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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Won't even break a sweat.
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Ethan Donovan Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

12-21-2014, 11:44 PM

I finished my drink with Cindy before we said our goodbyes and headed out. I stood outside and took in the night air. It wasn't too cold and most likely wouldn't get colder then 56 degrees. Pretty nice for winter time I think. I lit up a cigarette and headed for my car, I was about half way there when I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard a familiar."Hello love." I stooped and took a drag off of my cigarette before I turned to face Belladonna. I blew out the smoke and looked at her for a moment. I won't lie, she was beautiful, with her white, almost sliver hair and those deep blue eyes, I felt like if I looked into them, I'd drown, plus you remember, never look a vampire in their eyes.

"Say something love."

"Oh sorry, I was lost in thought. What are you doing here? I thought I'd meet at the club?"

"Yes, well I thought I'd meet you early and walk you over there myself. We haven't had a talk in awhile and I just wanted to catch up with you. If that's alright with you"

That's odd, sure we talked when I saw her and with my being what it is, I saw maybe once a week, maybe twice but she has never went out of her way to just talk, like as if we were old friends. Which makes me wonder if we were friends? I knew a little bit about her, like she was alive in the 16th century. I knew she came from royalty, didn't know her family's name and she knew a little bit about me. So did we fall in the friend category? Maybe we were. So I shrugged and took a puff from my cigarette.

"That's fine with me. Let's go. Plus, I know my car will be safe here, Cindy and her old man wouldn't let anything happen to it."

"Well if you would be so kind." She said and held out her elbow, I hooked my arm around her's before we started to walk. I'm an asshole most of the time but hey, I can be a gentleman once in a blue moon. As we walked I wondered what she wanted to talk, but I soon had my answer when she spoke.

"So, hows you're wrestling thing going? I looked up on the computer and saw that you're going to have a match and with many opponents."

"Well look at you. You know how to work a computer." We stopped and she looked at me with a raised eyebrow, as if to say "really?" I couldn't help but to chuckled at her reaction.

"I'm just messing with you, but yes I have a big match coming up. It's to crown the new number one contender for the tag belts. Which from what I have seen from my opponents, it's going to be a walk in the park."

"Oh how so? If I remember right, your opponents are no push overs."

"You're fucking kidding me right? Please, the only people that my teammate and I have to worry about are monsieur Pryce and monsieur Samuels. I'll tell you right now, they are going to win their match. Which will make me happy, I get a rush from facing a strong opponent or in this case, opponents. As for the teams that I'll be facing, What do they bring to the table? Jack shit, that's what."

"I see."

"What? Are you doubting me? Just look at who I'm facing. Adrian Storms and Bobby Zi. What can they do? Bobby is such a loser, he couldn't win a match if his life was on the line. Hell, the reason he left was because he was so good at sucking, that he went off and started a life as someone's ass slave. Adrian Storms? He looks like he's too busy shooting H into his balls that he won't be able to do shit. I don't even know why they are even in this match, let alone why they are in The XWF, but hey, everyone needs an easy win. That's all they will ever be, easy wins."

"Good point."

"Don't get me started on that Azrael and his pet shark. Jaws is the alien version of Brock Lesnar, he's overhyped and fucking stupid as Hell, the poor fish can't even count right, let alone wrestle. I almost feel bad for Azrael for the fact that he took such a pathetic creatures under his wing, but that just shows how far Azrael has fallen from grace. They will be no threat for myself and my partner."

"And what about the last team?"

"You mean the two bean flickers? They're too preoccupied with tongue punching each other's fart boxes to be concerned about the match, I'm not saying that watching two women fuck isn't great but when something like becoming the number contenders for the tag title is there and you're not giving it your all, well then why the fuck are you even in the match? They should just stay home and fuck, then at least people would give a damn about them, maybe make a porn while they're at it"

By the time I was done speaking, we were standing in front of Belladonna's strip club. The bright neon sign reading "The Dancing Dead" was hanging over head. I looked up at it and took the last drag of my cigarette. I unhooked my arm from Belladonna's. Of all the years of knowing her, I've never been into the club before. I never had the time, plus knowing that they weren't humans. No thank you, you think a normal stripper can drain you dry of your paycheck? Well a damn vampire stripper could drain you of all of your life's savings and maybe something more.

"Are you ready love? We shouldn't be late."

I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. I might not be coming out alive, so I might as well enjoy life for a few more moments.

"Oui, ready as I'll ever be."

If I did make it out with my life, I had a feeling I was going need a new suit, I might have to take up on Theo's offer.

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