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WARFARE: Our Main Bi-Weekly Show Darth Punisher - Dymasis Dom
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Darth Punisher

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05-10-2015, 03:50 AM

In-Ring Name: Darth Punisher

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Dymasis Dom, son of Master Seskoma Dom.

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Returning.

Wrestler Date of Birth: 3621 BBY, Dawn of the Old Republic.

Height: The number Emperor Palpatine would eventually initiate, 6''6. Of course, that is not in his time period.

Weight: One who is mastered in the arts of the force could, hypothetically, be both the weight of a feather or as heavy as a Hoth Icetromper. Such variables make things too complex and thus, his weight is undisclosed.

Hometown: A Dromund Kaas slave camp.

Personality: Arrogant, brash, unpredictable.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Tweener.

Physical Build Description: Strong and muscular, due to the intense training schedules of the Jen Kata and the acolyte trials on Korriban, that have shaped the physique not just physically, but mentally, turning him into the man he is today.

Ring Attire: See picbase.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: See picbase.

Race: Human, with a Corellian heritage. Also ancestors may belong to a Echani bloodline.

Pic Base: Exar Kun.

[Image: 3515898-star_wars___exar_kun_by_graysun_d-d47zm1z.jpg]

Wrestling Style: The underground fight clubs of Nar Shadda. Ruthless, relentless, fearless, but certainly not -less-. Instaed, an all-out onslaught, while calculatively thinking and manipulating situations to your advantage.

Strengths: Power. Brutality. Ability to take advantage of situations. Not afraid to fight dirty.

Weaknesses: Dark Lord's of the sith never reveal weaknesses, or they simply have none. Dymasis is the latter.

Entrance Theme Music: Deftones - Poltergeist.

Entrance Description:

Melancholy chorus of humming begins to emit and echo across the crowded arena. The lights begin to dim, the atmosphere and lighting becoming darker and darker, as the humming starts to go off-key and give off a more... desperate tone. The chorus reaches it's crescendo, as a static radio noise blares rather loudly, in sync with the flickering light on the X-Tron. A voice begins to speak.


Today humans come one step closer to self destruction... I'm not destroying the world-



Blue and red pyro goes off on the barren stage, that is filled with white smoke. Darth Punisher walks very slowly and purposefully down the ramp, glaring at the centre of the ring, with a chaotic smirk. Following him is an Ewok, who seems to be carrying a box, which design looks very intricate. Darth Punisher holds out a hand, as the Ewok opens the box, taking out the Dark Lord of the Sith's silver-hilted saber, placing it in his hand. Darth Punisher ignites it, as red fire shoots from each corner of the ring, causing everyone in the front row to have tinnitus for at least a week.

He carefully climbs up onto the apron, before giving a empty stare around the arena, making a point to waste as much time as possible, before stepping over the rope, his metal boots thudding against the canvas, and retracting to his respective corner.

Manager (if applicable): An Ewok.

Manager's Pic Base: An Ewok.

[Image: ewok.jpg]

Manager's Purpose: Lightsaber carrier.

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

Strikes: Uppercut, Jab, Hook, Elbow, Big Boot, Clothesline, Headbutt.

Power: Powerbomb, Vertical Suplex, Oklahoma Slam, Body Slam, Military Press Slam, Gorilla Press.

Technical: Armbar, Sharpshooter, Boston Crab, Side Headlock, Iron Claw.

High-Flying: Top Rope Clothesline, Top Rope Double Axe Handle, Top Rope Elbow Drop.

Trademark Move(s): Kaas City Slam, Sceptre of Marka Ragnos, MJK Uppercut (Malak's Jaw Casing)
Description(s): Black Hole Slam, Spinebuster-Spear, Elevated European Uppercut.

Primary Finisher: Force Choke Slam.
Description: The Darth curls his hand up in a v-shape, lifting his opponent up into the air, squeezing all the air out of his/her lungs, before throwing her on to the ground.

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Force Choke Slam II.
Description: The Darth curls his hand up in a v-shape, lifting his opponent up into the air, squeezing all the air out of his/her lungs, continuing to put more pressure in his choke before his opponent taps out.

Favorite Weapon if any: Crafted from the Forge, which is rare for a sith, he wields his trusty indigo colour crystaled lightsaber, escorted to the ring by one of his Ewok Slaves.

Additional notes: May the force be with you.

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