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The Pest and his celebration
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02-18-2015, 10:22 PM

The Receptionist is standing in the basement of the house. She is looking around. The room is dimly lit, like last time. There is a musty smell, the bucket of stale urine sits under a bench. The window is open wide, and the cold air and snow blow through. There is a heater in the middle of the room, but it is off. There is a pile of wood stacked neatly in the corner, and a series of tools hang on the wall. The Pest walks down the stairs, holding something in his hand. She cannot make out what it is, but she stands there waiting. Her breathing speeds, and her pulse slows as he approaches. The hand holding the object goes into his pocket, before she is able to make it out. There, he stands under the light of the singular bulb. Perfectly visible. The brown of suit nearly blends into the darkness. His eyes piercing into her soul, or so she feels. Her hand reaches to him, to make sure he is real. The Pest, her personal Devil. The excuse she has been looking for. The fingertip barely grazes his skin as he steps back, slightly into the shadows.

Pest:Tonight is a very auspicious night, my dear Receptionist.

Christine:What is it?

The Pest walks to his bench and retrieves a Coca-Cola. He walks back into the light, drinking his soda. The Receptionist waits for his answer.

Pest:Tonight, tonight is the night Michael Stevens died. Tonight is the night that I buried my first squad mate.

Christine:Who's Michael Stevens? Was he your brother or something?


Christine:Two people in the same squad both named Stevens?

The Pest laughs. He had forgotten she was not aware of the deception.

Pest:No, Christine. My name is not James Stevens. My name is simply Pest. You may continue to refer to me as James, or as Pest, but those names hold no meaning for me. James Stevens is much easier to use in the world than Pest, or The God of Emptiness. Would you not agree?

Christine:It is, but where is it from? What's your real name?

Pest:Pest. My real name is Pest. The man who once held this body. He had a different name. I forget that name. But he holds it no more. No, he was buried long before Vietnam. Do not attempt to dig into it to find who I am. The information I provided your office with was all false. They all track back to a man I knew a lifetime ago. I am, for all intents and purposes, a ghost in the world. I cannot even recall the name of the City I was born in. Unless we count the Hospital bed in Okinawa as my birth. Or rather, rebirth. Taken out of the world with a single bullet, and brought back into the world by the hands of a skilled surgeon.

Christine:I don't understand.

Pest:No, I do not imagine you would. So, let us begin our session tonight. Unless there is some reason you would wish to not.

Christine:I'm a little thirsty.

Pest:There is a bucket under the bench, I believe you shall find it filled with liquid.

Christine:My piss?

Pest:Is that not acceptable? I felt it would our arrangement perfectly.

Christine:No, I don't want to drink my own piss.

Pest:Very well. Step out of that outfit, and I shall fetch you something.

The Pest goes finishes his soda, and heads up the stairs. He vanishes from sight, and the door closes behind him. The Receptionist slides the straps off of her green dress, and unzips the back, slowly. The sound of the zipper echoes throughout the room. The dress collapses, and the Receptionist is standing in the basement, alone and naked. Naked, except for the high heels she is wearing. The Pest comes down the steps holding a bottle and a glass. He hands the glass to the girl, and pours contents from the bottle into the glass. She looks at it, unsure of its contents.

Pest:It is simply white wine. A lovely french blend, or so I am told.

Christine:I don't drink. I'm only 19.

Pest:My dear Receptionist, I am no authority. You are permitted to break the law in my presence. I will not report you.

Christine:I've never drank before.

Pest:Have just a glass. It is a celebration, after all.

She looks at it again, and drinks it. The Pest sets the bottle down, and walks back over to the Receptionist. He looks at her, and she does a little pose as if asking for his acceptance. She is the Dog at the show, hoping for first place. The Pest reaches out, and strokes her breast. Soft, tender, and bruised. She does not flinch.

Christine:Do you like it?

Pest:Like what, Receptionist?

Christine:My body. You never told me if you found me attractive. Nor did you comment on how the sex was last time.

Pest:I did not, did I?

Christine:No. Will you tell me at some point?

Pest:Hands above your head. We have dawdled for too long. The Boy and his keeper will be home soon.

Christine raises her hands and The Pest cuffs them. She is anticipating another session of light whippings, and wax. As the Pest cuffs her hands in place, she makes kissy noises at him, and gives seductive looks. The Pest ignores these. He walks out of the light, and into the back of the room. The Receptionist is cold, and shivering. The Pest walks back into the light, and he is carrying something. A bucket. She sees it clearly, it is a rusted metal bucket. He walks to a sink in the basement, and fills the bucket. The brown sludge water pours from the spicket. Disgusting brown sludge. The bucket fills, and the Pest walks over to the girl, and shows her the contents of it. She seems slightly sickened.

Pest:Do you see this, Receptionist?

Christine:Yes. What are you doing with it?

Pest:I will throw it on you.

The Pest throws the water on the Receptionist. She lets out a scream. The freezing water meets her skin, and brings the temperature down. Ice now flows through her veins. There is a stool along the bench that The Pest had set the bottle of wine, he pulls the stool over so that he may sit in front of the Receptionist. She is shivering as he reaches inside his pocket. He pulls out a small black box. The Receptionist doesn't recognize it. He places it against the flesh of her womanhood. The Pest feels sticks one of his fingers out and feels the trembling in her loins.

Pest:Are you excited, Receptionist?

She shakes her head. He pulls his finger back, and with a slight, barely noticeable gesture, he sends a surge of electricity through her body. Starting at her sex. She let's out a moan, and bucks her hips backwards attempting to get away from it.

Pest:It is not polite to lie, Receptionist.

Christine:Who said I was lying?

Another surge of electricity.

Pest:I felt the trembles. I felt the moisture. That moisture was not water, Miss Receptionist. If you insist on playing in this world with me, I expect honesty. Will you be honest?

She nods her head, and bucks her hips back into his hand, pushing the taser deeper into her flesh, not quite penetrating her, but edging close to it.

Christine:Tase me again.

Another surge of electricity, and she releases an almost orgasmic moan. The Pest pulls back, and looks at her. He walks to a bench, and sets the Taser down.

Pest:You find pleasure in electricity coursing through your body?

Christine:Fuck yeah.

Pest:Then I shall switch to something else. Tell me, Receptionist. Do you have brothers?

Christine:Two brothers. Both older.

Pest:Did you fuck any of their friends?

Christine:Yeah, a couple of times. I fucked my brother's best friend on my brother's bed. That's when I lost my virginity.

Pest:Did you ever get caught?

Christine:Yeah. Only the one time. On my brother's birthday, his best friend was going down on me in the living room when my brother got home.

Pest:And what did your brother do?

Christine:He beat the shit out of his friend, and knocked the shit out of me.

Pest:Did either of them ever cut you?


Pest:Have you ever been cut intentionally?


The Pest walks over to the Receptionist, and runs something along her flesh. The Receptionist is bleeding. The Pest pulls the object up to show her. A knife. Dripping blood.

Christine:You cut me.

Pest:I did. Does it burn?

Christine:No. Not really.

The Pest takes the blade, and pokes it into her side. She lets out a half scream. He presses harder, and it begins to penetrate the flesh. The blade goes about half way inside of the girl's side. The Pest stops, and leaves it.

Pest:Have you had enough for tonight?

Christine:Yeah. Are we going to fuck tonight?

Pest:I have yet to decide. For now, I shall allow you to a moment's reprieve. I must go attend to business elsewhere.

The Pest turns and leaves the basement. Allowing the Receptionist to breathe. The Pest is in the kitchen, getting a glass of water when the Boy, and the Girl come home.

Pest:Girl. Come here.

Angela makes her way to the Pest. She is carrying a bag of popcorn, and a soda.

Pest:How was the movie?


Pest:Did the fake ID work for you?


Pest:Good. Tonight, I want you to go visit the boy. Do it in just your underwear. Sleep in his bed, and allow his arms to wander where they may, above the waist, and do not let them stray beneath the clothing.

Angela:Ok. Why?

Pest:I want you to report how he handles this. How he sees you.

Angela:Ok. Fine.

Pest:One more thing, Girl.


Pest:Tomorrow, in the morning. When the boy showers before school. I want you to shower with him. Should he show any interest in your flesh, remind him you are his aunt. Continue to refer to yourself as that to him. See how if affects things.


Pest:Because, I want to see if this changes how he feels about you. I am shaping the boy into something more. Part of that is seeing how he thinks. I am sure you can understand. Now, I must leave you. Go, change, and spend the night with him. Tell him something like I cut the heat to the house.

Angela:Won't he notice you didn't?

Pest:But I did.

The Pest turns and makes his way back to the basement, where he finds the Receptionist shivering, and freezing. The water has frozen over on her body. The Pest undoes her cuffs, and brings her up to his room. In his room he has set a space heater, to compensate for the dropped temperature of the house. The Receptionist begins to warm up.

Pest:Would you enjoy a warm bath, Receptionist?

Christine:After you fuck me.

The Pest lifts the girl, and lays her on his bed. He lowers his pants, and spreads her legs before sliding inside of her. She wraps her legs around him, and pulls him closer.

Christine:Hit me.

The Pest brings his fist into the air, and drops it hard on the Receptionist's face.

Christine:Not the face. Hit me places where it won't show up at work.

The Pest begins to thrust as he throws punch after punch into her torso. She is coughing, and thrusting her hips up to meet his thrusts. Her body shakes and convulses underneath the mass of the Pest. The Pest shudders above the girl, and pulls her out of her. He looks at the girl, and spits on her.

Pest:Go and take a hot bath.

The girl lays there, looking at the Pest. She is trying her best to be seductive, even sliding a finger inside of herself.

Christine:Do you find me attractive?

Pest:Why must you know?

Christine:Is this some quick fucks, or do I matter to you?

Pest:You matter enough. Now, go shower, Receptionist.

Christine:Say my name.

Pest:You are The Receptionist, much as I am The Pest.

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