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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
He Will Become De-Venomed
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

11-15-2014, 09:33 PM

Ghost Tank is seen, relaxing on a large couch, his hands wrapped and feet wrapped, so that the healing process can begin upon the holes he made in his recent promo for his match versus Calypso. No nerves, no vital vessels of blood were harmed. The person who was the robed figure was an actual doctor, a fan of his, someone who was told what would happen, including the hit. So that he would be prepared for the force, be able to move his head just in time to lessen the impact. Told to play dead once hit. Once the promo was finished, he did his job to fix up Ghost Tank's wounds, and was paid for his services before leaving. Ghost Tank sees the camera that has come to him, and he chuckled as he heard the familiar voice of the cameraman that he acquiesced from XWF,

Mister GT, you've not been referencing your other opponent this week. Mister Venomous.

Ghost Tank snickered, then shook his head

I'm not worried about him so much. I'm more worried about Lane coming to interrupt my fight with Calypso on Warfare, to get back at me for beating the fuck out of him and Gilmour during his Trio Tag Team Title defense.

Alvald spoke once more

Mister GT, you shouldn't just ignore him, though. What if he does manage to put out a promo and you decide not to take him seriously? Are you that confident you're going to win?

Ghost Tank laughed slightly hard at this, revealing his ribs were healing up quite fast, but still caused him some pain.

So far, Venomous hasn't shown up for much, and when he shows up for his matches, he has gotten his ass kicked. I plan to do the same thing. I plan on beating the crap out of him. I hope Vinnie Lane shows up, I hope Peter Gilmour shows up, I hope even Morbid Angel shows up to confront me during my match with Venomous. At least then, I'll actually have to fight for my life. If they don't show up? I'm going to annihilate Venomous. If they do interrupt my match? Well, it's a good thing my Brothers are in town for Madness. I won't be alone if they try to interfere.

He snickered a bit, before becoming more relaxed on the couch.

Alvald, can you get me something to eat, please?

The camera moved up and down as Alvald spoke,

Sure, GT. What do you want to eat?

Ghost Tank slid his right hand into his pants, pulling out a wallet. Thanks to his matches, and the miracle of saving every cent through squatting in broken homes and getting cheap meals, he has a lot of cash in it. He pulls out two hundred dollars, and Alvald moves closer to grab the money as Ghost Tank spoke,

I don't know, Alvald. Go to a fancy restaurant, have a nice meal, ask if you can get an order to go because you have a sick friend to take care of that loves some of the things on their menu. Choose whatever you think I'd love, all right? Salads, barbecued anything, chicken, pork. Ooh! If you go to a fancy Italian restaurant, you can most likely order some Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo! So yeah. Go eat first, then bring me something to eat. If you go to an Italian restaurant, get me the CFA, with some parmesan garlic bread or if they serve potatoes, ask for a baked potato. If you go somewhere else, no matter where, bar and grill, or hell, even a Subway, anything you think I'd like, buy it, take it home. Though if you do go to a bar and grill, I absolutely love honey barbecue wings.

He then pulled out another hundred dollars

Just in case you wish to buy something to drink, whether it be soda, alcohol, some juice, just anything you want after your meal, that if you don't finish, we still can get it on a plane when we leave for Madness.

He chuckled while Alvald took the money and walked away. While the video fades to black. The neon green words don't appear this time.

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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