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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Chapter One: The Emergence of Essence
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Essence Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-03-2015, 12:12 PM

1. the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character.

Independence, Missouri
l 3:06 PM
l Saturday, January 31, 2015

[Image: u0Py0wr.png]

My name is Essence. Well… some of the time it is. After last year, I began developing a condition called D.I.D. Dissociative Identity Disorder. Explaining the disorder is something that can’t be done without being quite blunt. There are three alternative personalities residing within me. Controlling when they come out is a near impossibility.





These are the attributes that lead to the possible emergence of one of my ‘alters.’ I am now here in the XWF to take no prisoner. No matter what state I am in, I will climb the ladder of the XWF and become the FIRST women’s Universal Champion. That, you can bank on.

Let’s get started.


The small pink flip phone on the nightstand beside me began to buzz as I startle forth awake from my slumber. I sit up and stretch over to the nightstand and pick up the phone. I lazily open the cell phone and hold it to my ear.



The piercing scream makes me jolt once more as I quickly bring the phone away and groan into the pillow. After a moment of recuperation, I bring the phone back to my ear.

Yes? Why are you screaming at this time of morning?

Morning? It’s three PM. I’ve been trying to reach you all day!

I look away from the phone at the alarm clock on the nightstand and the voice is right. It’s six minutes past the hour, and I’m still half-asleep. What did I do last night?

Dizziness, blurry memory, and lost time are all significant side effects of DID. Trying to sort back through the haze to find a certain memory can be more trouble than it’s worth.

Are you there, Essy? I have big news for you!
Oh sorry. I’m a little disoriented. I can’t quite piece together what happened last night.

Trust me, I know the feeling girl.
Anyways, I got you a match with the XWF! I know you had been trying
to get on the show. Well you’ve been booked in three matches!

I sit straight up and as I do, I notice something vibrating by my hip. I reach down and pull the object up. A vibrator. I’ve never owned a vibrator in my life! I begin gagging and throw the disgusting thing across the room. I look around and notice that my room has been trashed, but… I don’t remember.

I can’t remember anything.

Um… are you there, Essy?

YES! Um yes. I’m sorry. I just… you said three matches?

Yes. One is next weekend in the Royal Rumble!
You will go against 29 other XWF wrestlers!
Oh wow, that’s… so many.

Yes it is, but you also have a match against me this week.
Against you? Iris? We have a match against each other?

That’s right, cousin Essy. Your first match on a major
show is against me. So don’t you try to miss that one.

I can’t believe it. My first match is against my cousin. How are those odds? My cousin who was in a #1 Contender Match to fight for the Universal Championship at the last Pay-Per-View. Maybe she’ll take it easy on me.

Don’t think this is going to be a cake-walk either.
This is Warfare, and we don’t pull punches.

Dammit. So much for that.

So you’re going to brutalize me on my first match, Iris? That’s a family member for you.

Would you rather I lay down and let you pin me?
Or would you rather I prepare you for what you
are actually going to encounter in the XWF?

She’s smart, my cousin. She’s trying to toughen me up and get me ready for this show. As much as I hate to, I need to heed these words.

I’m sorry, Iris. I’m just… you woke me up with the call. Now what about this third match?

That’s actually why I called, Essy. That match is tomorrow.


Yes! XWF and I have been trying to get in touch with you all weekend.
It didn’t help that your mom was out of the town for the week and wasn’t taking calls.

My mom was out of town due to being a Senator. She had functions all week in Washington D.C. My dad had ran out when I was just a young girl around five years old. My mom wasn’t the easiest person to get along with. Not that that gives my dad any excuse. He’s still a scumbag for leaving me alone with my mom and sister. Oh yes, I also have a sister. Her name is Amanda. Yeah, you see who got the short end of the stick when it came to names. You won’t find Essence on a keychain.

Where is the show?!

Actually, I have no idea. Just call the headquarters,
they’ll give you directions.

Thank you Iris, I’ll call you later. I’ve got to hurry.

I throw the covers off and stand up. That’s when I notice what it is I’m wearing. I walk over to the mirror to examine it further. Groan. It’s a cut-up sleeves black shirt that reads in big block letters “FUCK BITCHES” and only goes just slightly above my navel. I’m also wearing a very revealing thong which I quickly move back to the bed and wrap the covers around my waist. Just what I need. My ass all over the tabloids before I even debut.

I look into the mirror as I inspect my face. Slight bruising on my knuckles and my cheek and my head was throbbing in the back. I run my fingers through my hair and grimace as it touches the spot. A huge whelp is on the back of my cranium. I rub it softly before shaking my head.

What the fuck A… what did you do?

This was definitely the work of A. A is short for Avantaisha. A is one of my alters. I finish looking in the mirror and turn to the closet. I pull out the suitcase and set it on the bed. I begin pulling out clothes and sloppily throw them into the suitcase. It’s at that point when I remember what Iris had said. She’d been trying to call me, but I hadn’t answered? Oh no, what if A had answered? That could end my career. She probably would’ve said some stupid shit and threatened to kill their family. I lunge across the bed and pick up the phone.

Oh please, please, PLEASE have not answered them.

I pick up the phone and begin inspecting it before letting out an audible sigh. Seven missed calls and three text messages, but none of them were answered. I place the phone on charge as it was only on 8% battery. I was incredibly lucky that it didn’t die on me during the call or before.

I walk over to the laptop on the vanity table and pull it up. I quickly type in the address and it brings up the webpage showing and promoting the next Warfare card. The first match on the card is Essence vs. Iris in a Catfight? What a chauvinistic pig that Ozymandias is. Just because they’re both female, it’s instantly a catfight? How disgusting. It’s probably the opening match because of their gender too. Well we’ll see what he thinks after he meets… oh nevermind.

But a match? So soon?! I just woke up and to find that out?… The very thought of that is… is…

A cold shiver.

The feeling of ice rushing down my spine as the hairs on my forearms begin to prick up as if being pulled from my arm via static electricity.

My eyelids flutter as my eyes begin fading from the bedroom before me. My vision turns from a blurry sight to absolute… nothing.

My eyes flash open shifting from corner to corner. I walk over to the mirror and look in. A mischievous smirk spreads across my lips. The vision in the reflection is gorgeous if I do think so myself.

DEMMM, I look good. That bitch fucked up thinkin’ she could handle Avantaisha like deyat. Nobody fucks with the Princess of Bitch like that.

I run my fingers through my hair and feel the knot on the back of my head. The face flinches slightly at the pain before the smile widening a little more.

Deyat bitch got a lucky shot doe. Fuckin’ cunt. Curb stomped her ass all over Block Street for deyat shiet.

I walk over to the suitcase and pick up a shirt and fling it across the room towards the vibrator. I spot it on the floor and purse my lips.

Deyat innocent lil’ shiet. What a goody-two-shoes. Throwin’ my shiet ‘round like she owns da pleace. Fuckin’ ho.

I pick up the vibrator and walk over to the nightstand and place the device within the drawer. I look around the room before walking out of the room. It leads into a narrow hallway. I walk down the hall until I reach where the stairs begin. I walk down the steps until I reach the bottom of the stairwell. The house is a rich household with everything being organized perfectly with a very modern theme. The kitchen has a long island counter connecting it to the dinner room. I purse my lips as I walk over to the fridge and fling the door open. I grab the milk, smell it, flinch back at the putrid aroma, and then fling it over my shoulder on to the floor behind me. I continue looking until I find the orange juice. I pop the top and smell it hesitantly. I shrug and begin downing it from the plastic. I replace the lid and place it on the island behind me. I look over on the counter and see a few bananas that aren’t completely brown. I rip the fresh bananas free and throw the rotten ones to the floor. I sit at the island on one of the high-stools. I look over my shoulder at the spread of disgusting foods and liquids on the floor as I smirk.

Serves deyat bitch right. Fuckin’ old white bitch always tellin’ me how to dress and talk. I should kill deyat cunt in her sleep.

I eat the banana very slowly, very sexually, very… awkwardly to anyone watching. I finish off the orange juice and proceed to fling both of them behind me. I look through a mirror on the wall and see the messed up eye make-up and tussled hair. Maybe I should fix that up. Can’t leave the house looking so ratchet. I walk back up the stairs and walk over to the vanity table in my room. I pick up the laptop with one hand which distributes the weight hitting the keypad. As I do this, my eyes catch the picture of Iris and Essence beside each other. I pull the picture back down and look at it. My lips purse as an indecipherable expression fills my eyes.

Deyats right. I heyave a match against Essence’s cousin. This will be fun. What better way to spend my night then fuckin’ up dat snotty lil’ bitch Iris? I’m sure boring-ass Essence will be jus’ fine lettin’ me dig my nails into her ass. If she don’t, well tough shiet. This is where Avantaisha will rule as the Princess of Bitch. Deyat blonde bitch will be leyin’ on the ground like a used tampon once I’m done with her. Bloody and never to be seen again.

Oh and XWF?

Consider this me putting you on notice. The bitch is here and the bitch is here to kick your cunt ass all the way to the top. Iris, I’ll see your cunt ass soon.

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