We find ourselves looking at the outside world above ground. The fast paced of the world that surrounds us. People going about their business on foot, and in cars. Suddenly the camera pans downwards, underneath the ground, underneath the earth.
In a Special Man Made Bunker
Scandinavium Arena
Gothenburg, Sweden
6 Hooded Men were standing in a circle not talking. They had been standing there for quite some time, since their arrival from Egypt, after being summoned by the Mafia Men. They had arrived in Gothenburg as it was the place where they, The Real Higher Power, were about to make their debut. Not all of them, but their leader, Jacob. The one who was wearing the Red Hood.
They've already made their presence felt, and they're already about to again.
Suddenly they start moving around in a circle. Then they start humming. Then they start chanting.
"We are The Real Higher Power.... We are The Real Higher Power... We are The Real Higher Power.... We are The Real Higher Power...
"We hear all.... We hear all.... We hear all... We hear all.... We hear all...
"We see all.... We see all... We see all... We see all... We see all...
"We know all... We know all... We know all... we know all... We know all..
"The Next Level Meta... The Next Level Meta.... The Next Level Meta... The Next Level Meta..."
Suddenly they stop chanting... Then they stop humming.... And then they stop moving around in the Circle. Jacob walks out of the circle, and heads towards the camera. He pulls up a wooden chair and places it in down. He then removes his Red Hood, and sits down.
"The Next Level Meta, we see you like living on the edge, we know you like living on the cusp of fact and fiction, we know you err on the side of the rules, you get away with it. Just. And as we last see from your current attempt you do it again.
"You think you are a funny man Meta? Let me tell you that you are not. It will be my pleasure to take you out come Wednesday and place you in the trash where you belong. Drive by shootings, is that the best that you can do? Well let me tell you something idiot, you're boring and dull. The Dwarf will provide a better spectacle next week. But I can guarantee you, I'm coming to Wednesday Night to show you the door. It's time."
Jacob clicks his fingers, and the other 5 Hooded Men, turned and in a line walked away and out of the Bunker. Jacob sits back in his chair and smirks.