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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Her Love Becomes His Strength. His Thoughts Become His Weakness
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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-18-2015, 04:17 PM

Needless to say it's been an interesting couple of weeks for the former Killer of men. Not only had he made a couple of new friends but he had also earned a shot at the Television Championship. Letting this slip away would not only be a waste but stupid. We all remember the time when he earned a shot at the Universal Championship and screwed it up by letting Theo Pryce down.

Right now we find Cain sitting comfortably in his recliner. He sat there quietly and watched "The Bible" on History Channel. Yes, History Channel. You see, Cain always loved learning but he already knew the facts stated on said program. He was there for much of it, after all.

Those days were over. Attie walked into the den of the lavish apartment, drying her hands.

"Whew. Dishes ... Are ... Done."

Cain smiled at Attie.

"Thanks Attie. Were there a lot?"

"Yup, but that's mostly cause Yancey eats like a horse."

Cain nodded, but his mind was elsewhere. He really had a lot to think about, considering this past Monday.

Cain's Thoughts Said:Well, I proved them all wrong. Whether she was weakened or not, Caroline gave me a fight. She did better than expected, considering the circumstances. It feels good to win. It feels better to be the next in line for a Television Title shot. Maybe now, both man and woman alike will learn to respect me. I have to keep that momentum going. I know Sane will be a tough opponent, especially running on all cylinders.

"A nickel fer yer thoughts, love?"

Cain looked up at Attie from his hands, and shrugged.

"Career stuff?"

"Yes. Big career stuff, Attie. Do you realize how much of an upset some people considered my victory? I know how these people think, babe. I surprised myself, but I guess pinpoint focus does great things, right?"

"Ya know, focus makes all th' difference in the world. Plus yoa seem like ya been in prison for the past few years an ya jus' gettin' out. It's like yer happy.".She grinned broadly and hugged his arm, kissing his cheek. "Am ah correct in my assumption?"

Cain thought about that for a moment.

Cain's Thoughts Said:Yes. I'm happy for once. Not the kind of happiness a beast gets from killing. No. I'm successful for once. I have Athena. People fear me in the ring. I can't look at Sane as an opponent if I am to win though. I must see him as prey. Human or not, I am still a hungry beast.

Attie tilted her head.


Cain chuckled and hugged the young woman.

"But of course, dearest."

"Great. So are ya going to beat Justin Sane?"

Cain sat there for a moment and stared at the infomercial now shown on the TV. He wanted to say "fuck yeah". He wanted to ride his confidence to the next level. He took a deep breath and exhaled.

"I really hope so. You know, Caroline said that whenever I get momentum, I come to a dead stop. I beat her. Noone thought I could, not even me. Now, I have momentum. I have to prove her wrong by beating Sane. If not, then I'm fucked."

Cain sighed.

Cain's Thoughts Said:Why do I doubt myself so? Is it because they made Mr human? Or because I always seem to choke in big match situations? I took a couple of days off and had told the cameras to leave my home. I just don't understand why I did it. Maybe it's for the same reason people in Hollywood send papparazi away. You get tired of that after a while. The other day, following my win...

Flashback: 2 Days Ago

It was a day like any other in Baltimore, Maryland. The ground was covered in the purest white snow, the skies were grey, and tree limbs creaked under the weight of the ice. Okay, so it was cold. The air was bitter. The last Edenian wanted to explore his new hometown and learn about it's inhabitants. He wanted to know most of all of there were any good pizza places.

Yes, Cain had developed a love of pizza. Pepperoni, mostly. Meat lovers.

He thought the people wouldn't recognize him, but as soon as he thought he caught that beautiful scent of pizza, he was stopped in his tracks by a young girl. Yes. The "teenie bop" type. She was about five six, long brown hair hanging down in curls on his shoulders with brown eyes and pink lips. She trusted a pen and paper into his chest.

"Like, ohmigod! It's you!"

Our hero tilted his head and took the pen and pad. He removed the cap with his teeth.

"Who exactly do you think I am, little girl?"

The teen girl beamed up at him as he signed on the book "Cain Arkham: Messiah of Pain".

"You're mother fucking Cain Arkham! I was a huge Caroline Burchill fan...but...but...well, the way you dominated her was incredible. Oh! Your promos were awesome too, I loved that professionalism you showed. Made me think of Bret Hart."

Cain furrowed his brow as he thought about what the young girl said.

Cain's Thoughts Said:Umm...strange. Never been compared to him before. Well, I did make Caroline tap out to my End of the Line. Oh, but she was weakened. I can't take credit for that, can I? Then again, why shouldn't I ride this wave of fan support?

"You know, I don't remember seeing you in the audience. Are you sure you were there? I mean, she had been beaten half to death, after all."

The young girl giggled.

"We all knew you were gonna win anyway! You're awesome, Mister Arkham."

Cain nodded and handed the girl the pen and paper back. The young girl skipped away, happier than a gay dude with a bag full of dicks.

Cain didn't think it was strange at all that he'd garnered this fan support. He even let it go when two or three more teens and their parents took selfies with him. They asked him for his Facebook, which he never gave. Over and over, and it got old, he heard "Can I have your autograph?" In fact, he just had sit down, ready to enjoy his pizza when...

"Misssssterrrrrr Arkhaaaaam!"

Cain lowered his gaze, just trying to enjoy his food in peace. Once again....


Cain sighed. More autographs. One after the other, he signed headshots and books. The swarm around the future's table was like a swarm of locusts. They even ate his pizza. That's right, he only got one slice. At the end of the night, the emotional stress had become exhausting. He fell out on the couch because he was so tired.

Fame wasn't fun. It paid the bills though.

Present Day

Cain's Thoughts Said:Maybe it was a horrible day because I am used to their hatred. I never needed their love before, but now it feels like their cheers empower me to be stronger. To feed off my adrenaline. You may say that I have found a new family.

Attie laid there, her head rested upon Cain's chest. She ran her black fingernail in little circles on his chest, and placed little kisses on his pecs.

"Ya remember what ya told Yancey about meetin' girls, right?"

"Well yea. I told him that he wouldn't get any pussy with a negative attitude. You know, can't never could do anything."

"See? Ya should take yer own advice there, love. Ah mean, if ya have any doubt in yer mind tha' ya can't beat him, then ya've already given up. Now do ya understand what ah'm sayin', love?"

"Well...he's a Superstar of the Month..."

" If mah research is correct, ya was an awesome Superstar of the Month yerself at one time as well. Have ya forgotten who you are in tha ring, love?"

Cain began running his fingers through her fine black hair as she snuggled up to him. Come to think of it, he could hardly hold his eyes open as he'd gotten comfortable with his little Australian vixen. He words echoed in his head as his breathing slowed.

You know, maybe the fame was a sign and if that was a sign, then her love was his power. He didn't need Satan. He didn't need God. He just needed this woman who'd never spoken ill of him or called him a failure.

Things for Cain were perfect as perfect could be.

[Image: Wz4kwdV.jpg]
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