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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Knight to the left of me, Some prick to the right.
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Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

12-26-2014, 11:09 AM

"Seriously? Not you Knight, well kinda... Let me start over. I'm not taking this thing very seriously. In case you didn't fucking notice, I'm making my cameramen compete against each other. I opened my trash talk against you talking about fucking Snakes and Ladders. I showed a serious side, but none of you are worthy of seeing it. Bullshit you own a Deadpool comic! You fucking liar! And if you did why the hell would you rip a page out? Just show the fucking page you moron. What? Did you think ripping paper would scare me? Show the fucking dominance you have over the resource of paper? What did trees ever do to you Knight? Were you touched by a tree? Did a paper cut kill your father? No? Then stop ruining good comic books you fucking cunt!"

"... Deadpool is in your nightmares? You said you don't imagine me or my cameramen in your nightmares, but you imagine Deadpool? Of all the evil things people have conjured up, Deadpool is one of them that haunts your dreams? HAHA! You fucking pussy! What!? Do you go to sleep holding a chimichanga to appease the nightmare that is Deadpool? Do you imagine him standing over your bed thrusting his katana into you? ... Well, that would be more a dream in your case right? Not that there's anything wrong with that. I don't imagine shit like that but if you do, then cool."

"Okay, let's go down the list shall we?"

*Gator looks to the hand written notes to his side*

"You said I'm taken this seriously and then go immediately back on your words. Nice. Make your fucking mind up dumb bitch. Hm. Then you talk about how you already know how much of a skilled fighter I am.... I was fucking dead on about you wasn't I?"

First promo this week, Gator Said: Knight, do whatever you usually do, I'm honestly not sure what you do, try and trash talk but end up sucking on your opponents dick. I don't know.

"Thank you for playing that Rodd. But Knight, I was fucking right about you. You start with insulting me, and then quick as a fucking whip, here you are sucking my dick. Jesus, you flip flop more than a fucking politician. Anyway, you say I don't need to prove how good I am, all over again. Cool, so I can just stop right? I can take a break, shut up and go into our match and win. Well that sound just fucking dandy Knight. Sadly, you know, well you should know how this works by now. It's common back and forth Knight, it's what every single wrestler does. If you want me to stop, too fucking bad. Why don't you shut the fuck up for once, it might make you sound like less of a fucking idiot."

"OOH! A dagger has been driven through my heart! How can I still compete when the dumb bitch brings up my daddy!!! GAH! Repressed memories! Horrible childhood! Glorious Nippon! ... Joking. The dad shit doesn't work, sorry. I know it's an easy thing to go for, but it only works if you're my dad. And I think I need to clarify how I grew up, since you didn't get it the first time. You see, I grew up by being myself instead of being the bitter, angry, cocky kid from J-Pro. I relaxed, I had more fun, I realised a match isn't life or death. I grew up in my own way. I though you got that but obviously not. Well done for missing the point Knight. Oh, I like this line."

Dumb Bitch Said:there's no denying that I'll be able to beat you in that ring with the move that everyone can avoid to take the belt that you still call yours.

"There's no denying is there? You sure about that? You mean like the other time we had a match and you lost? Yeah, filling everyone full of confidence aren't you Knight. Hahahaha. Shit. And you still call the belt mine, a week or two ago, you said you felt like you were holding my belt until I got back. I think you still feel like that because honestly, I'm not really seeing a fire in your eyes when you talk to me. It's like looking at a beaten puppy trying to fight back at his abusive owner. It's just sad."

"Ha! Dolt. What a fucking word.... If you know how easy your finisher is to avoid then why the fuck do you continue to try and do it? Why don't you actually make sure your opponents are fucking out cold before even attempting it? Shit like this make me think you're actually mentally handicapped. Well, and shit like this."

Dumb Bitch Said:I can bring out your serious side by simply not cracking a smile and by calling you girlfriend a whore. Oh, I'm sorry, you only think I do that to white women?

"First, you didn't bring out my serious side.I decided to show you a glimpse. Which you're obviously not worth anyway, but, here's what I love. I didn't say you only call white women whores Knight. I said women. Just women all together. No race was involved. I just said, women. I made the Swagmire metaphor because I thought it was funny, which it was. But I didn't say you only call white women whore, pay some fucking attention for once in your miserable life you stupid fucking dolt! Hahahahaahahaha... Sorry, I'm sorry. I should be a professional but I love how this multi-cultured whore shaming slideshow you have going on leads to fucking nothing because you're are so dense you didn't even listen to what I was saying. Well done Knight. You made yourself look dumber than I ever could."

"I never called you a racist. But at least you know you're a misogynist and proud. Oh by the way, showing so many pictures in your promo, not helping after I compare you to a member of the Smackins family. Here you go again calling Scarlett a whore. Haha, do you know what Knight. I don't believe you when you say this shit. I honestly don't. So, why the fuck should I waste my time on you when I don't fucking believe a word that comes out of your mouth. But I digress. Me and Scralett aren't on camera twenty four, seven. Like yourself. We don't stand still waiting for the camera to turn back on so we can finish our conversation. We have a life. We talk when the cameras are off. Get it now champ? Stuff happens outside of the view of the camera lens you total fucktard."

"And you talk a bunch of shit and blah blah fucking blah, this is getting too long as it is and I haven't even talked to Bobby yet. So let's wrap this up quick, stop trying to be my friend, We are not friends. I liked you but I got sick of you pretty fucking quick, just like everyone else around here. You want a friend in this match? You got fucking Bobby, team up with him and just try and stop me, and fucking fail like you always fucking do. Fuck you! You're a piece of shit who doesn't deserve to hold my belt for a minute, let alone two fucking weeks or however long you've had it."

*Gator shifts the notes to his side. He clears his throat and turns back to the camera*

"Bobby the only underground you belong in is one that involves you inside of a fucking coffin. But at least you show your teeth. Doesn't mean shit to me anyway because honestly I forgot you were ever involved in this fed. Who could forget your reign as X-Treme champ for a fucking week or something. I don't know, and I don't care. But if you want to focus on now sure, let's do that. I've just got out the hospital and last week I won a two on one, you just came back from losing the X-Treme belt and had a match with Davids, whom I've already beat. You lost that match and now we're here. I don't like your fucking chances. Bobby you are the dude who hands out water during the intermission in this comedy. Not a drama, a comedy. Stop being so dramatic you fucking cunt."

"I'm done. Mastermind. Fuck you, that is all, at least the other two are trying. See you later fuckers."

*The camera fades to black*



[Image: sRKjWTe.png]

*Gator stands in a large, fairly empty room. Just amateur wrestling mats on the ground and other training equipment in the background. Gator stands next to an object covered with a large black plastic sheet. Gator is smoking looking at Rodd and Todd*

"To be a cameraman for one of the best wrestlers, you need to become one of the best wrestlers in the XWF! Hence the reason I requested some help. Rodd, Todd, I'd like you to meet Jim Bob."

*Gator rips off the sheet exposing Jim Bob, the official XWF training dummy*

[Image: 28329.jpg]

T: "HOT!" R:"Bonjour madame!"

"Calm down you horny perverts. This is a training dummy! According to that Lucius Fyre kid anyway. So, grapple this bitch and show me your skill! Todd, since you won the last round, you're up first."

*Todd cracks his fingers and walks over to Jim Bob*

T: "Let me show you how it's done Rodd!"

"Sick burn Todd... Right, whenever you're ready."

*Todd grapples the dummy around the waist and tries to pick it up. Struggling with the official XWF training dummy, Todd barely lifts the curvaceous form of Jim Bob from the ground, he huffs in exhaustion and throws the dummy to the mat with the worst German Suplex in the history of German Suplexes. Todd rubs his head in pain from the impact and slowly pins Jim Bob, awkwardly trying not to touch Jim Bob's breasts. Gator rolls his eyes and quickly slaps the mat*

"One, two, three."

*Todd hops to his feet with a 'woooo' and walks back next to Rodd*

"Well, that was just dreadful. Rodd, you're up next buddy."

*Gator lifts Jim Bob back into position as Rodd wobbles his way to it*


R: "Oui Monsieur Gator."

"Go get her. It."

*Rodd pushes back his thin, greasy hair away from his face and removes his glasses. Releasing he can't see shit, he puts them back on*

R: "Bonjour mademoiselle, mon nom est Rodderick Gibeau . Et , vous devez être la femme la plus fascinante que je ai eu le plaisir de rencontrer."

"Damn, this is pretty hot."

T: "I thought he was gay."

"The French don't see gender when it involves sex, they see a naked body, they go after it."

*Todd and Gator watch as Rodd, gently kisses Jim Bob's neck and the base were the head should be. He caresses her plastic breasts and cups her jiggly butt. Rodd pulls Jim Bob closer to him, squashing her large boobs against his bigger man boobs as he slowly leans the dummy to the floor while tweaking it's nipples. The pair go to the floor. Rodd straddling Jim Bob starting to remove his XXXL sweaty, Tap Out t-shirt. Gator thankfully intervenes*


*Rodd stops and rolls his eyes. He looks at Jim Bob*

R:"Jusqu'à ce que nous reverrons, mon amour."

*Rodd kisses Jim Bob on the chest and gets to his feet. Gator looks between his cameramen*

"Fuck it. Rodd wins round two!"

[Image: wO9ajPj.png]

T: "What!?"

"He was creative at the very least. Can't argue with creativity."

T: "But-"

"Fade to Better Todd!"

*The scene fades to Better Todd!*

[Image: 558989_10152349579372244_832832772_n.jpg...d5c3a128b1]

[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
Check out Backstage Page for full list of XWF achievements.
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