The Knight that Fights with Honor
XWF FanBase: Some men, some teens, few women (the villain you love to hate; has cult following)
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Joined: Sun Aug 17 2014
Posts: 318
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Hates Given: 5
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X-Bux: ✘50,000
02-14-2015, 10:31 PM
We cut back from technical difficulties to see the Skee Ball lanes that Johnathan and Vinnie promised to meet each other back in. Johnathan is shaking his arms and right leg after the drum session he had on Drummania. Popping can be heard as he flicks them around in order to get feeling back into them, causing the sounds to echo somewhat loudly over the music.
"Well, I'm glad to see that my drumming skills are still in tact from high school. I don't know if a Metallica cover band was a good place to showcase it, though."
He then cracks his fingers to loosen them up. He gripped the sticks pretty hard and he doesn't want them to pop when he rolls balls up the lanes. Thinking about lanes, Johnathan looks around for Vinnie, wondering just where he is and if he's got the grasp of playing Guitar Hero. He's waiting for him to either finish sucking or finish attracting all the gamer girls before he rolls some balls. The little battle Vinnie's idea, after all. It just wouldn't feel right to get a head start before the whistle is blown. Eventually, Loverboy wanders over from the Guitar Hero machine with an annoyed expression on his face.
Looking back over his shoulder to where some skinny emo kid has taken over and gotten the attention of a fairly sizable crowd by nailing every note of Green Day's anthem American Idiot.
"Silly kids wouldn't know a good song if it bit them in their skinny-jeaned asses. Johnny, can you believe they didn't have any Van Halen on that thing?"
Loverboy nudges the Knight, then gives him a playful bop on the shoulder before finally lightening up a bit and smiling wide. He turns to the skee ball lanes and bends his neck back and forth, getting the kinks out.
"So, you ready for a heads up battle of skill and athletic prowess? It's looking like the only one either of us will be getting this week, after all. Unless they install a skee ball game in the ring for Madness, that is. You can go first, dude... I'm a gentleman, after all."
Johnathan looks over at the machines.
He then turns back around to match Lane's friendly gaze with a smile on his face.
"Dude, it's a Friday. No one ever wants to work on a Friday, not even Fern. He's too busy orchestrating some other matches in a different company he happens to own. I don't understand the logic of his promotion either."
Johnathan swipes the card into the reader, causing nine balls to slide down to Johnathan's right and Vinnie's left. Not wasting any time, The knight picks up the ball and aims it carefully at the 100 point zone.
"I mean, think about it, Austin was pissed that his cousin, brother, friend, whatever the hell he is didn't get over in his match. Then he proceeded to beat the shit out of the wrestler who beat him because they have a history that he didn't care enough to back us up on. Somehow, this gets the original booker fired and makes Austin take the job and responsibilities. Do you understand what goes on down under?"
Johnathan then swings his arm back and rolls the ball towards the 100 point hole. However, it bounces off the rim of the hole and ends up rolling down to the ten point slot. The knight doesn't look very happy about this.
"Fucking shit."
"Ha ha, way to start with a boner, dude. You don't stand a chance against me if you're throwing bricks like that!"
Loverboy picks one of the balls up and measures the weight of it in his hand, then leans forward. With a swift, fluid motion, Loverboy rolls the ball up the lane and watches as it arcs perfectly into the upper corner, dropping smoothly into the 100 point pocket.
"See man? Megastar in the ring, megastar out of the ring! You got yourself a hell of a partner this week, dude!"
Johnathan whistles out of surprise. Seeing Vinnie pocket a ball like that means he has to step his game up. He clears his throat and begins to impersonate one of his opponents with a really stereotypical Australian accent.
"Well, I wasn't really trying with that throw, because I was really going to save up all my energy for this one. It's a bullshit lie, but I'm going to prove you wrong anyways."
The knight then grabs another ball and takes aim at the 50 point hole this time. He takes a deep breath and rolls it up. It falls straight into the hole, leaving the knight smiling at the megastar.
Loverboy's eyes go wide at the perfect shot made by Heartsford, then he doubles over and laughs deep from his belly at the impression of Austin Fernando.
"Dude that was awesome! You sounded just like that bush monkey! If I closed my eyes I could totally think it was him making those lame excuses for poor showings!"
Loverboy steps up to the machine again and grabs another ball. He spins it on his index finger before bouncing it off of the inside of his elbow and snagging it out of the air.
"Well, if you're channeling that loser, there's no way you'll be able to keep up with me!"
Loverboy cocks his arm and swings it forward, rolling the ball quickly up the left side of the lane. The ball pops up and strikes the 100 point cup, spins around the lip of it wildly, and then drops down to the outermost rail, falling in for zero points.
"Shit. Now I feel like I'M the one doing the Fernando impression."
"Hey, speaking of Fern, how about we spice this game up a bit. Loser with the least amount of points has to striptease like him on the website's picture? Better make these next seven rolls count, 'cause I'm about to make you wish you kept your shirt on."
Johnathan once again aims for the 50 point hole. He pauses for a moment before rolling it up the lane. However, he didn't give it as much power as last time, making it land in the 40 point hole instead.
"I didn't mean to aim for that, but whatever. We're tied now Vinnie. Hope you don't mess this up."
Loverboy nods his head in agreement as he watches Knight's ball tie the score, though he furrows his brow and seems a bit confused by the premise.
"Dude I'm not sure why you want to get naked and get us banned from Dave and Buster's, but you're definitely on. Just don't say I didn't warn you, okay?"
Loverboy then rushes up and quickly rolls a ball up the lane and watches while it plunks into the middle hole, scoring 30 points.
"Ha! Bull's eye! You really think you can keep up with me, Knight? You might be as delusional as Fernando himself is, man. Get ready to tuck your jeggings down and show everyone in this place your upper pubes."
"Well, in order to understand Fernando, one has to think like Fernando. And doing shit like this seems like something he'd do, ya know?"
The voice of Doubt is laughing inside his head, but neither Lane or Johnathan seem to notice this, however as they continue to play some Skee Ball. Tension is rising as balls are rolled into the holes for points. The points keep rising and rising as more balls fall into the holes, and egos keep swelling and deflating when Johnathan and Vinnie keep outscoring each other. They end up drawing a crowd of children who watch in awe as they score really high point amounts. They're awestruck that some people can be this good at Skee Ball.
It's come down to their last balls now.
Vinnie: 320 Points
Johnathan: 250 Points |
Johnathan starts to sweat a little. He doesn't want to ruin his chances at besting Lane, so he aims for the 100 point hole once more. He stares at it for the longest while before arching his arm back and rolling the ball up the lane. It's launched up to the top left corner, where it flies straight into the hole, putting him ahead of Lane by thirty points.
"Well dude, it looks like this is the end of the road for you... you really needed to be more than 30 up on by now to have any chance of winning. I tell you what though, man, since we're buds and all, I'll toss this last one with my eyes closed!"
Loverboy lines himself up with the lane, puts his hand over his eyes, and struts forward, rolling the ball deftly from his fingertips. The ball sips up the smooth finish of the lane, headed right for the top middle... but it falls short.
The ball lands dead center, giving Loverboy another 30 points and tying him with Heartsford.
"Well, shit. What now?"
"Knowing Austin, he'd do it anyways. And since we tied, it seems like we both have to do that stupid fucking pose of his. Sorry you have to see this, kids."
Loverboy whips off his Faster Pussycat t-shirt and greases up his abs after dabbing his fingers into a slice of pizza someone left lying nearby. He yanks down the front of his tight jeans, revealing his Adonis belt and upper pubis area.
"What? I don't have any pubes to have sticking out dude, sorry. I like my shit smooth."
Johnathan shrugs and unbuttons his shirt, pulling it aside to reveal his slightly muscular chest. Wanting to out grease Lane, he squeezes the top of a hamburger bun and lets the grease fall onto the plate, where he slathers it on his chest. He lowers his jeans and boxers a bit, revealing some pubic hair in the process.
"You shave that shit? I wonder how you can explain your bleeding ballsack to every woman you come across."
Loverboy smirks as he sees the abundance of oil slathered across Heartsford's torso.
"These days I only come across one woman, dude...and she has no complaints, trust me. By the way...I'm pretty sure security's noticed us...and so have those raver chicks in the corner. Go get you some, dude!"
Before the knight could even make a move, the scene cuts to something completely different once more.
"Well what do you know, the image has been changed and your dignity still hasn't returned. Now why is that? Why hasn't it returned after meddling to the higher ups? Simple. The XWF is where dignity goes to die. The first moment you step foot inside here, you're allowing yourself to be humiliated in the eyes of the public. That picture you wanted gone? That was just the start of your downfall, dude. It's going to get worse for you as time goes on. Why the hell would you let someone take a picture of yourself doing that, anyways? You came out of the back alley after you sucked a talent agent's dick? Whatever the case, you boned yourself there.
"Oh, don't even bother trying to discredit the photo in the first place. You knew it was up for all the internet to see, so even if it's taken off the main site, it can still be found in places like Google and TMZ, as unreliable as it is. If you didn't want it to be seen in the first place, you shouldn't have put it on the internet. But enough about that stupid fucking picture, me and Lane had made enough fun of you in Dave and Busters for it. Let's see if there's anything new or fresh you ended up saying about me."
Mr. Original Said:“Get your fucking mug off the screen."
"Nope, he didn't. I shouldn't be surprised that he spent a good few hours coming up with a response like that. Well done, you get a gold star for effort."
The Bullshitter Said:"I mean, hearing you spew out bullshit is still a big headache, but maybe in a decade, you’ll finally get it through your fucking head, and you may get somewhere near my level."
"You mean fucking up every chance of success I get and end up defeating nobodies like Ghost Tank and Duncan B. Deadly? Well according to you, I'm already there. You're not really making yourself look any better in comparison. Hey, if I'm acting like Lane, I must be doing something right. He's beaten more prolific names than you lost to. So much for that insult working for you. Fuck, I was wrong about calling Lane an idiot, he might be arrogant as all hell, like you, but he's certainly not an idiot. It takes a bright man to debate the poetry of Whitman against Pest."
Sherlock Holmes Said:“Wait, did I mention that half of your promotion consisted of you and Lane in an arcade…?"
"No shit? Really? That's where it took place? I thought it took place at a Rollerskating Derby because it's really fucking obvious that I ended up taking Lane to a Dave and Buster's blindfolded. See, that's a kind of lie you spew. You told it to yourself enough times and now it's engraved into your head. That's just fucking sad, man."
Worlds Biggest Baby Said:“I don’t have a problem with you two being in there, but it’s really annoying to see you two making remark after remark about me, whilst you’re in there."
"Do you not know how to have fun? Hell, do you even know what fun is? It certainly isn't waiting for the exact moment Kendall Sawyer opens her mouth, because that's like waiting for Haley's Comet to pass by after it just did. Come on, drop Fat Man already, I'm sure me and Lane can handle it."
Liar, Lawyer, Mirror Show Him Said:“I already am a recognized name, a far more recognized name then yourself."
"If I hadn't drained myself of all laughter after your shirtless picture, I would've cut back to the placenta bear by now. What have you managed to accomplish on your first month here? You lost twice in a row, picked up a victory over Ghost Tank, which I already have done and he just doesn't want to admit it, gained a TV title shot and turned it into an X-Treme title match with Doc, which you blew. If that's Star of the Month worthy, then I should have been up there twice over. Do me a favor, actually get a win off of the Doctor and then come back to me about relevancy, okay? And you did lie about me, Fern. Almost every other word that comes out of your mouth is a bullshit lie. And you're probably lying to yourself while coming up to a response to my flawless trash. You keep doing that while we kick your ass on Monday, okay? You'd make your job so much easier, especially since I haven't heard a damn thing from your partner."
I Dont Understand Rules Said:"Since he had to go through two men before he came up against you, and what do you know? He still won that match."
"Running out of time doesn't mean the person fighting automatically loses after time runs out, you stupid fuck. It's a draw. It always will end in a draw. Stop lying to yourself and your coworkers and tell the truth for once."
He Admitted It! Said:"I’m the biggest pawn in the world, aren’t I?"
"Hey, he's telling the truth for once!"
Spoke Too Soon Said:"Yeah, it’s not like I got hand-picked by Paul, recruited by Paul, and then dubbed the future by Paul."
"Damn it, I thought we were about to make a breakthrough. Paul does that with everyone he recruits, not just you, you special little snowflake. He said CM Punk would become the longest reigning WWE Champion, which he wasn't. He said Brock Lesnar could beat an old man, which isn't very impressive, and now he's saying that you're the future of the XWF. I don't know about you, but I can't wait to prove Heyman wrong again. Remember Steve Davids' brutal beat down against Gator and Socrates? That's going to be you in the ring on Monday. I can't wait to hear how you'll try to weasel your way out of that one."
Mr. Wrong Said:"This kid has literally surpassed you in less than a month,"
"And you have yet to win a championship belt. Fuck off, kid. Cambot."
"Turn off."
The scene cuts to black.
Singles Win/Lose/Draw
Tag Win/Lose/Draw
“Knighthood lies above eternity; it does not live off fame, but rather deeds.” - Dejan Stojanovic