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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
The Wizarding World (Finale)
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Hysteria 'The Prophet' Offline
Can you handle it?

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

12-27-2014, 11:43 PM

An hour or so passes as the three continue watching the hut with anticipation. Hysteria is focused on the hut, while Frodo is staring up the hill waiting for any sign of movement. Katie, meanwhile, has focused all of her attention to the masked prophet. She sighs happily as her eyes float over him from head to backside.

"Do you always dress so sexy, Hysteria?"

Excuse me? I cannot fathom what it is you’re saying right now.

"This outfit. It just screams a lover of bondage. I've kind of wanted to try it."

Katie, this is not the time or place for that. Please just focus on the task at hand.

"Jesus, Katie. I'm right here. Your dad doesn't need to hear you hitting on his preacher. What the hell?"

Katie turns away and pouts. As she turns away, Hysteria sighs and shakes his head. Frodo then taps Hysteria on the shoulder and points up at the hill. Hysteria follows the direction of his finger with his eyes and sees in the distant three bodies coming down the hill. Despite the distance, Hysteria could still make them out. One boy leading the way with short dark hair. Another slighter taller boy with short red hair is pulling up the rear. However, the one in the center is who really caught his attention. Long, flowing curly locks bouncing with every step she takes. The trio approach the hut, but the girl rushes to the side of the fallen creature.

Hysteria nods at Katie and Frodo. They raise out of the trenches and leap over the small barricade. They make their way towards the three children. Ron spots them and leaps backwards falling on a pumpkin in the process.

Oi! Who in bloody hell are you?!

Hysteria bows taking off his hat in the process.

I am here with my two associates in representation of The Church of The Higher Power. I am Hysteria. The Prophet of The Higher Power. This is Frodo Smackins, The Violator. This beautiful young lady is Katie Smackins. She is the daughter of Frodo and a fantastic guide to your world.

Katie looks paralyzed with a huge smile on her face at meeting the three in front of her.

"It’s actually Barcovitz-Ward, but… but… OMG! You’re… you’re Hermione! And Ron! And Harry Potter! In real life! Not that douche of an actor Daniel Radcliffe."

The three look at each other with a questioning look. Frodo walks over and looks up at the kids with a stern look.

"I'ma fuck these kids up. Fucking punch the ginger in the dick, set the glasses kid on fire, and shit on girly."

"Dad! They’re only fucking 14! Back up."

"Fuck. Ok, you win this round."

Frodo backs up but still eyes the kids weirdly. The black-haired boy steps forward.

Thank you for introducing yourselves, but did you do this to Buckbeak? He was an innocent creature that didn’t deserve whatever you’ve done to him.

Hysteria clenches his fists.

Why do you assume WE had anything to do with Buckbeak? Fuck this bird, kid. We didn’t do anything to it, but that greasy slimeball inside sure did.

The girl steps forward this time. She has her hand on her chin as if assessing the situation.

A Church of The Higher Power? And she’s your guide to the world of magic? Well then I must surmise that you’re from the Muggle World. However through my studies of religious beliefs throughout the world, I’ve never heard of a Church of the Higher Power. Where are you based out of?

Frodo and Katie look at Hysteria as if unsure how to answer the question. Hysteria shakes his head.

Well we’re not exactly based out of anywhere you’d know. We were transplanted here by a portal from The Higher Power sending us across dimensions. We actually were sent here for you, Miss Granger.

Hermione gasps and Harry steps forward.

How do you know so much about us? We’re just students at Hogwarts. Have you been following us?

"Yes!" "Fuck, you think I got time for that? Still gotta plan killing myself." No.

The three look at each other with frustration and a bit of confusion. Hysteria speaks up again.

No, we have not been following you. You see, I asked for a trinket that would aid us in our journey by allowing us to change our past.

An instrument that would allow us to go back in-

Hermione graps at something beneath her shirt.

-time. You grasping your chest very well validates that you have what we are looking for.

Hysteria takes a few steps forward, but is met by Harry Potter pulling out a wand and pointing it at Hysteria. Hysteria stops and raises his hands whilst cocking his head to the side and looking at him.

Get back! I don’t know who you three are, but something about you just doesn’t seem right.

Potter was it? I expected more than what I’m seeing. How about you just give us the Time-Turner and we’ll be on our way? We won’t have to harm a single hair on your pretty little head!

Harry looks at Hermione who vigorously shakes her head.

Hermione what is this loony talking about?

Hermione looks down and pulls out the necklace from beneath her shirt to reveal a sideways hourglass on the necklace. Harry is transfixed as he stares at the pendant around her neck. Ron gets off the pumpkin and looks at the trinket.

Wicked hell! What does it do, Hermione?

It controls time, Ron. Every time you turn it, time goes back for an hour. It’s how I’ve been able to have classes all year at the same time.

Ron looks at Harry as they nod to each other finally understanding something unimportant to Hysteria and company. Hysteria laughs to himself darkly.

My patience is wearing thin. Give us the time-turner or we will have to collect it off of your corpses, children.

Harry turns his attention back to Hysteria and looks irate.

Did you just threaten us? I’m the one with a wand pointed at you. Perhaps you should watch what you say to us!

"Oh fuck this kid. I'll wand you, you little ."

Frodo rushes Harry who turns quickly and aims his wand at him.


Frodo becomes ablaze with flames licking at his face and hair as he begins running around in circles!


A jet of water from behind Hysteria soaks the body of Frodo taking away the flames. Frodo falls to the ground breathing heavily. The smell of burnt flesh and hair fills the air from Frodo’s body. Hysteria turns around to see Katie with a wand of her own pointed at Frodo. She turns and meets the gaze of Hysteria. She shrugs.

"I felt something in my pocket whenever we got here. I found this wand in it. I'm keeping it."

Harry looks at them with wide-eyes.

I-I thought you guys said you were from a different world!?

Hysteria begins laughing wildly now.

Oh we are, but evidently we’ve picked up a few new powers upon arrival.

Hysteria reaches into his pocket and withdraws a wand of his own! Harry looks scared, but Katie rushes forward.

" Expelliarmus!"

Harry’s wand flies off in a direction behind Ron and Hermione. Ron and Hermione pull out their wands, but not quick enough!

Expelliarmus! Expelliarmus!

Hysteria and Katie send their wands flying away from them as well. Katie looks at Hysteria and sighs deeply as she watches him. Hysteria turns to her and backhands her. She looks shocked as Hysteria gets in close to her.

Focus, lovely.

"Oooh. Can we do that again?"

Hysteria whispers in her ear.

Is there anything I can do to torture one of them to get the time-turner?

"Well, you could one of the illegal spells, but they’re forbidden."

Setting someone on fire isn’t exactly very acceptable where we come from, now is it?

"True. The spell is Crucio."

Thank you, lovely.

Hysteria laughs to himself as he turns to the three children in front of him.

Now, Miss Granger, can I have the time-turner? Or will I have to hurt one of you to get what I want?

The three nervously look at one another. Suddenly the door opens to the hut as the greasy, raven-haired man exits the hut followed in tow by Hagrid. The pale man looks at the three children clustered together and turns his black-pit eyes towards the masked prophet.

What do we have here?

The words seem to take an eternity to leave, but Hysteria even feels the disdain behind every syllable. The three children look fearfully at both Hysteria and the man.

Severus Snape, I presume?

Yes, but who are you and why do you have your wand pointed at Mister Potter? Although I have no issues with this, it is quite against the rules and policies of this school.

Hysteria and Snape continue to look at each other as Hysteria has his wand pointed at the children. Frodo stands up and is holding his wand. His face is blackened as his hair is standing on end. He points it at Snape.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Nothing happens. He then points it at Hagrid.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Nothing. The kids.


Nothing happens again. Katie begins laughing and pointing at Frodo.

"Fuck this shit. It’s gay shit anyways. I blame Samuels."

Frodo snaps the wand in half and goes over to sit on a pumpkin. He pulls out his crackpipe and starts smoking it.

Severus has now withdrawn his wand and points it at Hysteria who turns to meet his gaze. There’s a moment of pause as the two glare at each other.

You do realize that that spell is highly illegal. He could be incarcerated for using that very spell. It’s very stupid for a squib to run around saying that.

"A squib is a person who can’t perform magic, Hysteria. Please slap me again?"

No, but thank you.

"Pretty please?"

Hysteria laughs wildly and continues pointing his wand at Snape.

You say that spell is illegal, Snape? How about this one?


Snape falls to the ground writhing in pain and contorting his body in several different ways as he screams out in agony!

NO! Please stop it!

Bitch! I tire of waiting. Give me what I want NOW or I will kill this asshole.

A fireball comes towards Hysteria who barely dodges out of the way. He looks up and sees that Hagrid had fired it at him. Hysteria growls as his laughter builds in his throat before emitting as a sinister chuckle. Frodo runs out of nowhere and leaps to the top of the steps. He leaps onto the back of Hagrid and begins pounding away at him! Hagrid turns left and right trying to get rid of the Hobbit King. Katie turns her attention to Hagrid.


The spell hits Hagrid and knocks him out cold against his hut. Frodo looks at Katie and shrugs. He whips his dick out and begins to piss on Hagrid. Hysteria looks at the downed Snape and kicks him in the face.

Now. Hand it over or this professor takes another round of Crucio.

The three shake their heads and Hysteria groans.

You know what, perhaps it’s time I change my tactics.

He points his wand at the children. He points it at Ron Weasley.


The pain hits him as Ron falls to the ground crying out in pain!

HERMIONE! GIVE IT OVER NOW! Or I will have to ascend to the next illegal spell.

Hermione has tears in her eyes as she removes the necklace and throws it to Hysteria who catches it. Hysteria begins laughing wildly and throws his hands out. This stops the curse.

O Higher Power! I have retrieved what you have sent me to retrieve! It’s time to return home!

As soon as the last syllable exited his mouth, a swirling portal appeared behind him. Katie calls Frodo who comes running over as the three begin walking into the portal leaving the World of Harry Potter behind.

They return to the same place as if no time had gone by.

"Well that was fucking stupid. I’ma blaze it while watching John Hughes movies. Katie, drive me home. Daddy's fucked up."

"Call me Hysteria! We can do that bondage thing!

Hysteria watches as they walk down the walkway from the church. As he follows them with his eyes, his eyes get caught on the lights by the road.

The lights draw his eyes in like a moth to the flame. Hysteria pulls up the Time-Turner and examines it with the light in the background.

Soon, my dear. I shall save you yet.


[Image: 3nOsl9M.jpg]
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