Theo Pryce
King of Kings

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11-07-2014, 08:43 PM
I have to say Pam, I am honestly surprised that after the none stop assrape that Frodo unleashed on you a few weeks back due to your constant butchering of even the simplest facts, you wouldn't take a little more time and make sure that when you open your mouth and you let words come out that they are in fact...true.
What am I talking about? Here, let me illuminate you.
Here's what you said:
Quote:Hey, funny thing about that suit by the way… remember when I kicked your ass and pinned you to the mat at Relentless for these belts in the first place? I do. I totally bet you do too. Well, maybe not the ending. You were kinda asleep for that part.
Now here's what actually happened:
Enigma is trying to explain to the ref that he is the legal man but the ref doesn’t want to hear it. Sebastian Duke turns and also starts yelling at the ref and doesn’t’ see Loverboy get to his feet…
And another cover…
3!!! |
You're right Pam. I don't remember the ending, at least, not the ending you think happened. I do however remember the actual ending. The one where you pinned Sebastian and not me. Did you catch it that time? Do you need me to rewind the tape?
Shall I continue this little exercise of "What happens when a jerkoff misspeaks?" Yes. I think I shall.
You said:
Quote: I mean, you waited for me to have a match on Madness against another card carrying member of the Lingering Veteran’s Club, Griffin MacAlister, and then you pop up with a trios challenge for the same week! It’s brilliant, dude!
Well Pam while the timing is certainly on your side in this argument the reality is that I had no clue you had agreed to a match with Griffin MacAlister to take place next Monday. In fact, I had no clue that asshat was even still around. Why the fuck would I pay attention to your calender? Seriously. Do I look like your mother fucking secretary? But none of that matters because when I went on live television two weeks ago and said that you and your dumb and dumber flunkies had to face me in the ring two weeks later you could have just said no. You know just like your mom did when you asked ever if you were ever going to be anything other than a whiny spoiled cum rag. But you didn't say no. Not a single one of you shit sniffing frittatas did anything except look back at me awe struck, like Peter in front of the television every Saturday morning when his favorite purple dinosaur begins singing to him. And who could blame you? Look at me. I'm everything you're parents wished you could be. I mean that literally by the way. When your mom saw me on TV laying down the law she sent word through my people that she wanted me to put my love stick in her fuck hole in hopes that her next child wouldn't be the massive cunt that you are. Of course I have a rule about fucking the parents of half wits so I had to politely decline. And who would have thunk it but having not gotten what she wanted that bitch mother of yours went on a massive rant. She had to check herself into a hospital and was put on suicide watch. All because Theo Pryce wouldn't give her what she desperately wanted. A son. Now I know where you get your "always on the rag" demeanor from.
Go ahead Lane come back at me by attacking my mother. Please I beg you. Waste your time talking about someone I give no fucks about. Or you could call my dead sister a whore again as if that somehow offends me.
Next you went on to talk about how you were the longest reigning champ next to Azrael and Kendall. Well which one is it Pam? Are you the longest reigning champ in the fed or aren't you? Because from where I sit, which is in the world of reality you aren't. Another inaccurate fact. And while we are on the subject of championship reigns, Morbid is the longest reigning Uni Champ? Tell me Pam, how many days have elapsed between August 24th when Eli James won the Universal Title and October 22nd when I took it from him. Hint hint, it's more than 34 days.
From there you went on to mock, literally mock your own teammates. Morbid? An undefeated God king? Peter Gilmour a king of the XWF with a lunchbox and not a briefcase. You actually went there. You must take your leadership ques from Morbid. Fuck building your team up, it's way more fun to rip them down. That was what you were doing when you said "Especially after Petey and Morbs got embarrassed by that Columbine kid Ghost Tank and whoever the hell his partner was." You see how I was able to do that neat little trick with my voice there? One of the fun little things I taught myself while vacationing out in the pacific for three months.
I have to ask Pam are you a masochist? I mean you have to be right? To knowingly and unflinchingly continue to put yourself through the same abuse week in and week out. A few weeks ago your asshole was getting ripped open daily by Pest and Frodo. Since then Evertrust has joined in on the nonstop fun that is "How can we make Vinnie Lane cry today?" And now I get my turn to make you cry like the bitch that you are. Obviously you like it, if you didn't you wouldn't bring up dead and buried conversations like why I didn't put the Universal Title on the line for this match. I already listed out my reasons for it. You are either too stupid to comprehend them or you just want to deflect the conversation away from how utterly hopeless you and your team is. But since you brought it up again I'll lay it all out there...again.
I never said that none of you deserved a title shot, which is what you claim to be my words. What I did say was that you don't deserve a title shot. Peter already earned one and I told him, and you and Morbid and the man on the moon that I didn't put the title on the line as a favor for Peter. I would ask Peter to explain to you how my actions are acting in his best interest but that fat slob needs help tying his shoes so I'll do it for him. If I put the title on the line in this match than Peter goes from having a 50% chance at winning the title in a one on one match with me to having a 33.3% chance of winning the title as he would have to contend with not just me but with you and Morbid as well.
In fact, me not putting the title on the line is actually acting in the best interest of all of you. Seriously I'm doing this for all of you. Tell me Pam, in your heart of hearts, if I put the title on the line do you think that your team would come together and act as one cohesive unit to try and win? Would you guys rally behind Peter to help him win the title or would you try and get the title for yourself? Would Morbid do the same? Would you guys sacrifice pinning John Madison or John Samuels in favor of making sure that I took the fall? A strategy which would only end up giving my team the upper hand I assure you. You don't think Gilmour would nail you with the GIlmour Cutter the second he saw you moving in on his title? You think you wouldn't take out Gilmour or Morbid to win that title since you seem so desperate see the title put on the line?
Are you getting it yet?
As if facing the Three Kings wasn't a foregone conclusion enough for you guys me putting the title on the line would be a fucking death sentence for your team.
Think about what I just said. Think about how divided your team would be if the Universal Title were on the line. A team that has already shown itself to be one made up of 3 guys out for themselves and no one else. I put that title on the line and you might as well hit the giant red button that reads "Self Destruct".
Is that really what you want?
You talked about the moniker The Three Kings and it's biblical connections, or at least, what you perceive to be but the truth is the name is simply that, a name. It references the fact that me and my two partners are the only three true Kings of the XWF. No frankincense and myrrh required. Having said that we will be glad to unleash on you a beating of biblical proportions and unfortunately for you Noah and his ark won't be showing up to save you.
I hope you've enjoyed your time with those trios titles Pam because come Wednesday I'll be taking them like I took the X-treme title from Morbid, the TV title from Elisha, the United States title from Lucena and the Universal Title from Eli. Because that's what I do. I taketh away.
Moving on to Morbid Angel. Who unlike the last time we traded verbal jabs in promos you actually had the balls to come back at me after I ripped you apart. Congratulations on evolving, or is it devolving? Hard to know for sure with how much worse you've gotten as a wrestler since your first match. Which if memory serves you lost to a guy who after beating you disappeared never to be heard from again. Who knows if The Phantom Stranger had stuck around you might have as putrid of a record against him as you do Griffin MacAlister.
But since you did actually respond allow me to do the same.
It's amusing to see you hanging onto the notion of you beating me twice. If believing that despite there literally, be no evidence to support that claim then so be it. Who am I to deny you the simple things in life?
Let me explain to you how to actually win an argument, first you make a statement and then you back it up with verifiable proof.
Here is an example of how someone wins an argument.
You said:
Quote:I Beat Tri bute or Guppy, whatever he is going by these days. That as well is something you have been unable to do as well.
For starters you only needed to say "as well" once, twice was just overkill. But my response to the above comment is this video clip.
Frustrated Enigma gives up on the powerbomb and instead opts for something else....he kicks Parsh in the family jewels and then....
JIM ROSS: "That's it, that's all she wrote. Enigma just drove Parsh through the table with The Riddle!(Spinebuster). Enigma is the winner of Terminal Velocity."
The Terminal Velocity Battle Royal
WINNER: Enigma
Enigma is laying on the ground breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath. The ref walks over and lifts Enigma's arm in victory. He hands him a silver 24/7 briefcase. Enigma pulls himself up using the announcers table as leverage and starts to walk towards the back.
You were saying?
Actually you said a lot.
Here is something else you said:
Quote:You are a coward who hides, I at least will go in and try to win even a losing battle.
Removing myself from the team I picked at War Games was not about hiding. It was about fulfilling destiny. It was my destiny to do what the imposter Shades was unable to do. Successfully take Eli James title from him.
Having said that I find it ironic that you, the man who ditched a trios team made up of Cain and Peter Gilmour not once but twice would dare try and lecture me on being a coward and hiding. If I recall correctly and unlike you I often do, there were a few matches several months ago where you decided not to try and win a losing battle. Instead opting to provide color commentary that night while your teammates fought the good fight. I should know. I was there.
Moving on...
Quote:Ouch, that almost hurt! I have in fact one a match since I won the Universal title.
You one a match? How does someone one a match? Seriously can you tell me how one does that because I am honestly curious now. You've piqued my curiousty Morbid and that's not easy to do.
I'm glad you can at least admit to the fact that I beat you as Enigma. I mean there is video proof of this but the fact that you are willing to actually state it is a positive step for you. Even if your actual retelling of the story was a little off. You see it wasn't just easy for me to beat you, it was one of the easiest victories I've ever had. It was so easy that just for shits and giggles I beat you with your own finisher and then watched from the ring with my new title in hand as you were carried out of the ring on a stretcher. Fun times. If only you could remember them with as much joy as I do. It was even an X-treme title match so I'm not even sure how one cheats in an anything goes environment but apparently I did. So says you. I'd ask you to prove that but we all know that backing up claims isn't your game.
I loved your analogy with Donald Sterling. It's funny. Completely inaccurate but funny. You see there is a reason why people like owning sports teams and that's because they are cash cows. Donald Sterling was a businessman, much like I was. When his team the Clippers lost he still won. Do you know how that is? Because despite the on the court product that he put out there he still made money. Go look up how much the Clippers were worth when he bought them and how much he sold them for. Factor in the fact that they were a horrible team for 99% of the time he owned them and tell me again how when his team lost he lost?
Spoiler alert: He didn't.
And no Morbid before you even start down that road, inflation is not how he was able to make so much money.
Back to the whole sleep chamber fiasco. I am going to quote what you said:
Quote:The Sleep Chamber was from Azrael and me and you were to face off in other people’s bodies if memory serves. Griffin McAlister vs. Luca. You were Luca and I was Griffin and I beat the shit out of you! Remember?
So let me see if I can get this straight, your only evidence for having ever beaten me is when you and I supposedly took part in an event where we swapped bodies and that's how you beat me?
That's what you are going with?
That we swapped bodies? What is this fucking Star Trek? This is the XWF you dumb fuck. A wrestling federation not some fucking sci fi freakshow.
Face it Morbid. You have never beaten me. You never will beat me. Sure you beat a team I picked but when the match happened I was no where near that ring. So no, you didn't beat me. You can't beat me. No matter how hard you try or how hard you lie the facts are the facts.
Still trying to defend your X-treme title reign that's laughable. Which title reign are you defending? The one where Steve Davids handed you the title or the other one? Or are you referring to the month long reign in which you were the Universal Champion but only because you refused to defend the title for 5 weeks? I'm glad Ozymandias had the balls to force you into defending your title against Eli James. There was a time when management used to force champions into a title defense all the time.
As for me, I was never once, let me repeat that, not once was I forced into defending my title. Hayden Oliver Thomas was one of the people I had a title defense match against but he was not the only one. Scott Charlotte was another such name. I also faced and beat Peter Gilmour and Mr. Radio during my time as King of the XWF. What did you do? Oh that's right, hide like a cowardice cunt the second you won that title. Hulk Hogan never forced me into a match. I faced John Samuels because John Samuels won an opportunity to face me. And yes he beat me. And I'm glad he did. The Crown was a fucking headache which I said about 15 seconds after winning that I welcomed someone taking it from me. I didn't need to hide for 5 weeks to claim I was a great champion. Just winning the top title was enough. I slept through my matches for 4 months and it wasn't until Samuels came around that someone thankfully took the title from me.
Are you all listening out there? Steve Davids, Mark Flynn, Egyptian Snow Pharaoh, Dr. Zero, the recently returned Mandii Rider, and anyone else with a briefcase, by all means cash in, take the Universal Title from me like I did to Eli. It's no sweat off my ass. You can have the fucking thing.
Now before I go I want to address one final thing and that is this.
According to you I am fucking you over by having a match against you, Peter and Vinnie, you three who have been working so hard these last few weeks while John Samuels, John Madison and I have had a combined 2 matches in the last 4 months. Yet earlier you made the comment that my team which you yesterday said was damn near unbeatable is suddenly flawed because it is made up of 3 part timers.
So which is it Morbid because it can't be both. Either the fact that we are part timers is working for you or against you.
Make up your mind and when you do let me know so I can rip that to shit as well.
Fucking amatuer.