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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Transitions Pt. 5
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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-01-2015, 09:42 PM

What he was told and what happened that night were a lot to take in. All this time he'd thought he was serving Lucifer or himself, Cain was actually an unwitting servant of the Angels. Not only that, but his previous beliefs were all shattered as he learned that he was created by Michael and Gabriel. Heaven's Perfect Weapon.

This perfection was completely shattered by Lucifer though. Lucifer had thrown a wrench into the plans of the "Real Heavenly Bodies" by actually convincing Cain to kill his own brother. So why was the only retaliation the "Mark of Cain"? Abel was scheduled to suffer and die from infection after his legs were crushed by a boulder a week later.

God always had a plan, and unfortunately that plan had centered around Cain. Cain could barely sleep that night, followed by the fucking of his mind. Yes, it was a good fucking. Like when your girlfriend hasn't seen you for a week and you've got the best dick in the world so she rides you like Space Mountain. Thanks to said mind fuck, Cain tossed and turned. All night he had strange dreams when he would sleep, and even woke up to see Uriel praying over him once.

Weird. Naturally, Cain finally fell asleep. His human side needed the rest anyway. I guess his angel side didn't. All this is still new to our hero as well as this narrator. That morning was like any other. Well, if you woke up with an archangel staring at you. Cain sneered at Uriel.
"Pfft. You're still here?"

"What did you expect?"

"I don't know. I thought maybe you'd murder me in my sleep, considering that I am technically a failed experiment."

"Is that what you believe, Cain-I-el?"

Irritation dripped from his tongue. "Would you please not call me that? My name is Cain Arkham. Not Cainiel. That sounds ]

[color=#FFA500]"THAT is an Angel's name. You should be proud of your heritage. Where did you get Arkham from anyway?"

Cain muttered. "Batman..."

"Excuse me?"

"Don't worry about it. I've got to piss."

He sprung out of bed with ease and headed into the bathroom. His powerful stream hit the water for about sixty seconds and finally stopped. Suddenly, Cain exclaimed from the bathroom. "WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?!?"

Glass was heard as Cain shattered the mirror and stormed into the room, snatching Uriel up by the collar. His eyes looked exactly the same, but the rest of his body was different. It was if he was morphed into this younger, more streamlined version of himself. He gritted his teeth, interrogating the angel. "You...what did you do to me!? This isn't Cain! Who the fuck am I?!"

Uriel stated both plainly and fearlessly. "Put me down, Cainiel. Control your emotion."

He wanted to end Uriel, but knew he couldn't anyway. So he calmly sat the man on his feet. "Fine. Explain."

"Your opponent called you old and washed up. Being that you are the representative of Archangels here on Earth, your appearance means a lot to us. It's what's "Best for Business"."

"You've been watching WWE."

"Focus on the point, Messiah. The point is, I had Gabriel turn back the hands on the clock by a few years. So, your body is in perfect condition. Like when Unicorn changed Galvatron..."

"'s Unicron, Uriel..."

"...changed Galvatron. You know, from Megatron?"

"I am aware. I's just creepy, even for me. Though, I guess I could get used to the tattoos. Also, I suppose this body, being even younger will be able to take and inflict more damage."

A smile crossed Uriel's face. "See? No more knee pain from that nagging injury."

"But I heal instantly..."

"Not with a silver bullet lodged in your knee. You knew it this whole time, though you never let on. Why should you? Why paint a huge bullseye on your knee? That's not how you win matches."

"....right. Would have been nice if you'd warned me. But...I guess since you are trying to help my career now, then..." Cain looked off to the side and muttered a barely audible... "...thank you."

Uriel smirked. "What was that? I can't hear you."

"Don't push it. The outside might look different but I am still the Messiah of Pain." Cain tilted his head. "Why ARE you trying to help my career?"

"Mostly because your fathers, no homo, want you to use your career as training for the final battle. They spoke with me while youbwere sleeping, and I had to agree with them. The Archangel of Pain must be strong. Heaven needs it's own Beast, Cain. So you were created and now you are being groomed for war, a war that you MUST win."

Cain shrugged his shoulders. "So I am to be a lap dog?"

"No. You are our chosen one. In between fighting mortals in the ring, you will be slaying beasts that threaten God's children."


"More than that. However, you and I will discuss that later. I think you should study your opponent's work for now and make a retort. It would be good for business, yes?"

"Right..." said the new and improved Cain.

Several Hours Later

Silence is heard as the scene opened up on a dark room. A single spotlight fell on the center of the room, showing Cain. He sat there for a moment in the vacant, silent room and stared at the camera. His new look caught your eye, so you had to do a double take. He smirked.

"'s me. It's Cain. You all wouldn't understand what happened to bring about this transformation. Let's just say that there are forces at work here that noone outside of my realm would understand. Especially you, Austin Fernando."

A grin crossed the face of Cain. He hadn't forgotten his opponent through all of crazy shit that happenee. It made him want to win worse if anything.[/u]

"Austin, I think I understand."

"I understand that you came here and lost a couple of matches. I understand that following those losses you became more motivated. You have been winning a lot, haven't you? In a different world, I would have been a fan of yours. I mean, you have it all. You have youth, talent, and the gift of gab."

"I do not like you, Fernando. Deep down, however, I am beginning to respect you. After all, you did manage to beat me. You may not consider that a huge feet due to your pride, which is like an overflowing cup. That's good. That's awesome. It's a good thing to have confidence in oneself, but please understand..."
[i]He stared straight into the camera, as serious as a heart attack.
"...I have no shortage of confidence. You see, I know I can beat you. I know it's possible."

Cain sighed.

"The sad thing is, I don't hate you,"

"I should have let your comments get under my skin, because you talk shit better than anyone I know. Well, excluding Theo Pryce. If I were a lesser man, perhaps your idle threats WOULD get to me."

"You say I am going to leave on a stretcher. You speak as if you are capable of seriously hurting me. Confident or not, that doesn't mean you can injure me. You may try, but you will fail. Do you even understand that you cannot hurt me? I won't scream when you inflict pain. I won't hold my back after you strike me with a chair. I am STILL not human. Understand yet?"

"You may defeat me, but you can't keep me down forever."

"In all your arrogance, there is stupidity. The stupidy that plagues you causes you to neglect the thought that maybe I won't be the one leaving on a stretcher. Maybe that stretcher is meant for you? Or maybe you think, that like you, I actually care whether I win or lose?"

"At this point, I don't. Win or lose? I don't give a damn. No, at this point Austin I just want to beat the living hell out of you. I want to make that mouth of yours do something else and that thing is to beg. I want you to beg me to stop, Austin. I want you to scream in pain, and I want the referee to beg me to stop. Because, Xtreme Match or not, humans can't stand watching their fellow man in agony."

A wicked grin spread across the face of the Messiah of Pain.

"It's not about pinning you, Austin. I just want to hurt you. I want to show you that pinning your opponent isn't everything, because when you're doing what you enjoy, you've already won."

"I enjoy inflicting pain, and whether you pin me or not Austin..."
he chuckled. "I still win."

Fade to Black

-To Be Continued-

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