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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Johnathon Hearts-bore
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Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

12-04-2014, 05:55 PM

"Tut tut, Heartsford, now you're getting sloppy. You say I got shit on by more superior competition? Hell goddamn no. I gave Azreal Erebus- a former two- time Universal Champion, mind you- the fight of his life, and had him beat twice in our matchup. If the ref wasn't an incompetent, blubbering moron, I'd have gained a victory, and even if I didn't beat Samuels on that Thanksgiving Madness, I'd still be in good shape to face Pryce for the title.

"Speaking of Samuels, he didn't even beat me properly. He needed his Butt Buddies the Three Kings to come out and run interference on me in order for him to get the win. No matter what people say about that match, all he proved to me was that he can't beat me without outside help.

"But enough of that, Hearts-bore, onto you. Since you didn't spend much time on me, let's take a look on your other promos... Oh wait, they're all shit too. Look at this, you said this in your match against Jet Frost and TJ Wallace:"

Quote:The two examples of my loses, by the way? Really bad examples on your part. I lost to Harrison, yes, but as soon as that match was over and we were back in that locker room, he went over to me and offered to shake my hand for giving him a legitimately challenging match. So I shook his hand and formed Hope and Honor, a tag team that had yet to take off because he died. Thankfully he's resurrected, so there's a possible chance that we're both going to be seeing each other sometime later in the future. As for Delacroix, tell me when was the last time that fucker ever spoke to anybody in the past few months?

"Imbecilic, moronic, bumbling nincompoop. It does not matter what happens after the match, but if you want to play like that, so be it. First of all, your loss to LH Harrison. Using the fact he formed Hope & Honor with you after that match only proves you're the weak link of that team. Try and refute that. Oh, what's that, you can't? Yeah, he lost to Peter goddamn Gilmour. This means that you would lose against Peter Gilmour should you face him in a match. Really sad. And what's even more saddening? Your loss against Douglass Delacroix. Sure, he might have gone AWOL after his match, but the fact that your relying on the fact he was gone after your match is just flat- out pitiful. Let me put it like this: You faced Douglass Delacroix. You broke his nose during that match. He still beat you during that match, hitting you with his finisher whilst you were attempting to hit your Knightfall finishing maneuver. Then, after the match, he disappears. Pretty sad, man. Sure, Douglass might have come off worse for reputation after that match, but you? I'm pretty sure you're name would be mud after that match.

"And allow me to show you the epitome of the fact that you will never step up to the plate, the fact that you will never be an A- plus player here, the fact that you are not deserving of that Television title. Remember this, Heartsford?"

Heartsford climbs to the top! He’s got him lined up!


Heartsford executed a picture perfect shooting star press, with a face full of gushing blood!

JOEY STYLES: “Shayouken!!!!

“Frodo came out of nowhere with that uppercut!

“The Aerial Knight is out cold!”

Frodo collapses on top of Heartsford.




RING ANNOUNCER: “The winner of this match, FRODO SMACKINS!”

"That, Heartsford, is why. A one- eyed, one- legged clone of Frodo Smackins beat you. And I seem to sense a recurring theme here. You seem to get beat and put through your opponent's finishing move a lot when attempting Knightfall. Refusing to drop the move, when it has failed you so many times, will be your downfall.

"And let's see how you earned that Television title, hmm? Besides the new GM having a boner for you, you have to have done SOMETHING to be considered for the title. Lucky for the fans out there, I have a list right here that shows your recent wins."

Mav pulls out a very short list.

"Wow. This list is deplorable. I expected better from you, Heartsford. I expected you to step up and get some better opponents. But instead, you either beat up on rookie scrubs like TJ Wallace, Jet Frost, or Richard Tessmocher- and for the last one, that's how you got IN to Television title contendership status-, or veteran scrubs like Monolith. Honestly, Heartsford? You're losing you're touch. And when I beat you for that Television Championship, I'll prove those words as the truth, when I lock you into the Pure Perfection, or plant your ass with the Age of Perfection, and get the 1- 2- 3."

1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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