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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Using Our Big Boy Words
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AerialKnight Offline
The Knight that Fights with Honor

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

03-03-2015, 06:25 PM

"Looks like Mastermind is going through a bout of puberty after his meeting with the Doc. I think I found the appropriate track for him as well. You know, as a way for him to deal with the extra testosterone and hair in unexpected places."

"Fits, doesn't it?"

The knight laughs at the choice of track and MM's current behavior.

"You're acting like a baby, MM. Granted, you always acted like a baby, but this tantrum you're throwing isn't going to gain my respect, your father's, or anyone else's. Hell, you'll never gain my respect. You're still a spoiled man-child that thinks he deserves more than he has, only this time you actually think you're better than me. Me, the man that had you beat twice and would've gladly finished you off. Do you not understand how fights work? If you're getting your ass kicked, you're not winning. In fact, you're losing. say it with me now, losing, something you should be familiar with because of your record."

The knight rolls his eyes.

"You see, MM, there's a difference between taking things and knowing when to shrug them off, and then there's throwing a fit because someone called you a nasty word. 'He called me stupid? I better spout fuck fifteen times like I just found out about the word and what it means!' When you beat Peter Gilmour, I didn't expect that you'd pick up his mentality along with it. What next? Are you going to beat up a third grader in order to prove yourself to be better and more badass than the Gunn family? Go ahead and do that. Hell, just for fun, I'll train every single one of those third graders on how to kick a middle aged man's ass."

He smirks at the flying bot.

"Everything that you choose to record has everything to do with us. The fact that no one is able to master the art of time travel, not even you, means that you're guilty of making shit up. This bot is incapable of editing footage at all, even when the footage is removed and uploaded to a computer. I don't know how the fuck anyone in the XWF can record you when you were ten, so guess what, you used actors. And you know what actors are good at? Faking things. You see where I'm getting at, don't you? You throwing my words back at me doesn't prove anything to me other than my victory over you. Try coming up with your own words, if you can, then I can respond to your words like a human being instead of a superior being.

"Hell, speaking of throwing my words back at me, let's see what else you managed to say about me that I already said to you."

Mr Slow Said:"That's right you called me stupid"

"And I wasn't wrong. The fact that you needed to repeat it just proves that you're not the brightest man in the world. Quite the opposite. If you seriously need a shirt to remind you that you beat someone, you're not all there. Besides, it isn't selling well to anyone outside the locker room, and the only reason they want one of your shirts is because they're either batshit insane or narcissistic. So either either most people are like Gator or Vinnie Lane."

The knight, feigning shock, covers his mouth and widens his eyes.

"Oops, did I mention Gator out loud? MM will think I'm still not over the decision of retiring the Television title. It's an unpopular decision, sure, but that means I can go after the other two titles without any other problems. That is, unless he thinks that fighting for a belt involving the Hart Foundation is suddenly not at all good. You have something against Canadians? Are they the New Zealand of America, according to you? See, unlike Australia, we aren't really ashamed of our half French counterparts. More disappointed in their actions, but sure as fuck not ashamed."

I Dont Know What Im Talking about Said:"But oh no, you got greedy. You couldn't find the pride, to leave it the fuck alone. Yet you forced the GMs to come to the decision to retire the fucking belt. You, my friend, are a fucking complete joke who couldn't leave it alone."

"What the fuck are you talking about? I thought it was over. I shook the man's hand, admitted defeat, and wanted to move on. MacClay didn't see it that way, though. He stuck his bald head where it didn't need to be and, to my knowledge, wanted to add in an additional five minutes to the clock. I don't know where everyone got the idea that I suck up to the managers all of a sudden. If anything, they're pushing me to opportunities I don't even think I'm ready for! Here you are saying that I somehow convinced not just MacClay, but all of the XWF managers to give me another shot at Gator. Ozymandias, Paul Heyman, John Madison; everyone."

He chuckles in amusement.


The knight rolls his eyes.

"But enough about the blabbering idiot, what about Wallace. It's about time he spoke up, you know? Let's see what he has to say, shall we?"

Wallace Said:"And in the hardest time The Underground ever endured, it was Vinnie Lane, who dragged us down even more."

"You know, for all the shit Vinnie and I give each other, he at least gave us prestige. Think about it, TJ. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have beaten Tigris' team, we wouldn't be taken at least somewhat seriously since there wasn't anybody else at the time that was considered a credible threat, and, let's face it, you'd still be chasing after Harrison's dust. Not really a good move on your part.

My Nigga Said:"Well yeah, he attacked me, him and Vinnie being the reason I am not the Intercontinental Champion."

"I did? The last I heard from the back, you were smashed from hitting the bottle too hard and couldn't even make it down to the ramp. And even if we did, we would've gone back alley on you and left you in the ER. Elijah was there at the time, sure, but the fat bastard would've taken too long to get there. By the time he came around, we would've finished and gone to Five Guys for dinner. Just goes to show you how efficient your gang could be. What did he say next?"

Obvious Sidekick Said:"And I am the reason you will be taking a very early exit from this year’s Lethal Lottery."

"Malik and Elijah I can understand, but you? You needed a fucking chain to take me out, and that was because you and Frost took out the referee. Even when you did that you failed, thanks to a comeback from Swann that nobody fucking expected. I can understand why MM berates you as his partner all of a sudden. You're not very good at understanding how tag matches work, as shown by your record."

He thumbs ups the bot.

"Thanks for not joining the H.A, by the way. If you had, we really would've had a problem. I don't have any sort of qualms with you, your gang, or your hissy fits you pass off as us racially discriminating you."

Blackfaced Liar Said:"You live to put Vinnie’s dick in your mouth, you live to serve Vincent Lane. You are a shell of Vinnie Lane because Vinnie Lane is the man now."

"I've heard worse lies. I've smelled worse bullshit, but this one still manages to irk me. Me and Vinnie couldn't be more independent than orphaned children. Here you are saying were a human caterpillar that can't seem to detach from each other. Funny coming from one fourth of the original human centipede. It's also funny that you consider me a shell of Lane, since I wasn't budded from his skin and you're just as guilty as I am with you fighting Harrison and wanting that now defunct belt. Hey, I still have the Hart belt to focus on, what do you have? Oh yeah, that's right, nothing! You were just some loser that thought he deserved more than he was getting, and tried again and again against top names of the fed, only to come crashing down each and every time. At least I came close a couple times, but as everyone else would be likely tell you, close doesn't cut it.

"Sounds just like what will happen at the Lethal Lottery. You'll come close, but you two can't quite seem to get the job done."

The knight cracks his neck, popping some bones in the process. Why he does this is unknown.

"Before I leave you all behind, Goat sent me some video footage of him talking back against Wallace. I might as well play it while I finish up what else needs to be done."

With the push of a button on a small remote, we cut to Goat Faced Killa looking straight at the camera against the brick wall of a bank.

"So people have been saying, 'TJ, why did you leave the underground? Why di' no, they really fucking haven't. No one gives an ounce of fuck about you. No one gives a gram of fuck about you. Oh wait! OG TJ! Sorry, let me put it in a way your incompetent little mind can understand. No one gives a single 2bit fuck about you. Not one. I really, really mean that. As for me slamming you for not competing and you go ahead and cry about it claiming that my good buddy Vinnie Lane attacked you? I broke my arm and pinned six competitors in the gauntlet. So that attack means jack shit."

"You also said that I lost to Maverick, something a 'goat fucking blablabla , , gag on Frodo's cock too much I spew out his regurgitated trashtalk' COULDN'T do. So you are therefore telling me that since Maverick got a cheap win over me, which I admit I lose, I am none of those things considering a goat fucking meth jimmer jammer couldn't do that. Either you are complimenting me or you are . I think it's the latter."

"Then he admits to searching for insults off the internet while being a little child and claiming I am wrong because he uses a different search engine. You- you... Hold on one second... You have no idea how HARD I fucking face palmed a bit of brain got stuck on my hand. You are truly special. You are truly the most special person in this federation mentally. I cannot comprehend what goes on in that head of yours, yet you have the audacity to call me Autistic? Einstein had autism. You are comparing me to Einstein. Mozart had autism. You are comparing me to Mozart. You are a cunt and so are a lot of people. However whether you are a cunt, autistic or whatever, what sets you apart is that you are a dumb, autistic cunt, where I will be a clever autistic cunt. That will forever be the difference between you and me, TJ."

"As for the whole home invasion thing? Good ol' hood rat TJ over here missed the entire joke and says he's gonna shoot me with a shot gun! Oh and he claims I was making a gay joke with Frodo too. That makes you look like a right batty now. When did I say you were gay, TJ? I just said you were practicing your promo skills with Frodo! Is there something you're not telling me? Then by his logic he says since I lost a match, that means I'm gay. TJ, you've lost a bunch of matches. Does that mean you're really, really, really gay? No! It means you suck at wrestling, nearly as much as TJ the MC Bumper lips struggles to put together sentences to create a suitable enough trash talk reply that attempts to insult me."

The footage cuts back to the knight, who looks annoyed as all hell.

"So, as it turns out, MM made another video against me and Goat. Well, lets just get this over with and hopefully never deal with this fucking asshat ever again. Actually, I'd like to take a wild guess and say he's getting drunk off the worst beer in the world before he created this promo. I'll play the first few sentences and find out for myself."

Drunken Child Said:"Well, well, well, TJ Wallace, it seems you took my fucking advice and turned the fuck up and turned in a fucking promo. Good for fucking you. Now I don't have to fucking hunt you down day after fucking day and fucking night, and retaliate for not turning up. Count yourself fucking lucky."

"I fucking nailed it again. Two for two on this guy, I swear I'm on fire here.

A Proud Fruit Said:"You 3 don't fucking care about this tournament. You 3 are all like a sack of potatoes. Heavy but without substance."

"Says the drunk as he takes another sip of Bud Lite. I mean, seriously, if you don't think we care, you must not be paying attention to what we're saying about you and your partner who you may or may not have feelings for. Believe me, I want to win, I want to boot you out of this tourney in the first round, and if I have to fight you while you drink, so be it. I'll do it with no hesitation."

Mr. Repetitive Said:"Knight you're a fucking disgrace,"

"Why the hell are you repeating yourself? You have no reason to repeat yourself, yet you do it anyways. Why? Do you think I'm really that bad of a listener? Hey, since you're interested in fucking things all of a sudden, fuck the sheep at this Hicksville place you keep talking about. Knowing you, you'd probably feed them your money not too long after that."

Im trying not to laugh Said:"I bleed this place. Bleed I fucking tell you. And I get laughed at."

"You're a threat to no one, that's why. We've fought multiple times before. I had you all of those times, and yet you still think you have a shot at beating me. Give it up and maybe, just maybe, you'll realize where your faults lie. Cambot."


"Turn off."

The scene cuts to black.

Singles Win/Lose/Draw

Tag Win/Lose/Draw

“Knighthood lies above eternity; it does not live off fame, but rather deeds.” - Dejan Stojanovic

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