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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Same As Always (rp#!) vs STEVE DAVIDS
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Bobby Charles Offline
XWF's Prodigal Son

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

12-13-2014, 01:00 AM

Here we go again. It seems I've been doing this forever now. Sometimes, it's thrilling and sometimes it becomes stale and boring even for me. This week is an interesting one but also, a repetitive one. Sadly, we've been here before... a lot so prepare for a week that you will feel as though you've already been a part of before... I know I will.

It's okay though. It would be weird for me if I wasn't now faced with Jobbers I have not only faced but defeated plenty of times in the past... but this time its STEVE FUCKIN DAVIDS. No worries, though, this is nothing new. In fact, it's something we are used to see from Bobby for consecutive 5 matches --- WIN !!! why change something that we're all used to?

That's what I've grown accustomed to... that's what we've all grown accustomed to. Do we crave change? Do we desire something new in our lives? Of course we do but I guess if it's not broken, don't fix it. Well, that's how the ol' phrase goes.

So now I'm here in Las Vegas, Nevada and well, that's the most positive aspect of the week. We all love Vegas and well, we're going to enjoy our time because well, it's Vegas, why not? I'm hanging around with some people who happen to very much love alcohol so this is going to be fun...

Do I mean business, however? Damn right I do. My streak means the world to me and I'm not going to stop just because I'm facing... *heavy sigh*... a returning coward-ass loser.


Steve sayors stood backstage, a microphone in his hand and a smile on his face. Beside him, Bobby zi stood, his trademark grin glistening as it rested comfortably on his teeth as always.

steve sayors: "Please welcome my guest at this time, former 2x-xtitle Champion BOBBY ZI. And Bob... it has once again been a while."

BOBBY ZI: "Yeah, no shit steviy, no shit. Have you not learned this is a monthly affair? Nobody lets me forget that."

steve sayors: "I will never miss this attitude of yours."

BOBBY ZI: "Shhh, steviy. I say everything to you with the greatest of love."

He said with a cheesy smirk as he gave him a thumbs up.

BOBBY ZI: "Look, it has been a while and we all know that. It was never not going to be. I get called out on the whole 'once or twice a month' thing more than enough times and we don't need to keep going on about it, do we? So, let's proceed with the interview, shall we?"

Bobby motioned for him to continue.

steve sayors: "Okay... well... last we did see you perform, you continued your impressive run with a win and sum it up to 5 consecutive wins. Next, you're set to fight a returning man who picked the xtitle as many as times as yours ..."

BOBBY ZI: "Yeah! My bro!"

He said enthusiastically before dropping that attitude and rolling his eyes.

BOBBY ZI: "That was sarcasmn, of course. I am not that thrilled about having to face that dickhead. really ! The point is, this is an interesting match because... well... no... it's not. It's the same as the rest of 'em and there's nothing new there. I'm facing a man who, as you correctly stated,a "returning' man. It's not going to be like 'third time lucky' or whatever. As always, it's my match to win. i respect that lad just because he is one of the greatest in the buisness. But then no, I don't care about the whole 'Legend' thing. It doesn't mean a damn thing to me when that man is to step toe to toe against me on that ring.

Just then, steve inhaled a deep breath.

steve sayors: "I can't believe I'm going to ask this... but I take it you're confident then?"

BOBBY ZI: "No,steviy ... this is the one time in the space of 6 months that I'm not confident. After allllll the matches i've had, this is the one that is gettin me. I mean, why would I be able to defeat him ? Obviously I can't. Why would I? I clearly don't have the skills and steve is a thousand times better than me..."

He stopped and rolled his eyes, lightly hitting steve in the arm.

BOBBY ZI: "What the fuck, steve ! You even called yourself out on how stupid that question was going to be and you still asked it! Even I though you were smarter than that. Of course I'm confident and of course I can win. I am a record-breaker. I'm a guy who achieves every single damn thing he wants to. I wanted this streak, so I did it and nobody has stopped me so far. Why would steve david, of all people, manage to be the first to stop me? Answer... he wouldn't. There's no way that man, out of aaaaaallll of the people in the world would ever be the one to do that."

"I don't hate-hate the guy... I just dislike him. I'm not going to go out of my way to make his life hell or something... but I will continue to ensure his dreams are kept well away from him and he'll never get his hands on me as long as I'm still alive and breathing. No fucking way. He's not ready for a match like this... a fed that would be NOTHING without me. The man is a mid carder player, if anything."

It was clear he wasn't giving steve any credit here, although he did secretly want to give him more credit than this. The guy did take Bobby to the limit in the past but Bobby was feeling particularly arrogant today.

BOBBY ZI: "I'm not even in the mood to talk about the guy in too much detail right now, steve. I know I set up this interview but I will cut it short because I've realized I'm actually kinda bored. So I will go ahead and end with this. I'm going to head to the ring this week and I will face steve davids. We'll have a good match, we always do. But at the end of it all, I will defeat the man, have my hand raised and I will be reunited with the Universal title. It's as simple as that, steve. We're all used to seeing that happen against others... why not have it happen this time?"

steve sayors: "And quickly before you leave, who do you think will win the Brawl?"

ZI smiled as he turned, starting to walk away. He then turned back to sayors to respond.

BOBBY : "The answer is obvious, isn't it?"

steve sayors: "Are you going to say yourself? You think you are going to win the brawl?"

ZI just smirked.

BOBBY: "Somehow, yes... and I'm not even in it. I'm that good."

With that, he disappeared from the scene.


After a brief training session with one of his younger sisters, Ashley, Bobby was attempting to regroup following that. Ashley had only recently made her debut for a different company and he was ridiculously proud of her for it. However, he was still happy to train her for the future, since it was clear she had a bright one. He managed to find a small amount of free time for him to train Ashley and now the two had finished, it was back to talking about business for zi... there never seemed to be any escape.

Ashley: "Why aren't you talking more about this match? I mean, you're facing STEVe DAVIDS ... that's a pretty big deal."

BOBBY: "Oh, I know it is. And I've covered it more than enough already, don't you think?"

Ashley pondered over that for a moment but eventually shook her head.

Ashley: "Not really. I mean, yeah, you've ranted on about it as much as you usually do but is that really enough?"

BOBBY: "Who the hell are you to judge, Ash? I've done what I always do and I've covered all bases."

Ashley: "Think you can beat him?"

BOBBY: "Hmmm... well... Come on, Ash, what kind of question is that?"

He rolled his eyes.

BOBBY: "Nothing against the guy but he's just not at my level. I've said it since and i'm gonna repeat this again.. He's hardly become greater in the ring one's in his career, But does he have the ability to face Me? No. I'm still not going to hesitate on taking the guy out and ending his crazy delusions of finally being able to beat me. It doesn't matter to me that he feels as though now is his time, or all that, it's not going to change a damn thing... he can't beat me and he sure as hell won't this time. God only knows why Ozy given him the chance to be on my tally sheet . He must be being punished for something..."

Ashley: "Well, okay... I can't deny that he technically didn't have anything to face you. That's totally true. But he does have the chance and I'd say he'd actually will got better. I mean, since he's kinda mad at theo and eli that he wants his revenge."

BOBBY: "Maybe so... but BOBBY is no THEO OR ELI and shit!, those are overated mutherfuckers who suck shane's dick begging for title shot and get it right away. But this, this is BOBBY Fucking ZI he's facing, not whatever pussies are over in that company. It doesn't matter to me that he's apparently improved, in fact, good for him. But he's still not going to be anywhere near my level. He's incapable of that... everyone is."

He sighed but then glanced back at his sister.

BOBBY: "I get that you're a little bit worried cuz you love me but come on, Ash. Who do you really think is going to leave the Brawl with the victory? Who is more likely, me or him?"

Ashley: "Well you, BOb. I don't think he can beat you straight-up, I'm just saying that you have to be careful. One mistake and davids is cashing in on it..."

BOBBY: "This week is going to be tough for everybody involved but if there's one thing I can promise out of it, then it's that steve davids will NOT be leaving as the winner. I don't know who is going to win the other macthes, I don't know who is going to be the universal Champion, I don't know if any newbies are going to actually make an impact. All I do know is steve won't beat ME. Okay?"

Ashley: "Okay. Just making sure you're careful."

She punctuated with a shrug of her shoulders.

BOBBY: "I don't mean to be harsh but that's just how it is and nobody seems to be aware of that. And things become boring, Ash... they just become stale. I've won my macthes continiously and proved more than enough that i'm more than ready to hand a title shot or something. but then i've to kick a dickheads ass over and over so you can understand my frustration over having to do it yet again."

He sighed, sitting back and just closing his eyes.

BOBBY: "That's just the issue these days, Ash... there's nothing new for me out there. I'm doing the same thing month in and month out, facing the same people every single match and there's nothing exciting me these days. I want challenges and they're just not there."

zi shook his head. It was clear that he was frustrated about his position here but it was nothing new. As he'd said, he was just used to this.

ZI:"So I'm bored of this... I really am. So I'll go ahead and face this dude , tear him apart and waste no time in defeating him... yet.."

Ashley: "You're so damn confident, Bob. As always."

BOBBY: "I don't see why I shouldn't be."

He shrugged.

BOBBY: "Nothing against the guy but when it comes down to it, I am the greatest man he will be faced .. That's a huge fuckin' deal. STEVE DAVIDS is nothing compared to me and he sure as hell won't be the one to make history by ending my STREAK. That's just how it is, Ash."

Ashley responded with a nod of her head and an expression as if to say 'fair enough'. With that, the two resumed their conversation but changed the subject to something entirely new. Enough of business for now, it was time to focus on relaxing a little more.

Former 2× X-treme ChampIon
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