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Bobby Charles Offline
XWF's Prodigal Son

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

11-20-2014, 03:11 AM

" WTF is LUCIOUS and a 'Jobber' ? ..I really don't see you having ANY sort of problem with them mongoloids..." kaid said, lighting a cigar.."I mean, you are a Great athlete in the field, and them? Well, let's just say that they are not quite ready to get the upgrade to a marquee headliner..."

Bobby nodded thoughtfully, smiling at kaid's ceaseless bravado. Even at the benefit of his cohorts did kaid continue with his 'big talk'. He admired the younger man for that, amongst other things; His loyalty most of all. Zi had in Kaydin Taneau, not just a friend that said that he had his back, but consistently proved it, time and time again. Though only a few years older, than the others, he never felt like he didn't belong. Chris,and zi kept him in the loop, and never let him feel his age.

Kaid was dressed out in his black, collarless suit. a royal blue sash to compliment the the outfit. A large, full-length black jacket was worn over. He looked at his Rolex. He had to keep an eye on the time, as he quite literally had a date with Destiny.

Bobby, not doing anything especially ritzy that evening, was dressed in a pair of khaki corduroys, with a black oxford worn open over a white tank-top. He also wore his long-lasting green trench-coat. He sported a dark tan that must have been worked on during his time back in the States, where earlier in the week his security consulting business had unexpectedly called upon his services.

"Lucious is only as good as the few men who he's beaten in the past, and he is 'fake satanist' who is gonna never be able to really even touch me. Not in a fair match" zi replied.

Bobby puffed on his cigar while a voice calling after them caught their attention. They stopped and turned to see a man they recognized from the XWF payroll. A fucking reporter.

"oh! Kaid! zi! Hey, do you mind if I ask you some questions?"

ZI groaned. "Oh for the love of"

The reporter ran up to them, breathing heavily, but smiling that he'd seemed to have cornered the champ for an interview...

"zi,You are going into this weekends madness full of confidence, is it true that?"

"Can you speak French? "Bobby asked the man from out of the blue.

"Uh. no. Why?" The reporter answered, visibly confused at the purpose of the question.

"Can you hold on a second? I need to ask my friend something. Kaid"zi said before turning to his friend, "Que pense-t-il, nous devrions seulement le battement l'enfer de cet homme?"

Kaid smiled, and shook his head as he answered zi's question in French... "Je mets't vraiment pense que nous devrions seulement pourtant. Laisserl'évêché de s où ceci mène."

zi nodded, and noticed that the reporter had pulled out a small notepad, and was jotting down some notes. "True. Very true" he said to Kaid. Then to the reporter, "Okay, we're game. So what have you got for us?"

"whoa I didn't know that you could speak another language!" the reporter answered dumbly.

zi rolled his eyes, then murmured, "Dieser Mann ist nur zu klug für seines eigenes gut. Sied denkt, daß er?d ein Raketenwissenschaftler statt eines Reporters ist."

Dumbstruck, the reporter asked, "That sounded like German. Was that German?"

"Ja, daß deutsch Sie fucking Idiot war." Kaid replied to zi. he mood clearly shifting to one of great irritation.

"Og dette er norsk, De dumt stykke excriment." zi said in Norwegean, smirking at the incomprehensible look on the reporters face.

"Ikke at det gjør De noe godt. Rygg nå til den aktuelle utgivelsen.?"

'Umm, I don?t speak, uh, German either" The reported replied, shifting nervously from one foot to the next.

Kaid grabbed the reporter by the collar, and in simple English, "He said get to the fucking point, prick. We dont have the patience to give you a free language lesson..."

"Fuck that. I don't have the patience to give you anything except maybe a beat-down. If you want one of those, I suggest you continue to bother us." zi told the man, shoving him backwards to the sidewalk in a single motion.

Both Kaid and zi turned, continuing on their path. The reporter watching them dazed, from his sudden seat on the sidewalk.

"I fucking hate reporters." zi muttered.

"No shit." Kaid agreed. They walked in silence for a few moments, then Kaid brought the conversation back to the upcoming matches...

"So how about your next match dude? Do you have any qualms about this your match against that jobber, and the guy who smells like tarnished copper?"

"Nope. No qualms at my end, though I'm sure that the two of them can't be catching all that much sleep at night or during the day, in The Count's case. I mean, look at the odds. one muh'fucka who can barely speak english and making his debut and a fake "satanist wannabe" being in the ring with the former 2x xtreme champ ,facing the man in which this entire fed measures themselves to, whether they want to admit it or not,to the man that everyone was afraid of stepping into a match with, then why all the jolly little pep talks. Face it maaan. I am favored to win this one. No sweat..."

"..The XWF gave me a sweet bonus as I came back, because they knew that now that zi's destiny would back again to the picture, they ratings would fucking spike right off the charts. The fact that we all have informed once zi is back, business is fucking booming, and shane, miranda, and that sucker jeff are smiling all the way to the banks.."

"i'm going to beat on him like a fucking LA riot. joe? I STILL can?t figure out why the fuck He'S in this match. Much like fyre, he just doesn?t belong, competing at this level of skill, those two fucking ass-clowns wouldn't be able to out-wrestle an old dead woman, even IF they teamed up on her..."

"The only reason I can even begin to see, as to why JOE has become a lamb to the slaughter??

"To become a 'SHEEP-BURGER'???" Kaid threw in real quick, taking the chance to mock joe's stupid analogy.

zi laughed out loud..".. ANYWAY. As I was trying to say, the only thing I can see from them 2 dudes, is since they know they wont be able to win this match, they want to judge how close they can get to.."

"Not very.." Kaid answered, as he checked his watch again. Just as Kaid was about to say good-bye to Bobby, he recognized the cocky gait of chris cardinal and joe powell... Kaid waited to say a brief greeting, before he apologized and excused himself.

"Where the fuck does he think HE'S going" chris asked. zi smiled as he ground out what was left of the cigar under the heel of his polished Doc Martin.

"He's got a date with Destiny."

"Okay, fucker be that way." chris responded, he stood there for moment checking out the asses of two women who had just passed. zi and powell had been doing the same, and they nodded in silent agreement. "So, what have you and Kaid been up too??"

"Nothing really. Just killing some time. Talking about the matches this weekend.? Bobby shrugged

"I've got more time on my hands than I know what to do with since my match had to be cancelled." Cardinal offered.

"Ahhh, that guy was an asshole. It wouldn't have been much of a match anyway." zi replied, his trade-marked grin in full effect.

"..You should look into getting a hobby..." zi said sarcastically. Cardinal responded by flipping him off.

zi ignored the motion, and began talking about the upcoming match.

"I have eclipsed EVERYTHING that they both accomplished here in this company. they could walk for years and never step out from under my shadow"

"Well, at least he wouldn't get a sunburn, and explode or something??" Cardinal said.

"Vampires explode" Powell inquired of Chris, who only shrugged.

"well, you know, maybe if he ever retired, he could move to Wales, and start a fast-food chain that sells 'Sheep-burgers' chris stated.

"Baah-burgers" powell added.

"to be honest they are nothin than a thanksgivin prize for me, they are nothing better than 'zero' Jace said.

"Zero, by definition is nothing. " chris threw in.

"Actually,'zero' has a value, it's just when you multiply against it that you get nothing.?" powell corrected.

"So when you multiply Zero's talent and that jobbers talent..?" chris offered rhetorically.

"Jesus Christ..." Bobby responded, noticing that they had attracted a small crowd of curious French people. Without another word, the three went into the crowd, and disappeared...

Former 2× X-treme ChampIon
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