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"Loverboy" - Back In The Saddle
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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04-28-2015, 07:36 PM Heart  "Loverboy" - Back In The Saddle -->

Backstage at Madness, 4/27/2015

“Loverboy” Vinnie Lane stands in the Gorilla position, just inside the curtains of the entrance area, watching the finals of what was supposed to be the Kirk MacClay Classic and had instead become the Sean Falcon Classic.

With every slam and near fall, Loverboy’s gaze widened and became more intense. He had to watch out because he couldn’t afford for any of the fans near the walkway to catch sight of him. They’d think he was intending a run in or some sort of screwjob.

As he stood, dressed in his gear and already warmed up for his own main event match-up against Muddy Waters, he ran his gloved hand over the face of the HART Championship belt wrapped around his svelte waist. As he had done before every show with every title belt, he’d polished it right before arriving at the arena.

Loverboy always wanted to look his best.

As JACK, Mastermind, and Morbid Angel all move forward into the final round – or ‘faze’ – of the match, Roxy Cotton finds Loverboy and approaches him from behind, pressing her slender fingers into the supple flesh of his tanned shoulder and causing him to start.


“Sorry baby… you always smell my perfume, I didn’t think I’d surprise you.”

Loverboy smiled. It was true. Nobody smelled as sweet as his gorgeous fiancée. He briefly buried his nose into her Aqua Netted hair and breathed in her scent before turning his attention back to the scene unfolding in the ring.

“I was watching the match… whoever wins is my problem next week, dude. After I TCB tonight against Muddy, obvi.”


“Come on, Rox. ‘Take Care of Business.’ Elvis had it on his guitar. There’s a reason he was the king.”

“Well, speaking of taking care of business… did you get back to the doctor after that redneck trucker dropped you off?”

“Dude… Roxy, come on. I’m trying to watch this. I didn’t bring you along with me this week so you could nag my ass about getting some aspirin. I’m fine, man.”

“Vinnie, you had a concussion. A bad one. You don’t know if it’s healed or not, you aren’t a doctor!”

Out in the arena, the crowd pops huge as Mastermind is thrown into the steel cage by JACK, who begins to scale the ropes.

“God damn it! I’ll be fine! This match tonight is practically a week off! And if JACK here wins like it looks like he’s about to do, then I can probably spend the next six days eating bon bons in bed with you instead of working out.”

“Baby, being in bed with me IS the workout.”

“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right… but for real, you don’t have to worry about me, dude. I’m… fine...”

As he finishes his sentence, Loverboy suddenly staggers a bit in place, reaching a hand out for Roxy, who steadies him. As he stands there, blinking away the vertigo, Roxy tries to pull him towards a nearby chair.

“Baby, please….”


Loverboy swims his arm outward, brushing the buxom blonde to the side and tossing the metal folding chair backwards onto the concrete floor with his other hand. Over the clattering of the metal against the bare stone, Loverboy hears the crowd begin to swell once more.

“I said I’m fine! There’s nothing wrong with me, dude! I’ve been wrestling for years, had a ton of bumps and bruises, been hurt way worse than this! You should be worried about that rube, Muddy. He’s the one who’s going to need a doctor!”

Stumbling towards the curtains once more, he reaches them just in time to see the referee counting a three for Morbid Angel and JACK simultaneously.

The crowd comes unglued as Sean Falcon and the referee discuss the outcome… and then the decision to award BOTH Morbid Angel AND JACK the shot at the HART Championship the following week nearly tears the roof off of the Dunkin Donuts Center.

Loverboy nearly bursts through the curtain himself, unable to restrain the emotion of realizing he now has a triple threat match against former champions to deal with only a few weeks before his Universal Championship opportunity, but Roxy grips him by his upper arm, digging her nails into him.

“Baby, don’t. Save your strength!”

Loverboy’s eyes widen as he stares at Roxy. The two lock eyes as the three competitors of the Sean Falcon Classic wander back through the curtained area and stumble by, with Morbid Angel sneering at the megastar as he comes through last.

Loverboy ignores them all and turns back to his lady.

“Save my… Roxy, you’re treating me like I’m an inch away from death! God damn! Do you see what I have to deal with? Do you see who just won out there? Morbid Fucking Angel, the god damn ten ton mammoth former two time Universal Champion who, oh yeah, has been biting at the bit to get his hands on me ever since I beat his ass twice last year! And now I have to defend against TWO people at the same time? I’ve been carrying this promotion for months as it is… where the hell has D’Ville been? The wannabe champion? The alleged face of the company? I’ve been killing myself in cages and battle royals, tonight a no holds barred match, next week a triple threat… Doc’s just been sipping brandy out of a snifter and resting. Fuck that!”

“Relax, baby, please…”

Muddy Waters’ theme song begins throbbing through the halls as the arena full of fans cheer for the upstart newcomer.

Waters walks right past Loverboy and Roxy, glaring at them both as he heads through the curtains and toward the ring. Loverboy doesn’t flinch.

“No! No, I won’t fucking relax! This is MY show! I’M the Madness Champion! I’M the number one contender. And in a few weeks, it will be ME representing the company as the undisputed Universal Champion! D’Ville is probably begging for Muddy or Morbid or even JACK to try and cripple me so I can’t make it to Bad Medicine… but baby, that’s not how I roll, dude! I’ll drag myself to that iron man match no matter WHAT it takes, and I’m walking out of Dallas next month just like I’m walking out of Providence tonight. The HART Champion. The Federweight Champion… and in a twist that will bring the world to its knees? The motherfucking Universal Champion.”

“I know you will. I believe in you baby. Just… be careful.”

Loverboy smirks as the opening riffs of Twisted Sister’s ‘I Wanna Rock’ precipitates a cacophonous reaction from the sold out crowd.

“I can’t, babe. They’re playing my song.”

And with that, Loverboy grabs Roxy by the chin and plants a deep, wet kiss onto her purpled lips.

Releasing her after a long moment, Loverboy spins around and snaps his fingers, pointing at the belt around his waist and heading for the curtain.

As he vanishes out into the bright arena lights, Roxy stands and holds her hands over her mouth and closing her eyes tight against the thought of her beloved being hurt again.

[Image: xm8wHcM.gif]

I told you.

I told all of you that I would keep the ball rolling after a spectacular March with an equally impressive and award-winning April.

Dudes, it’s pretty much all done except for the crying, man. Not only am I going to be the XWF’s first ever TWO time in a row star of the month, but after I take out the unbeatable Big Bad Wolf at Bad Medicine next month? You can chalk me up for the trifecta! March, April, May… just like August through February, dude, I’m the star of the show!

Heyman and and Madison think making me defend this title on a regular basis will slow me down? HELL no. You keep throwing me those fastballs right down the pike and I’ll keep swinging for the fences and knocking them out of the park, dude.

I said it to Cain. I said it to Mastermind. I said it to Muddy Waters. It’s not that they aren’t good, dude. It’s that I’m BETTER.

Now what does the top draw, the main event, the king of the cage and the MEGASTAR of the XWF get for his trouble and sacrifice? He gets TWO opponents thrown at him at the same time with only a week to recover from a no holds barred match on Monday. Good for you, XWF, you’ve really outdone yourself with your ability to try and tear down the guys that put you on the map.

Luckily for me though, one of those two guys is just a patsy. Just like Morbid said, JACK isn’t on my level. Hell, he’s not even on Morbid’s level, and that’s at least a step or two down from me. JACK got carried to a tag team championship by another dude who couldn’t beat me on his best day, and he barely had the straps for a week or two when he screwed it up and lost them to the Kings. Bravo, JACK, what a legacy you’ve made for yourself. Your championship will be revered the same way Maverick and Scully’s was. Just do me and Morbid a favor, dude… get your name tramp stamped on your shoulders as well as the small of your back, so me and him both remember what to call you when we’re spit roasting you in the middle of the ring.

It’s a metaphor, Morbid, relax. I told you, I don’t do the gay shit.

As for the REAL threat, Morbid Angel? Well, I think it’s pretty obvious that the old man’s mind is finally starting to go. The dude’s already warming up his fluffer muscles in his t-back in anticipation of me letting rip a monster bukkake all over him next week… so much for confidence, right?

Morbid… I’m cool with you for the most part, dude, but you keep saying shit that just isn’t true. Like about how I only beat Gilly and not you. Look at the footage, man.

Quote:While Shane is talking to Morbid, Vinnie has time to recover and he surprises Morbid with a Black Label Driver! OH MY GOD! AND NOW VINNIE DELIVERS THE SAME MOVE TO PETER, LANDING IT RIGHT ONTO MORBID'S HEAD!

Shane: Hahahaha! These three waggle baggas want to be YOUR trio champions, everybody!

Shane looks at the crowd and laughs.

Shane: Imagine what a circus act a Trio match would be with these three morons on the same team trying to retain championships! It's actually quite hilarious! Wait, what's this?

Shane sees Vinnie pinning Morbid Angel and Peter Gilmour at the same time! Pest is still down, but starting to move a little. Shane runs down to the ring and slides in! He pulls Pest up to his feet... GILMOUR CUTTER!

Shane: some shitty fed can suck my dick!

Shane looks like he wants to hit Vinnie in the face to break up the pin but he stops himself and thinks about it... and then he just drops down and makes the count instead!




Good enough for you, dude? I beat you BOTH. I picked your gigantic ass up and dropped you on your head, and you stayed down.

Hell, Morby… not only did that happen, but I followed it up by beating you TWO times IN THE SAME NIGHT. You can call bullshit all you want because they were inferno and first blood falls, but the fact of the matter is that I WON and you LOST. No one else was in that cage but you and me, dude. And even if you have help, just like you did with Peter and like you will again with JACK… you just aren’t as good as me, dude.

Oh, hey, here’s some more footage I have lying around, just for the hell of it…

Morbid staggers backward a bit and Gilmour grabs him, and sends him head first over the ropes. Morbid hangs on to the top and bottom rope. Morbids legs still remain inside the ring and Gilmour sends a kick through the ropes, right into Morbid's face. One big heave and Morbid Angel is out and on the floor!

ELIMINATED: Morbid Angel!

Looks like a loss to Gilly to me! I mean, hell, people have been saying I lost to him twice in one night even though I got eliminated from a battle royal that got changed from a tag match at the last minute by someone who wasn’t Pete… so I’d have to say this counts, wouldn’t you?

Ah, semantics. They can be a real bitch, right?

Listen, Morbid, like I said, I don’t really have anything against you. The Trios were ages ago and like you pointed out, it wasn’t you who let us down. It WAS Pete.

But friends or not, ex partners or not, this week you’re trying to take something that belongs to me, and I can’t let that happen, dude. You can have anything you want but you better not take it from me, you know?

After the match we can all let bygones be bygones. You can use your godshots to re-glue the Cummy Mummy’s band-aids back down, then the two of you can go back to your place and jerk off into a frying pan and cook yourselves up a cumelette to split between the two of you, man, I really don’t care.

The only thing you CAN’T do, dude, is win.

See ya at my next successful title defense, Morb.

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