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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Work Goes On - Part III: RP 5
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-14-2015, 11:52 AM

Monday, April 6, 2015 | 12:06 PM Local Time | First Church of the Illuminatus | Berlin, Germany

The end of Jacob Anderson's life does not mean the end of the road. It does not mean the Illuminatus shall shrivel up and die. It does not mean the work that the Illuminatus does is at a standstill. In fact, if anything, it means quite the opposite. The Illuminatus is battle hardened and as a result, a mans death only strengthens their collective resolve.

The work, indeed, does go on. Moments ago, as the funeral for Jacob was coming to its conclusion, in the back of the church, the King of the Illuminatus has just ended a short phone conversation with the retired Pope of the Catholic Church, Benedict XVI. Also known as Joseph Ratzinger. At this point, Sebastian dispatched his new right hand man, Theo Pryce, to summon their father to the office.

As Theo reaches the altar, Father Asmodeus is receiving handshakes and hugs from the men of the Illuminatus in attendance at the funeral.

”Dad,” Theo whispers toward the High Priest.

”Yes, Eric. What is it?” asks Asmodeus, referring to Theo Pryce's assumed name.

Theo laughs lightly, ”It's Theo.”

”Oh! Right!” says his father as he turns to face his youngest son. ”Old habits die hard, son. What is it? What do you need?” asks Asmodeus.

”We have a rather interesting situation back in one of the offices. Sebastian wants you there,” Theo answers.

Father Asmodeus holds up his hands, signaling the line of Illuminatus followers to stop coming toward him. At once, they all stop. He turns to face his son and they step away from the steps to the altar, speaking in confidence. ”What is it?” asks Asmodeus, looking quite concerned.

”Rather than tell you, I'd rather you see for yourself,” says Theo. ”It's big. Actually its even beyond big. It's huge, dad,” he concludes.

Asmodeus looks back over his shoulders and at least another hundred Illuminatus men are waiting to shake his hand. He turns his body around and steps back toward the podium at the altar, ”gentlemen,” he begins. ”I must apologize, but I won't be able to stay. I may be your High Priest, but I am also the Chancellor of this wonderful nation, and a situation is unfolding that commands my attention at once. Please, be safe in your travels today,” he concludes.

Matthew stands nearby, looking on with an obvious concerned look on his face. He approaches Asmodeus and whispers into his ear, ”should I be present for this?” he asks.

Asmodeus turns to Matthew, ”I believe you should, Matthew. Please, follow us.”

Both Asmodeus and Matthew follow Theo Pryce behind the altar to the row of offices. The first door on the right is their destination. Theo opens the door and the three of them file in. ”We're here, Sebastian. Would you care to tell us what all of this is about?” he asks his eldest son.

The King dies not answer. He elects instead, to lay his phone on the desk and allow him to hear the conversation. ”I fail to...” he starts to speak, before stopping in his tracks as he hears his sons voice greet the Pope. ”Ratzinger!” shouts the High Priest.

He continues to listen. As he hears the Popes own vocal confirmation of the assassination attempt and who was intended to be the target, his eyes grows wide and his lower jaw falls open. At the end of the conversation, Asmodeus just stands there. Still wide-eyed and open jawed. ”Son of a bitch!” shouts the shocked German Chancellor. ”He just implicated himself! And his church! And its on tape!”

”You know what this means, dad?” asks the King.

”It means I need an audience with the Italian Prime Minister. Matthew, get a hold of the Italian government at once!” commands the excited German Chancellor.

”On it!” replies Matthew as he pulls out his cell and starts working immediately.

”This is just cause for going to war with Italy, if need be,” the King states.

”Yes,” says the Chancellor as he begins to stroke his goatee. ”But we must take the diplomatic approach. If we can avoid war with Italy and ensure safe passage to Rome and the Vatican, then war may not be necessary,” he concludes.

”It's technically true,” says the King before being interrupted by his younger brother.

”That's highly unlikely, dad,” Theo interjects.

”I beg your pardon,” Asmodeus says, sounding almost shocked.

”He's right,” replies the King, referring to Theo's response.

”The Italian government also acts as protectors of Vatican City. Should a group or nation feel it necessary to attack the city-state, then Italy is bound by doctrine to protect the Vatican with the use of military force,” Theo explains. ”I understand your desire to not yet go to war again, but dad, seriously. In this case, you almost definitely have to go to war with Italy. I mean, if you act unilaterally and attack the Vatican, you'll be at war with Italian forces anyway,” Theo concludes.

Asmodeus takes a seat, disheartened that all of the advice and information just given to him, completely contradicts his hopes, even if slim hopes, to avoid war with Italy and being allowed unabated passage through Italy, and right into Vatican City. It comes to him just now, just how naive he was in thinking that.

”Well then,” states the Chancellor. ”What do we do with this information?”

”I think you should proceed as the leader of a nation. Do exactly what you wanted to do,” Theo states as he starts to pace in front of the desk, just behind his father. ”Have the meeting with the Italian Prime Minister. Express to him the dire consequences that could result from the tape he's about to hear. Play the tape, and gauge his reaction,” concludes Theo.

”I think it's necessary to continue on, with the premise that we don't want a war. But make it clear, perfectly clear, that what the Church did on foreign soil in a peaceful nation is, by all accounts, an act of terror,” the King concludes.

”Part of the reason the Regime was looked at in such a poor light to begin with, is one, the way you came to power here. And two, because rather than at least attempting the diplomatic route with Poland, you jumped right into war without even really conducting any sort of internal investigation to corroborate what you perceived as an act of war,” Theo advises.

”But we knew exact...” the Chancellor begins before being cut off by his youngest son.

”That's great. You knew exactly what happened. You knew exactly who was behind it. The question, dad, is did you have proof? Did you have a transparent investigation?” Theo asks his father. The Chancellor ponders the words of his son.

”I've just gotten the word, Father,” Matthew interjects. ”The Italian Prime Minister is traveling to the United Kingdom tomorrow. He is willing to stop by on his way through. Roughly around noon, maybe one o'clock,” concludes Matthew.

”Good. Well done, boy,” replies the Chancellor.

”As I was saying, you acted before having any actual evidence and not giving time, even if it was futile, for diplomacy,” Theo says, confident that his wisdom in the realm of foreign affairs can and will actually help his brother and father. ”Think of it like any police investigation where the criminal is caught red-handed. The police force still has to go through the motions. They have to gather the evidence and conduct a full investigation. You didn't do that when it came to Poland, and believe me, I was in the United States and the news channels there, were casting a terrible light on all of you.

“You avoided world backlash by the skin of your teeth. You have no idea how close we all were to World War Three. This time, you have to go through the motions. You have to, at least in theory, give diplomacy time to work it out. Otherwise, you're nothing more than conquerors in the eyes of the world,”
he concludes.

Asmodeus stands up from the chair he was sitting in with the aid of his cane, ”Thank you, son,” he begins as he turns to face his younger son. ”You were clear in your intentions. Clear in your advice. And it seems like very sound advice. I will trust your instinct,” he says, before returning his attention to Matthew. ”Let's go, Matthew,” he says with a bit of anxiety evident in his voice. ”We must plan for the Prime Minister's arrival. We can not be too cautious. His safety is of the utmost importance,” he concludes as he starts his exit. Matthew follows him out the door.

Just as the door closes, Theo Pryce takes Asmodeus' seat, ”How did I do?” he asks his older brother.

Sebastian lightheartedly scoffs at the question, then replies, ”I think you did pretty well,” he begins. ”When Jake was here, he'd give advice, and not nearly as well thought and thorough as you just did. Then either I, or dad would give an order. And he'd follow through without deviation.

“You're different,”
concludes the Illuminatus King.

”How so?” asks a smiling Theo Pryce.

”I expect you to be the typical argumentative Theo Pryce, regardless of your position,” he begins as he stands up. ”It would seem that you have a natural ability to advise in matters of foreign affairs. I'm sold on the notion that I picked the right man for the job.

“You have an undeniable confidence supporting what you say. We'd be fools not to listen to you,”
he concludes with a pat on Theo's shoulder. ”Come on, let's get back to the Chancellery and discuss this more.”

Theo stands to his feet, then follows his older brother out of the office...

Tuesday, April 7, 2015 | 12:41 PM Local Time | The Chancellery | Berlin, Germany

Franco Bertolini, the Italian Prime Minister, arrived promptly at half past noon. The greetings extended from both nations' leaders were warm and cordial. The two men discussed private matters concerning their own lives as they sipped on coffee. Then, came the awkward silence.

”So,” begins Prime Minister Bertolini. ”What was so important that I had to make this unscheduled stop in Berlin?” asks the Italian leader.

”What? Is Berlin not ancient enough for your taste?” the German Chancellor jokes.

”No, no,” laughs the Italian. ”Berlin is a marvelous city. It's just that I'm here on business, not pleasure. And as most people, I'd much rather get the business out of the way so that I can continue my pleasure,” concludes the boisterous and rotund Franco Bertolini. He's like an Italian Paul Heyman.

The German Chancellor doesn't say a word. Instead, he looks over at Matthew, who plays the clip of Sebastian Duke's conversation with the Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, also known as Joseph Ratzinger. As the conversation goes on, the dark complexion of Franco Bertolini begins to pale considerably.

”This is quite troublesome,” says Prime Minister Bertolini as the clip ends. ”That was Pope Benedict, no?” he asks, while already knowing that answer.

”The one and only,” replies Asmodeus.

”He admits to having your man killed! He admits that it was actually an attempt on the life of your grandson!” shouts the Italian Prime Minister as he stands up from his seat and begins to pace back and forth, now worried over what the future holds.

”We're at a major cross roads here, Prime Minister,” says Asmodeus, as he too, stands up. ”My military crushed Poland for less,” he concludes.

”Ah! Indeed you did,” says the pacing Prime Minister.

”Not only is Thaddeus my grandson, but he's also the Minister of Defense for all of Germany,” he states, before taking a short pause. ”And the heir to my sons throne as leader of the Illuminatus,” he concludes.

”Chancellor, I assure you I knew nothing of this. It is terrible that the Church would engage in such terrorist activities,” Bertolini says, dropping himself into the chair he was sitting in previously.

”During the interrogation process, Mr. Bertolini, we discovered that this was just the first of three known plots against my government and our church,” Asmodeus points out before taking a seat, this time in a chair sitting adjacent to Franco Bertolini. ”This is grounds for military action against the Vatican, Prime Minister. Surely, you can see that. The question is: what are you going to do about it?”

”You plan to go to war with the Holy City?” asks the shocked Prime Minister.

”Mr. Bertolini, let me let you in on a little secret,” Asmodeus begins to explain. ”Their church and our church have been at odds for many, many centuries. The Catholic Church sits in our city. Through the centuries, they have killed thousands of Illuminatus men. It has come to light, fairly recently, that we wish to take back what is ours. You may choose to believe me a liar, and I'm okay with that,” Asmodeus states, then pauses before continuing on.

”The fact of the matter, is that truth is on our side. One day, when we accomplish our goals and stake our claim on the Vatican, and the Catholics scatter like the cockroaches that they are, the truth will be revealed. This here, Mr. Prime Minister, is just the proof we wanted, before invading the Vatican,” he concludes.

”This is quite worrisome, Chancellor. I'm bound by doctrine, as leader of Italy, to protect the city-state,” explains the Prime Minister.

”Mr. Bertolini,” interrupts the previously unseen and unheard Defense Minister of Germany. He was sitting against the wall on a sofa, listening to things transpire and finally feels the need to speak up. ”We are going to take Vatican City whether anyone likes it or not. If doing that requires the destruction of Italy, then so be it,” says the Illuminatus Prince as he stands next to his seated grandfather.

”It is not something we wish to do, but the Vatican did take the life of our most distinguished member. Those actions call for swift, and might I add, Mr. Prime Minister, legal retaliation. If you are bound by doctrine to protect that city-state, then I'd suggest sending only who you can afford to lose,” says the young power.

”Mr. Bertolini, if you think the war in Poland was a massacre to them, I assure you, it will pale in comparison to my plans for Italy. See, you will be protecting our most hated enemy, which makes you also, our most hated enemy.

“If I were you, and thankfully I'm not, I'd cancel the plan to go to the United Kingdom. I'd return to Italy and weigh my options. Discuss whatever it is that you need to discuss, with whomever you need to discuss it with. Because I can promise you, before April turns to May, that we are coming,”
the Prince concludes.

Franco Bertolini stares at the young, smallish man standing in front of him. He seems unsure how to take him. In all reality, Thaddeus Duke is not yet an adult, yet leads a powerful military. Much to the surprise of the world, he leads it well. He also knows that Thaddeus is deadly serious.

”I'm sorry, gentlemen,” Bertolini replies. ”It's unfortunate that the Catholic Church has put my wonderful country in your cross hairs,” he says, then stands to his feet. ”But if its a war you want, then its a war you'll get!” shouts the large Italian man as he storms out of the Chancellor's office.

”Damn it, Thaddeus!” the Chancellor shouts as he turns toward his grandson.

”What? It's not like you were making him afraid to do anything!” the young Prince shouts back.

”I didn't want him afraid! I wanted him to consider his options, knowing the Vatican was guilty! But you stand your inexperienced ass up and try to intimidate the man leaving him no choice but to respond likewise!” Asmodeus returns the shouting.

”It doesn't matter much, Grandfather,” Thaddeus states in a much more calm tone of voice.

”What the hell do you mean it doesn't matter! Of course it matters!” the Chancellor continues to shout.

”The military is on the move. They have been since the night of the shooting. Right about now, they've made it to Munich,” explains the Prince. ”In a day or so, they'll reach Austria, who has agreed to stay out of our affairs and allow us the use of their air space as well as their lands to reach the Italian border,” he pauses, then takes a seat where Franco Bertolini's ass was just planted.

”Not to mention that the Navy has been in place for some time,” concludes the young and cocky Illuminatus Prince.

Asmodeus looks at his grandson quizzically, ”Navy? What Navy?” asks the Chancellor.

”The one Uncle Theo gave me not long after I declared war on Poland,” he answers with a smile. ”There are more than two hundred submarines submerged beneath the waters of the Adriatic, Tyrrhenian, Ionian, and Mediterranean Seas. All of them undetectable, even by the most advance radar and sonar equipment.

“For all intents and purposes,”
he pauses. ”Italy is dead in the water,” concludes the brash young man as we...

[Image: QEcXvQs.jpg]
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