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The Lone Crusader

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12-28-2014, 02:21 AM

Pest is sitting down in the living room of Erica's parents' home, with them still chained in the basement when a knock sounds on the door, awaking him from his little foray into the world of Televised Game Shows, something he's never cared too much for. He gets to his feet and answers the door. It's Jack, standing there with Caleb in tow. Pest welcomes them into the house.

Pest: And what can I do for you, Jack?

Jack: Greetings, Pest, I came here on this day to discuss our opponents. I do not know much about them personally and wish to have more knowledge about them before I speak out.

Erica walks into the room while mixing a bowl of Cake batter. She sees the guest, sets the bowl on the nearest end table and walks over to greet them.

Erica: Welcome to the house, gentlemen. How are you doing today?

Jack: We are doing fine, Miss Erica. Caleb over here is just a bit tense, but that's because he was a bit worried about meeting your...boyfriend...for the first time.

Pest: Erica, dear. Go fetch our guests something to drink, and then I would like you to sexually satisfy the boy while Jack and I speak.

Erica walks back into the kitchen with her bowl, and comes back a mere moments later carrying two cans of Coca-Cola for Jack and Caleb. She hands them to the guest before grabbing Caleb's hand and heading to the bedroom. Pest stops her.

Pest: No, oral sex in the living room. Jack and I will sit and watch while we converse. Should Caleb give the indication you will then engage in intercourse with him. Jack, please have a seat.

Erica leads Jack to the living room where she has him stand in the middle of the room, while she takes a pillow from the sofa and places it on the floor in front of him. She then lowers herself onto it, and undoes his belt and pants. She removes his penis and begins to suck it. Jack and Pest take a seat, witch Jack in the sofa and Pest in the chair.

Jack: This is his first time, believe it or not.

Pest: I can believe it. Erica, how is it going?

With Caleb's penis still ramming her throat, Erica lifts a hand to give the thumb's up to Pest. She keeps bobbing her head in front of Caleb's genitals.

Pest: So, Jack, are you prepared to face Theo and John Samuels?

Jack: We are. We feel we can take them.

Pest: Ah, yes. Good. Theodore will provide a very weak challenge for us. He is a fool and a showman. John Samuels is the real danger here, much as I predicted with Meta and Kendall. They shall fall weakly before us. You and I shall retain our titles and we shall be hailed as valid champions.

Jack: You are correct, and you seem pretty sure of yourself.

Pest: There should be no confusion as to why. I promised you the title, and I delivered. I promised my team victory at War Games, and I delivered. Jack, despite my betrayal I have given all I promise, save a few bumps in the road when I first arrived.

Jack: That you did. You do seem to be the one that most people appear concerned with. Not me.

Pest: There is a reason for that, Jack. It's because of people cannot grasp the concept of me. You are less of a mystery. People know who you are, you are Jack of the Hidden Order. I am less easily figured out. Part of the reason I give false clues to my identity. People get too wrapped up in who I am under the guise. They will too quickly dismiss what I can do because they do not know what my name is.

Jack: That makes sense. But it does indicate that I am less of a threat than you.

Pest: A false ideology. And one rooted in human weakness. You see, Jack, they perceive you as the weaker threat because you are known. People cling to the notion that which is unknown is somehow more dangerous and stronger. To be fair, they are correct to an extent. Without knowing who I am, and how to handle me I become a challenge, but they also do not know you as well as they think they do. They could face any number of you in the ring.

As Pest is speaking Erica begins to choke and gag on Caleb's erection. She pulls back and cum is dripping from the tip of his penis. Erica sits on her legs with an accomplished look on her face.

Erica: Well, Jack, you've got a pretty good sidekick there.

Pest: Erica, dear, our friend looks hungry.

Erica stands up, and lowers her panties around her ankles, she then sits back on the sofa and throws her feet in the air.

Pest: Jack, allow me to show you something. Erica, you and Caleb stay here and entertain our guest.

Jack and Pest get to their feet and head to the basement where Jack sees the corpse of Hannah with flesh ripped from the bone, and Donald's corpse shackled to the wall, his head blown slumped down, the back blown out. The corpses of McKenzie and Julia lay in the corner, a pool of blood still at their feet.

Jack: I see. This must be your work. Was there a need for it, or just for the pleasure of killing?

Pest: What do you suppose?

Jack: I believe they committed some small infraction against you, and you punished them tenfold to teach them a lesson.

Pest: Correct. As I intend to do to John Samuels and Theodore Pryce. They have made the mistake of underestimating us, and I intend to pay them twelve fold for their crimes. Would you care to know what I did to them before I ended their suffering?

Jack: Sure.

Pest: I made him watch as I forced Erica and the woman to engage in intercourse, they are mother and daughter, before I forced Erica to have sex with him. After he came, I blinded him, then slit her throat. I left him in the basement with the corpse. Forced him to engage in sexual intercourse with her body before I fed him her flesh. Then I forced Erica to fellate him before severing his penis. He ingested that as well. Then I handed him a knife, and forced him to slit the throat of that dead little girl. He was then told he killed Erica, and handed a gun. I stood in front of him, and he put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. The girl's mother watched all of this, I then killed her.

Jack: You're fucked up. You know this?

Pest: Yes.

Jack can be heard softly chuckling at Pest's rather blunt answer.

Jack: You're one of the few who would admit that they are. Then again, this company houses the rest of them and treats them as royalty. Such as Doctor D'Ville, the true fourth king.

He exhales before continuing

Jack: And yet, I know enough about a person like him to speak out against him. I don't know enough about people like Theo or Samuels because they've been around longer than I could care to look back to. I can understand what we're capable of and how we an take them down, what with my calm demeanor and your more aggressive approach towards wrestling, but I have no idea what they can do when put together. Are they more cooperative than they were in the past? Have they settled their differences? I have to learn at least something about them before I can help out properly.

Pest: There were no real differences to be had. Other than perhaps a few illtoned words when Samuels was parading around as Titan, what a spectacle that was. You see, Theodore is a calculated man who does not calculate as well as he would have you believe. He has his faults, such as consistency and real noteworthiness. You see, Theodore Pryce is a failed businessman who got outsmarted by someone he vastly underestimated. Much as will happen in the ring. All of it happened because he believed he was too untouchable. It was his downfall, and will be again.

As for John Samuels? He is a solid fighter, but he does not win enough for people to honestly consider him worth anything. He was better off before he lost his teeth to Feder. It seems that like Samson, our friend the Senator has becomes weak when something is removed. In his case, his teeth. Let us hope he continues to overestimate himself, lest he forget he lost to Maverick, and in a match to Leda Coma, and John Plex. John Samuels is less than half the man he used to be. Honestly, Jack, we have little to concern ourselves with. Very little.

Jack: Why am I not surprised that Theo is a business man...Anyways, now that I have some dirt on these two, would you like to call targets, much like you did with Meta and Kendall? I'm up for that again, and it's a bit of strategy that I don't mind saying on television.

Pest: Well, I have no particular issues with Samuels. I will leave his substandard attempts at a movie about my life, in the most imbecilic manner possible, as an attempt at humor, and flattery. I will not draw the notion that he is trying to offend with something as ill thought out as that was. To call it a film is to an insult to the classics of days gone past. Humphrey Bogart would be rolling in his coffin had the man not been too drunk to notice the world passing him by. Which leaves Theodore and I. We do have a score to settle, something about him being upset because I accused him of being homeless of all things. You would be correct to laugh about the sheer vanity of that one. Now, let us make our way back upstairs. I believe I shall have some food prepared for us. Do not worry, you will not be feasting on the flesh of Erica's deceased mother.

Speaking of her, do you find her to be a step up from Barbie, or a step down?

Jack: She can handle more than Barbie, that's a certainty. I'm sure Caleb would like a hot meal after what he's been put through. Do you know how long she can last in such an activity? You've been with her for quite a bit now, and my curiosity has piqued.

Pest: Sexually, her and I have lasted for an hour, and then she gives up. She's too young to go much longer. But, I intend to try and train her for more. Her spirit has had to be tested more than Barbie's, that is for certain. I loved Barbie, you know. Honestly, I did. With Erica, it's different. I do enjoy testing her, and I think she does too.

Pest and Jack walk into the living room to find Erica rubbing clitoris while Caleb looked on as if he had never seen anything like it before.

Pest: Erica, did Caleb enjoy himself?

Erica: Dunno. He hasn't gotten back hard, and didn't go down on me. I've just been sitting here masturbating.

Pest: Go make us some food, then. We are hungry.

She gets up and fixes her skirt before heading to the kitchen.

Pest: Do it naked, Erica. Let them see my mark.

She removes her shirt, and bra, exposing her chest with the missing nipple to Jack and Caleb. She then lowers her skirt, exposing scar tissue from previous sessions with Pest's knife.

Pest: You have to teach a girl to behave sometimes. So, Jack, do you think she's prettier than Barbie was?

Jack: That's a pretty deep cut...

He shakes his head back to the now.

Jack: Appearance wise, yes. And as far as I can tell, she looks like most of the other girls I tend to come across on the streets, dead or not. But no matter, let's make a toast before the match, for good luck and favorable outcomes, right?

He raises his can of soda, which he hasn't taken a sip out of yet.

Jack: To victory?

Pest raises his.

Pest: To Theo having to pay off the competition in order to win.

They clink cans together as they raise the cans back to their mouths. Pest is the only one who takes a drink out of it, as Jack just keeps holding it in the air, since he chooses not to move his bandages for any reason in public, not even to eat or drink. The scene fades as Pest downs the entire can.

If we can build a better relationship after sharing camera time than the two of you do, then you stand as much of a shot at victory as Otis and the black bear.

What, you didn't think the pug survived that, do you?

Common knowledge to those in the film making industry, as the Senator has clearly shown a bizarre passion towards not too long ago.

I can trust him enough to ensure a victory for our side.

He might be a vile human being that attacked me with a warning just a day before the match started, but my sheer determination to destroy those piece of shit belts and his desire to pry them off of the former champions shows that we can get through more than anyone can expect.

And if it's any clue to you, Kings of the dying land, that you think that you have reached victory beforehand, the Hidden Order has stepped in to make sure that the crowns melt just as fast as the belts do.

Trust us, we wouldn't do anything demeaning that might make your career look even worse than it already has.

Pest, however...

I can't speak for him, and it's better to just leave him to his own devices.

Be seeing you in the ring, Kings of the deserted.

May your defeat be one for the history books.

[Image: 1sRaL7A.png?2]
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