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Justin Sane in the membrane? Really?
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Justin Sane Offline
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11-30-2014, 04:40 AM

:: I sit on the edge of the bed in my hotel room, lost deep in my own thoughts, the naked body of some girl I picked up in the bar earlier fast asleep behind me. She served her purpose, she was a distraction, if only for an hour or two. While she now sleeps peacefully, my thoughts again consume me and refuse to let me sleep. Two weeks ago on Madness, I did what I said I was going to do.. I defeated Hysteria, 1-2-3, in the middle of that ring. One down. Next in line was Manson, but before our match even started I was jumped by those cowards from the Asylum. All of them. Hysteria, Swagkins, Manson, Tank and Kage. Five on one.. impressive. I reach for the bottle of Jack Daniels on the bedside table and pick it up, along with a packet of cigarettes and lighter. I pull myself up of the bed and walk to the balcony, opening the door slowly so as not to wake tonight's conquest from her slumber. I close the door behind me and take a swig from the bottle before setting it on the table beside me. I withdraw a cigarette from the packet and light it up. I walk over to the edge of the balcony, staring out at the city lights and the soft, cool breeze gently caresses my face and torso. I draw back on the cigarette, the sound of the paper and tobacco turning to ash is soothing, as is the deep inhalation that fills my lungs with cigarette smoke before I blow it out again. The Asylum isn't my only problem.. there's been something else weighing on my mind as well. Before I can think any further though, I hear the door slide open behind me and see the girl who's name escapes cross the threshold onto the balcony, the sheet from the bed draped around her. She runs a hand through her medium-length, chocolate brown hair. Her steely blue eyes meet mine as words escape between those soft, pouty lips. ::

“Justin, honey, is everything okay?”

:: I take another drag from my cigarette and turn back around to look over the balcony, blowing a cloud of smoke into nothingness. ::

“Everything’s fine, I've just.. got a lot of things on my mind.”

:: She pauses and looks at the ground for a moment. She then grabs the bottle of Jack Daniels and walks over to stand beside me, looking out across the city sky line as well. ::

“You know, you can talk to me. I know I'm just 'some girl' that you met at Bar 22, but if something is bothering you, it might help to get it off your chest.”

:: I look over at her and offer a small smile, which she returns. I wish I could remember her name. God, she's stunning. I draw back on my cigarette and throw what's left of it over the balcony as a turn to face her, leaning on the railing with my elbow. She reaches up and gently touches the cut above my left eye, a souvenir I received from the Asylum. ::

“Is it The Asylum? Is that what is bothering you?”

:: I sigh, deeply. I don't know why I am even considering spilling my guts to this woman, I've known her for less than twelve hours.. but, she makes me feel relaxed. There is something about staring into those eyes that makes me trust her more than I trust just about anyone else I know. She runs her hand down the side of my face before retracting it. ::

“Among other things. I mean, I've just got a lot going on at the moment, y'know? After beating Hysteria at Madness a couple of weeks ago, I really thought things were starting to turn around, I felt like I was getting back on-track, career-wise. My match with Manson was supposed to be my confirmation that I had really turned things around, that I was ready to take the next step. Then those cowards ambushed me and.. well..”

:: This time I reach for the cut above my eye, but before I can touch it she grabs my hand and slowly pulls it back down to my side. ::

“Justin, you are stronger than they will ever be. Five on one means nothing, except that deep down, they know just how much of a threat you are to their cause. But, I have to admit, I was a bit shocked watching it..”

“I can imagine, it's not something you would expect to see.”

“No, no, it's not that. It's just, I.. well.. where was Evertrust?”

:: The million dollar question, right? I had asked myself the same damn thing a thousand times. This was the one thing that was weighing most heavily on my mind, more so than even the Asylum. ::

“I.. I don't know. The honest truth is, I haven't seen or heard from Evertrust in weeks. I have no clue what is going on. I mean, the guy hand-picks me the second I walk into the XWF, has all these plans in place for us, for TrustInSanity, then disappears without a trace. I didn't get an e-mail, a phone call, a letter in the mail – nothing. I put my singles career on hold because our sights were set on the tag team titles, but who knows now..”

“Strange, isn't it? I mean, that he would just up and leave like that? Do you think he's... gone for good?”

“I don't know.. I would like to think that he will be back, and soon. I trust him. I'm sure whatever it is he is doing now, it is for our benefit.. for the betterment of TrustInSanity. Though I still can't help but wonder after he didn't come to my aid against the Asylum. Perhaps he is testing me. Perhaps he wants to see how I handle myself in the face of real adversity.”

:: The stunning brunette takes a swig from the Jack Daniels bottle – god, she's amazing – and then hands it to me. I do the same, continuing to lean on the balcony. ::

“Mmmmm. I'm sure he wouldn't just desert you like that, he must have his reasons, like you said.”

“Yeah, I know. Anyway, that's only part of the problem. I want this Asylum business done. I'm sick of dealing with freaks and wannabe monsters. I guess this Monday should at least provide me with a little bit of release.”

“Didn't I already do that?”

:: It was the playful tone in her voice, and the way she bit her lip after saying it that immediately caused me to forget about the Asylum. I smiled as a took a half step towards her. ::

“Oh, you did. I was thinking of a.. different kind of release though.”

:: She narrowed her eyes a little and smirked. ::

“I'm guessing we are talking about a more.. violent release?”

“Maybe.. it takes a lot to keep a man down for ten seconds..”

:: She took a step forward and grabbed my junk firmly. ::

“Oh Justin, trust me.. I would find that damn near impossible.”

:: She winked, and tightened her grip before taking her left hand and removing the bed sheet from around her body. I swallowed hard, then smirked. ::

“You know what? I think I feel much better after getting all that off my chest. Maybe we should uh, head back inside?”

:: She grabs me by the hand and leads me back inside. ::


:: I stare down the camera lens, full of intent. I've got a lot to get off my chest, so much has happened these past couple of weeks. ::

“Two weeks ago on Monday Night Madness, I took my first steps on my road to redemption. I did what I told everybody I was going to do.. I defeated both Avery Martin Alden and Hysteria in a triple threat match. Hysteria, I warned you.. I told you from the very beginning.. don't fuck with TrustInSanity, because you are way out of your depth. I am so far out of your league that we aren't even playing the same damn sport. But, of course, you know this. You know that one on one, you will never measure up to Justin Sane. You couldn't possibly dream of the day when you would stand victorious over yours truly. You might be a false prophet, but surely you are also a realist. It makes perfect sense then, as to why you would see fit to orchestrate such a cowardly attack on me just moments before I was scheduled to take out your whipping boy, Mick Manson.”

:: I look away from the camera and offer a soft chuckle, barely audible, before turning my attention back to the camera with a sneer etched across my face. ::

“Tell me something, Hysteria. What happens when your posse is no longer around to protect you? What happens when it is Justin Sane who catches Hysteria off-guard? Huh? I'll tell you what happens.. complete and utter destruction. See, here's the problem with your little ambush.. you made one fatal error. You may have bruised my bones, and spilled my blood.. but you left me with breath in my body. You didn't finish the job, even with five men, and you never will. Sooner, rather than later, a time will come when the realisation hits you. The realisation that there is no stopping yours truly. I told you that I was going to take down the Asylum single-handedly, one by one. At the top of my list was your name.. tick. One down, four to go. You may think you saved Manson, but the reality of it all Hysteria is that you are merely prolonging the inevitable.

Oh, don't worry, I fully expect you to come out and feed me a bunch of lines about how I got lucky.. about how I merely won the battle, but the Asylum won the war. Please, don't flatter yourself, and don't make yet another critical error in thinking for one second that this is over. It would seem that my partner in crime is on a temporary hiatus, so our plans to capture the tag team championships are now on hold. That suits me just fine. It gives me more time to focus on destroying what you have created with your band of misfits. Watch your back.. all of you. My business with you is far from finished, but I promise you when it is all said and done, I will be the one having the last laugh.”

:: I pause for a few seconds, giving myself to gather my thoughts and turn my attention to the matter at hand. With a playful smirk in the direction of the camera, I continue. ::

“But enough about the Asylum, their time will come. This Monday night I face a far different proposition in Scully.. 'different' being the key word. Scully, I watched your little chat with Vince and Shane the other day and all I have to say kid, is 'wow'. That was quite possibly the most pathetic thing I have seen in the XWF to date. Honestly, were you trying to be funny, or are you just that that I found myself laughing purely at your misfortune? Giving Vince gifts, talking about my ears of all things.. oh, and I think my favourite part was when you called me a, and I quote, “wonky nosed moron”...”

:: I pause, deliberately. I stare into the camera lens with a look of pure bewilderment on my face and one eyebrow raised. ::

“Are you fucking kidding me? A wonky nosed moron? Look kid, we're not in fucking pre-school any more. Was that intended to hurt my feelings? To intimidate me? Because, I gotta' be honest with you, it failed on both accounts. Here's the thing Scully.. when the card for Madness came out, and I saw my name in the main event spot, I was satisfied. Not happy, satisfied. I expect to be there, I belong there. Then I saw your name and I cringed.. disappointment washed away my satisfaction in a split second. What makes you worthy of that main event slot? What makes you worthy of a main event with yours truly? Not a damn thing. The truth is, you don't belong. Your name should never be mentioned in the same breath as mine, and this Monday night, I'm going to show you why.

There is one bonus, however. Our match is no ordinary contest, as you are well aware. Last Man Standing means that I get to inflict as much pain on you as I see fit. I get to make an example out of you and show the world one more time what it is that sets me apart from everyone else. What makes me that much better than any other man who steps through those ropes. To call this a 'match' is about as legitimate as a prophecy from Hysteria. This is nothing more than a sacrifice, a lamb being sent to slaughter.. and there's nothing you can do about it. As for “the Corporation”, you can go ahead and take them out of the equation. Bam, they're non-factor. The Asylum has already proven that it's going to take a lot more than five men to keep me down and out.”

:: I smirk wildly at the camera, a gleam in my eye. I draw in a long, deep breath before continuing. ::

“December 1st, 2014. Mark it down in your calendar, circle it in red and start counting down the hours you have until I unleash unspeakable pain on you. Before this match is done Scully, before that final bell rings, you will BEG me to end it quickly. Don't get it twisted, this is nothing more than a mere formality. This is one chapter in the chronicles of TrustInSanity that everybody knows the ending to. There is no plot-twist and there is no need for a spoiler alert. Monday night, bring everything you have, pull out all the stops.. you'll be found wanting, just like everyone else. Now I know that you and the Corporation like to run a little tag line that goes something like “No chance in hell”? Scully, I've dined with the devil more times than you've had losses. The unfortunate thing for you is that at Madness, we won't be in hell.. but I promise.. I will bring it to you.. and I will be the last.. man.. standing.”

:: With that line, I allow a sneer to crawl back over my face, the wicked gleam still in my eye as the camera fades to black. ::

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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