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You'd think it would snow in hell...
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-22-2015, 08:16 PM

"Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company."

― Mark Twain

[Image: gttO4ZK.jpg]

I'll save you a seat...

It's no secret how much the Doctor enjoys travel. He's displayed it multiple times as he traveled at the slowest possible pace between each of his sessions. Whether it be walking, a passenger in a car, or public transportation, it did not matter to the Doctor. He wasn't accustomed to the flying, however. It's not a matter of sickness or phobia. He just feels that he'd rather keep his feet on the ground. Be as close to his patients as possible at all times.

On this fine day in Wisconsin, the Doctor is taking a train from Chicago to Madison. This train does this trip several times a day. A mere hour and twenty-nine minutes is all it ever takes. It's quite convenient for the folks living upstate, as they're able to take a train to a completely different city than their own for work, or whatever else. Quite convenient for the Doctor as well, train's being his favorite means of transportation.

Patience is a virtue, but on this fine day the Doctor and his new little friend were the only ones displaying any of that...

The train has been stopped after just crossing the Illinois/Wisconsin border. A few miles up the track, according to the voice over the loud speaker, a snow drift has buried the tracks and made it impossible for the train to get through. There's a crew working on clearing the path, but as for right now the passengers are stuck.

The Doctor sits in his seat looking out the window while nearly everyone else in the train sits uncomfortably. The seat beside him is unoccupied, so he rests his briefcase there. A little girl sitting across the aisle next to her mother has been infatuated with the Doctor since they all climbed aboard in Chicago. She sat silently, in admiration the entire time. The Doctor barely noticed her, she was sitting on his bad side, after all.

He admires the children. Respects their innocence, he would say. Too young to truly be exposed to all of the hate in the world. Their minds so open. Their hearts completely pure. The young girl, maybe seven... eight years old, looks over at the Doctor and can no longer contain herself.


The Doctor smiles and turns his head to face her.

He looks past her to see the girl's mother passed out, her face mushed against the window. Dark circles surrounded the mother's eyes and her skin was as white as the Doctor's suit. Just like we talked about before, these children are innocent because they lack exposure of what the world is truly like. When someone like a child's parent doesn't protect them from it, they're already damned.

Hello, my dear.

"What happened to your eye?"

The Doctor smiles.


He laughs.

Let's just say the Doctor has a few friend issues at the moment.

"Your friends hurt your eye?"

No, no. I've always had a bit of trouble with this one... I suppose it just took one certain friend to convince the Doctor to start wearing the old eye patch. Does it bother you?

"No... I like it. You look like a pirate."

A pirate, you say?

The Doctor chuckles a bit again.

"What's your name?"

My name?

The little girl smiles and nods.

My name is Doctor Louis D'Ville.

But my friends call me 'Doc'.

"Like Snow White?"


"Can I call you, 'D-Doc'?"

Well, I would hardly say that we are friends, deary. That is, I don't even know you're name.

"I'm Lilly."

It's a pleasure to meet you, Lilly.

The reaches out his hand for the little girl to take. She jumps off of the seat and hopes across the aisle into the seat beside the Doctor. She shakes the Doctor's hand. He removes his briefcase from the seat beside him, allowing the little girl to sit down.

"Are you going to Mil-- Mil--.... Milwawwwki too, Doc?"

Indeed I am.

"Do you live there?"

No, no. Just visiting.

"Where do you live, Doc?"

Well, my dear, the Doctor does quite a bit of traveling. It's hard to pick one place to call his home. Let's just say, I'm from the south.

"The south? Like Florida?"

Yes! Like Florida! Not as many beaches though. And a bit warmer.

"Who are you visiting in Mmmmilwawwkiii."

More friends.

"Good friends? Not the ones that are mad at you?"

Well, that's hard to say, my dear Lilly. There just aren't too many friends of the Doctor who aren't a bit upset with him right now...

"You seem nice. Why would they be mad at you? Did you do something wrong?"

You see, that's the thing. I've done nothing wrong. I've done everything right. I think that upsets a few of the fellows around here a bit.


Because they want what I have. When I do everything right, there's no chance for them to ever get it. Ever.

"What do they want?"

The Doctor smiles at the little girl and her endless, innocent list of questions.

Allow me to show you.

The Doctor picks his briefcase up from beside the seat and shows it to the little girl.

"They want your suitcase??"

The little girl asked with a puzzling look. The Doctor laughs a bit then waves his finger at the young girl.

Not quite. It's what's inside that they want, deary.

The Doctor opens the briefcase and shows the girl his XWF X-Treme Title and a contract for whatever type of title match he desires.

You see, my dear Lilly, instead of earning their way to the top like I have they choose to sneak up on the Doctor. They choose to use tricks and treachery to attempt to gain the advantage against me, which has never worked. Out of the eleven other competitors, there's only four that have never attempted to take this title from me. The others? Have already failed. Now I know that the X-Treme Title may be the last thing on everyone's mind right now. Perhaps they don't realize that during this tournament, there will be two titles on the line while I'm in the ring. Not one, but two. The winner of this main event will reward a new Intercontinental Champion, as well as a new X-Treme Champion. If any of you manage to pin the Doctor in this event, my title is yours.

Yes, Aaron Underwood, Frodo Smackins, Goat Face Killa, Austin Fernando, Hysteria, Aerial Knight, and TJ Wallace... Whether it has been a sneaky pin attempt or a session with the Doctor, you've all had your encounters with the Doctor. You know, I've slightly fibbed about that a bit. Aaron Underwood, it was your treachery that has gotten the Doctor's recent attention. I'm not sure what your business was attempting to pose a distraction, but I don't like it. I've proven time and time again that there isn't a single competitor here that is going to take this title from me. Especially in an unscheduled match. And why someone would want to help out Maverick is beyond me. If you mange to get past your first opponent, which judging by your previous work, I doubt, I'll look forward to showing you first hand what I'm truly capable of since you've chosen to stick your nose in my business.

Speaking of you opponent... Mister Desmond! I don't believe we've had a proper introduction. My name, sir, is Doctor Louis D'Ville, and yes, I am the current XWF X-Treme Champion, which I've held for nearly three months, not two, my friend. I am a soon-to-be holder of TWO 24/7 Briefcases. I am the King of the XWF. The King, Mister Desmond. You have the gull to call me over-rated when you have NOTHING to back that up on. You attack my ability in the ring? Really? If my performance in the past hasn't impressed someone then they are blind, simple as that. I have not lost in five months. You yourself even spouted off a few of my recent accolades here. The XWF's own Royal Rumble, which I was also victorious. Which grants me ANOTHER title shot. My pockets are filled with contracts for title matches that I have yet to redeem. You've been lucky enough to be included in this tournament after just a few short weeks of returning to the XWF. That's right, lucky. You're lucky that the XWF is so very generous with their title shots. It almost seems like that don't know what to do half the time with their champions. A week ago, for example, I posed a challenge to all comers here in the XWF. I challenged up to three other competitors to step into the ring with me. Two stepped up. Where were you, Mister Desmond? Where was everyone? The two were Asylum member, Herod and newest XWF imbecile, Goat Face Killa. Surely, the target was placed on my back for that match. Once again, I overcame the odds and defended my title. As I will do throughout this tournament, straight to the end when I become the first ever XWF Intercontinental Champion.

Look back to last week, Mister Killa. You seem a bit disappointed with the outcome, it's understandable. Whether you were the one pinned or not you still lost the match, my friend. Just like if you would have pinned our other opponent, Herod, you would have walked away the X-Treme Champion. However, you didn't. Continuing to verbally bash me because you were not the one with your shoulders pinned to the mat in the end is foolish. You're not better than the Doctor, Mister Goat Face. I understand that you've recently suffered a loss to Top Gun, as well. How are you going to justify that? I've beaten Maverick twice. And if you count how I completely out performed him at War Games, that would make three. I'm always welcoming challengers, Mister Killa, so if you believe you've been cheated out of your chance to become the X-Treme Champion, feel free to try again. You may even have your chance if you manage to get past the 'Messiah of Pain'. You obviously have an issue with underestimating certain talent around here. I wouldn't make the same mistake a third time, my friend. You missed your chance again him during the gauntlet match, after being eliminated by Queen Burchill. But, of course, you did just get done man-handling six other no-names. The same goes for you, Cain. You're already lined up to face the Television Champion here soon and here you are placed in a tournament for Warfare's very own Intercontinental Championship. As I said recently, you and I have never actually had chance to meet face to face. I look forward to meeting new patients, indeed, so good luck to you against the Goat. You've gone on before for the amount of respect that you have for the Doctor.

Respect me, do you?

Where's the respect now?

The only person that you claim is going to give you any trouble is Sebastian Duke, aye? Where have you been? Where has Mister Duke been? He comes back, takes down a a demon from his past, and sits upon his Throne of Darkness looking down at all of you. Forgive me if I fail to see threat there, gentlemen. Of course, his accolades precede him, but this is a new day and age here in the XWF. You're not the only one to focus on Mister Duke, Cain, but to pin point one single threat in this entire tournament? Come now, I know you've made some poor observations in your past here, your record clearly shows it. But take a lesson for the rest of the XWF and realize that Mister Duke is not the only King around here that you need to be worrying about.

"You sure have a lot of friends, Doc."

Indeed I do, my dear Lilly! I'm far from finished though... The Hobbit will be there as well!

"Hobbit?? I looooooove hobbits!"

Oh, dear...

"What's his name? What's he like?"

Hm. Lilly, my little friend, I don't believe you would particularly care for this hobbit... This isn't the kind of hobbit you're probably used to seeing. Don't get me wrong, this hobbit lives in a hole. He enjoys parties. And I'm sure he's had countless of little hobbit-sized adventures. But this stinky, nasty, foul-mouthed little hobbit doesn't belong in the little tales that you've familiarized yourself with. I suppose he'd resemble someone from a different tale, my dear. Are you familiar with the tale of the troll who lives under the bridge?

"Yeah....... The scary troll that wanted to eat the billy goats?"

One of the same, my dear. This nasty little creature pops in whenever he feels like it, much like a few others around here, and sticks his nose where it does not belong. Another XWF'r who fails to believe in precedence. I don't believe you have the stamina to withstand a tournament such as this one, Mister Frodo. I don't believe you have the ability to keep up with the rest of us competing for the Intercontinental Championship. I've bested you, Justin Sane has bested you, I'm sure the list goes on and on. You're cockiness does you nothing for you and your barrage of insults are like a broken record playing over and over and over again. You're old news, my friend. How many crucial matches do you have to lose to get the hint? We may as well place you in that same category with Sebastian Duke, Peter Gilmour, Eli James, and Morbid Angel. You're all old news. The future of this fine federation is before you, staring you directly in the face, carrying the crown of the XWF, and carrying the X-Treme Title.

The voice from the speaker comes back on.

"Okay, folks, we've been informed that we can start moving down the line again. Everyone return to your seats and we'll have you in Milwaukee before you know it."

The train begins slowly moving again.

"Lilly! Get over here now!"

The little girl's mother wakes up and snaps at her a bit. The little girl jumps from the seat by the Doctor and returns to the seat by her mother.

"What did I tell you about talking to strangers, Lilly?!"

The Doctor tries to ignore the woman scolding the little girl and begins watching out the window once again.

So many competitors in this match have no clue what is in store for them. Well, actually, perhaps Mister Wallace remembers. Mister Wallace has been extremely active during my reign as the X-Treme Champion. His pin attempts. My first title defense at Madfare. It seemed to me like the fellow would never learn. It appears that the Innovator of Silence is finally living up to his name. Remaining silent thus far in an opportunity that he would be foolish to pass up. Someone like you, Mister Wallace, should take advantage of every opportunity that's given to him. It's alright to be a bit discouraged with the fact that your first round opponent cannot be beaten. It's fine to be a little scared. But to remain silent, Mister Wallace? Don't disappoint. All that remaining silent is doing for you is proving the inevitable to everyone here in the XWF. All your proving is that you completely agree with the statistics and the predictions. Not a single person here in the XWF believes you'll make it past me in Round One.

How do you feel about that, Mister Wallace? Do you suppose that there is a fraction of hope for you in this tournament? Do you believe that you could overcome not only the fastest rising star here in the XWF, the Doctor, but all of the others lining up for a shot at this title, as well? You've been floating around here for quite some time, yet you have no true accolades to share with the rest of us, do you? You're failing Underground only reflects your success here, with the only true competitor there being Mister Loverboy, who I am very proud to see is finally getting the chances that he's deserved for so long now. Then, of course, is the Knight. The Knight may consider our previous match as a victory over the Doctor. That tally belongs under the same category as his Television Title reign, however. If no one can remember our session, it was originally scheduled a one on one. But, before it was completely booked, someone else was penciled into the match as well. Mister Wyatt Reynolds. To basically sum it up, friends, Mister Wyatt and I had a few things to settle on our own, Mister Knight just reaped the benefits. I chose to prove a good point rather than to get my hand raised in the end. So, while I was lighting up Mister Reynolds in the ring, Mister Knight lied unconscious outside the ring. My persistence and ignorance got the best of me that night and Mister Heartsford woke up to a victory. I understand you remember the King of the XWF tournament as well, Mister Knight? Yes. It seems you're the only one here who can already see their fate written on the wall. History repeats itself, my friend, and if you do actually manage to escape the first round... I doubt you'll make it much further than that. That's considering a lot too, Mister Knight. I've never had a single encounter with Mister Sane to this date, so this is a bit of a shot in the dark, but I believe his potential exceeds yours a bit. His confidence surely does.

Mister Sane! How is it being a 24/7 Briefcase holder, my friend?

Tell me, how is it that you acquired that briefcase anyway? Oh, that's right. You were the Superstar of the Month, correct? Hm, that's odd. I was the Superstar of the Month once, as well... I never received a pat on the back, let alone a 24/7 Briefcase. Much like your Tag Team Titles as well, of course, they had a price, now didn't they? For a gentleman of your self proclaimed ability, you've been handed quite a few things here in the XWF. I've earned everything that I've received. I've won, everything that I have. The crown, which you were chasing as well. The briefcase. And the X-Treme Title. Do you expect to actually run through this tournament and EARN a title?


I don't understand why you're all so blind to what's going to happen here. What is so different from every other time that I step into the squared circle? The cast, perhaps. Sebastian Duke?

If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me?

Absences do not make you any more of an icon, Mister Duke. You speak to me as if you're still some kind of superpower here in the XWF. The respect you claim to have for me is just something in your head reminding you of a greater time in the XWF. A greater time for you. When all of your old friends gathered around you and you had battle after battle with some of the old greats. Eli James, Mark Flynn, McCallister... All of them are no where in sight now. You remain.

It is quite exciting to think about though isn't it? The King of Darkness going one on one, man to man, with the King of the XWF. Perhaps the reason you like me so much is that we share a few common features. This darkness that you hail from.... I'm familiar with the darkness as well, my friend. The shadows are something that I dance along with every night. You can bet everything you fancy on the fact that there is no doubt that you and I will be facing off in the second round. Who will walk away? It's a sure toss-up. But I rarely fail, Mister Duke. When there's something here that I want, I take it. I take it mercilessly. I take it by force. During all of these 'legendary superstars' absences, I've become a solid staple for this fine federation. I've become the face that everyone has grown to fear. Look around, Mister Duke, this isn't the same 'playground' that you used to rule. This isn't the same XWF that it was before your little hiatus. This is the Doctor's XWF now. I don't have to step away for several months and reemerge just to make sure everyone remembers who I am. If you want the same respect that you had before you left, I suggest you start with the Doctor, Mister Duke. Having reruns of old XWF matches isn't the way you're going to impress us.

So, when Warfare is over and your sitting in the back watching the final match. When I reach up and claim my second singles title, remember my words. And I'll remember your ambition. It won't be long until the Duke and the Doc face off, my friend. What an extravagant session it will be indeed.

Walking away from the Doctor, win or lose, Mister Duke, will be the highest highlight in your entire career here. Even after the countless of matches you've had here, the countless victories... The one with the Doctor will stand out the most. It is not I that will be changed afterward, sir. The entire XWF itself will be changed.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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