XWF FanBase: Mixed reactions (cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)
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05-01-2015, 03:04 PM
The doors of a bar open somewhere in Arizona five years ago. A large man approaches an elderly man.
Bartender: Hey, I already said last call. If you want a drink you need to find one some place else.
Man: I didn't come here for a drink. I came to talk to him.
The bartender looks at the elderly man at the bar. The old man winks at him. The bartender looks back at the larger man in the leather jacket.
Bartender: You know this guy, old man?
Old Man: Luckily for him...
The man sits on the stool next to his elder. The bartender goes back to what he'd been doing as he gets ready to close the bar for the night.
Old Man: When did you get out, kid?
Man: Yesterday.
Old Man: Where you headed?
Man: Not sure...
Old Man: How about getting a job?
Man: You know me better than that.
Old Man: You mean I knew you better than that. Things change, kid.
Man: I hate it when you call me that.
Old Man: Figured you be used to it by now.
Man: Some things don't always change.
At that moment the door opens again as two men walk in.
Bartender: Hey! We're closing. No drinks!
The two men take out their 9mm glocks and point them toward the bar. The first gunman fires at the old man as everyone left in the bar hits the floor. The old man takes a bullet in the back of the head and collapses from the bar stool. Two men that take cover under a table are watching closely.
Gunman #1: And the boss says no witnesses, Grime.
The big man who was sitting next to the older man stands up.
Grime: I just did what he told me to. That's it. Job done. I'm leaving.
The bartender stands up behind the bar with a shotgun and unloads into the second gunman's chest. The man falls. The blood splatters on his partner. The man shoots the bartender in the chest above his heart, but takes a bullet in the knee from one of the men under the table. Grime sees the man has a badge--an off duty cop enjoying a beer with a buddy. Grime rushes the first gunman, breaking the man's grip on the gun. The cop gets out from under the table and helps Grime tackle the man. The cop puts his knee on top of the man's wrist. Grime hits the man hard as he can knocking the gunman out cold. The cop flips the man on his stomach and cuffs him up.
Grime: I can't be here when your back up gets here. I have to get out of here.
Cop: Like hell you will. You're a witness.
Grime: I won't be here when they get here. I'm as good as dead if I stay. I have to leave.
Cop: No! Check the bartender! I'm calling this in!
The cop gets on his cell phone and starts calling in the crime scene. Grime goes over to the bartender. He's barely conscious.
Bartender: Go out the back...get out...while you still can.
Grime looks back at the cop who isn't paying attention. The bartender kicks at him.
Bartender: Go...
Grime shakes his head, looks at the man's gunshot wound, and then back at the cop. The cop sees him and Grime stands up.
Grime: Shoot me if you have to, but I'm leaving.
The cop points a gun Grime's way. Grime starts walking out the backdoor.
Grime: I'm the least of your worries right now! You got two car loads of these guys ready to come in if these guys don't come back out in the next minute.
He grabs the shotgun from the bartender and slides it toward the cop.
Grime: Until your friends can hold them off until then.
Grime walks through a door and heads down to the cellar where it comes out at the back of the bar. He makes it nearly fifteen feet away from the back exit when the doors start to fling open. Grime hides behind a shelf as his heart begins to race even more. Two gang banging thugs walk down the steps with .22's. They slowly begin to check every aisle between shelves as the get closer and closer to Grime. You begin to hear sirens as the cop's back up gets close.
Thug: Cops! Let's split!
The two thugs rush back up the stairs and get out of the cellar. Grime waits a few moments before he follows up the stairs and runs out into the field behind the bar. As he's running he looks back and sees one of the SUV's turning out of the parking lot headed in his direction. He runs as fast as he can, but knows there is no way he can outrun the vehicle. It slows down and stops on the shoulder of the road. The sirens getting closer. Grime stops running and stoops down to pick up a rock. He stays in his crouch as he watches a bigger man than himself getting out of the driver seat. The man walks around and opens the front passenger door. In the moonlight Grime can see the red tint of a lit cigar. The man gets out. The silhouette of a short man wearing a trench coat and fedora gets out of the vehicle. He motions toward Grime to come over. At first, Grime hesitates, and then drops the rock. He stands up and begins to make his way toward the SUV. The gangster smiles at him when Grime gets close. Grime tightens his jaw.
Gangster: Get in. We'll take you to the airport.
Grime nods his head as the big man opens the back door for Grime to get in. Grime looks at them both and without a word gets into the SUV.
Grime suddenly jerks awake. The back of his neck is drenched in sweat. His pillow is soaked where his head was. Brittany is sound asleep next to him. Grime had been furious that Bruce Blingsteen had the nerve to violate Brittany earlier. But whatever had brought on this dream about his past had him wondering if the past was coming back to haunt him.
Grime: Pops...
Grime moves the covers off him without waking Brittany. He sits on the edge of the bed and starts to try to clear his head. You can see the frustration on his face as he looks back at her, remembering the cries he had to console after Bruce Blingsteen had done what he'd done. Grime clenches his jaw and slowly stands up so not to wake her. He heads for the bedroom door and walks out. Soon after Brittany wakes up to the screen door of her aunt's home slam shut.
Brittany: Grime?
The next morning...
After Grime had that nightmare his thoughts had been clouded. He didn't know what to think. He could barely look at himself in the mirror, but he forced himself to do it. His life had been threatened, but he did nothing to stop what happened to Pops. He turns the faucet on and begins to wash his face. He takes his shirt off and heads toward the shower. He turns the hot water on and jumps in. He starts thinking about why he would've had another dream. It hits him.
Grime: That damn Bunny Bunny Voodoo! Hopping through my head...
Grime shakes his head and commences with his shower. He doesn't get out until the water begins to get cold and then shuts the faucet off. He reaches through the curtain and grabs a towel. He wraps it around his waist and gets out.
Grime: Of all the damn I would face at Warfare I get a demented Easter Bunny that plays with dolls...
Grime puts his jeans and a shirt on. And finally looks relaxed. However, at that moment...
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The devil and the angel appear, but still invisible to him. He can feel the weight of their influences as they both try to inspire him.
Devil: Awe, is little Grimey whiney? Does he need a hug?
Angel: Yes, he needs a hug. We all need hugs. So do you.
Devil: I need no hug, you fool.
Angel: If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at--
Devil: Oh, shut up!
The devil walks on Grime's shoulder towards his ear. He starts whispering.
Devil: You already know you're to blame for why Pops is dead. Here you come to run away. You know what you should do? Take out all your frustrations on a bunny rabbit.
Angel: No, don't do that. The rabbit isn't at fault. You should show kindness and compassion. He's not exactly a bad guy.
The angel now walks up to Grime's other ear.
Devil: Don't listen to that fraud over there. She has no idea what you've been through. Think about it, Grimey. Bunny Bunny Voodoo went hopping through your head...he caught all the field mice and poked them with a needle. Are you a mouse, Grimey?
Angel: Maxwell Dane is a good...boy...I mean girl...I--Maxwell Dane is a nice person, Grimey. It's not his fault that you're having bad dreams. That is your fault.
The devil looks across at the angel and uses Grime's nose for support.
Devil: You can't be serious. You're here trying to influence this guy not to hurt another, and you blame him for having bad dreams? Give me a break...
Angel: I'd be glad to, but I'm not supposed to do naughty things.
Devil: Yeah? I'll show you naughty...
The devil goes back and stands on the very edge of Grime's left shoulder. He turns around and bends over. A tiny red poof comes out of his ass.
Angel: Oh, disgusting!
Devil: Yeah, that's the best part.
The devil walks back up and whispers in Grime's ear again.
Devil: Here's what you do. You go to XWF Warfare, you teach the molester Brucey a lesson. Then, when you get in the ring with Maxwell Dane, you go for every single bone in that bunny's body. You break it. You listen to each bone shatter. Then, and only then, sit him in the corner. You take a running start and you don't slide. No..
Angel: Would you leave this man alone?
Devil: Would you shut up?! I'm trying to help him...
Angel: Yes, you're being so helpful. Now leave him alone...
Devil: Or what?! Are you going to get tough? Oh that's right, you're a little pussy cat. Get lost!
The angel disappears and the devil continues on where he left off whispering into Grime's ear.
Devil: You don't slide, Grimey boy. What you do is jump and come right down with both your feet on his stinking bunny voodoo balls! That's right! And then, when everybody is watching...when you got the whole world captivated and in the palm of your hand...drop that bunny on his head...over and over again. That's right! You drop him on his head...
The devil starts jumping up and down.
Devil: over and over again! Till the blood comes out that furry little nose.
Grime begins to smile.
Grime: Till the blood comes out his nose...
The devil starts laughing as does Grime.
Grime: Maxwell're gonna bleed...
Grime starts laughing sinisterly.
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