Pest is cleaning up after Jack and Caleb had left previously. There was a knock at the door, Pest went over and answered. It was Steve Sayors.
Sayors:Hello, Pest. How are you?
Pest:Fine, Steven. How are you?
Sayors:I'm fine. It's good to see you win a title. Can I get an interview with you real quick?
Pest:Yes, please come in. We shall discuss the match, and enjoy some food. Erica has prepared a meal of Beefalo. Have you ever had Beefalo, Steven?
Pest welcomes Steve into the house, and they walk into the living room. Steve sits in the chair and Pest on the sofa. Erica walks out of the kitchen and joins Pest on the sofa. Her black skirt has been freshly fixed, and atop her white shirt she has placed a black cardigan sweater vest.
Sayors:I can't say that I have.
Pest:You simply must sit down and have some. Would you enjoy a nice beverage to go with it?
Sayors:A glass of water would be fine.
Pest:Erica, please bring our guest a glass of water and some of the Beefalo.
Erica gets to her feet and heads to the kitchen.
Sayors:So, how does it feel to be a Champion?
Pest:It feels fine, Steven. But this is not my first foray into Championship gold. Although, if you ask Theodore that is simply not the case.
Sayors:Ah, so you have watched at least some of Theo's promos.
Pest:Yes, in between bouts of, I'm sorry, Torture Porn, was it? Yes, Torture Porn. In between bouts of Torture Porn, I do occasionally check in on my opponents, and others who have piqued my interest. I must say, I do find it a little bit confusing how a man of Theodore's questionable status can dare to bring up a person's identity.
Sayors:What do you mean?
Pest:Theodore claims to have been Enigma, yes? What was Enigma's name? Eric Martin. Eric Martin does not appear to be Theodore Pryce. Now, they may have weighed the same, and been the same height, but that does not put them as the same. If we examine the fact that Theodore was supposedly out living life in an entirely different manner, as Eric was busy living with Sebastian and crying like a babe in the night. Enigma was crying about his mother not being the saint he believed, and his father not being the man he believed. Yet, here we are with Theodore cashing in Enigma's case. What if we question Theodore on his location between his return and the loss to Santos? He will tell you he was in the Pacific, on vacation. Yet his plane went down, allegedly. All the while Enigma was in the city, killing those he felt deserved it. Curious how that was. Why is it that Theodore can tell us he is Enigma, but he cannot tell us he was in the city and not in hiding? Are the lies too complex to keep up with?
And what should we say would be the cause of his deception? He chose to put on the mask to see how people would react to Sebastian having a little brother before announcing it was him? That hardly makes any sense. Ladies and Gentlemen, I will be donning a new mask, and going by a new name in order to test how my fellow wrestlers will react to us having a new member that's less interesting than I am. Perfect. I shall claim to be Maverick's long lost cousin.
Sayors:You do make an interesting point, there. But what of his claims of your failures because of the others' failures?
Pest:I would ask him to examine those that doubted me recently. Look at Jill Lorder, she paid me to throw a match, and then I allowed Jack to still win. Ask Meta, and everyone who thought he would win. Even after being stabbed in the neck by Vincent Lane, I had come back and won the match for my team. And then compare me to the others again. Yes, I did get off to a rocky start at my return, but since then I have been crushing my opponents. And I have followed through on every promise that I made Jack, and I intend to keep this one. We will defeat these phonies and move onto the next opponents.
Sayors:Interesting. What about your name? It has been questioned as to why you refer to yourself as the God of Emptiness.
Erica walks into the room as this is asked. Pest does not see her, nor does he hear her.
Pest:Look at the things I have done. Ask yourself this, could you force a girl to have your child, only to crucify her on the wall of Shane

? Could you continue to abuse and rape another teenage girl? Could you force the second girl and her family into committing acts incest, before murdering her mother, blinding her father, and forcing them both to consume the flesh of her mother? Could you force an 11 year old girl to eat human flesh before raping her repeatedly, while her mother watches? Could you do all of these things and be ok with yourself?
Sayors:No, I could not.
Erica:You made me eat my mother's flesh?
Pest:And your father's. Yes.
Erica:And they're dead?
Pest:Yes. Your mother died shortly after your father went blind. It was terribly hilarious.
Erica runs screaming and crying into the basement. Steve gets to his feet and follows her. He sees the sight that Jack had previously been exposed to, and grabs Erica. She collapses to the cold cement floor of the basement. Her father's lifeless body hangs limply from the chains, the bodies of McKenzie and Julia lay slumped in the corner. Erica begins to scream and sob uncontrollably. Pest appears at the top of the stairs.
Pest:Erica, I warned you that this day might come. I am the God of Emptiness after all. Be glad you did not die before them.
Erica:Fuck you, Pest. I loved you. Fuck you.
Her cries continue as Pest walks out into the main part of the house and locks the door. He goes to the garage and grabs the large container of Kerosene from there, and brings it into the house. He drips the fuel all over the house as he moves from room to room. He covers everything he possibly can before moving to the basement, and pours a trail down the stairs. Erica and Sayors try to fight Pest for freedom, but he knocks them both out with a quick jab to the Temple. With their bodies limp on the floor, he covers them in the remaining gas, and lights a match. As the fires begin to crawl, Pest calmly walks up the stairs, and out the front door. He gets into Hannah's car and drives away, leaving Erica and Sayors to die.
After a while the smoke has filled the room enough to rouse Erica and Sayors from their unwelcome nap. They see the fire, and rush through a window in the basement. Erica manages to get out first, and helps pull Steve up. They watch as the house burns from the backyard while Erica begins to sob for her mother. Sayors tries to pull her away from the house but she won't budge. Until he pulls out his cell phone to call 911. Erica gets to her feet as he begins to frantically tell the operator about the fire. She bashes him over the head with a rock and makes her way out of the yard, and away from the neighborhood.
Erica:I love him too much to let him go down like this.