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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
He cares about World History and Current Events...
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
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02-22-2015, 09:25 PM

The scene fades into the interior of the Toronto Pearson International Airport. Specifically Gate E - 7 where upon Tommy Gunn walks out dressed for what he anticipates will be a cold winter day in "The Queen City". As soon as Gunn makes it through the main terminal he is mobbed by a group of adoring fans. And by mobbed I mean approached and by group I mean 2. Two young boys probably around his nephews age.

"Mr. Gunn, Mr. Gunn can we have your autograph?" The young boy says as he holds out a poster with Tommy Gunn on it.

"No can do kid. My Manager says that I can't sign anything for free. Jewish Policy."

"Really? But we are your biggest fans."

Before Tommy can respond an older gentlemen, presumably the kids father or maybe just a creeper approaches Gunn and the boys.

"Everything ok here?"

"He won't sign our poster."

"Really? You won't sign something for a couple'a kids?"

"That''s right."

"What are you some kind of asshole or something?"

"Tell you what fella, because I am not in the mood to make your kids fatherless I'm going to ignore that comment and be on my way."

The man says nothing and instead lets Tommy walk past them. Tommy gets a few feet away and then inexplicably stops. He lowers his head and stands motionless for a few seconds before he turns around and walks back to the father and his two sons.

"Tell you what kids. I'll sign that poster but you have to promise me something ok?"

"Anything Mr. Gunn."

"Alright. When you grow up, promise me you won't be sackless shitbags like your father here. When someone threatens to beat you to death don't just stand there like someone ripped your balls off. Get up in their face and put them down." Gunn says to the kids. As he finishes his statement he stands straight up and stares right at the kids father sizing him up hoping, praying that the guy grows a pair and hits him. But he doesn't. Instead the man just lowers his head in shame.

"That's what I thought."

The taller of the two boys hands Tommy a black sharpie which Tommy takes and using the sharpie signs the boys poster. Tommy hands the sharpie back to the kids and then goes on his merry way as the XWF camera's follow him. So much so that Gunn decides to just give them a sound bite otherwise they might never leave him alone.

"God damn Mastermind. Just when I thought you couldn't possibly be any dumber you go and say something like this:

Mastermind Said:Unquote. I can guarantee that I really don't know the ins and outs of the Heyman Alliance, but I'm a great observer and well you both failed to bring up the topic of one Justin Sane. He recently joined the Heyman Alliance. Just like Fernando.

"Wait...what? Let me think here for a second. I don't drink. I don't do drugs and I haven't been hit over the head lately so how the fuck could I have missed this? Or did I miss this? Is it possible that Mastermind got his facts wrong? I mean I guess it could be. He did say that he takes his World History and Current Events very serious but there's just no way I missed something as big as Justin Sane joining the Heyman Alliance. Especially since Paul and I always talk about these things before they happen. No problem though. Paul did give me Sane's number so I'll just call him right now and get this all straightened out."

Gunn walks over to a bank of pay phones. He grabs the phone and takes it off of the receiver. He then reaches into his pocket and puts some change out, he extracts the amount needed and then inserts it into the machine. Next he punches in Justin Sane's phone number and waits for Justin to pick up. While waiting Tommy turns around and looks directly into the camera.

"Here get in real close, I think you're going to want to hear this."

The camera crew gets in real close as instructed. On the fourth ring Justin Sane answers.

"Whose this?"

"Justin this is Tommy Gunn."


"Tommy Gunn. Heyman Alliance, Tommy Gunn. You know the guy who shut Frodo up a few weeks ago when he was talking nonsense about purchasing tag team titles."

"Oh right, that guy. What's up Tom?"

"It's Tommy actually. But anyway have I been in a coma for a few weeks or did you recently join the Heyman Alliance?"

"What? The Heyman Alliance? Fuck no. I'm Defiance till the end. Where did you hear such a thing?"

"Mastermind said it in a promo."

"He did? What is wrong with him? I'd never join the Alliance. No offense."

"It's fine. We've already hit our quota for overhyped superstars now that Fernando joined. Anyway thanks for the confirmation Sane."

Tommy hangs up the phone and then looks back at the cameras.

"You see Mastermind. I'm not losing my mind. But you might be though. You see I never got the memo about Justin Sane joining the Heyman Alliance because Justin Sane never joined the Heyman Alliance. The Alliance currently consists of me and Kendall Sawyer. Steve Davids, wherever the fuck he is. Austin Fernando and Xavier Swann. Oh wait...maybe that's it. DId you convince Swann and Sane? I could see how one could make that mistake. They sound so similar....oh wait, no they don't. What I meant to say is that they look so much alike...wait...that's not it either. Oh fuck it. I'm not even going to bother trying to figure out how you fucked that up so bad. Instead I'll just laugh at you for doing it. Way to go Mastermind. You really are a world class . How does one confuse Justin Sane and Xavier Swann. That's like confusing Peter Gilmour with any capable wrestler ever."

[Image: 3LZfkXY.jpg]

"So I guess the issue isn't that I didn't get the memo so much as it is there was no memo sent out. Tell me Mastermind, what memo were you reading? Or was it some fan fiction on some weird wrestling website that you frequent when you aren't Google searching "How to get over my abandonment issues now that my Dad has his own new family."?

"The Heyman Alliance babysitter? That's what you see when you look at me? I guess to some degree that's true. Paul did have me babysit Fernando when he first joined the group. But that was more about making sure that I could help lift Fernando's spirits by ensuring a victory in his first match since joining the Alliance than it was about baby sitting. I don't know how many babysitters also break faces but I guess they are out there. It's really sweet that you are trying to shit on Paul Heyman and his Alliance while also saying it's not personal. Sorry Mastermind but you can't have it both ways. I've already told Paul that I don't want the Alliance showing up during the match. I don't need their help to beat you. In fact I don't need help beating anyone unlike you who without me would be coming off a losing effort to Peter Gilmour. Now if Paul wants the Alliance to come out and give you a beating afterwards because of the things you've said this week, well that's on him and I certainly won't get in the way.

"Now let me see if I got this right because it honestly was really hard to decipher what the fuck it is you were saying. I said that you have only beaten Peter Gilmour one time and that it was because of me. And that you have lost to him every other time you guys have been in the ring together and your strategy for deflating that argument was to discuss all the times in which you guys have been on opposing sides and he and or his team has won? Hmmm. That's an interesting strategy. I see you are dipping into the "Well of Gilmour" claiming that because you weren't pinned you didn't technically lose. Interesting. If that's the case then why does your very own backstage page say the following:

Mastermind Said:MATCH #35:
Team Masters - Mastermind, Gator, Loverboy Vinnie Lane, Michael McBride and Ezekiel Carter Williams V
lost to
Team W. G. W. F. - Mr. W. G. W. F., Frodo Smackins (fake), Peter Gilmour, Scully and S.W.A.T
Ezekiel Carter Williams V was pinned - (Team) Loss #20:


MATCH #20:
vs Michael McBride, Elisha, Barney Green, Bobby Zi, Peter Gilmour
Lost but wasn't pinned - Barney Green was - Technicality #3

"Did you see what I saw Mastermind? What does that say on your page right after Ezekiel Carter Williams V was pinned? It says Loss #20. So then you did lose? Or did you not? Which is it?

Interestingly enough you didn't even factor in a decision for your match at Relentless. How does that work exactly? You didn't win the match, and it didn't end in a count out or a DQ. So then obviously you lost. Except you didn't factor it in. Oh that's right, you call it a technicality. That's a really creative way to call a loss something else. But make no mistake about it. It is a loss. If the goal is to win and you've failed to do that than you've lost. So let's see here by my count you've been in Gilmour's opponent 3 times and the one time I got involved was the one time you won...

[Image: apHvKKA.jpg]

Mastermind do me a favor, stop speaking about things you know nothing about. I didn't run from my government because I don't want to go back to war. I will gladly do to war against anyone but I will not work for the United States Armed Forces ever again. You might understand that if you ever had the balls to sign up to serve your country but you being a true coward never did that. Instead you learned how to be a professional wrestler. You have spent a lifetime training to be a wrestler where as I do it just for fun. I want that thought to bounce around your head tomorrow night while your head literally bounces around the ring. I want you to think about how you are getting beaten down by a guy who learned how to wrestle on the fly while you spent a lifetime trying to learn this craft. I have made the choice to walk away from the service after seeing how they treated my sister after her husband died in the line of duty and after seeing how they treated his son. Why should I give a shit about a Government that does not care about the soldiers it loses in the line of duty? The quick answer is that I shouldn't and thus I don't.

As for my nephew Christian. He doesn't need the money to go to college because it's already there waiting for him like it has been since the day he was born. His grandparents decided to donate some of their wealth towards making sure that Christian gets the best education money can buy. He doesn't need the United State Governments bribe money. His mother would never want me to take it and neither would he. Nice attempt at trying to give context to something you truly don't understand. Perhaps you should go back to crying about how your father doesn't love you and how he replaced your mother with some other whore that was happy to spread her legs and then shit out a few kids for him. Your father didn't talk to you for 26 years because he didn't need you anymore. He was thankfully to finally be rid of his failed offspring and with this new woman he got the chance to start all over again and best believe he took it. You are a failure as a son, if your sperm even works I'm sure you'll be a failure as a father and tomorrow night I am going show you again that you're a failure as a wrestler."

Gunn shoves the camera out of his face and proceeds through the airport until he gets outside where upon he gets into the limo that was waiting for him.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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