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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
"Loverboy" - Hallelujah
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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11-22-2014, 01:24 PM Heart  "Loverboy" - Hallelujah -->

Thursday, November 13, 2014 – 2 am.

((Roxy Cotton sits alone in her hotel room in Liverpool, England. She worries about her soul mate, “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane, and his mental state after the events of Wednesday Warfare. He didn’t want to talk after the loss of the Trios titles, asked her to give him time and head back to the room alone.))

I just need to be alone, babe. It’s not you, I swear, and I’m not going to do anything stupid. I just need to decompress.

I understand, baby… you know you can talk to me, though.

I know… but… I don’t want to talk. I just need to get away and be by myself for a bit. Get out from under the lights. Steve Sayors already cornered me and made me talk about Shove It when I didn’t want to. My head hurts. My arm hurts. I just need time.

I know. Just be safe. And come back soon, please?

You know I will.

I love you, Vinnie.

I love you, Roxy.

((So Roxy sat and tried her best not to check her cell phone every five minutes. To stay busy, she went through some of her things in her purse, trying to gain some modicum of organization. Unfortunately, her bag was full of memories. A positive pregnancy test. A little book of baby names. Against her better judgment, Roxy opened the little book and scanned through some of the entries.))











((Boys’ names too…))











((With misty eyes, Roxy turned the pages to find her own name, along with a brief notation of its meaning.))

Roxy – Dawn. Bright.

((And, in turn, the father of the child who would never be born.))

Vinnie – Conqueror.

((She smiles as she reads the meanings. The bright dawn and her conqueror. Her champion. Her smile faltered as she recalled the match again, but soon she was startled by the sound of the hotel room door starting to open and a smile leapt to her face.))


((Roxy jumps from the bed and jogged across the shag carpeting barefoot, dropping the satin robe she had been wearing onto the bed as she moved away. As the door opened and she made eye contact with Loverboy for the first time in hours, she stood wearing only a long Poison t-shirt that barely covered her lovely, round ass. Her smile flickered as the pain in Loverboy’s eyes was apparent, but she forced it back on as she had so many times in her life. Good girl. Happy girl.))

I missed you!

I missed you too. Roxy… I’m sorry… I –

((But he can’t finish his apology. Before the door is even completely closed, Roxy’s mouth is pressed against his, her tongue searching the depths of his mouth. The door clicks shut, and Loverboy’s back presses against the wood as Roxy leans her lithe body against his. With his hands on her waist, Loverboy seems about to protest the aggressive come on, but instead he melts into her, tipping her backward slightly and overtaking her kiss.))

((Roxy arches her back and moans lightly as she stands on her toes to reach hungrily up to Loverboy’s mouth, her hands busily working to remove his denim jacket and slide it down his arms to the floor. As the jacket falls, her hands move to Loverboy’s belt buckle, unfastening it as she starts to step backwards. Walking forward and toward the bed, Loverboy grabs the tail of his Faster Pussycat t-shirt and pulls it off of him over his head, tossing it into a corner and exposing his muscular, bare chest. His shoulder heavily bandaged, Roxy steers clear of it as she wraps her slender arms around his neck and continues kissing him, all the while working the fly and zipper of his pants and loosening them, pulling them down his hips. A moment later, Roxy backs into the bed, and drops onto the mattress. She looks up at Loverboy with a devilish grin.))

My conqueror deserves to be taken care of after his battle…

((And she tips her face forward, open mouthed, as she begins to pull him out from his underwear. Instantly, though, Loverboy cups her chin in his hand and stops her, looking down at her smoky eyes and smiling back at her.))

No, babe. Not this time. This time… it’s all for you.

((Loverboy sinks to his knees like a praying acolyte at an altar, sliding his hands between Roxy’s golden thighs and parting them, then as they maintain eye contact for as long as possible, Loverboy dips his head between her legs as Roxy coils his blond hair between her manicured fingers. A silent gasp widens her mouth into an oval as Loverboy wraps an arm around her waist and leans her back, her legs bent at the knee on either side of his face. As she bends her back and arches her neck, her heels rise up and dig into the flesh of Loverboy’s back. Roxy’s hands release from Loverboy’s hair and slide up her own taut midsection, pulling the shirt up over the curve of her breasts, which she squeezes together as she moans in ecstasy. As Loverboy continues kissing her deeply below the belt, she bites her lip and orgasms repeatedly.))

((Some time later, Loverboy and Roxy lay together in bed, their legs wrapped together. Loverboy, on his back with his arms folded beneath his flaxen hair; Roxy, on her side, facing him, her body fitting the contours of his like interlacing fingers. She looks up at him and smiles.))

You are so amazing, Vinnie…

I try, babe.

You make my body shudder when you touch me. You send pleasure through me in waves.

I can tell! How many times did you cum?

Six? Seven? Baby, I lost count… you’re amazing.


((Loverboy smiles and leans his head down to Roxy’s, giving her a firm kiss on the lips. He keeps his forehead pressed against hers after their mouths part, staring deep into her eyes.))

Thank you, Roxy.

Thank me? For what, baby? My body is all yours any time you want it. You know that.

Thank you though, for knowing I needed you the way I did. And for understanding why I needed to get away tonight.

Of course, baby. I know tonight was… bad.

Yeah, it was bad. I feel… empty. But at the same time kind of free? It’s hard to explain, babe, but it’s like, that belt was with me for so long, you know? It was a part of who I was, and now it’s gone.

I know, baby, I’m so sorry…

But… like I said, I feel a little free. Like I don’t have to worry about tag partners and teammates anymore. Ever since Relentless it’s been something I had to concern myself with, and it’s all over. I can really focus just on me now, you know?

You should let me focus on you…

Oh I will, babe, trust me… we aren’t done tonight, yet. But what I meant was as far as wrestling goes, you know? I always worried before that if I went for anything individually it would be too much of a burden to try and defend two different titles, especially when pay per views came around. I think it was in the back of my mind when I challenged Guppy. I knew that I had to focus on one or the other, you know? That’s why I called Peter and Kyril in the first place.

I know baby, but they let you down.

I don’t know. Maybe. I know I fought my ass off tonight, that’s all I really know. Peter took a hell of an ass beating and kept getting up, but he’s a human being. I don’t know what was up with Morbid, though. I felt good about him going into the match, man, I thought we were on the same page… but I don’t know how much heart he had in it. You saw when the Asylum came down?

I did. Baby that was awful… that little troll Frodo has to be dealt with!

He will, babe, he will. But when they attacked us, they didn’t go after Morbid Angel. It really got in my head, you know? Here’s a guy who’s supposed to be my brother, my partner, and I’m in there willing to break myself in half for him, and he kinda just stood there while those clowns beat on Peter and me. To be perfectly honest, I assumed Peter would be the one I had to worry about going in. I thought Morbid and me were on the same page, you know?

Yeah, I wanted to run down there and help, but you know I can’t fight…

I know babe, I don’t want you in harm’s way. People like Madison or Frodo or Pest wouldn’t hesitate to try and target you as a way to get to me. They might say they ripped your ear off, or gave you AIDS or some crazy, stupid shit. That’s what the idiots that think they run the XWF do every day, they just try and tear it apart at the seams and turn it into some stupid joke. But it’s not a joke to me! I came here to win! I came here to be the champion! And I will be, baby, you just watch. Sooner or later, Theo won’t be able to keep ducking me and I’ll get him one on one. I’ll go through all of the Three Kings one at a time if I have to do it to get to him, but it will happen.

I’m just glad you’re okay.

I’m not okay. I’m hurt, and some of the scars you can’t even see, you know? But I’m a fighter. I’m a warrior. I’m –

A conqueror.

Yeah. I’m a conqueror, that’s right. And before you know it, baby, I’m gonna be a champion again. This time it will be all about me though. I don’t need nobody watching my back. Nobody but you, baby.

And I always will.

I know it.

((Loverboy and Roxy kiss again, and he slides his body on top of hers as the scene fades to black.))

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