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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Can You Tell Me How To Get To Sesame Street?
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-24-2014, 08:00 PM

Kaufman Astoria Studios. A historic movie studio located in the Astoria section of the New York City borough of Queens. Many famous names have come through the studio including greats like Diana Ross, George Burns, Frank Sinatra and now today, Theo Pryce.

The scene fades into a big room with 4 long tables pressed together to form a large square. Seated around the table are various actors, writers and of course the director of the show. Seated at the far end of one of the tables is Theo Pryce. Wrestler, Super Spy and sometimes actor.

Several months ago Theo was contacted by the car company Jaguar to be part of a commercial that debuted at last year's Super Bowl. The commercial was one of the highest rated to appear during the Super Bowl and it also resulted in a substantial increase in Jaguar sales in the first quarter following the debut of the commercial. Because of that Theo earned a fat bonus check from Jaguar as well as phone calls from various agents wanting to represent Theo. Of course Theo being the prudent businessman that he is decided to forego any representation so as to not have to give up a cent to a middle man and instead decided to represent himself. A few months ago Theo's good buddy Benedict Cumberbatch appeared on the show Sesame Street and received rave reviews. When Benedict was pressed for who among his famous friends might be interested in coming on the show Benedict threw out one name. Theo Pryce.

And so here we are. At the final read through for an episode of the educational kids program Sesame Street in which Theo Pryce will be filming several scenes. The one Theo is most excited about is one with just him and the Cookie Monster. Theo like most American kids who didn't grow up in the ghetto enjoyed watching Sesame Street. He loved the various characters on the show like Mr. Snuffleupagus which he named John. Or Big Bird which he named SteveDave. Why two names? No idea but for some odd reason that Theo could never really explain it just made sense. And of course there was Bert and Ernie which obviously needed no names, ditto for Oscar the Grouch. And last but not least, Theo's favorite character on the show was none other than the Cookie Monster. Who doesn't love a furry blue creature that eats cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner? No one. The answer is no one.

"Alright we all good here?" Says the man seated in the middle of the head table. Based on the amount of paper in front of him as well as the previous conversations that were going on one could assume that this person is the Director of this particular episode.

No one responds to the Directors question and a few seconds later the various people seated around the tables start getting up and filing out of the room one by one. As Theo makes his way out of the room an attractive young production assistant approaches him.

"Mr. Pryce?" she says with a smile.

"Yes darlin?"

"The Director said that the first scene he would like to film is the one with you and the Cookie Monster. He asked that you meet him by his trailer in 5 minutes."

"Sure. And where is his trailer at?'

"I'll take you to it."

"Fantastic. Thank you. So you know my name but I don't know yours."

"It's Desiree."

"Desiree. That's a nice name. I knew a girl in high school named Desiree. She could suck the chrome off a bumper."

The remark catches the young girl off guard but she smiles so as to ease the awkwardness and then leads Theo to the Directors trailer.

"Here you go."

"Thank you Desiree. And after I finish my scenes where might I find you? I'm thinking I could use a tour of the studio. I'd love to see every nook and cranny of this place."

"I'm usually not far from the Director's chair."

"I'll bet."

Theo walks over to the Director who is just finishing up a heated conversation with a male production assistant. When the conversation ends the Director sends the P.A. away and then turns around to see Theo standing there.

"Theo Pryce, it's a pleasure to meet you. My son is a huge fan of yours." The Director says as he extends his hand outward towards Theo. Theo graciously accepts the man's hand in the name of friendship and good business relations. The Director appears to be in his mid to late 50's. Short black hair that is peppered with gray. He's wearing a black t-shirt and jeans with a vest on that says Director on the back of it. In his left hand is a cell phone and in his right a clipboard.

"A fan is that so? Well how would you like it if you and your son were my guests of honor to next weeks show? Your son would get to see his hero win the XWF Tag Team Titles?"

"Really? You would do that?"

"Absolutely. All I'm going to need from you is for you to send that lovely production assistant of yours over to my trailer."

"Which one? Desiree?"

"That's the one."

"Ok that's easy. But you don't have a trailer."

"Well then I'm going to need to borrow a trailer for about an hour. Doesn't matter whose trailer it is. Front row seats for you and your boy. And I'll even make sure the bar is stocked with chocolate milk and skittles so your son has something to enjoy while we are kicking back the hard shit in celebration of John and my inevitable victory."

"Ok I can definitely get that done."

"I know you can. Now what is it you wanted to see me about?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were ready for your scene? Some people find it a little distracting having to talk to a puppet."

"What? Are you saying the Cookie Monster isn't a real monster? Jesus everything I ever believed was a lie. Does he like cookies at least?"

Unsure of whether Theo is trying to be funny or actually the Director just smiles and nods.

"I'm kidding. And talking to a puppet really isn't that big a deal. I've cut promos against Peter Gilmour before so this shouldn't really be any different. Except that I like the Cookie Monster. Dude's legit."

"If you say so. If you will follow me I'll take you to the set where your scene is being filmed. Hopefully we can bang it out quickly."

"Sounds good."

The Director leads Theo over to a small set towards the end of Studio E. The set is really just a small open room with two chairs, one for Theo and one for the Cookie Monster. Behind them is a big purple curtain backdrop. The Cookie Monster sans puppet master is already situated on the right seat so Theo does the only sensible thing and sits down on the left seat. He looks about the room taking it all in. He breathes heavily for a few seconds while also trying to center himself for the scene he is about to shot. However his concentration is broken when Cookie Monster starts speaking.

"Hello friend."

"Hello Cookie Monster." Theo says with a smile as he leans back in his chair a little bit to see that the puppeteer has indeed taken control of the Cookie Monster.

"So friend are you excited?"

"Of course. I've always been a big fan of yours."

"It's the cookies isn't it?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Who doesn't love cookies?"

"No idea."

"So can you teach me some of your moves?"

"My moves?"

"Yeah your a wrestler, can you teach me some of your moves? Like that tackle thingy and that move where you stomp on guys heads."

"You mean the False Flag and Burned? Uh yeah, I guess I can show you that. Might be a bit difficult."

"Why because I'm so small? Do you have something against people of small stature?"

" Not at all. I love people of all size and shapes. Ok, well maybe not shapes. I am pretty particular there."

"Ok so then what's the problem?"

"Nothing, nothing at all. In fact I welcome the challenge. But it's going to have to be later next week. I have a match coming up."

"Yeah I saw that."

"You did."

"Yeah, on the internet."

"You use the internet?"

"Yes of course I use the internet. I'm not a sock puppet you know. I'm the real McCoy."

"Yeah I can see that."

"So you ready for this match? This Pest guy seems like a real fucked up character."

"You sure you're supposed to be saying that? This is a kids program afterall."

"Don't be such a bitch. The camera's aren't rolling."

"Well alright then. And to answer your question yeah, I'm not really worried about Pest or JACK. Doesnt matter which member of that bullshit brigade shows up none of them are a match for Samuels or I. And as for Pest. Well that sick fuck is too busy trying to make torture porn to bother with this match. He lucked into his title reign but it ends on Monday."

"How can you say that? He's a former Universal Champion, a two time tag team champion and he's won the X-treme Title more than Peter Gilmour."

"Has he? Are we sure? In that get up Pest could claim to be the Dahli Lama but are any of us really sure? I know what he claims to have won, but until he grows a pair of balls and tells us exactly who he is then I have no reason to believe anything he says. So no, I am not going to buy into the whole former Universal Champion and former two time tag team champion and former 16 time X-treme champion bullshit. What I will believe is that he is the current tag team champion. A reign that will last only as long as he is able to avoid defending those titles. Which unfortunately for him is this Monday. Outside of that Pest is just that, a Pest. He is an annoyance, nothing more."

"All this talk is making me hungry. Would you like a cookie?"

With that the Director walks onto the set and starts barking orders which in turn results in a few dozen people running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to get a few last second things done.

"Alright let's get this baby shot and wrapped up in time for lunch."

The scene fades to black as the Director stands in front of chair while a P.A gives Theo and the Cookie Monster a few last minute instructions.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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