing and intimidating to face. His recent voicing of his displeasure with XWF management no doubt does not sit well with everyone. He claims he holds a worthless and pointless title because it simply doesn't have any real challengers to it. While he wishes the competition was stronger, don't let him fool you. He's been called old and a washed up. He's been called a has-been. Yet, it makes him all that much happier when he continues to, week after week, prove them all wrong by dominating his competition. He takes pleasure in winning when his competition insists he won't. From his return at Turning Point against Tri Bute, to his latest Warfare conquer, Cain. He may tell all of his viewers that he doesn't care much for the competition facing him. In his heart, he knows better. It thrills him to no end to defeat everyone he faces.

This though, is not about the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. It's not about Tri Bute or Cain. It's certainly not about Peter Gilmour. This is about the United States Senator from Connecticut. Mr. Jack Edwards.

Earlier today, your King of Darkness had a surprise meeting with Senator Edwards and pleaded with him to stop the investigation into how the German Regime came into possession of top secret United States military weaponry. Of course, the Connecticut Senator all but refused. A result of this, is Theo Pryce, the King's younger brother and also his new right hand, once again donning the mask and becoming the Enigma. A result of that, is death and destruction. Sebastian Duke's two favorite words.

Enigma was tasked with entering the Senate office building and removing any and all evidence that might link the top secret weapons and the Duke family in Germany. If it were to get out, it most certainly could have caused a great deal of heat between the two nations. It could easily cause the United States to declare war on Germany and that is not a war the Illuminatus Regime is prepared to fight.

Enigma sits quietly in the high end luxury suite at the Ritz-Carlton. The lights are out and no one is home. After his exploits from earlier tonight, including the murder of nine guards at the Senate office building, Enigma takes this opportunity afforded to him to kick back and relax until his 'guest' arrives. He's been here for the last forty minutes and he's caught himself dozing off a couple of times. He here's chattering in the hallway here and there but none of those belong to his 'guest'- until now.

”No, I'm off to Nevada tomorrow. Some super secret military base or something,” says the loose lipped Senator to an unknown female companion whose voice is heard more as a light mumble. ”Good night,” he concludes to his companion as he slides his key card into the slot. After another second, the door clicks open and Senator Edwards enters his dark hotel room. He flicks on the lights and enters, not realizing the fate that awaits him.

”Hello Senator,” says Enigma, catching his prey off guard.

The Senator is frozen in place in a chair as he was just beginning to remove his shoes. All he can do is stare at the masked man sitting not more than fifteen feet from him. ”Who are you? How the hell did you get in here?” he manages to ask.

”This is a nice suite. How much does one like this run a night? 200? 400? Maybe six?” Enigma asks, not really expecting an answer.

”Five-twenty-five, actually,” responds the Senator, surprising Enigma.

Enigma stands up from the chair and starts to pace back and forth a bit, ”no doubt paid for by the American tax payer.”

”I'm a public servant, so everything I do related to governing this nation is paid for by the tax payers, yes,” Senator Edwards responds truthfully.

”500 a night? There's a Motel 6 just outside the city. It'd still give you a place to rest and work and cost the tax payers a tenth of what this room costs,” replies Enigma.

”Who are you, and why are you here?” the Senator finally repeats his original questions.

”It's about that trip to Nevada, Senator,” Enigma answers.

”Nevada? How the hell did you know about that?” he asks.

”This is Washington. Where the walls are paper thin and everybody hears everything,” Enigma informs him.

The Senator's face pales. He immediately remembers his morning meeting with the Illuminatus leader and remembers almost exactly those same words being said to him.

”I don't think you're going to be making that trip. You might want to cancel that flight,” Enigma says t the petrified Senator.

”Fucking Duke! He sent you!” shouts the Senator.

”Keep calm now, Senator. We don't want anyone to hear what we're talking about. Do we?” asks Enigma.

”I suppose not.”

”You mean you don't have any voice recorders hidden about in here?”

”Voice recorders? Why would I have a need for a voice recorder?”

Enigma retrieves the voice recorder from his jacket. It's the one he found in the Senators desk back in his office earlier tonight. ”I mean, recorders like this one,” replies Enigma, then he presses the play button and listens to the morning conversation between his older brother and the Senator.

”Alright,” says the Senator, with the sound of defeat prevalent in his voice. ”Tell Mr. Duke that I'll kill the investigation.”

Suddenly, the King of Darkness enters the suite. ”That's just wonderful Senator,” the King interrupts. ”I'm happy you finally see it my way.”

”Mr. Duke, I...”

”But I don't think I can trust you any longer,” says the King, cutting off the Senator. ”You did record our conversation this morning. That in and of itself is a treacherous act.”

”I promise you! That thing is voice activated. It recorded us, but I forgot all about it! I never even checked it after you left,” lies the Senator.

”Is that a fact?”

”It is. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you earlier, Mr. Duke.”

”Not half as sorry as you're going to be,” says the King as he extends his daggers.

”NO! PLEASE! Mr. Duke! The cameras will see you!” he pleads.

Sebastian Duke takes a step back. He looks over at his brother and they both start to laugh.

”What's so funny?” the Senator inquires.

”What's funny, Senator, is the fact that you think a simple camera system is some kind of problem for us. No, see, I had my men take care of that. Right now the security team here at the Ritz-Carlton are trying to work out the bugs in their system that shut down their cameras. I'd think they'll be back up and running before midnight.”

”How do you think I entered the Hart building, killed all those guards, then stole this from your office without anyone seeing me?”

Senator Edwards jumps to his feet and darts for the door. Reacting quickly, Sebastian Duke drives his left dagger into the neck of the Senator, pinning him to the wall. ”Running won't be necessary. Dying though? That most certainly is. I warned you not to double cross me,” concludes the King. The Illuminatus leader then takes his free blade and slits the Senator's throat. He retracts both daggers and the Senator falls to the floor and quickly succumbs to his wounds.

The King looks over at his brother, ”good work. I'll see you on the jet,” he states before exiting the suite.

Enigma walks over to the Senator and snaps a photo of the now deceased Connecticut Senator Jack Edwards, then sits in a chair and picks up the phone. He dials a number and then waits.

”Good evening Senator. I was expecting your call,” says the man on the other end of the line.

”Good evening, Mr. President,” Enigma replies.

The President doesn't answer.

”Were you expecting someone else?”

”Who the hell is this?” asks the President.

”You can call me Enigma,” answers Enigma.

”Where's Senator Edwards? This is his number you're calling from.”

”I'm fully aware of that, Mr. President. I'd suggest you check your private cell phone, sir. There are some photos coming in that I think you'll want to see.”

A few seconds go by before the President says anything. ”Jesus Christ!” he shouts in a shocking tone. ”Just who the hell are you? Police are on their way, I assure you!”

”Maybe. I'll be long gone before they arrive though. Mr. President, consider this a courtesy call. Kill your investigation into the German munitions. Or pay the price.”

”I have no idea..”

”Forgive me, Mr. President,” says Enigma, interrupting the President. ”but my patience is wearing thin on liars.”

”You assassinated a United States Senator. You'll be brought to justice. I promise you that.”

”Isn't that just like a politician? Always making promises that you can't keep. Look at the next set of photos. You'll see that I was in and out of the Hart building and no one was the wiser.”

A few seconds go by and the President finally responds, ”this is the most disgusting, inhumane thing I have ever seen.”

”And the next photos?”


”Precisely. You'll squash this investigation, Mr. President. Because if you don't, those pretty little girls of yours will meet their maker far earlier and far younger than anyone ever thought.”

”You won't get away with this!”

”I already have.”

”I'll kill the investigation, but get the hell off of American soil. I will have you found and eliminated, whoever the hell you are.”

”Name's Enigma. I told you that. Anyhow, I'd suggest you kill that thought about finding me here and now. Because even if you did, and you won't, it wouldn't end well for you. Good night Mr. President.”

Enigma hangs up the phone and exits the Senators room. He enters the elevator all by his lonesome. As the elevator begins to descend, he removes the Enigma mask and shoves it into his jacket. Once again becoming Theo Pryce.

[Image: abxYXtY.jpg]
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