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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
The Messiah's Advocate.
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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

03-31-2015, 02:24 PM

Scene opens.

Cain is nowhere to be seen. Instead, there is a man, mid forties with his black hair slicked back. He wears an armani suit, and real gold rings, with expensive leather shoes. This was obviously a man of great wealth and distinction, and he could pass for Al Pacino's twin. His hands clasped before him, he begins to speak.

[Image: aldevil.jpg]

"Good evening, XWF Universe."

"You're all probably wondering who this old mother fucker on your screen is. You may be expecting to see Cain on your screen at this very moment, and I am sorry to disappoint, but instead you get me."

"My name is Vincent Arkham, and my son is Cain. Yes, you get it. You understand that my son has important business to take care of, as he has finally decided, at my urging, to train."

The man, Vincent, takes a couple of steps forward. He looks around for a moment, the room he is in is completely dark save for a few candles on the table. Yet, his own visage was illuminated, almost as if he was glowing.

"As a child, my son was taken from me along with his mother. You all know this, but did you know that my son isn't your average, everyday human being? I'm sure you all have some idea of that. My son was born in my own facility down in Tombstone. Arkham Enterprises, a place where human testing went on. A place where monsters were created."

"Many were destroyed. Many died seconds after they were created, but Cain..."
he smirks. "...Cain was always different. He was always built like a Sherman tank, if you will. Even as a child, when my son would sustain damage he didn't cry. So I just knew that he was the perfect specimen to try out our new gene altering drug..."

Cain's father had infused him with the traits of all the greatest predators of the wild, and he was the only one who had ever survived the experiments. As he grew over the years, so did his power. However, his sanity took a major blow. Over those formative years, Cain began murdering other children. During his teenage years, he'd murdered at least three of his high school girlfriends. For all of them, he devoured their heart which seemed to further increase his predatory instincts. This being Madness, we will stop there. The story segment of this little explanation will be continued on Warfare TV, exclusively on the XWF Network. Which costs six sixty six.

Vincent Arkham smiled with pride and pushed his hands down in his pockets as he continues.

"So now, my dear son claims that he wants to be "the best big man in the business". He proudly bellows about how you all will fear him, and learn to respect him. Vincent Lane was just a taste of his brutality, you poor souls. I want you all to think of something. Let this sit on your hearts."

"Cain likes Vinnie. Yes. He respects him."

"Now imagine, if you will, the perfect predator who fights on instincts instilled in him by the DNA of so many different wild animals. Imagine what would happen if that man, my beloved son, trained like all of you like a true professional. Now imagine if he gets into the ring with you, but not only does he not like you, but he can out wrestle you. He can dominate you while nary lifting a finger."

"Make no mistake about it, the Arkham family name will be known here in the XWF. The name will be known by every man and woman in the locker room, but not as a man who is a brute with a "normal" win loss record. No, my son...MY client, he will become the name that is synomous with fear in the world of wrestling!"

Vincent reaches into his pocket, retrieving a stoagie and an identical monogram zippo. Identical to Cain's zippo in every way, save for the fact that rather than have the letters "C.A.", it has the letters "V.A.". He places the cigar between his lips, and raises the lighter up, striking it. The flames dance on the tip of the stoagie and Vincent puffs, the cherry glowing red.

"Now, onto you "Jack"."

"From what Cain has told me, you have been ...well, he hasn't seen you lately. As a matter of fact, I don't believe many have from the intelligence I have received from Mister Green. Though Mister Red, having gone through the history of the XWF tells me that you were once a Tag Team Champion."

Vincent gives a round of applause.

"Good work, Jack. For a man who hides behind mummy bandages? You've done quite well for yourself. Or was it Pest who did well for you? After all you did request that this man, a man who ridicules everyone, help you. Well, help you he did. He helped you be one half of the XWF Tag Team Champions. One half of a man, really. Sit on that for a second, kid."

Go ahead, Jack. Think about it. You had help becoming a Tag Team Champion, now didn't you?

"This is revelations. This is the end for you, Jack."

"Cain is a beast the likes of which you have never faced, born and bred to be a monster. But now, when he faces you, he will be a trained wrestler as well. In this business kid, that makes my son all the more dangerous. Not only that, but he was deprived of his meal at Lethal Lottery, Jack. So my baby boy is starving, and though you may appear as an appetizer for him he has never been the one to turn down food."

"Hide yourself in bandages as you like, Jack. Nothing can cover up the smell of fear. My Cain will destroy you!"

The sound of silence now penetrates the scene. You may not believe what I'm telling you, but the sound of silence can be a deafening thing, especially in a situation such as this. A situation where a threat from the father of the serial killer turned professional ass kicker looms in the air.

End scene with a shot of the full moon through one of the windows of the study, then transitions to another location. Dead of night, crickets chirping. We find that the only light is that of a camp fire in the center of a clearing, with two tents set up. Two couples, men and women sat around the fire, weenies roasting over the open flame.

One of the men pipes up, the one with brown hair and glasses, looking like he just stepped out of a comicon convention.

"Damn, that was some good shit! Where'd ya get it, Jim?"

The man speaking was named Steven Bledsoe. He was a handsome young man in his early twenties, with black hair and brown eyes. His wife sat beside him, quiet and timid like a mouse. She has a bit of black around her left eye, but it didn't take away from the beauty of the down to Earth brunette.

The man Steve spoke to was none over than James H. Nevins the third. If you knew him, you knew where to get the best weed in the city. The shit that would make you want to kill a mother fucker. "Killer Weed." His wife was a ginger, and yes, the carpets matched the curtains. Jim laughed.

"Got it on that "business" trip to Colombia. Daddy paid for it."

Yes, they were all rich yuppies.

"Yeah, James Senior was a good guy. Just too bad he disappeared last week."

Steven Junior laughed.

"Hell, he's probably off with his mistress Eden. Everyone knows he's banging the secretary. You knew it before I did."

"Yeah, but your mom was devastated, Jim. Oh well, at least he's getting the "bomb ass pussy", right?"

"Right-o, old friend, right-o."

Missy Wright started shifting a bit in her flannel shirt, pulling her legs up to her chest. Years of abuse had made the woman extremely timid, so timid that she actually had to ASK to use the bathroom. She held her legs together, terrified of ruining her husbands fun.

Brenda Nevins frowned as she saw her friend trying to hold her urine. It was bad enough that the beautiful young woman was left wearing her white lace underwear and a flannel, because Jim liked "sharing" her for weed.

Brenda was a strong, independent woman, whom James had never touched. But that was half of their marital problems as James neglected his wife to no end, opting instead for strange pussy that whores gave him for his cocaine laced stash.

She frowned at her friend's husband.

"Steve, I think Missy has to use the bathroom. She's just to scared to tell you..."

Steve looked over at his wife and smirked.

"You're scared to go take a piss? God, you really are useless, aren't you?"

Meanwhile, they were being silently watched...

To Be Continued on Warfare Boards

[Image: Wz4kwdV.jpg]
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