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Hunter Payne Offline
RIP Ray Peterson

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12-18-2014, 02:52 AM

It’s movie night in the Payne household. Hunter knows this. Which is why he lit scented candles (That Joy bought!), got practically naked, and brought a blanket from the bedroom to put on his living room couch. The only things missing now are Joy and the movie she is going to bring, as is the usual routine on movie night. Hoping Joy doesn't bring one of her typical chick flick movies, Hunter decides to text her about it. Suddenly, that’s when the doorknob began to shake. From the looks of it, Joy had inserted her key into keyhole. Much like what Hunter was planning on doing later if you catch the drift ;). After a few seconds of vigorous jiggling the front door burst open! ;) To nobody’s surprise it’s Joy, to everyone’s surprise she is dressed very fancy. Almost as if she is going out to dinner at a ridiculously expensive restaurant. Joy looks surprised to see Hunter as she closes the door behind her.

Joy: Why are you in your boxers?

Payne: Why are dressed like you just came from a fashion show?

Joy: Do you not know what today is?!

Payne: Yeah, movie night.

Joy: MOVIE NIGHT! Are you serious?!

Joy gives Hunter a dirty look while she’s scolding him. Hunter feels the animosity immediately.

Payne: What?!

Joy: It’s only a certain couple’s anniversary today Hunter!

Payne: Really? Well I really don’t want to go anywhere tonight. Can you tell them I send my condolences?

Hunter takes a seat on his couch and is soon followed by a clearly angry Joy.

Joy: Well I would, but I don’t think the man is going to be alive after tonight!

Payne: Yeah? Why’s that?

Joy: Damn it Hunter! It’s our anniversary!

Payne: Oh shit!

Joy: “Oh shit” is right! I can’t believe you forgot our anniversary!

Payne: Well… I mean, we’ve broken up so many times. How am I supposed to keep track?

A millisecond of silence goes by…

Payne: Wow, I regret saying that immediately! Before you yell at me, I want you to know that I’m gonna go upstairs to get dressed, all super fancy like you, and we’ll go out and do whatever you want. Okay babe?

Joy: Alright, but you better make tonight memorable… Wouldn’t want us to break up again right?

Crisis averted! That could've caused a huge argument. Hunter quickly decided going to a restaurant to appease Joy would be a lot better than having to spend the night in an emergency room because Joy was angry enough throw sharp objects at him. Laugh all you want, that's happened before. Hunter rushes upstairs to his bedroom to get suited up, but then he notices Joy is directly behind him.

Payne: Are you following me?

Joy: Yes. I’m going to pick out your tie, you have a habit of wearing the ugliest ties sometimes.

Payne: Hey, since we’re both going to my room and since I am half-naked already, how about a quickie?

Joy: Ugh…

Payne: It was worth a shot.

Minutes Later…

Hunter now adjusting Joy’s handpicked tie in his mirror, realizes he went from looking forward to staying home and watching a movie next to his hot girlfriend, to paying an expensive bill at an overpriced restaurant for an anniversary he didn’t even know about! How’d that happen?

While thinking that, he looked in the background of his mirror to see Joy tucking that blanket from downstairs back onto his bed. Not only noticing Joy’s tight ass, but also how selfless she can be at times. She’s worth it. He thought to himself.

Hunter then opens up the top left drawer next to his bedroom mirror. He pulls out a small black box on the down-low. He opens it to view the beautiful engagement ring.

[Image: stock-footage-diamond-ring-with-turning-black-box.jpg]

He then glances at Joy, then back at the ring. “She wants tonight to be memorable…” said a small voice in Hunter’s head. Hunter proceeded to put the ring box into his inside jacket pocket. He then closes the drawer. Immediately after he is hugged from behind by Joy. That was a close one!

Joy: You looking for something?

Hunter turns around and comes up with a lie on the fly.

Payne: Uhh… Cufflinks… But on second thought, I don’t think I need them.

Joy: You look great. But I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something.


Joy: What’s this I hear about you wanting to get back in the ring?


Payne: Yeah, I’m coming out of retirement.

Joy: Oh? Well thanks for letting me know!

Payne: It was sorta an impulse thing.

Joy: It was one thing to challenge that Proxy guy, there’s no way that tool was going to present any realistic challenge against someone who can actually wrestle. Now you want to wrestle every Tom, Dick, and Harry that signs up for that life-sucking abyss that is the Xtreme Wrestling Federation.

Payne: Joy, be nice. The XWF was our home for a long time.

Joy: Yes, and need I remind you, how many times the XWF has damaged our relationship in that time?

Payne: Things are different now… Nothing is going to happen to us. You’re my rock babe.

Joy: I hope you’re right. Just in case, I think I should accompany you. Keep all of those new tramps they got over there away from you.

Payne: Yeah, but that also means I have to keep all the guys away from you, and we all know how that worked out last time don’t we?

Joy: Gosh, let history be history! It was forever ago. Do I ever mention that dumb Canadian-Tea-Drinking Bitch you went out with? Or how many diseases you probably got just by being around Ann Thraxx? Or that Alpha-Male Mexican Woman you flirted with? Or how many times I seen you try to get Kimmy K to have sex with you? Or…

Payne: Alright! I get it. I had a lot of rebounds. To be fair, Jenny Alvin was the tea drinker and it only ended because it appeared as if she had fallen off the face of the earth. Ann Thraxx and I were just in a stable together, and that’s it. I never really flirted with Ursula, not as if she’s ever around to notice anyway. And Kimmy K? Alright, I admit I tried to fuck Kimmy K on a few occasions. But in my defense... She was pretty fucking cute. Now should I go down your laundry list of men?

Joy: Go ahead. Other that one instance with what’s-his-name, I’ve been a saint!

Payne: What about Fandango?!

Joy: It’s Fan-daannn-goohh! And I don’t wanna play this game anymore.

Payne: Ha.

Joy wraps herself around Hunters rock-hard body. As if she’s letting her body apologize for the Fandango thing.

Joy: Do you think it’s weird that after all of those people we still managed to end up right back to where we started?

Payne: Hmmm… Nah… I think that’s love.

Joy: Aww that’s cute! If only life were a fairy tale, where we all have happy endings and boyfriends don’t forget your anniversary.

Payne: Babe, let it go.

Muah! The loving couple kiss passionately before walking out of Hunter’s room. A few moments go by… Then Hunter walks back in. He walks over to his top left drawer, pulls the ring box out of his coat pocket, and puts it back in the drawer. He breathes a big sigh before speaking.

Payne: Not tonight…

Hunter Payne takes another quick glance at himself in the mirror before exiting his room. One thing is for sure, He won’t be popping the question tonight.

[Image: 111315-wwe-Eddie-Guerrero-pi-mp.vresize....high.1.jpg]

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