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Odious against evil
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Jesus Christ Offline
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(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

12-30-2014, 04:34 PM

odious against Evil

It's one of the astonishing trends of our day that nice has replaced almost all the other virtues. You hear very little today about goodness, righteousness, purity of heart, charity, or any number of classical traits. Now almost everything positive is put down as nice. For example, we no longer send someone off with the nostalgic, "Godspeed," or "The Lord be with you." Now it's simply, "Have a nice trip." Whether it's a casual goodbye between business associates or a parting between intimate friends, I find almost everyone saying, "Have a nice day."
Of course there are some advantages to this lingo, especially in a pluralistic, secular culture like our own. For "God be with you," raises the question as to whether the person you're speaking with actually believes in God. Even, "Have a good day," might make one pause to contemplate the meaning of goodness. In a fast moving, secular world such as our own, we don't often have time for such deep philosophical and theological questions. So, simply as a matter of convenience, we're down to just plain nice. Some people here lack the capability to be nice and that is what scares me. The XWF is known for their satanic features mixed with over sexed women copulating with other women and men with men, a truly sickening display and those major offenders are men like Frodo Smackins, who takes pride in his “wife” who is in fact a man and by the sounds of him, probably his brother. Frodo Smackins is one of those men that could never truly love me while living in such sin, his children have relations with each other and no one thought to call the police, in fact they ignored that Young Joseph Gordon was only 14 when he was sleeping with Katie, his blood sister who was 19 when the relationship started. That is by far past the limitations of any law. Let us pray.

Soul of Christ, sanctify me
Body of Christ, save me
Blood of Christ, inebriate me
Water from the side of Christ, wash me
Passion of Christ, strengthen me
O good Jesus, hear me
Within Thy wounds hide me
Separated from Thee let me never be
From the malicious enemy defend me
In the hour of my death call me
And bid me come unto Thee
That I may praise Thee with Thy saints
Forever and ever

Have you noticed how the supreme virtue of our time is being just plain nice? And it's not only in the process of saying hello or goodbye that we reduce ourselves to the lowest common denominator; in more important matters as well, we've come to accept niceness as the number one best selling virtue in most cases. I find that a lot of the staff here and other wrestlers have accepted me into their minds and hearts. Others like Gator took to attacking me for being someone by pure birth right. My intention is not to make others feel low and in fact if that is what happens then you should really take a step back and look at the situation you have been put in.

Perhaps the reason people have come to prefer darkness over any other virtue is that it’s so safe, so convenient, so effortless. It requires very little imagination at all to be evil; one need no hold strong opinions, one need affirm no deep values, one need not exert oneself at all. Just sit back and relax and believe in nothing.

Again Let us pray for those in the XWF who don’t believe.

O God, the everlasting Creator of all things, remember that the souls of unbelievers were made by Thee and formed in Thine own image and likeness. Remember that Jesus, Thy Son, endured a most bitter death for their salvation. Permit not, I beseech Thee, O Lord, that Thy Son should be any longer despised by unbelievers, but do Thou graciously accept the prayers of holy men and of the Church, the Spouse of Thy most holy Son, and be mindful of Thy mercy. Forget their idolatry and unbelief, and grant that they too may someday know Him whom Thou hast sent, even the Lord me, Jesus Christ, who is our Salvation, our Life and Resurrection, by whom you have been saved and delivered, to whom be glory for endless ages. Amen.

When we face any of the truly important situations in life, it is silly and foolish to be just plain nice. Sometimes one must fight. In the bible there were many of my servants that took to arms in defense of their beliefs. Everyday life is a little different. In the end we must all learn to be nice and if we could just give peace a chance here in the XWF I believe that things could be done over a nice battle of wits and perhaps a brisk discussion of the bible, perhaps other religions that are incorrect. We as humans must understand that life is our only chance at salvation. If we fail here then what chance do we have in heaven? Will God forgive us for the sins we committed even if we believe they are in good faith?

I, Jesus Christ want to help everyone here become the man or woman they always wanted to be. Frodo Smackins, I wish for you to be cleansed and become one with me and the almighty.
Join me and my faithful followers. TJ Wallace might be on the other side of this petty war but he is one of my children, Aerial Knight is also a beloved member and a devout follower in the glory. I have already forgiven them for what has to be done. I will not feel no anger and I will accept the pain because they are my family and I bless them and wish them well.

Join me please in my crusade against the darkness which starts with The XWF.

Join me in a silent prayer.
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