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Dirty Diana aka Natalie
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Scully Offline
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(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-04-2014, 03:40 PM

Dirty Diana AKA Natalie

Welcome to the Mind of Scully

The last two matches haven't gone the way I wanted. I have lost two in a row, and those two matches were important to me. Peter Gilmour beat me in a ladder match on Warfare two weeks ago. This past week I was defeated by Justin Sane in a Last Man Standing match, in the Main Event on Madness. Justin even stole my finisher like his name was Ronnie Biggs. Talk about adding salt to the wound. Although both matches were really close, I just never did enough. Enough for victory. I can admit that those two opponents are top competitors in the XWF but losing just doesn't sit well with me. Losing leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Losing isn't the way forward, it's a step backward in my career. Losing isn't going to push me up the rankings, it does the opposite, it puts me down. I am currently feeling frustrated.

Mr. McMahon told me he was dissapointed but I could learn from my recent defeats. I keep asking myself, where am I going wrong? I know i'm good, I know I have talent... Britain has talent... and I know that I have the ability to get some where within the XWF. I will get it right and prove I can beat the best the company has to offer and not just beat some rejects like I've done already.

I know what people say about Scully. Scully can beat nobodies but when push comes to shove, he's a let down. Scully can't beat the top dogs of the company. Yeah... That drag queen, Victoria Lane likes to run his mouth like he's special. He is special, special needs. Fuck him and fuck all the doubters out there. You want to see Scully fall? His career crumble and Scully's career fall to its demise? Well that ain't happening!

Two big defeats in a row doesn't mean Scully Sucks. It doesn't mean that Scully can't hack it or handle pressure. You win some and lose some. You live and you learn, well I do anyway. I plan to work harder, I plan As Mr. McMahon told me 'suck it up and take your frustrations out on your next opponent'. My next opponent huh? You mean Ghost Tank?

Yes, Asylum Seeker member Ghost Tank. I'd prefer to call him Ghost Wank, because he is Wank. Now I know what ya'll thinking? Again, with the name trashing! Like Bummer boy, Victoria Lane. Like Gator the Masterbator. Like frigging Justin Sane in the Membrane. People don't like my creativity. Well this ain't no popularity contest. I'm not here to be liked and be the guy every one adores.

I have my place now. I have The Corporation. I have two team members in my Pestie, Mr. WGWF and my homie, Swagmire. Led by the creative genius in Vincent Kennedy McMahon and his business man, son, Shane McMahon. I belong in the group. I am Corporate through and through.

Ghost Wank, however is a member of The Asylum Seekers. A group of weirdo's, who believe in some shit called The Higher Power. And thanks to The Asylum Seekers, we now have a rip off group of red riding hoods called The Real Higher Power. Yes, I blame The Asylum for the TRHP. I'm sick of this Jacob pussy hole and his cronies. I'm now getting fed up with The Asylum. Yeah... You heard me. I'm fed up off The Asylum. Screw the The Three Kings too. The Corporation are going to be the kings of the stables.

Ghost Wank had lost three in a row, so his current record is worse than mine. Losing to Mastermind, the former Xtreme Champion wasn't so bad especially after his current form, until he faced the doc. Horseman defeated Ghost Wank too. But the one that makes me chuckle the most is that Mr. Wank lost to Calypso. That shit is funny. Ghost Wank thinks he scares and intimidates people. But so far, I don't see No Fear from no one. Especially me.

I was driving my red Dodge Charger, 2015 model. I thought I would surprise Natalie. Natalie was working tonight at Ruby Tuesday. I found a parking bay nearby to the restaurant and parked up. I turn the ignition off and look at myslef in the mirror. I play with my hair a little to make sure it looks alright. I get out of the car and make my way towards the restaurant. I get to the doors and enter. The first thing I do is walk up to the bar. There are a few waitresses around but I couldn't see Natalie. Where can she be I wondered? Maybe she had gone out back to the kitchen area, to the toilet, on a break, who knows. I thought I would just wait for a bit and she'd probably come out sooner, rather than later. I am served by a sexy brunette, who can't stop staring at me. Damn, this girl was fine. She was in early twenties. Her name badge read, Sinaed.

Sinaed "Hello sir, what can I get for you"

"Can I have just have a coke please? I know, not very exciting but i'm driving"

Sinaed "A good boy are we?"

"Your a bar lady, your not supposed to encourage me to drink and drive. So i'll have a double Morgan Spiced and Lemonade, a double JD and coke. Oh and a pint of budweiser. Please"

Sinaed "Sarcasm, I like it... I'll just get you, your coke"

Sinaed smiles at me and winks. She was obviliously flirting. She brings me my coke and I give her $10. She gives me my change as she proceeds to serve other customers. I have some of my coke as I notice Sinaed, keep looking back at me and smiling. I look around the restaurant, still not seeing Natalie insight. Nevermind, I thought. Sinaed then comes back over to me.

Sinaed "Do you normally drink alone?

"Not very often, i'm a popular guy"

Sinaed "I bet you are. A ladies man, right?"

"Wouldn't you like to know.... Anyway, is Natalie working tonight?"

Suddenly, Sinaed looks at me weird. Like she's disgusted.

Sinaed "She doesn't work here any more. She got fired a week ago. Are you another one of her special customers?"

"Special customers? Maybe we mean a different Natalie."

Sinaed "She seems like a nice girl, but she's fooling you. She fooled us lot, here."

"Natalie isn't like that!"

Sinaed "She is. Slimmish, blonde with rather large.. You know.... That's the same Natalie, right?"

"Thanks for the drink..."

Sinaed "When you dump her, come and see me"

With that, I drink some more of my coke and leave the remainder on the side. I look at Sinaed, thinking she must be crazy. As I walked towards the exit, the description sounded the same but Natalie being manipulative? Fired from her job? Having special customers? Surely, not. First I knew about it.

My phone begins to ring and vibrate, I pull my Samsung Galaxy S5 out of my pocket and look at the name on the screen. It's Jerome Thomas.
Jerome is my agent, he's a cool guy and he's a good laugh. I answer the call as I get outside.

Jerome "Hey Scully how ya doing?"

"I'm okay ta, yourself?

Jerome "Yeah, i'm good."

"What can I do for you?"

Jerome "I had a phone call from the producers for a chat show in England."

"Which one?"

Jerome "Friday Night with Jonathan Ross."

"I like his show. He's a funny guy"

Jerome "Well they want you to be a guest on the show."

"Really? That's awesome. When?"

Jerome "That's the thing.... Tomorrow night."

"Tommorrow night? That's a bit short notice. It's like a 9 hour flight"

Jerome "They were going to ask you to attend in a few weeks but someone pulled out of tomorrow's show. So they thought they'd ask now... Hey it's a good thing though considering you're in number contender match for XWF TV Championship, right? That means you'll be promoting yourself infront of the British public, live on TV. Plus you'll be promoting the XWF to millions of fans in the UK"

"Okay... I'm in. I'll have to book a flight and a hotel"

Jerome "I've already done that for ya"

"What if I had said no?"

Jerome "I knew you wouldn't"

We both begin laughing at the cheek of Jerome.

Jerome "I'll give them a call back now..."

"Okay, thanks dude.... I'LL speak to ya in a bit"

Jerome "No problem, sir. I'll see ya later"

With that the call is ended. I get in to my car and start thinking how crazy, tonight was turning out to be. I found the girl I was seeing no longer worked at Ruby Tuesday and she had "Special Customers". Was Natalie really a trashbag Ho?
Or was the girl I was talking too, jealous in some way of Natalie? You know women like to gossip, shit stir and corse issues. Really, I need to talk to Natalie, herself if I see her again. I text her a couple of times today already and I rang her, just to get an answer machine. I won't bother trying now.
II then received a phone call from my agent, Jerome. I have invited to be a guest on the Friday Night with Jonathan Ross show which is something to look forward to, I guess. I start the car and begin my journey home.
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