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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare March 4th, 2015
Author Message
Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

03-04-2015, 05:37 PM

[Image: qtjAJzn.png]

Amalie Arena
Tampa Bay, Florida

Lethal Lottery Round One
All matches are a standard One Fall
All Singles Title Holders will also be defending their title. Champ must take the pin to lose the title.

Team 14
Hunter Moore/Pyro
- vs -
Team 12
Corvus/Paulo Odbelis

Team 9
- vs -
Team 15
Dylan George/Ricky Desmond

Team 13
Goat Face Killa/Aerial Knight
- vs -
Team 7
TJ Wallace/Mastermind

Team 1
Cain/Justin Sane© - X-treme Champion
- vs -
Team 2
Steve Stajan/Mystery Entrant

Team 5
Elijah Washington/Coco Mojo
- vs -
Team 4
Thunderbolt X/ Doctor Louis D'ville© - Universal Champion

Team 3
Vinnie Lane/ LH Harrison
- vs -
Team 8
Mystica/Game Boy

Team 6
Austin Fernando/Unknown Soldier
- vs -
Team 11
Michael McBride/ Peter Gilmour

Team 10
Dim Gilmourdow/ Sebastian Duke© - Intercontinental Champion
- vs -
Team 16
Pest /Eli James

[Image: GqxtcDp.png]

The camera pans around the sold out Amalie Arena in Tampa Bay, Florida as pyrotechnics go off and light up the stage and ringside area. The crowd is going ballistic in anticipation of what will be a historic night for both Wednesday Night Warfare, and the XWF.

'King of Kings' hits the PA and the crowd pop once more as Ozymandias strolls out from behind the curtain with a microphone in his hand, flanked by Head of Talent Relations, Matthew Oaktree and Director of Operations, Gabrielle House. All three men stand on the stage and gaze out at the crowd. They stride down to the ring, House adjusting his tie and Oaktree taking a drag from his cigarette. All three men ascend the stairs and climb through the ropes. House and Oaktree grab microphones of their own from ringside staff. Ozy smiles out at the crowd and raises the microphone to his mouth as 'King of Kings' fades out.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Wednesday Night Warfare!!! More importantly, welcome to round one of LETHAL LOTTERY!!! Who will join a small but exclusive list that includes Sid Feder, Egyptian Snow Pharaoh and Dr. Zero?"

The already explosive crowd manages to kick it up another notch as "The Firm" looks out over the crowd. The Warfare Management trio soak it all in for a bit and then Oz begins to speak again.

"32 members of the XWF roster will be competing tonight for the right to advance to round two. But in typical XWF fashion just winning does not guarantee that you will advance. If anyone...ANYONE slacks off tonight and let's their partner do all the heavy lifting then believe me, changes will be made. I want...we all, from Shane on down, we all want the very best competing in Lethal Lottery. This tournament is not for the weak I promise you that."

Oz lowers the microphone as the fans pop again. Gabrielle House steps forward and raises the microphone to his lips.

"And as truly exciting as that is that's not all. Starting next week with Round Two of Lethal Lottery Warfare will be introducing a brand new team of on air talent to help take Warfare to the next level. Starting next week Jim Ross and Bobby Heenan will be seated ringside as the new announcing duo for Wednesday night Warfare and...

The crowd pops at the news.

"...and the official ring announcer for Warfare Main Events will be none other than HOWARD FINKLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

House hands the mic to Director of Talent Relations Matthew Oaktree who takes the toothpick out of his mouth and tosses it into the crowd.

"But that's not all. The most exciting thing about tonight's edition of Wednesday Night Warfare is the introduction of The Firm's very first client. This man is an XWF Legend. A sure fire XWF Hall of Famer. He has won the X-treme title over a dozen times and been carried to a few Trios and Tag team title rules. He is the Ruler of the Realm of X-treme, Mr. MVP and your very own Mr. Warfare...PETER GILMOUR!!!

"Sick Like Me" by In This Moment hits the airwaves as the crowd starts booing like crazy. They have a love hate relationship with Peter Gilmour. Peter comes out wearing a black suit with a massive smirk across his face. Peter walks down to the ring and climbs through the ropes. He shakes hands with the Warfare Trio and then stands there smiling wickedly.

"King of Kings" starts playing as the GM trio leave the room allowing Peter to have his moment as the show fades to commercial.

All the wrestlers have started to arrive at the Amalie Arena, in Tampa Bay, Florida. One in particular is Pest, who's taking his time.

He is walking towards his locker room when all of a sudden from out of nowhere he is hit by a flying cross body check from Vladmir The Destroyer. They hit the wall pretty hard.

Vladmir steps away, grabs Pest, and sends him crashing into the wall again. He does it again, and again, until Pest lies in a bloody heap on the ground. Vladmir stands over him grunting.

Vladmir's Manager Austin Toolittle walks into camera view, and hovers over the fallen Pest. He bends over.

AUSTIN TOOLITTLE: "Who's the monster now? Who's the fallen god now? Look at you. Disgusting maggot. If you think this is over then you better think again. We're here to destroy you and everyone else. Vladmir's chosen you to start with. You were toolittle toolate to even anticipate us being here. Be afraid, be very afraid."

Austin stands up laughing, he nods to Vladmir, and then end up walking away, while medics try to deal with the fallen Pest.

Paulo Odbelis and CorVus
- vs -
Hunter Moore and Pyro
Standard One Fall

The whole arena goes dark for about a minute before the words, "God is the teacher, you are the student," appear on the titantron. Lights go back on and Odbelis is seen in the ring, speaking in tongues. He stares at the audience while doing so.

Come Join The Murder by The White Buffalo and The Forest Rangers plays

The lights go out and then a long Koww is heard throughout the arena followed by a few short caws and then the XWF tron lights up and CorVus' official XWF entrance video plays. corVus will then slowly make his way down to the ring as a crow flies throughout the arena only coming to a resting point when CorVus finally climbs into the ring.

Feed The Machien Plays

Hunter Moore comes out to the ring just like Stone Cold used to because Hunter Moore lacks creativity.

War is Business by The Casualties plays

Huge explosion at the top of the ramp. Music starts and Pyro walks out from behind the curtain and stomps to the ring. He slides in and awaits his opponent or if they're already in the ring goes to work right away.

Paulo starts off in the ring with Pyro, both men stare down each other. The ref sounds the bell; Paulo rushes to Pyro and receives a drop kick! Paulo is knocked on his ass, holding his face in pain as he writhes on the ground in pain. Pyro nips up and runs into the ropes as Paulo is getting to his knees, Pyro rebound and leaps high into the air and delivers a devastating Superman Punch to the kneeling Paulo! He falls back to the ground as Pyro combat rolls and goes back to his feet. Pyro stands up tall as Paulo is on the mat, struggling to get back up, Hunter does nothing, just stand there watching. Is he drooling a little?

Pyro looks to CorVus who stands glaring at him, unflinching. Pyro gets down in a sprinter’s start, egging Paulo to get to his feet. Paulo slowly does and Pyro sprints, Paulo turns and LIBERTY SPIKE! Pyro nails him with a deadly spear! He goes for the pin.





CorVus breaks it up with stiff boot to Pyro’s head. CorVus stands there for a moment looking at them both. Paulo grabs at CorVus’ leg and tries to pull himself up, the mute looks down and helps Paulo to his feet and THE NIGHTMARE! CorVus hits his trademark Inverted DDT! CorVus just knocked his partner out cold! He pulls Paulo to the corner and takes something from his coat. It’s a stun gun! CorVus jabs the weapon under Paulo’s chin, he spasms and shakes in the corner. CorVus takes the stun gun away and places it back in his coat, he hops through the ropes and stands on the apron, the silent member of Defiance grabs Paulo’s hand and tags himself in. He gets back into the mat and kicks Paulo’s lifeless body out of the ring and turns to Pyro.

Pyro rushes to CorVus but he simply side steps and Pyro crashes into the corner. CorVus pulls Pyro away from the corner and into a Sleeperhold Neckbreaker. CorVus quickly gets back to his feet and kicks Pyro in the ribs. CorVus grabs Pyro’s hair and lifts him to his feet, CorVus sends a swift knee into Pyro’s stomach, and another, and a final knee that lifts him off the ground.

Corvus releases his grip and Pyro rolls off his knee and onto the mat, clutching his abdomen in pain. CorVus lays in a couple stomps onto the fallen Pyro’s ribcage. CorVus goes for one more stomps but Pyro rolls out of the way and pushes himself up to his feet, clutching his side. Pyro backs himself into the corner and CorVus catches on right away. It isn't until Pyro hits his back on the turnbuckles that he realizes the position he's in as CorVus charges in for a leaping shoulder block that doesn't hit it's mark! Pyro ducks and rolls the mute man up, the ref drops for the count but CorVus kicks out before one and gets quickly back to his feet where Pyro awaits.

Pyro shakes the lingering effects of the stomps out and comes forward with another Superman Punch which connects with CorVus’ jaw! But wait, CorVus throws a punch of his own right as Pyro’shit connects! They both connect at the same time and CorVus’ sent back a few inches and Pyro's sent into the ropes! CorVus, still standing, comes to his senses soon and makes a dash for Pyro but he pulls down the rope and CorVus goes over the top! He crashes to the apron first before hitting the concrete floor! Pyro looks back and forth a few times before hitting the opposite set of ropes and sailing over the top with a beautiful diving crossbody!

Which gets him right into CorVus’ clutches! Having stood up while Pyro was debating the move, he was in just the right position to catch Pyro and he sends his back into the apron! CorVus lifts the smaller man high again throws him on to the hard apron with a hell of a lot of force. Pyro clutches his back on the apron and pushes Pyro back into the ring, CorVus slowly makes his way back in but Pyro scurries away to his corner! Hunter Moore is waiting with an outstretched hand! Pyro tags in Moore and he is fired the fuck up!

Hunter comes onto the mat fist pumping and rushes to CorVus with a lariat! Which is ducked. Moore hits the ropes and rebounds off and goes to CorVus with another lariat! Which is ducked again, CorVus is just toying with the man. Hunter roars to the crowd and turns to CorVus.


CorVus hits Moore with the Swinging reverse STO and goes for the pin.






Pyro is exhausted and can’t believe it as he slumps in his corner. The bell rings and CorVus gets to his feet his arms raised in victory.

Winners – CorVus and Paulo Odbelis

CorVus’ theme is cut short as Matthew Oaktree makes his way onto the ramp, microphone in his hand.

“Sorry for interrupting ladies and gentleman, but I think I’ve made it clear in the past that people who do not perform at 100% piss me off. Pyro, you did okay but not your best. CorVus, well done. You other two, you two pissed me off! And that is why Paulo Odbelis, you will not be advancing to round two of Lethal Lottery! CorVus, you most certainly will be in round 2, no worry about that. But, I think I need to make another example of people who do sweet F all, CorVus, will you kindly throw Hunter Moore out of the ring with your partner?”

CorVus doesn’t hestitate, he grabs Moore by the head and flings him over the top rope.

“Thank you kindly. Butch!?”

Oaktree steps away from the ramp entrance and a large angry bull runs out onto the ramp, earning a big pop from the crowd. The bull charges down to the ring and knocks Moore underneath the mat! Butch charges around the ring at full speed kicking his heels, until he finds Paulo and knocks him high into the air and over the barricade! He crashes into the fans. Butch huffs on the outside and walks back up the ramp, Oaktree nods to the fans and CorVus’ theme plays again.

Winners – CorVus and Paulo Odbelis

Paul Heyman is seen walking through the backstage area. Proudly and smugly he walks passed several of the backstage staff, barely acknowledging them on his way by. He stands in front of a door that reads, "Paul Heyman - Madness GM" across the front of it. He licks his thumb and rubs out a small, invisible smudge across his name. Continuing to smile, he reaches for the handle and opens the door.

As he walks in, he notices none of the lights come up. He claps his hands twice, a faint attempt to see if the room lights up... The room feels like it's over one hundred degrees as he breaks out into an instant sweat.

"Why the fuck is it so hot in here?! Who turned up the heat?!"

The only light coming into the room is the open door that Paul is holding open. Once he begins walking towards his desk on the far side of the room, the door shuts and the room is pitch black.

"What's the deal here?

A room with no lights?

Someone's getting fired!"

Suddenly from the corner of the room, a match is struck and a face lights up. Lighting a cigar, they wave out the match and release a large puff of smoke into the air.

"Who's there?"

Hello, my friend.

Although Heyman and the Doctor have never met before, of course Paul recognizes the voice of the new XWF Universal Champion, Doctor Louis D'Ville.

"You can't smoke in here."

Paul drones out into the darkness. An eerie red glow begins to rise up from the floor, giving little light to the rest of the room. The two can now at least see each other now.

The Doctor chuckles a bit and stands up out of the chair. With the Universal Title slung over his shoulder, he slowly creeps through the room and stands in front of Paul.

"You mind telling me what the fuck you think you're doing in my office?"

Gladly! I was awaiting your arrival, Mister Heyman.

The Doctor says with a grim, evil smile. As he speaks the potent cigar smoke slowly trails out of both nostrils and his mouth. Heyman turns his head away and holds back a cough.

Would you care for a cigar?

The Doctor reaches to his inside pocket and pulls out a large Cuban made cigar and hands it out. Paul examines it closely in the darkness before looking back at the Doctor.

"You know these are illegal, right?"

The Doctor smiles and laughs a bit as Heyman waves away the offer.

"I'll pass, this time.

Now, WHY were you waiting for my arrival Doctor?"

Well, I understand you're quite the businessman, am I right?

Heyman holds his hand to his chin and folds his arms.

"I'm listening."

Ha. Ha.. Mister Heyman, I am someone who likes to make deals. I give you something and, in return, you give me something.

"And what is it that you could possibly have that I'd be interested in, Doctor?"

Still listening?

The Doctor peers at Paul Heyman and takes another puff from his cigar. Just then the door swings open and the lights come back on. Heyman spins around and see's Ozy walking into the room with a puzzled look on his face. Heyman turns around and the Doctor is gone from his office.

"What's the deal, Paul? You look like you just seen a ghost."

Heyman looks back at where Doc was, then back at Ozymandias.

"I think I might have."

Scully and Maverick "The Young Bloods"
- vs -
Dylan George and Ricky Desmond
Standard One Fall

"Let's Get by the Black Eyed Peas plays

Entrance Description: The arenas lights go red and "Let's Get " by Black Eyed Peas blares out of the P.A System. After about 40 seconds The Scull Meister finally steps out on to stage with his XWF Championship belt around his waist. There is a mixed reaction from the fans. Scully looks around and smirks. XWF'S resident gives the thumbs up and waves at the fans. He walks down the ramp giving the fans the thumbs up, walking up to random adults and children saying 'Friend'. He walks up the steps, waving and walks along the ring apron. He turns to look at the fans with a smirk across his face. He then jump over the top rope in to the ring but trips into the ring. Scull gets up, brushes himself off and then walks over to the far turn buckle. He climbs to the top. Holds his hands in the air and puts both thumbs up, before waving once more. The Scully Meister then jumps down and starts doing star jumps. His music fades out.

Symphony of Destruction by Megadeth plays

Symphony of Destruction starts to play, and smoke pours into the arena, giving an ominous feeling. Maverick comes out, taunting the crowd every step of the way. After Maverick hops into the ring, he relaxes on a turnbuckle, waiting for the match to start, going on a turnbuckle facing his opponent if entering second, going on a turnbuckle facing the entrance ramp if entering first.

Thunderkiss 65 by White Zombie plays

The arena and the XTron blackens, as sound of cold air swirling can be heard throughout. After a moment of silence, Thunderkiss 65 cues over the loud speakers. A golden shower of pyro begins to form above the entranceway, Dylan 'The Nightmare' George appears beneath the pyro, looking down at the ground as the pyro showers him.

Suddenly 'The Nightmare' looks up from the ground and directly into the camera and roars:

Golden pyros begin to explode along the stage and down the runway as 'The Nightmare', now illuminated with a white-hot spot light is the only thing that can be seen in the arena as he makes his slow descent to the ring. Slowly he climbs into the ring and is now standing dead-center with the spot light still lighting his freakish frame. He drops to his knees, extending his arms out and begins to roar while another golden shower of pyro falls onto the ring while the lighting slowly is restored to the arena. He sits there, still and stoic looking at the mat on his knees, awaiting his next victim.

Money by Pink Floyd plays

Money hits the ring. Ricky strolls out onto the stage and he looks across the thousands of fans. He has a eerie smirk on his face, and he punches his fists together as he always does. He strides down the ramp, briskly ignoring the fans as he does so. Ricky slowly climbs the steel steps and brushes his feet on the ring apron before climbing over the middle rope and raising his right arm into the air. The music comes to an end as he jogs on the spot in preparation.

The bell rings and it looks like Scully and Dylan George are starting this thing out. They lock up in the center of the ring and begin pushing back and forth with no one really going anywhere. George wraps his arm around the neck of Scully and whips him into the ropes. Scully bounces off of them and leaps into the air! He wraps his legs around the head of George, but George goes down for a powerbomb before Scully can hit the Hurricanrana!

Scully’s head bounces off the mat as George releases him. He stands over Scully and stares down through the holes in his mask. He leaps high in the air and drops a leg drop over him. He mounts the body of Scully and begins laying in the licks. Right after right! Scully covers his face just to avoid the onslaught. Dylan sees the opening and drives an elbow straight to the left pectoral! Scully cries out in shock, but George just stands up.

The moment of breathing room is used wisely as Scully scampers up to his feet. He rubs his chest and looks pissed off. He charges at Dylan who ducks under a clothesline. Scully had anticipated this though. He stopped just after passing Dylan, reaches his arm back around Dylan’s throat, and pulled him down for a backbreaker! Dylan is down and Scully is sticking his tongue out like a genuine . Dylan gets to his feet, but Scully quickly takes him down with an Angle Slam!

Scully goes for the pinfall!



NO! Dylan rolls a shoulder up.

Scully, disgruntled, headbutts Dylan! He stands over him and hits a falling headbutt! He stands up again and goes for a third, but he misses! No, Dylan didn’t move, Scully just missed. The crowd begins laughing and Scully claps his hands in jubilee! He walks over and tags in his tag team partner Maverick! Maverick leaps over the top rope and looks pumped up.

He walks over to Dylan and picks him up. Dylan is playing opossum! He throws his hands up breaking Maverick’s hold. He then takes a step back and delivers a vicious big boot to the face of Maverick! He bounces off the ropes and DEMOLISHES Maverick’s face with a shining wizard! He calls this move…


Maverick is on dream street! Dylan goes for a pin!



THRE-NO! Scully just barely breaks it up in time!

Scully dropkicks Dylan sending him back into his corner where Ricky Desmond blind tags himself in. Dylan shakes his head as he wanted to keep going. Scully grabs Maverick’s arm during all of this and drags him back towards their corner. There, Scully tags himself in as well. He shakes his head looking in disgust at Maverick. As Scully’s eyes revert back to Desmond, he’s welcomed with a running knee driver! Scully’s temple bounces off of Desmond’s knee and he’s seeing stars. Desmond then kicks Scully in the midsection before wrapping his leg around Scully’s head and driving his face into the mat with an Overdrive!

Desmond continues the onslaught by locking on a crossface! Scully is crying out in agony! Desmond wrenches it back! Scully begins scooting closer and closer to the ropes, but Desmond isn’t falling for it. He tries to scoot them back further, but Scully rolls it into a pinning predicament!



NO! Ricky kicked out and released the hold.

Scully gets to his feet and blasts Desmond with a kick to the gut. He follows it up by nailing him with a T-Bone Suplex! Scully pulls Desmond to his feet and puts him in the Styles Clash position! He nails it! Desmond’s face is crumpled in the mat! No One’s Property is what he calls this variation! He isn’t done though. Scully gets to his feet and begins clapping his hands like a seal. The crowd joins in on the madness!

Desmond slowly gets to his feet and turns right into a left hand! Scully latches the arm and lifts him up for…


NO! Desmond began moving disrupting the balance and bringing Desmond back down to his feet. He reaches forward, grabs Scully’s left leg, and lifts him up for a fisherman’s suplex! Scully is down and holding his back. Desmond is down and is trying to get to his partner. Scully gets to his feet and rushes over dropping an elbow to the back of Desmond. He stands over Desmond and hits a standing moonsault! He motions for the corner and begins climbing. He sees Desmond laid out and begins motioning for his finisher! The Untouchable! As he does so, Dylan comes rushing across the apron but is intercepted by the referee. Scully is distracted long enough for Desmond to get to his feet and hit the ropes!

Scully loses his balance and…

The crowd gasps in unison.

Scully has split the upright and is probably now singing an octive higher than before. Desmond climbs to the second turnbuckle, punches Scully in the face, before latching his arm and lifting him up for a superplex! The two men are laid out in the center of the ring! Scully quickly flails over to his corner where the over-excited Maverick is with his hand outstretched. Maverick tags in! He rushes towards Desmond and stops him tagging out.

He whips Desmond off the ropes! Desmond bounces off the ropes, but stops. Maverick leaps into the air anticipating a dropkick. He hits the mat hard and stands up just in time to receive…


The hellacious Clothesline From Hell nearly decapitated Maverick! Desmond, seemingly exhausted, staggers over and tags in his partner. His partner, Dylan George immediately climbs the turnbuckle and motions for the stars. He then leaps driving forwards with his elbow in the lead!


George’s finisher hits with precision. He covers Maverick hooking the leg. The referee gets into position.




Winner - Dylan George and Ricky Desmond

Goat Face Killa and Aerial Knight
- vs -
Mastermind and TJ Wallace
Standard One Fall

G.O.A.T. by Eminem plays

The opening instrumental of GOAT echoes around the arena as smoke slowly rises from the metal floor. Goat Face Killa makes his way from the back with a Goat on a leash of whom he is feeding. He slaps a bunch of hands walking down the ramp, before picking up the Goat and handing it to a specialist next to the ring bearer before sliding into the ring and raising to arms in the air to a cheer from the crowd. He retreats to his corner where he does stretches.

"Sentry the Defiant" by Coheed and Cambria plays

The acoustic strums of a guitar can be heard as the spotlights point directly at the ramp and everyone becomes dead silent. The acoustic strums repeat for a second time as fog begins to seep out of the ramp and towards the ring itself. Just as the song becomes heavy, the Aerial Knight bursts through the curtains and takes a good look at the crowd and the ring. Once the lyrics hit, he slowly walks to the ring, slapping the hands of the fans to his left side as he passes them by. As soon as he gets close to the ring, he stops and looks up at the ring, where the referee (and if he enters second, his opponent) are waiting for him. He smirks at them and circles the ring as the song continues to play, even as the chorus plays out. After annoying the referee and taking a good chunk of air time out of the show, he climbs the stairs and hops over the top rope.

Monster by Eminem and Rihanna plays

The lights go out, and then when they come back on Mastermind is seen standing on the top rope waving to the crowd.

Pay For It by Jay Rock feat. Kendrick Lamar plays

"Pay for it" plays over the PA as TJ Wallace walks out from the back onto the ramp. He does a "I can't hear you" chant and raises.his arms up and down, getting the crowd hype. Then he puts his index finger to his lip and quiets the crowd. He walka down the ramp, slapping hands, kissing babies, grabbing titties. He slides in the ring and waits for the bell.

The bell rings and it’s TJ Wallace and Aerial Knight starting this thing out. Both men are talking trash back and forth before TJ slaps Knight! Johnathan Heartsford is pissed! He charges after TJ who uses the rope as a barrier between himself and Knight. The referee has to get in between them and push Knight back. TJ laughs as he flips off Knight from the safety of the ropes. Knight is practically seething now. They circle around as Knight’s face is clouded with fury. TJ seems to sense this and stops by his corner. He sends another middle finger salute before slapping Mastermind on the chest tagging him in.

Heartsford begins pulling at his hair in exasperation. Mastermind gets into the ring and this match seems to finally be about to begin. Mastermind and Knight lock up before Mastermind swings low taking out Knight’s legs from under him! Knight’s back collides with the mat as Mastermind begins stomping on the chest and limbs of Knight!

He picks Knight back up and before dropping him again with a DDT! Mastermind goes for the early cover.


NO! Knight powers out early.

Mastermind quickly locks on a side headlock being sure to twist the neck so slightly to cause severe irritation. Knight reaches out for the ropes. Goat Faced Killa meanwhile is going nuts on the sidelines. He’s stomping his feet and headbutting the corner turnbuckle. He turns around and begins shouting towards the audience.



The crowd begins joining in as they add in some claps.


The crowd seems to be fueling Knight as he begins powering up. He gets to his knees and begins to stand up. As he gets to his feet, he begins driving elbows into the gut of Mastermind. One! Two! THR

NO! Mastermind whips Knight backwards into the mat! He raises his hands and is met with a chorus of boos.

Mastermind looks out at the audience and begins getting pissed off. His head jerks to the side and he’s glaring at Knight. He rushes over and drops a leg drop. He mounts Knight and begins unleashing a hellacious flurry of punches aimed at the nose and forehead of Knight! One good shot connects and Knight’s snoze begins gushing blood! The referee pulls Mastermind off of Knight and Mastermind socks the referee! The referee falls down into a deep sleep as most referees do when touched.

The thud of the referee’s body with the mat seems to snap Mastermind out of it. He looks upset with what he’s done and goes to help Knight up, but Knight kicks Mastermind in the nuts! He seemed to have no reservations with that after Mastermind rearranged his face. Knight gets to his feet and is standing behind Mastermind. He grabs the neck of the Master of Minds and brings it down over his knee is gruesome fashion. He then goes outside and hits a springboard leg drop! Mastermind is down for the moment as Knight beckons Goat Faced Killa into the match. He leaps over the top rope and the two charge TJ sending him careening off the apron going face first off the announce table. Knight and GFK are the only standing bodies.

Knight climbs onto the apron awaiting Mastermind’s slowly standing body. He leaps onto the top rope and springs off for a moonsault! He comes down and hooks the head of Mastermind drilling him face first into the floor for a tornado DDT! Excalibration hits with success. Mastermind is down! GFK pulls Mastermind back to his feet. He kicks MM in the gut and lifts him up for a delayed vertical suplex. The crowd begins murmuring as they know what comes next.

Did you know? Goats can ea-

WHAM! Goat is caught off guard by a leg sweep from TJ!

Mastermind’s weight comes crashing down on GFK! Knight comes into the ring and stands off with TJ once more. They begin exchanging blows back and forth as their speed increases. Finally Heartsford ducks under one and nails TJ with a discus forearm! TJ becomes wobbly legged before grabbing the ropes for leverage. He goes for attack Knight with a springboard clothesline, but Knight moves out of the way! His body collides with Mastermind who has just gotten up!

Knight backs away and begins laughing while pointing at both of them. TJ and Mastermind get to their feet and look pissed off! They begin bickering back and forth yelling lots of profanities. Knight takes advantage climbing to the top rope. He leaps towards both of them with a top rope moonsault. They see him just in time to take the blunt of the whole move!

Heartsford gets up raising his arms in the air. GFK is up and climbs on the top rope. He leaps towards Mastermind and nails a senton! He goes for the cover! Knight goes over and wakes up the referee. The referee crawls over and begins the count!



The referee has stopped counting! He’s pointing at GFK and shaking his head!

Goat Faced Killa isn’t the legal man! GFK wipes his face with his hands in anger. Knight slaps him on the back and tells him to move. Knight pulls Mastermind up to his knees and rushes off the ropes for The Knighting, but Mastermind comes to life! He rushes Knight and collides with a clothesline! Knight gets to his feet and Mastermind locks on the Mind Sleeper! The Sleeper Hold is on tight! Knight quickly rushes into the ropes though! Mastermind tightens the hold with vicious intent! The referee begins counting! Mastermind begins thrashing Knight’s head around until the count of four where he releases.

Mastermind is incensed. He climbs to the top turnbuckle on his partner’s corner and is setting up for his The Mind Changer flying clothesline. But TJ slaps him on the thigh tagging himself in. Mastermind looks pissed off about it, but climbs down. TJ picks up the downed Knight and leaps into the air bringing Knight’s back of head down with the Natural Selection! The leaping reverse bulldog has Knight down and out! TJ goes for the pinfall!



NO! GFK breaks it up!

Mastermind charges into the ring and the two begin sending haymakers back and forth before GFK gets the better of the exchange. He hits a big blow throwing Mastermind off balance into the ropes. GFK charges and suicide clotheslines them both over the top rope! TJ picks up Knight and kicks him in the gut! He lifts him up onto his shoulder and teases for his finisher! He turns towards the camera and nods his head, but Knight squirms out of it!

TJ turns around and the two stare off for a second while Mastermind and GFK fight outside. Finally they break the silence with a barrage of punches back and forth! Knight seems to get the upper hand.

He pokes TJ in the eyes bringing him to his knees! He rushes off the ropes and goes hits The Knighting! The shining wizard connects and Knight climbs to the top rope. He raises his arms in the air and goes for…


TJ rolled out of the way! They both slowly get to their feet. The referee suddenly becomes aware of the situation outside and begins yelling at them to cut it out. Knight turns around and TJ punches Knight directly in the balls! He rolls up Knight and has the tights! The referee turns around and begins the count!




Winner -TJ Wallace and Mastermind

The sound of a beeping horn makes everyone look towards the XWF Tron.

Suddenly a picture of a Mac Truck comes busting through a wall comes up on the screen.

[Image: article-1082530-025611A7000005DC-977_468x315.jpg]

And then the words:





Cain and Justin Sane © - X-treme Champion
- vs -

Steve Stajan/Mystery Entrant
Standard One Fall

Blacklist by Exodus plays

As the opening riff of "Blacklist" by Exodus brings the crowd to life the lights strobe red and black. Flames erupt from the stage and Cain steps thrugh them, bouncing from foot to foot at the top of the ramp, then he roars and pounds his chest three times as the flames once again erupt behind. He storms down the ramp with purpose, bumping fists with a couple of fans in the front row. He bounces back and forth again as he reaches the ring apron, leaping up on it. As he steps through the ropes, he steps to the middle of the ring, arms outstretched as sparks rain down onto him. As the ambience returns to normal, he slaps his head a few times, psyching himself up for the match.

Undead by Hollywood Undead plays

The opening riff of "Undead" by Hollywood Undead hits the PA system. The stage fills with a low-covering layer of smoke as the main lights dim and are instead replaced with flickering sapphire blue and white lights centered on the stage and entrance ramp. Justin Sane sporting more gold than a US Treasury Vault slowly walks out from behind the curtain, hands at his sides, clenching and un-clenching his fists whilst rolling his neck. He approaches the top of the ramp and looks out and the crowd with a smirk on his face. After gazing around the XWF arena, his gaze lands upon the ring in front of him. He makes his way down the ramp, eyes solely on the ring, a look of intent and purpose in his eyes. He slides into the ring underneath the bottom rope and paces a couple of circles around the ring. Just as the chorus of "Undead" is about to kick in, he strides to the corner, grabs the top rope and pulls himself up to the second turnbuckle before throwing both arms out 90 degrees at his sides and letting out a loud war cry. He jumps down from the turnbuckle, unrivaled intensity in his eyes and stares out at the crowd as "Undead" begins to fade and the lighting returns to normal

"In A Gadda Da Vida" by Blind Guardian plays

"In A Gadda Da Vida" by Blind Guardian starts to play as a few pyrotechnics go off. Out walks Steve Stajan, dressed in his ring gear. He flexes his muscles as the fans cheer. He walks down to the ring and high fives a few fans.

Outshined by Soundgarden plays

Arena in complete darkness then a bright spotlight hits the stage where the mystery entrant stands and he casually walks to the ring. In the ring the mystery entrant just glares intently at the opposition.

The bell rings and it will be Steve Stajan starting things off with the Xtreme Champion, Justin Sane. Sane and Stajan come together in the center of the ring and tie it up. Sane overpowers Stajan quickly and easily and shoves him to the mat. Sane looks on with a confident smile as Stajan gets back to his feet.

The two tie it up once more, but this time, Sane locks Stajan in a side headlock and takes him down to the mat with a take over which coincidentally pins Stajan's shoulders to the mat. The referee moves into position quickly.



Mystery Entrant with the save!

Mystery Entrant breaks up the pin with a kick to the side of Justin Sane's head. Sane releases the pin and gets to his feet. The referee backs Mystery Entrant toward his own corner as Sane stalks him. From behind, Stajan rolls Sane up, but Sane easily rolls out of the pathetic pin attempt and quickly is back to his feet. Stajan gets back up to his and is floored with a Justin Sane lariat.

Sane smiles some more and tags out to Cain. Cain enters the ring and stalks Steve Stajan as he slowly makes his way across the ring. Mystery Entrant is yelling toward Stajan and pointing at Cain. Stajan looks behind him and up at Cain, then gets to his feet. Stajan turns around and walks right into a big boot from Cain.

Cain reaches down and rips Stajan to his feet. Cain then forces Stajan into his own corner and forces Stajan to tag Mystery Entrant. Mystery Entrant is a bit surprised at this and kind of stands there dumbfounded. Cain grabs Mystery Entrant by his hair and hip tosses him into the ring.

Mystery Entrant crashes to the mat, but gets back up quickly. He charges after Cain who attempt to take Mystery Entrant down with a lariat. Mystery Entrant ducks under and quickly exits the ring to the ring apron. He slingshots himself to the top and delivers a springboard dropkick to Cain. Cain hits the mat and Mystery Entrant quickly goes for the cover.



Cain kicks out!

Mystery Entrant gets back to his feet and lifts Cain to his. Mystery Entrant delivers an uppercut to Cain's chin, rocking the big man backward a bit. Mystery Entrant then delivers a kick to the midsection and follows that up with a DDT. Mystery Entrant backs up toward his corner, eyeballing Cain for something big...


Stajan just tagged himself in!

Stajan enters the ring and Mystery Entrant just stares at him. Cain is beginning to get to his feet but Mystery Entranthas a problem with Steve Stajan. Mystery Entrant spins Stajan around and gets in his face. Stajan yells back at him. Meanwhile on the other side of the ring, Cain tags out to Justin Sane.

Sane enters.

Stajan shoves Mystery Entrant.

Mystery Entrant rears back and kicks Stajan in the groin! Mystery Entrant exits the ring and starts to head to the back. Stajan is double over in pain and Sane grabs him from behind...

That's Insane!

Justin Sane hooks the leg.




Winner - Justin Sane and Cain

Cain is now backstage, around the table of free food after his match. He doesn't notice the person across from him picking up food of their own. Cain continues to stay unaware of the person until the person speaks to him.

"Good job in your match."

Cain manages to get out "Thank-" before recognizing the voice. When looking at the man, he starts from the shoes and works his way up to the head. Red Converses. Black Jeans. Leather Jacket. Before he reached his face, the man rushed toward him with a metal tray and is now beating him on the back of the head with it repeatedly. The man shows no remorse with any of the hits as Cain is wailing from the pain of each shot of the tray. The man now opens up a small wound on the back of Cain's head, which drips down to his nose and into his mouth.

The man drops the pan, walks away, comes back, and starts ramming Cain with an equipment cart. Cain is now sporting a Crimson Mask and bloody, matted hair from the gash on the back of his head, as well as a badly marked and bruised chest from the repeated ramming, The man stops and pick up Cain by his hair. We now see that it's Lucius Fyre who did all this. Lucius speaks.

"And people call you the Antichrist."

Lucius throws Cain's head towards the wall, hitting it with a loud thud. As Cain slumps down the wall, he leaves a long streak of blood.


Lucius spits on Cain and walks off.

Elijah Washington and Coco Mojo
- vs -
Thunderbolt X and Doctor Louis D'Ville © - Universal Champion
Standard One Fall

"Mathematics" by Mos Def plays

"Mathematics" by Mos Def plays, and Elijah Washington makes his way slowly down the ramp, to the ring.

Hooked on a feeling by Blue Swede plays

As the ‘Ooga-Chaka-Ooga-Ooga’ chants begin, Coco storms out to the top of the ramp. He cups his hands to his mouth and chants along loudly.

‘I can’t stop this feeling. Deep inside of me.’

Coco points to the ramp with one hand and urges the fans to stand up with the other.

‘Girl you just don’t realize. What you do to me.

When you hold me.
In your arms so tight
You let me know
Everything's all right’


Beatrice emerges wearing a sparkly vest, Salsa dancing on her hind legs!

‘Hooked on a feeling’ continues to play as Coco applauds his canine companion as she struts her stuff down to the ring. When they reach the apron, Coco leans down and gets a good luck kiss from Beatrice before rolling into the ring with a big smile on his face as he pounds on the mat, ready for the match.

On My Own by CFO$ plays

Thunderbolt X comes down to the ring just like Tyson Kidd because he too lacks creativity.

House of 1,0000 Corpses by Rob Zombie plays

The lights go out in the arena followed by an eerie red glow. Smoke rises from the entrance way and the Doctor emerges from it. He stands at the top of the ramp and looks out among the crowd, then slowly begins walking towards the ring. The Doctor climbs the ring steps and into the ring, he stands on the second turnbuckle and holds his arms into the air as the lights flash back on.

Thunderbolt and Washington start in the ring, and both men lock up to start the match, Washington, with the solid weight advantage, is able to push Thunderbolt back into the ring ropes, Washington whips him into the ropes, and catches him with a solid lariat as he returns, dropping Thunderbolt to the mat instantly, before Thunderbolt can even get his bearings, Washington scoops him up, and slams him back down to the mat with a violent body-slam. Washington goes for the cover early.



Thunderbolt with the kick-out before the three count, Washington slowly makes his way back up to his feet, grips down onto Thunderbolt, and drags him over to the corner.

Washington tags Coco Mojo into the match, and now both men are pounding away at Thunderbolt in the corner!

The referee is trying to drag off Washington, who is repeatedly stomping away at Thunderbolt, Washington backs up and gets out of the ring, as Coco Mojo drags Thunderbolt up to his feet. Before Thunderbolt can react, he’s slammed backward from a German Suplex! Coco Mojo is already back up to his feet… Thunderbolt is back up too… Thunderbolt swings out a wild punch, Coco Mojo is able to duck it easily, and then quickly scoops up Thunderbolt and slams his knee into his spine, hitting him with a backbreaker. Thunderbolt is laid out near the centre of the ring, and now Coco Mojo to the top rope…


But Coco Mojo isn’t looking for the cover, he’s letting Thunderbolt recover and make his way over to the corner, where Doctor D’Ville is waiting…

Doctor D’Ville is tagged into the match!

Coco Mojo has a small grin on his face, as the Doctor slowly steps into the ring, both men stand across from each other, Coco Mojo is the first one to make a move, as he swoops in and tries to get a grip of the Doctor, but D’Ville is too quick, and is instantly able to hit Coco Mojo with a swinging neckbreaker! D’Ville pounces atop of Coco Mojo, and starts to hammer away at his face, connecting with the nose, cheek and forehead! Coco Mojo is doing his best to defend against the onslaught, but D’Ville is keeping up the pressure, each punch landed with precision! Coco Mojo is able to roll away, out from underneath D’Ville, who is smiling from ear to ear. Coco Mojo stumbles up to his feet, and tags in Washington, who steps through the middle rope, only to receive a big kick to the face from the Doctor.

D’Ville locks Washington in, and swings a knee to the face, and another one! A third strike from the knee lands right off the nose of Washington, causing blood to gush out from it, with Washington now bleeding, D’Ville has an evil grin on his face, as he wraps Washington up and drops him to the floor, connecting with a Russian Leg Sweep! The Doctor doesn’t go right away for the cover, instead grabbing Washington by the head and deliberately picking him up to his feet.

D’Ville locks his forearm over the head, and runs forward, before dropping down to the mat, he slams Washington face first off the canvas, causing more blood to gush everywhere as D’Ville connects with the running bulldog. Now the Doctor rolls Washington’s limp body over, and attempts to cover the big man!




D’Ville held the back of his head, and looked up annoyingly at the man who had broken up his pinfall, D’Ville got right up to his feet, and hit Coco Mojo with a stiff punch to the throat, causing Coco Mojo to stagger backward, gasping. D’Ville quickly dragged Coco Mojo into the corner, and began to choke the life out of him! The Doctor has both hands wrapped over the throat of Coco Mojo, and is slowly crushing the throat, the referee is trying to stop it, but D’Ville won’t let go…

The Doctor is rolled up by Washington, who is still the legal man!



THR-NO! D’Ville just popped the shoulder up! Both men were back up to their feet, while Coco Mojo rolled out of the ring, still clutching onto his throat, Washington, who now had the initiative, quickly lifted the Doctor right up off the mat, he held him up there for a little while… before dropping him right down to the canvas, stomach first! What a showing of power! D’Ville slowly rolled up to his feet… as Washington wipes away the blood still gushing out of his nose, before locking D’Ville up into powerbomb position, and then sending him craning down to the mat, smashing the spine and back against the canvas painfully! Washington falls atop of the Doctor, going for the cover!



THR-NO! D’Ville with ANOTHER kick-out!

Washington is looking somewhat annoyed now, as he slowly picks up D’Ville… and he’s caught by a punch from D’Ville!

And another one!

Washington is staggering back, D’Ville is running to the ropes, he’s rebounding off them… and charging right back at Washington!
He’s caught by Washington, and slammed hard into the canvas with a Tilt-A-Whirl Side Slam! The ring shook from the impact of that move!
Washington got up to his feet, and walked over to the corner, tagging in Coco Mojo, who instantly moved to the top rope, and dived right off it with no hesitation!...


Coco Mojo nearly tore right through D’Ville with that one!

Coco Mojo hooks the leg, looking for the pinfall!



THR-NOT QUITE! D’Ville powered out for a third straight time!

Coco Mojo looked over to his partner, Washington. Shrugged, and slowly moved up to his feet, he grabbed D’Ville by the head, and picked him up… he locks D’Ville up, it looks like he’s setting up for another slam… but D’Ville stops him! D’Ville with one punch, and then another, and now a headbutt from D’Ville… now it’s the Doctors turn to lock up his opponent…but Coco spins out of the attempted lock up and shoves D"Ville backwards.


Thunderbolt X just tagged himself in. D'ville looks around, not really sure what just happened.

Thunderbolt hops over the ropes and starts playing to the crowd completely ignoring his opponent...


Coco Mojo takes out Thunderbolt X with a running shoulder tackle that he calls the Bayou Bash.

And then a punch to D'Ville's face for good measure that sends the good Doctor out of the ring and to the floor.

Mojo slides over to Thunderbolt for the pin..




Winner - Coco Mojo and Elijah Washington


Thunderbolt X just cost the Doctor Lethal Lottery!!!

The Doctor watches as Thunderbolt kicks himself while sitting in the middle of the ring. D'Ville slowly enters and Thunderbolt climbs to his feet.

D'Ville creepily walks over to his partner, and he's smiling? What's the deal? D'Ville seems almost happy with the loss! Thunderbolt walks over to the Doc and it looks like he's explaining himself... Doc takes no time and BITES THUNDERBOLT'S NOSE!


D'Ville pulls back and Thunderbolt's nose rips completely off of his face! Thunderbolt falls to his back and screams out in agony!! D'Ville spits blood and chunks of the guy's nose back at him. He then reaches down into Thunderbolts mouth and begins to pull! D'Ville pulls and pulls, he places his boot on Thunderbolt's face and pulls again! Finally, he pulls hard enough and rips Thunderbolt X's spinal chord out of his body!! D'Ville holds it in the air and Thunderbolt lies lifeless on the ground! D'Ville throws the spinal chord up over his shoulder with his Universal Title and leaves the arena.

Wait a second? What's this?


Dr. D'Ville goes down like a bag of beef. Hero Xtreme 7.9 licks a crowbar while the Universal chumpion twitches on the mat. The Xtreme Hero picks up the Universal Championship and raises it in the air like he would have done ten years ago if it wasn't for that terrible accident.

All the cool old school fans cheer while the new little baby fans cry like pathetic pet owners.

Hero Xtreme 7.9 cracks an evil smile then he throws down a smoke ball and vanishes, leaving the new ugly belt on the shitty new school chumpion.

Vinnie Lane and LH Harrison
- vs -
Game Boy and Mystica
Standard One Fall

"I Wanna Rock by Twister Sister plays

The high pitched wail of Dee Snider pierces the air as the Twisted Sister classic pumps through the PA system. As two big pyro towers shoot off on either side of the stage, "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane spins out of the entrance ramp, wearing his favorite t-shirt, a cutoff Faster Pussycat screen print, long silver tights and shining silver boots. The crowd pops as Loverboy struts down the aisle,strumming the air guitar and leaping into the air with a jumping split. As he hops onto the ring apron, he swings around, facing the crowd, and pumps his fist along to the music, singing along and inciting the crowd to do so as well.

If I Fall by Five Finger Death Punch plays

"If I Fall" plays over the speaker system. As the guitar rift intensifies, Harrison bursts through the curtains under the X-Tron. He extends his arms out from his body at a 90 degree angle from his side. His face looks intense as he focuses on the ring. He enters the ring and climbs the turnbuckle. He extends his arms out once more before getting down and twisting his neck back and forth.

Akira by Anamanaguchi plays

Akira by Anamanaguchi blasts as colored lights pass over the roaring crowd. Game Boy springs from behind the curtain and begins to energetically hops down the ramp. Smiling, waving and high fiving fans. When in the ring he proceeds to power up.

"Sick Sick Sick" by Queens of the Stone Age plays

First eight chords ring out as a pale blue mist leaks from the floor. Mystica walks in slowly, draped in a flowing pale grey robe, which he discards after he passes through the mist. He glares down at the ring, gives a slight smirk, and places his hands together in front of his face, as though locked in thought. After bowing his head for a moment, he walks calmly down to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope.

The bell rings and the match begins with Mystica and LH Harrison. They circle each other, studying their movements. Harrison ducks his head and charges in, pulling up and stopping just short of Mystica, sending him jumping backwards. Again Harrison charges Mystica but this time Mystica lunges forward and sends a kick right to Harrison’s ribs, sending Harrison down to his knees. Mystica hovers over his fallen foe and sends several more kicks into Harrison’s ribs. Mystica lifts the stunned Harrison to his feet and whips him into the corner. Mystica charges in and hits a running shoulder thrust right to the weakened ribs. Mystica tags Game Boy in who leaps over the top rope and hits an Atomic Headbutt! Right to the ribs! Game Boy grabs Harrison by the back of the head and pulls him out of the corner, then locks him into an abdominal stretch. Harrison grimaces in pain as Game Boy sends punches into his outstretched ribs. Harrison manages to free his arm and begins to fight Game Boy off with back elbows. Game Boy stumbles backwards and Harrison runs off the ropes and charges after him.

Bimmy to Jimmy!(Belly-to-back suplex) Game Boy quickly hooks Harrison’s leg as the ref drops down for the pin



Harrison kicks out.

Game Boy lifts Harrison to his feet and sets him up for a vertical suplex. He tries to lift him but Harrison blocks. Game Boy sends a couple punches to Harrison’s ribs and attempts to lift him again but Harrison hooks his leg behind Game Boy’s. Game Boy rears back to send a kick at Harrison but Harrison grabs his leg! Game Boy shakes his head but Harrison throws the leg to the side and connects with a huge European uppercut! And another! And another! Harrison is beating Game Boy back into the corner with a furious series of European uppercuts. Game Boy stumbles backwards and Harrison flies forward with a running knee strike! Game Boy slumps to the corner as Harrison tags in Vinnie Lane, which the fans cheer wildly for. Vinnie raises his arms and panders to the crowd he waves at Mystica before turning and hitting a running boot to Game Boy’s face. Vinnie grabs Game Boy’s legs and drags him away from the corner. Vinnie hops up to the second rope and quickly jumps off with a huge leg drop! Vinnie pulls Game Boy’s leg up and the ref drops down for the count



Mystica flies in and hits a running knee to Vinnie, breaking the count. Harrison reaches over and tags himself in on the back of the reeling Vinnie. Harrison sends a series of punches Mystica’s way, backing him away from the corner. Harrison kicks Mystica in the stomach and hooks his arms behind his back, setting him up for a tiger bomb… Game Boy comes charging off the ropes and leaps over Mystica, hitting a Hyper Bomb! on Harrison! Harrison drops to his knees as Mystica regains his composure. He folds his hands and bows to Harrison and hits a buzzsaw kick! Game Boy falls on top of Harrison and the ref begins the count



Harrison barely manages to get his shoulder up!

Romper Stomper right to Harrison’s ribs! Harrison rolls onto his stomach grimacing in pain. Game Boy hops up and tags Mystica in. Game Boy lifts Harrison to his feet and applies another abdominal stretch. Mystica measures and lands a superkick right into Harrison’s ribs! Harrison drops to one knee and Game Boy drops him with a DDT before rolling out of the ring at the urging of the referee. Mystica throws a forearm over Harrison’s face and hooks his leg, but the referee is distracted by a protesting Vinnie on the other side of the ring. Mystica hoists Harrison up and mocks Lane, holding the face of his nearly unconscious partner in clear view. Mystica laughs in Harrison’s face--

Lifting spirits!

Both men collapse to the ground. Harrison begins to slowly crawl towards his corner but Mystica pops up and drags him backwards by the legs. Mystica reaches back and tags Game Boy who springboards off the top rope and hits another Romper Stomper to Harrison’s ribs. Game Boy drops a knee to Harrison’s ribcage and transitions into a pin.



Harrison gets a shoulder up! Game Boy can’t believe it!

Game Boy lifts Harrison to his knees and winds up for a buzzsaw kick! Harrison ducks and lifts Game Boy up with an electric chair, Harrison takes a few steps backwards and drops him to the mat with a loud thud! Game Boy and Harrison are both down! Vinnie is going wild on the apron looking for the tag! Harrison crawls, inching his way closer to his corner.

Game Boy starts to start.

Harrison continues crawling to his corner.

Game Boy rolls towards his.

Harrison reaches out.

Game Boy leaps towards Mystica.


The crowd roars as Harrison make the tag to Vinnie Lane! Lane immediately flies towards Mystica, dropping him with a running high knee! Game Boy charges towards Vinnie but Vinnie hoists him up and hits a death valley driver! Vinnie turns toward Mystica, who leaps up for a hurricarana!

But Vinnie counters with the Heartbreaker! Vinnie rolls him over for the pin



Game Boy breaks up the pin. Mystica and Game Boy lift lane up and throw him towards the ropes…

Lane springboards off the ropes with a lionsault taking both men out! Vinnie pops back up and signals the end to the crowd who begin cheering his name. Lane lifts Mystica to his feet but Mystica hits an eye poke, sending Lane tumbling backwards. Game Boy gets up and starts charging towards Lane…

Clothesline from Purgatory! Harrison came out of nowhere! He wastes no time and lifts Game Boy to his feet…

From A Place of Hopelessness! Harrison kicks Game Boy out of the ring and turns around right into the MystiKick! Harrison falls to the mat in a heap as Mystica stands over him. He turns back towards Vinnie


Vinnie hooks the leg as the ref drops to the mat for the pin




Winner - Vinnie Lane and LH Harrison

Austin Fernando and Unknown Soldier
- vs -
Peter Gilmour and Michael McBride
Standard One Fall

Dangerous by Shaman's Harvest plays

Austin Fernando strides out confidently to the top of the entrance ramp, standing front and centre in front of the entire crowd with an almost sadistic smile on his face, cranking his head from side to side, he paces down to the ring and hops up onto the apron lightly. He stops again for a moment and bounds straight over the top rope, clearing it easily. Bouncing around lightly on his feet he crosses over to the bottom right turnbuckle and steps up onto the top turnbuckle, raising one arm triumphantly into the air. The crowd giving him mixed reactions, he steps down from the top rope and stays in the bottom right corner he placed himself in, stretching himself out and preparing himself for the match ahead.

"Hail Satan" by Crucifyre plays

The entire arena is shadowed in a cloud of smoke and darkness when out of the sky comes a red beaming light that traces a pentagram into the center of the ring. The pentagram continues to rotate in the center of the ring as Unknown Soldier sways out from underneath the dark archway entering the ring. His eyes gleam against the darkness surrounding his entrance. Step by step he closes in on that squared battleground. He climbs between the two middle turnbuckles, then turns to his corner of the ring. Kneeling down in the corner, he searches underneath his collar, pulling out from underneath his shirt, the silver pentagram... Then bringing it off his head, and into the palm of his two hands. He closes his eyes and pulls the silver pentagram towards his forehead, touching it... Then he raises his body up, and opens his eyes. He pulls the chains apart, then entangles the pentagram around his corner turnbuckle. Then drops it, and lets it dangle off it, facing the outside of the ring... He turns around gripping his chest, where the pentagram used to be, then takes a deep sigh, running the other hand through his hair....

Sick Like Me by In This Moment plays

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of SICK LIKE ME by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see Peter Gilmour and his lovely queen Maria Brink #2 come out to the ramp. They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and hugs Maria as they wait his next victim.

Rose Tattoo by Dropkick Murphys' plays

Rose Tattoo By Dropkick Murphys hits over the P.A. system. Michael walks out ready to fight as he checks his gloves. He walks down the ramp. He walks to the steel stairs and walks up them. Once at the top he stops and turns around and looks at the crowd and smirks before he steps between the ropes and leans back on the nearest corner and looks at his opponent with a smirk on his face.

Fernando and Gilly start off in the ring, Fernando with a quick kick to the gut, followed by a punch to the skull, and another, but Gilly isn’t backing down, he is able to return a punch, and then with an uppercut, Fernando is staggering backward, and Gilly with a spinning heel kick…

Which is ducked by Fernando, who is able to cleanly evade the strike, and hit Gilly with his own dropkick! Gilly staggers backward from the dropkick, and Fernando is quick to follow up, locking his arm over the head and lifting Gilly up off of the floor! Fernando holds him up in the air for a second, and then drops back, slamming Gilly back first off the canvas, Fernando rolls over him and hooks the leg, going for an early pinfall!

ON-NO! Gilly kicked out almost instantly!

Gilly and Fernando both got up to their feet at the same time, but this time Gilly is the one who is able to get the first blow in, a quick lariat and Fernando is flattened to the mat. Gilly has Fernando by the hair, and is slowly lifting him up to his feet… now he is wrapping him up… and drops Fernando right into his knee! Gilly slams his knee right into the gut, connecting with a rib or two on the way down! Fernando gasps out in pain, as Gilly rolls him over and goes for a cover of his own!


Fernando kicked out before the two count!

Gilly is up to his feet, and he’s bringing Fernando along with him, now Gilly swoops around to Fernando’s back, and hooks him up from behind, going for a Russian leg sweep!

Fernando is able to stop himself from getting dropped backward, and instead hits Gilly right in the face with a sharp elbow! Gilly lets go of his grasp, and Fernando turns around, locks Gilly up, and hits him with a quick scoop slam! Followed up by an elbow-drop! Fernando with another pinfall!


TW-NO! Gilly with another kick-out!

Now Fernando has a wide smile on his face, as he slowly picks up Gilly, bringing the man up to his feet, Fernando is now throwing out another hooking punch… which is dodged by Gilly, who is able to lock up Fernando instantly and tosses him over his head with a belly-to-belly suplex! Fernando crashed off the canvas, and Gilly ran right up to him once more, leaping up into the air and hitting Fernando with a solid leg-drop!

Gilly is already back up to his feet, and is looking down at Fernando with an evil grin, he is lifting Fernando up once more, and is now swinging out a huge boot that is going to connect with Fernando’s face…

Fernando spins out of harms way, and ends up behind Gilly, he locks him up from behind, and drops to the canvas, hitting him with a neckbreaker! Both Fernando and Gilly are down now, and both men are crawling to their corners, Fernando is able to tag in Soldier first, Gilly isn’t trying to tag in McBride though, instead flipping him off! But McBride tags himself in, slapping Gilly on the chest, he steps through the ring ropes, but is shoved back into the corner by Gilly! Both men are getting in each other’s faces…

And McBride is flattened from a flying clothesline, courtesy of Unknown Soldier! McBride is slammed to the floor, Gilly steps out to the apron, as Unknown Soldier begins to lay into McBride, pummelling him with a flurry of punches and kicks. Unknown Soldier then grabs McBride by the head, dragging him up to his feet… and a rocking uppercut from Soldier, sending McBride staggering back. But McBride isn’t out of it yet! He returns the favour with a stiff elbow to the jaw!

Uppercut from Soldier!

Elbow from McBride!

Headbutt from Soldier!

A clubbing shot from McBride, slamming off the chest of Soldier!

Soldier staggers back slightly, and McBride runs forward… but he’s caught by Soldier, and sent flying over the top rope, out to ringside. Soldier looks out to the crowd, paces back and forth slightly… and then charges to the ropes! He dives right over them, and sends himself crashing into McBride, both men go flying into the barricade, nearly breaking it upon impact! Both men are laid out on the canvas, and the referee is starting the count.

One! Neither man is stirring.

Two! Still nothing.

Three! An involuntary movement from Soldier.

Four! Soldier has rolled over onto his side.

Five! Soldier is starting to get back up, McBride is still struggling to move.

Six! Soldier is nearly up to his feet, he’s on one knee!

Seven! Soldier is up, and he’s sliding back into the ring!

Eight! Gilly has come over to McBride, and he’s dragging him up by the hair!

Nine! Gilly has tossed McBride back into the ring, saving his team the match!

But before McBride can even react…


That spear just snapped McBride in half! Soldier for the cover!



THR-NO! Saved by Gilly!

Soldier is shocked, he looks over to Gilly, who slyly made his way back over to the apron, Soldier shook his head, and got up to his feet, and then…

Fernando with the blind tag, and now it’s Soldier’s turn to shove his partner away! Both men are staring right at one another, Fernando is pointing toward McBride’s prone body in frustration, and Soldier is pointing his finger right into Fernando’s chest in anger! Fernando turns away from Soldier and runs right into a…

Wristlock Suplex from McBride! McBride is back up to his feet! He lifts Fernando back up tiredly, following straight after the move, and hits Fernando with a spinning heel kick! NO!!! Fernando ducked the kick and then out of nowhere destroyed Michael McBride with the End of the Road and then a cover.




Winner - Austin Fernando and Unknown Soldier

Soldier and Fernando are advancing to round two. Gilmour is pissed. He climbs into the ring and looks down on McBride, he lifts him up...GILMOUR CUTTER!!!

And another!!!

"Fuck you McBitch. You cost me this tournament."

Unknown Soldier remains standing on the ring apron staring at his friend demolish his partner as the show fades to commercial.

We come back from commercial and we see Austin Fernando walking the halls of the arena clearly in search of something or someone.. He cuts down a few hallways and then behind a set of double doors and disappears as the scene transitions to Ozymandias' officer. The door to his office swings upon and in steps Austin Fernando.

"I'm out."

"Who are you?"

"Don't act like you don't know who I am, I'm Austin God Damn Fernando."

"Well, God Damn, I'm glad you're finally out. I bet that feels like a weight has been lighted off your shoulders. Not sure why you decided to come out to me but ok."

"What? No. Not that. Out of Lethal Lottery."

"But you just won."

"Oh so you do know who I am."

"You're the guy who joined my friend Paul Heyman's Alliance one week and then ditched them the next. Yes I know exactly who you are."

"That was business."

"So you say. So you want out of Lethal Lottery? Why?"

"To focus on the Madness Stampede. The Hart Title."

"So let me see if I am understanding you correctly. You want to ditch an event on Warfare to focus on an event hosted by the guy you just betrayed? Is that what you are telling me."

"Nothing gets by you."

"Wow. They sure don't make em like they used to. Sure kid, you want to do this, fine. There are others out there deserving of your spot."

"Oh yeah then why didn't they win?"

"Because not everyone has a partner like Soldier to carry them through a match."

"Are you blind, I scored the pinfall."

"Sure kid, whatever makes you feel better about yourself. Are we done? I've got a show to run."

Fernando pauses for a moment and then turns and exits the office.

Dim Gilmourdow and Sebastian Duke © - Intercontinental Champion
- vs -
Pest and Eli James
Standard One Fall

"Rock Star" plays as Dimallisher walks out shaking hands with the fans. His lovely manager, Sandy Smith, follows behind. He grabs her by the waist and makes out with her on the ring apron while she grabs a handful of his dick.

With the illusion that the entire arena is on fire, O Fortuna hits. The flames continue to burn as Sebastian Duke finally emerges. Not from backstage, but from beneath, as if he's coming from the depths of hell. Once Duke reaches the stage, he slowly makes his way to the ring, the flames raising and lowering to the beat of the drums in O Fortuna.

The Pest walks to the ring, wearing a fedora, and a long black jacket, accompanied by Aaron and Angela.. He removes the jacket, and hat. Pause. He hands the jacket to the girl, and places the hat on the head of the boy.

The lights go out. The music starts to play... the lights come on very dim with a blue haze with fog smoke everywhere. Eli makes his way to the ring smiling and taking is precious time.. he's in no hurry.

All four men stand looking at each other in the ring, Dim and Sebastian on the left, Pest and Eli James on the right. The referee stands between all four men as he calls for the bell. Eli James heads straight to the apron of the ring, leaving Pest to start the match. Dim and Sebastian have a short conversation, before Duke brushes past The Dimallisher and heads to the apron himself.

The referee steps back as Pest and Dim circle each other. They lock up in a collar and elbow tie up, both men very evenly matched at 260lbs a piece and Pest only with an inch height advantage at 6'6”. Dim takes the ascendency though as he quickly lands a kick right to the balls of Pest, dropping him to his knees and breaking the lock-up. Dim runs and bounces off the ropes, coming back and catching Pest with a hard boot to the face! Wasting little time, Dim lifts Pest to his feet and drags him to the corner, throwing him hard into the turnbuckle and immediately raining right hands down on him as the crowd chants along...










Dim stops and walks away to the opposite corner with a huge smile on his face, showing his lack of teeth. He turns and charges at Pest as the crowd shouts “OOOOOOHHHHHHH”... Dim goes for a huge corner clothesline, but Pest ducks out of the way and Dim crashes chest first into the turnbuckle, staggering back a couple of steps. Pest lands a dropkick to the back of Dim, which causes him to bounce chest first off the turnbuckle again. Pest scrambles to his feet as Dim staggers back and wraps his arms around Dim's waist. Pest pops his hips and drags the huge frame of Dim over his head, sending the back of his head and neck crashing into the canvas with a huge German Suplex! Pest goes for the early cover!



NO! Duke with a vicious right foot to the back of Pest's head to break up the count. Eli steps half way through the ropes as if he is about to get involved, but thinks better of it as Duke takes his leave back to the apron. Pest drags Dim over to his corner and tags Eli, the referee smacking his hands together to indicate the tag. Pest exits to the apron as Eli steps through the ropes and begins laying right boots into the back of Dim's head. Eli takes a couple of steps towards Duke and points at him, taunting the King of Darkness. Duke goes to step through to get involved but the referee hurries over to stop him. With the referees attention diverted, Eli drags Dim to his feet and holds his arms behind his back...


Pest just levelled Dim with a steel chair! Pest drops the chair and stands innocently on the apron, hands in the air with the tag rope between his fingers. Dim drops lifelessly to the mat as Eli lays on top for the pin.



Thr-NO! Dim's foot is on the bottom rope! Pest kicks his foot off in frustration as Eli gets to his feet, dragging Dim up along with him. Eli lifts Dim up for a huge Gorilla Press Slam and sends him crashing to the canvas. Eli goes for the cover again.



Dim shoots his right shoulder off the canvas! Eli look frustrated as he picks Dim up once more. Eli whips Dim into the ropes beside Pest, attempting a clothesline as Dim rebounds, but The Dimallisher ducks underneath and rebounds off the opposite side of the ring.. Eli goes for another standing lariat but again Dim ducks underneath and this time nails a huge big boot to the face of Pest, sending him sprawling off the apron! Dim turns around just in time to see Eli James charging at him but Dim ducks low and sends Eli James flying over the top rope with a back body drop that sees him go crashing into Pest, both men hitting the ground hard! Dim drops to his knees, exhausted, as Sebastian Duke hangs desperately over the top rope calling for a tag. The XWF Universe is going nuts trying to will Dim to the corner. He begins to crawl slowly....

He's half way as Eli and Pest begin to stir on the outside...

He's three quarters as the two men get to their feet and realise what's happening...

He is within lunging distance! He holds out his arm, his hand mere inches from that of Sebastian Duke!

Dim musters all his strength and lunges! TAG!

NO! As he lunged, Eli James managed to grab his right leg and drag him backwards, following up with a sharp elbow across the back of Dim's head! Eli quickly tags Pest, who enters the ring and picks Dim back up to his feet. Pest whips Dim into the corner where Eli is catching his breath and charges in after him, leaping for a huge corner splash, but Dim ducks out of the way with Pest in mid air and immediately takes off for the ropes. Pest comes down hard, his jaw bouncing off the top turnbuckle and the force causing him to spin around only to be met with a huge lariat from Dim which turns him inside out! And both men are sprawled out on the mat in the centre of the ring! The crowd pops as both Eli and Duke hang over the top rope encouraging their respective partners to make a much needed tag!

Dim and Pest both begin to crawl to their respective corners.....

Dim looks to be really struggling.......

Pest is so close.....



Duke gets in the ring just in time to duck underneath an attempted clothesline from Eli! James hits the turnbuckle, but it's as if he just bounced off the ropes as he comes flying back towards Duke at break-neck speed... SNAP POWERSLAM! Duke just caught Eli on the rebound and Eli is arching his back in pain! Duke gets to his feet as Pest is running at him... BOSSMAN SLAM! Duke is cleaning house! Duke drags Pest to his feet, whipping him into the corner and following up with a huge corner splash! Pest staggers out and Duke wraps his right hand firmly around the throat of Pest, throwing his arm over his shoulder.. a huge chokeslam! Pest's back hits the canvas hard and he grabs at his lower spine before rolling onto his stomach and beginning to crawl to the ropes.. the crowd is going nuts!

Duke notices Pest grab onto the bottom rope and pull himself over to it, leaning on it with his head poking out of the ring. Sebastian wastes little time as he rolls out of the side of the ring and runs around the corner, gathering momentum and driving his right boot hard into the side of Pest's jaw as the crowd scream “OOOOOOHHH!” in unison! Pest crumples to the floor on the outside and Duke flicks his long hair back over his head. He rolls into the ring as Eli slowly gets to his feet. Duke stalks him as the crowd lights up in anticipation.

Eli gets to his feet and Duke hits a thunderous right hand, sending Eli sprawling backwards to the ropes. Duke follows him over, grabs him by the arm and whips him across the ring.. on the rebound, Duke catches James with a big boot right to the jaw! The King of Darkness drags Eli straight to his feet and whips him into the corner, following up with a huge corner clothesline!

A massive thrust to the throat!

The Soul Shot! The crowd erupts as it knows what's coming!

Duke backs off a couple of feet as Eli staggers out and throws a wild right, which Duke catches, dragging him to the ground! DEVIL'S TRIANGLE!!!!! (Hell's Gate)!

Duke has the submission locked in tight! Eli has nowhere to go and is screaming in agony!

The referee asks Eli, who says no as he tries to pull himself forward with his free arm, but Sebastian Duke is too heavy to move!


IS HE......?

YE-SMACK! Pest with a Springboard Dropkick from the apron right to the face of Sebastian Duke, breaking the hold and leaving Duke seemingly out on the mat! All four men are down as the crowd are going nuts, a hurricane of boos and cheers!

John Madison climbs up onto the ring apron and starts screaming at the ref wanting to know why he didn't DQ Pest on the spot.

What the hell?

Two men just hoped the guardrail....

It's Theo Pryce and John Samuels. What the hell are they doing here?

Theo pulls up the ring apron and starts frantically searching for something.

Samuels slides into the ring, grabs Pest by the throat....WELCOME TO TEXAS MOTHERFUCKER(two handed chokebomb).

Sebastian Duke is using the ropes to pull himself up. As he gets to his feet he see's his brother Theo standing on the side of the ring.

Samuels slides out of the ring as Eli starts getting to his feet.

Duke looks over at Eli then back at Theo.

"Here you go."

A shovel?

Theo Pryce just tossed his brother a shovel.

Duke grabs a hold of it tightly, his fingers turning white he's gripping the shovel so hard...he rears back....


Sebastian Duke just caves in Eli James skull with that shot.

The King Of Darkness tosses the shovel back out of the ring to his brother who then happily places it back under the ring.

John Madison climbs down from the ring apron just as Sebastian Duke makes the cover...




WInner - Sebastian Duke and Dim Gilmourdow

Madison slides into the ring to celebrate with the team that he has managed to victory. The other two Kings also climb into the ring. Theo shakes hands with his brother with Samuels does the same with Madison. Theo then extends his hand to Madison who accepts and with that Theo Pryce and John Samuels climb out of the ring, walk up the entry ramp and disappear into the back.

Duke is about to leave the ring with his Intercuntinental Title in hand, but John Madison stops him. Duke's exit music is paused as he turns his attention back to John in the ring. John is extending his hand, has Duke just earned his respect? Duke walks up to John, still unsure of his next move, but before he can decide, he's taken out from behind by The Dimallisher. Dimallisher is now putting the boots to Duke while John cheers him on. John asks for a microphone.

John Madison: "This could have been easy Duke, but no, you had to piss off my client by slacking off tonight. Dim's gonna have to punish you now. Tell him what you're gonna do, Dim!"

Dim takes the mic.

Dimallisher:"Well Mr. Duke. As you know, I am a prophet, chosen by God himself. You, Sebastian Duke, are a ! At least, that's what I think. It's time for you to go up on trial and answer for your crimes against humanity. God is your judge and I am your executioner!"

At that moment Dimallisher picks up Duke by his waist and grabs onto both of Duke's butt cheeks. It's like a modified bear hug, an ass hug. Dimallisher is squeezing the life out of Duke with this bizarre ass hug maneuver. Dim shakes Duke around some and then holds him steady. Then he takes is middle and ring fingers AND BEGINS TO FORCE THEM INTO DUKE'S ASSHOLE! My God, he's drilling into Duke's butthole like an oil well. Duke is gasping in pain as Dim hugs him with one arm and checks his oil with the other.

John Madison: "I know this is very uncomfortable for you Duke, but Dim says it's the only way."

Duke is trying to fight out of the hold but his struggling only makes him more tired as Dim continues his ass hug - butt hole claw dual submission.

]color=#FFDAB9]John Madison: "The rules are simple, Duke. If you tap out or submit, it means you aren't a . If you refuse to tap out, well it means you've passed out from the pleasure which makes you a flaming homosexual. Me and Dim call this hold The Cleanser. And your trial begins now!"[/color]

Duke doesn't respond to any of what John said. All he can do is try to fight out of the hold. He almost breaks free at one point but John takes the Intercontinental Title and levels Duke in the head.

John Madison: "What do you say, Duke? Give up already! Show us that you aren't a !"

Duke is now bleeding from his mouth. He must have internal injuries from that ass claw, or "The Cleanser" as John referred to it.

Duke finally slips into unconsciousness. Dim notices Duke's limp state and lets him fall to the mat.

Dimallisher: "It ain't nothin' personal, Duke. I'm just doin' God's work. PRAAAAAAAAAAAISE JEEEEEESUS!"

"Behold the King. The King of Kings."

The theme song of Ozymandias blasts out over the speakers as the fans erupt. Ozymandias walks out from the back where he crosses paths with Theo Pryce and John Samuels. The former of which shares a prolonged stare with Ozymandias before they disappear into the back for one last time.

Ozymandias walks down the ramp and gets in the ring, he signals for a microphone and one is given to him.

"Well, wasn't that just special? A little family reunion. And poor Eli, always seems to be on the receiving end of a beatdown from the Duke brothers. But we aren't here to talk about the quickly fading legacy of Eli James. Or the fact that you just gave Sebastian Duke an enema. No sir. The reason I am here is to make sure that those who put in the effort and may have still lost get rewarded for their troubles. You see, Lethal Lottery is a fantastic event in which people can be partnered with mortal enemies and pitted against best friends. Lethal Lottery keeps things interesting. And I am here to see that we keep that theme going. "

"You already saw that Austin Fernando has asked to be replaced despite winning and I am happy to grant his request. Additionally, Paolo Odbelis, who was carried to victory in tonight's opening match is also being replaced as Matt Oaktree said earlier. That means that there are two open spots for Round Two. And the lucky recipients of those spots are none other than Pest and The Firm's very own, Mr. Warfare, Peter Gilmour!!!"

Upon hearing the news Dim Gilmourdow starts jumping up and down like he just won a stuffed bear at a carnival. He even walks over to Ozymandias and gives him a big bear hug.

"Control your dog, John."

Madison pulls Dim off of Ozymandias, preventing the big dofus from mauling the GM any further. Ozymandias adjusts his suit and tie as his theme hits the airwaves again asWarfare comes to a close.

Tune in next week for Round Two of Lethal Lottery III.

OOC: The drawing for Round 2 as well as the card for next week will be posted later tonight. Additionally a new booking thread will be posted for the March 18th edition of Warfare which will not be part of Lethal Lottery.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Lucius Fyre Offline
The Living, Breathing Bad Omen

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

03-04-2015, 09:03 PM

(03-04-2015, 08:44 PM)Cain Said: "Soon, Lucius, you will get what you deserve. Not many weaklings get to cross me who aren't promptly crushed under my boot. You see, cockroach that you are, you've no need to fear the Orkin man. For it is Cain Arkham who you will fear..."

"...and respect."

I respect very few people, Cain. I sure as hell won't ever respect you. You could nearly murder me and my last words to you would be "Nice try" before I snap my own neck just to rob you of the pleasure of ending me. Oh, and thanks for comparing me to a cockroach. If cockroaches can survive a nuclear apocalypse, then staying alive against you shouldn't be a problem. And after staying alive, i'm going to make your life absolutely miserable until I manage to dispose of you.

"You shouldn't play with Fyre"
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Lucius Fyre Offline
The Living, Breathing Bad Omen

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

03-04-2015, 10:41 PM

(03-04-2015, 10:25 PM)Cain Said:
(03-04-2015, 09:20 PM)Lucius Fyre Said:
(03-04-2015, 09:05 PM)Cain Said: "You may yet survive a nuclear Apocalypse, fool. Please understand though, that nothing survives the wrath of a God."

Ha! You think you're a god? What the fuck kind of a god wrestles on T.V. every week?

"The God of Destruction, bitch boy. At least I do get on television twice a week."

If you are the God of Destruction, I shouldn't be alive right now. You would've finished me off when we had the 3-way.

"You shouldn't play with Fyre"
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

03-04-2015, 10:43 PM

round 2 like i told u all!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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