The Knight that Fights with Honor
XWF FanBase: Some men, some teens, few women (the villain you love to hate; has cult following)
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01-22-2015, 09:58 PM
A fourth bright flash of white light takes the masked man, the knight, and the Cambot to some sort of city that looks worse for wear. The streets are littered with garbage and torn up propaganda posters for some sort of armor-clad man with ridiculously long hair. The words can barely be made out on any of them, since they're crumpled up beyond recognition. Doubt lets Johnathan drop to the streets below, letting him regain his senses after the brutal beat down he received. The knight shakes his head as he slowly begins to stand up, still rather dazed and confused from those headbutts Doubt gave him. He groans as he looks around the city, unsure of where he is and why everything looks awful. Without saying a word, Doubt walks over to one of the crumpled up posters and kicks it over to the confused knight, still trying to get his bearings.
"When you come to your senses, take a look at this. You'll probably like it just as much as I did."
Johnathan doesn't pick up the paper wad. Instead, he's still looking at the nearly demolished city while spinning around in a circle. A look of uncertainty spreads across the man's face as he notices just how hellish the world has become.
"Where did you take me now?"
The masked being laughs.
"I see that I hit you way too hard. No matter, I'll tell you again. I've taken you to your future, just so you know what you'll end up becoming sometime soon. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not two years from now, but this is what you're going to end up as."
The masked being motions to the poster he kicked over to the knight. Johnathan still ends up ignoring it.
"You're trying to say that I somehow end up causing all of this?"
"You're also telling me that I end up putting on the mask you handed me to cause all of this?"
"Two in a row, not bad."
The knight rolls his eyes and picks up the crumbled up poster and begins to unravel it. The Cambot, hearing the noise from it, flies behind Johnathan's shoulder to get a good look at just what might be on the poster Johnathan's unraveling. After a little while, the camera manages to pick up the portrait of the armor clad man inside the square of the poster pointing straight at the person reading it. The man's donning a mask that looks exactly the same as the one Doubt handed to him not too long ago. He also has a long beard to support his mane of hair. The words 'Join or Die' are displayed all over the poster in all caps, giving the indication that he's either yelling those words at us, or he's being amazingly serious about his message about joining his...something. We aren't entirely sure just what he wants you to join just yet.
Regardless, Johnathan looks back up at the masked entity with malice in his eyes.
"This guy is supposed to be me? I'm not like this! I was never like this!"
Doubt chuckles at the hysterical knight.
"Everyone has their true self hidden away in the darkest recesses of their minds. The man you see in that poster just happens to be yours. You try to deny it and claim that you know yourself more than I ever could, you must remember that I'm one of your many emotions that has had enough of your overconfident behavior. We're showing you just what you'll become once we override your conscious."
"You'll turn me into a dictator that kills everyone who doesn't support my every command?
"More of a warlord that plays off of others emotions and desires to get what he really wants."
Johnathan remains speechless for a few moments before speaking against Doubt.
"You know me. You've been into the furthest corners of my mind, you should know that I'm nothing like this! I wouldn't wish death on anyone that doesn't deserve it!"
"Maybe not right now, but by the time we finish altering your personality, you will be."
Just then, a bell rings from a nearby clock. Johnathan jumps back slightly at the sound of it, not expecting something like that to blare into his eardrums.
"Ah, the execution is about to happen at town square. That should be interesting to watch."
"Execution? Of what?"
"You'll see."
Doubt proceeds to grab Johnathan by the arm and drags him all the way to town square. Fortunately, we don't get to see the insanely long trek they take to get there. Instead, we fade to the point where they actually get there.
A large crowd of people surround a man standing on a podium holding a bastard sword to his left. The crowd is jeering at the woman standing next to the armor clad man, bag wrapped over her head, as if she's about to be hung. The crowd of raggedy looking men and women throw rocks at the hooded girl, who can be heard sobbing underneath the black bag her face is trapped in. Johnathan and Doubt manage to arrive at the podium before the execution starts, deciding to stand in the far back of the audience, supposedly getting the best view of the action. On the bag, the word 'Traitor' is drawn on it in yellow marker, somehow complimenting the brown rope tied around her neck. The crowd dies down as the armored knight raises his arm to make an announcement to them.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, You have been called here today to cast a vote for the life of this individual. She has been accused of playing the role of a double agent for both the Brigade and the Resistance. Now, I don't know if this is true, but two of my most trusted advisers have presented this information to me, so I felt that this was necessary."
A brief silence looms over the crowd as future Johnathan unties the rope around her neck. He pauses for a few seconds for dramatic effect before removing the bad over the woman's head. Johnathan is stunned to find out that the woman up for execution is his sister. Doubt notices Johnathan's fear and worry and decides to play with his emotions, just like the knight of the future would.
"You notice her? Your own sister up for execution? In the future, you have decided that your sister has held you back after all these years. We felt that your progress has been hindered by your family, so we had them all murdered by your hand. In the future, you kill your entire family to ensure the success of your clan, the Brigade. With all of them out of the way, you become the most unstoppable force in all of the land."
"...No...I..I can't..."
"Oh, but you will. Your fate has been written in stone, after all. You can try to change it, but all that accomplishes is setting the inevitable back a few years or so."
"I'd never...kill Syndi....She's the only person I trust in this world so far..."
Doubt laughs.
"Are you that insecure of yourself? You can no longer trust yourself because of us? You really are sad."
"I can change this. I can change this by proving you wrong at Turning Point, just you watch me."
"The votes have been cast. This woman shall be put to death under your requests."
The crowd cheers loudly as Johnathan looks back at his future self, his eyes as wide as the moon. The sword is raised as everyone starts to roar in approval.
The scene fades to a bright white.
"You know what, Jacob? You're right about me not focusing on Mastermind and Maverick. They both aren't really worth our time, especially since we both know that they'll fail marvelously against you. No one in the back cares if they have support from the crowd or if they have a shape-shifting doppelganger pretending to be them anyways. Why the fuck should they? Both of them have the lasting appeal of a sparkler. It's pretty while it lasts, but dies out as quick as it came. But do you know why I focused on the both of them? The same reason why you wasted time on Mastermind in your last promo. Not only just to humble the both of them, but also in the event they somehow manage to prove themselves right, just in case they somehow manage to defeat the smug asshole standing in the ring, acting like he somehow thinks he owns this place because he kidnapped Blake Lively. If anything, I'd be more worried of Ryan busting into the arena guns a blazing than any of us. He's a bigger threat than I am, and you're just brushing him off like breadcrumbs. So let me ask you something; are you really the number one threat in that arena?"
"So much for you saying you're not as loud and as obnoxious as Dane. Here you are yelling every chance you get in the hope that people will laugh. You still tell jokes as if you have some sort of quota to fill. It's pretty goddamn bad when you end up laughing at your own jokes. Oh you might not have done it on camera, but there's this aura about you, as if you find yourself the most hilarious man on Earth. George Carlin? Robin Williams? They ain't got shit on you and...fuck, you're even worse than Dane Cook. I never thought I'd imagine those words coming out of my mouth, but there we go."
"You said I watched How to Train Your Dragon? You didn't even think at one point I owned the book? And here the guy is labeling me as a dumb bitch. Everything has to involve movies with you. Get the fuck over it, will you? You knocked out Reynolds and haven't stopped whining about it ever since he nearly assassinated you, your wench of a woman that still hangs around with you, and your dog. Oh wait, you called Todd your friend? And here I thought he was your personal bitch for hire. Proved me wrong. Is that why you used my Cambot as an ashtray? Because it wasn't a person with skin and organs? I had to pay a thousand to get that thing cleaned, jackass."
"You're right I didn't have a lot to say to you, because I was too busy getting tormented in my own thoughts to focus on you. Why the fuck should I care about you while I'm too busy reliving my life as it actually happened? Because you said so? Fuck you, I don't have to do what you say all the damn time I only took advice from you just now because I know for damn sure you and I are squaring off at the end of the Gauntlet. Go fuck yourself. And while I'm at it, go fuck your whore too, because MacClay only rewarded this shot to me for inducting someone else as the MVP of Team MacClay. You saw that match, you must have. I spent most of that match getting my ass kicked by everyone else. I don't deserve to go after the Universal title, not yet. I feel ready for the belt you hold right now because I've been busting my balls to earn that belt you've held those past four months. It deserves to be mine officially."
"You know what they say, right? Stick to what you're good at. And I feel like talking to everyone directly is good enough for all of us. Here you are experimenting with jabs you have no experience in and think that you can somehow strew them to your favor. Well I've sat here and listened to every single one of them, and not a damn one managed to make me double think what I said. Speaking of same old shit, you're still calling me, you're still saying that I can't win that belt of yours, and worst of all, you still don't think I'm a challenge, even though I've worked you to the point of exhaustion the last time we stepped inside that ring. Don't you fucking doubt me. I might not be the most stable of men in this business, which, let's face it, isn't really benefactor in this match."
"Hell, if I'm pissing you off, I'm doing a damn good job offending you, aren't I? Tell ya what, you stupid kid, When you're done yelling into the old man's ears, why don't you show me just why you still deserve that belt. You warmed it up for me, so I think it's time to take it as my own for a change. Nothing would be sadder than losing the belt to someone my age, right? Cambot."
"Turn off."
The scene cuts to black.
Transcript Said:"Hey, Syndi, are you there?"
"I'm sorry I haven't talked to you recently, but I really want to make up for it now, you know?"
"...You must be busy. Just call me back when you get this message, alright?"
Singles Win/Lose/Draw
Tag Win/Lose/Draw
“Knighthood lies above eternity; it does not live off fame, but rather deeds.” - Dejan Stojanovic