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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Backing the Right Horse
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Ricky Desmond Offline
Business as Usual

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

02-01-2015, 08:24 AM

Quote:Out of no where Theo Pryce pops into the scene and takes Davids out with the Dead Drop.(Zig Zag)

"Remember this the next time you want to cash in on someone bitch."

Down at the coffin John Madison is there helping Samuels out of the coffin.

Theo grabs Davids and tosses him onto the stage and into the coffin.

"Finish him."

Samuels picks up Davids and just for good measure puts him down for good with the Filibuster.

Samuels slams the lid of the coffin shut just as John Madison hands Samuels a shovel.

Samuels jams the shovel into the massive pile of dirt next to the coffin and in one motion shovels the dirt onto the top of the coffin. Rinse and repeat until the ref signals for the final bell ending the match.

Steve Davids has been buried alive.

“God fucking damn it!” I turn and grasp a steel chair and launch it into the television monitor that smashes into pieces.

I drop to the floor and clench my fists whilst leaning against the wall

“Wh...what do we do now? Shouldn’t we help him?” Freddie asked, his black bow tie looked more irritating than ever.

“Oh like he’s helped me? Tom’s dead because of him. Tom is six feet under because of him. Now that’s where he is headed, and am I going to do anything about it? Am I fuck! I backed the wrong horse Fred,” I said, with passion and grit.

“No you didn’t, he was on top. He brought you back into the limelight,” Freddie tried to reason with me.

“You think I returned for thirty seconds of fame? Do you think that’s why I am back? Well think again Freddie, I was here for the long hall. I backed the wrong horse.. FUCK IT!”

“And who is the right horse?”

“You’re fucking looking at him,” I say standing up, my eyes and veins bulging as I loosen my tie.

I grab Fred by the arm and order him to follow me. He had taken over from Tom as my assistant. He knew me very well, not as well as Tom had, but well enough to do an acceptable job.

Fred did seem to know where I wanted to go without even asking.

The graveyard that Steve was to be transferred to, it was simply inevitable.

There was an eerie atmosphere, a sense of uncertainty almost, but it was what I had come to expect of any area that involved Steve Davids. Gloom and dusk seemed to follow that man, and that was an atmosphere I did not want around me anymore.

I stand over his grave, the gravestone simply said:
“Steve Davids, a Champion.”

“He wasn’t much of a champion,” I said to the camera.

“The first time he had to defend that championship, he failed. Without me to carry him to glory, he failed. When it came to the big event, he failed,” I turned away from the gravestone and stared into the camera.

“I have watched the world begin to fall apart and well… I’m enjoying it. The XWF in particular has spiralled into madness. And amongst that madness, new champions are born. Does anyone really think that Morbid Angel will have a length, successful reign? They would be foolish to believe that. He is merely champion because Steve and Samuels had just been to hell and back. I swore I would see to it that Steve stood on top of that mountain and that I would stand next to him. Well he stood there for little over a month, but I hold no responsibility for that. I got him to where he belonged, and he failed to keep himself there. He let himself down, and more importantly, he let me down… Because as soon as he crumbled, I crumbled with him. My name is not up in the lights anymore…”

The wind picked up, as did a slight dampening rain.

“Luca Arzegotti once told me I could not scout. I laughed him off as I so often do, but he was right. I backed the wrong horses before when I created the failing Connection. I made a group to give people a chance. Wrestlers who I thought had been overlooked. I did the same for Steve. I believed he had been overlooked. The truth is though… These competitors, these wrestlers, they have been overlooked for a good reason. They were overlooked because they simply weren’t good enough. Where is Andrew Morrison now? Where is Andrew Aldway now? They all might as well be buried next to Steve for all I care. These people, are the reason why I am yet to hold a championship belt. It is only a matter of time though, because I will not be standing back and watching whilst others succeed when they are not as good as me. I am a businessman, but this is no longer just about business. This is about glory. This is also about restoring some prestige to the championships throughout the XWF. The day Morbid Angel holds the top championship is the day when we have to begin to question whether this federation is still top drawer. I am going to ensure that this question no longer needs answering when I return to that ring.”

I spit on Steve’s grave before walking away and readjusting my tie and strolling off.

We headed back to the business in London silently, it has been a long while since I was there, so maybe they will enjoy a visit from the owner.

For those of you who do not remember, I own a controversial dating agency .

As I walk through the door it becomes immediately clear to me that people had let down their A-game. Christian James who I had hired as the manager was shocked to see me. His odd green suit also irritated me.

“First things first, get better suits. You’re representing this company damn it.”

“Uh… Yes, Sir. Can I ask, what you’re doing here? I did not expect you back until next month.”

“Sorry, for a second there I thought you owned the company... Oh relax will you, I'm busting your balls. Have Jess bring poor me a whisky on the rocks and have it ready at my desk. Then I want all 15 of these employees in the conference room immediately. Oh and whilst they’re waiting have them pick out a new suit for you, because I will not have my manager looking like the world’s shittest pimp. I mean seriously, you look just awful. What is that hair cut as well?” He had his hair up in a top knot. At first I tried to ignore it but it was simply impossible.”


“Don’t note it, just get it done.”

I rushed through the office, people stopped and stared at me, as they so often did. I winked at Jess as she was pouring my drink, how had I not fucked her already?

“Fred, check my messages.”

“Of course.”

I sighed as I took a seat in my office and looked out upon the river Thames, what a dirty river it was.

I sipped my whisky as Fred came scurrying in with a slight sweat on, his suit was smart at least, even if his bow tie was not.

“It’s the XWF. They’ve got back to your request already,” Fred said. Of course they had got back to me already. They remember how entertaining I was... either that or they really want to see me get beaten the shit out of.

“They want to know how much you would request money wise?”

“I really don’t care how much they pay me, but make it seem like i want a lot. I would hate people to think I am doing things simply for my ego. I have to give Christian some credit though, the company is making more money than ever.”

“Oh, and by the way… You’re match is against Maverick.”

“I don’t know who that is, do some research for me.”

“Oh and it’s in a flaming tables match.”

“Why the fuck wouldn’t you start with that?” I stand placing one hand on the table, and one hand on my tie.

“Okay fine, it’s nothing that I can’t deal with. I’m not a huge fan of getting burnt so I will just have to make sure that I’m not the one getting burnt.”

Freddie simply smiled before scurrying out.

I sighed once again before heading to the conference room. Christian was now wearing a grey suit.

“Better,” I said readjusting my tie one more time, “now I understand that the company is doing better than ever. Well, I think that’s just great. However, I want to know how you are being rewarded.”

“We haven’t,” Christian said.

“Okay, Chris. So you’re the boss around here and you have not rewarded anyone for their success? What sort of boss are you?”

“Well you said…”

“Who cares what I said? I’m the owner not the manager, now go out and get these people a lot of fucking booze, we are having a staff party. If anyone goes home and is not pissed by the end of the night, then do not bother coming back in the morning because you will be fired… Oh except you.” Awkward. I pointed at alcoholic Micky, it had been a long time since I was here. Micky had finally recovered, I would hate to be the reason he got drunk again.

“Other than that, all of your main jobs is to hook me up with a honey because I am pretty sure I have never had blue balls and I don’t want to find out what they are.”


Everyone smiled except alcoholic Micky as I strolled out with a grin on my face.

[Image: oNSyU33.jpg]
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