Mr. Oz
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11-02-2014, 04:42 PM
As the video opens, it reveals Ghost Tank, watching Doctor Louis D'Ville. He grinned slightly. The large man wore his usual contacts, making the left eye a neon green, the right one completely blacked out. He then watched a few others that have cut promos. He looked up at the camera, grinning just enough to reveal the blackened teeth, only to downgrade the grin to a smile before he spoke,
My good friend, Doctor D'Ville. You did not hear the part after I said you have a problem with me. I said that the very problem would be getting past me for the title of King. That's the only problem we have. I like you, Doctor. You seem like someone I would like to have a drink with. However, on Madness, we'll be opponents, so if you want a drink, it will have to be after I rend you, figuratively, limb from limb and win the King of the Ring Tournament, my friend. My recklessness has led me to victories thus far, and even if it were all to stop on Monday, if someone were to win against me, whether it be you, Frodo, Gator, or even possibly, Sane. I would have shown you and the world why I choose to be reckless. Why I choose to be unstable. Dear Doctor, I leave bodies in my wake, and that is all I care about. I hurt people and make them suffer. That's all I care about, but you should have known that, right? You are a doctor after all. You think I'm deluded? I'm sorry, but, you obviously didn't watch close enough during War Games. Which, saddens me, since you consider me a potential patient. Why wouldn't you do more research, Doc? I've been hearing, ever since War Games, that Evertrust led the team to victory, that Sane is the future, that he brought down Azrael. I ask of you this, what did they do, exactly? Evertrust helped out, but in terms of being a team, Eli actually helped out more. THREE MEN had to pick me up and they ground my face into the cell, but Eli helped me. Where was Evertrust to help me? Where was Sane? We know where Tyroil was, because he was doing nothing. Evertrust and Sane didn't do as much as I did. Eli did less, but still managed to do more than them. I led our team to victory, Doctor. Make no mistake about it, even though you seem to be capable of making a lot of them with your words alone. Do you know what would have happened to our team if I had not taken out Aerial Knight, Kessler, and Jack before I fell into the void? I wouldn't say we would have lost, because Evertrust was there, but the end would not have been so easy. They would have had to actually do a lot more work. I was but a cog in the machine, but this cog kept the rest of the machinery working until they no longer needed it. None have shown their recognition of this fact, Doctor. Everyone has done as you did, praised Evertrust and Sane, but, you should be praising me. You should be showing me the respect I deserve, and should we meet, and you have not shown me any shred of respect, I will MAKE YOU do so if we face each other at the King of the Ring tourney.
Now, as to your words about my name, I've said time and time again, the reason I chose to christen myself Ghost Tank is because I am fast, like a spectre in a haunted house. I am strong and bring the ruin of those in front of me, much like a tank. Thus, Ghost Tank. For a doctor, you sure are ignorant.
Your choices amuse me, Doctor. You think Knight would win against me? Think Maverick would win against me? I will be facing Maverick on the tenth of November in an X-Treme rules match. If he makes it out and faces me at the tourney, we won't have to wait as long, and I will do to him exactly as I have done to many other challengers so far. In the way of Knight, I showed him what I can do, made him feel it. He's never going to be the same again, and should he face me at the tournament, it will be the same result. I will hurt him, and he won't be able to go into the T.V. Title match on Wednesday.
I do want to know something. Do you people not know the difference between fat and muscle? I've been hearing from opponents that I'm fat. Does it piss me off? Not really. It just makes me wonder what's going through your heads. If I was some giant that weighed over three hundred pounds, and looked fat, I'd understand why you chose the analogy. The problem with that, though, is I'm almost pure muscle, each pound is from me working hard on my body, running every day, lifting every day. I do not call myself Ghost Tank for no reason, I do not label myself as a New Breed of Beast and a New Kind of Monster, just for kicks. I call myself these things, because it is the truth. Should I fall, it will not be a hard fall unless I am tossed off a roof., or a ladder. Seeing as we are all having regular matches, I do not see this happening. Should I lose, it will be after I gave everything to my opponents, and they were capable of protecting themselves, and I will still be proud of it, because I made everyone sit up and take notice that I bring destruction, that I bring with me the ruination of my opponents. I force them to change, lest they fall under my heel.
Now as you mentioned War Games, I defer to my earlier statement of what I was in that match. I knew I wasn't going to win, but I don't care about winning. Winning is just a boon. My true reward comes from the feeling of my opponents laying broken at my feet. I took three men out of the match entirely, and two of them had to rest up before they even joined the King of the Ring tournament, whereas I, still recovering from my wounds, have been a busy Beast. I still had a match on Wednesday, and now my body will have time to recover some more from War Games. There was only one event I did not take part in, the Shove-it event. Other than that, I am going to be wrestling at the King of the Ring, then on Warfare, I will be facing Morbid Angel and Peter Gilmour. The week after that, Maverick and The Horseman. Compared to Kessler and Knight, I was the one who came close to death, and as the now famous quote goes, "There is only one thing we say to Death. Not today." I was stapled and sewn, I required a transfusion. Yet I did not stop. I will not stop, Doctor. At Madness, should you and I face each other at the finals, you will understand me even better. I will destroy myself, in order to ruin my enemies, but it will take a lot to bring me down. At the tournament, I will be facing an army, and they will be facing a Horrific Monster.
On the topic of the one named Maverick. I do thank you for the kind words, however, they won't make me take it any easier on you. Mister Maverick, you think I care about those names you listed? For you to think any single one of them is on par with me, is completely ridiculous. You believe yourself my better. You're definitely better than Aerial Knight, this is true, but you're definitely not better than me. A sweat is not the only thing you'll have broken. I will hurt you and when you go for the T.V. Title, you will not be at a hundred percent. Neither will Sane. Neither will Gator. If it comes down to Gator and I in the finals, he will not make it out of there unscathed. I am the one who should be watched during this Tournament, I am the one you all should be focusing on. I am the one who will become King of the Ring. If I don't, then, that's just fine. However, you won't be crowned King. You won't make it past me, Maverick. Neither will any other competitor. I will rain hellfire upon you all and it will torch your dreams, your aspirations. You're saving your best stuff for the title shot? That's too bad. I expected us to actually have a match for the ages. I guess on the tenth, is when we'll have to have said match. Then again, it shows me that I'm going to be able to beat you at the Tournament. That's going to be fun. You'll wish, though, you had put me out of my "misery" as some would deem my lifestyle, when you had the chance at the Tournament.
Now, Frodo has said he's pretty much done talking about me now. Even though that's exactly what he did in a recent promo. That's too bad. I was enjoying them. I was enjoying hearing him speak about how he was so much better than me. I was enjoying his brand of stupidity. Frodo, I have no concern about you or Simon's cock. I bring it up though, because you seem to feel inferior to Simon, and want to make sure people remember that you're the real Frodo, not him. I could care less. It's too bad you're not going to talk about me anymore, because I'm going to talk a lot about you until our match. I'm going to make sure that at the end of Madness, you will know me better. You will know that I was the man who denied you the crown you so desperately sought in order to prove you're better than Simon. I don't give a fuck about you, anymore than you do me. I ask one thing, win or lose, that you don't bitch and moan about and say shit like "But I had to face that gigantic fat fucking cocksucking cum guzzling asshole!" Or some other stupid shit you'd probably say. You will have a proper match against me, Frodo, and at the end, I will have my hand raised, and you will be yet another name on the record of people I have crushed. You will be one of the biggest names, Frodo, for a person so small. Oh, and as for who has fucked you, that's something I don't care about. Oh, and, Frodo, I have a ton of fans. Just because they too like destruction. I gain fans every time I hurt someone, every time I put out a more in-depth promo. You know how many people loved the promo I did walking out of bloody water? Know how many fans I gained and lost when I put meat hooks into my flesh and hung from them? You, however, will only have the same amount of fans you have now. You're no one of note anymore. Here, let me put it this way to you, a way you'd understand.
He coughed a bit, cleared his throat, then spoke again,
You're a fucking and a . Kill yourself.
How was that? That's something stupid you'd say, right? Yeah, it seems to be. Frodo, I have no respect for you, yet, but I do recognize your talent. Great talker, great fighter. These qualities, however, won't help against me. I may not be the best talker, at least, when it comes to trash, but, I am definitely smarter than you. When we get into the ring together, you will understand that I am no joke. If you won't speak about me any longer, then I guess until Madness, that this is it for our back and forth, and I'll focus on other people I know I'm going to face, and know I'm going to beat. Don't worry Frodo, when I get to be crowned King, I'll make sure to thank you. After all, how could I not when you're my first match and I wouldn't have advanced if I didn't beat the fuck out of you.
Now, I am going to answer Doc's question to me about if I win King of the Ring so early in my career. My answer is this: I don't care what happens after. I don't care if I become a champion. I don't care to hold titles, but it looks as if titles are what you need in order to be recognized as somebody, especially if you're a rookie, or so it seems. So, what I expect when I become the King, I expect nothing less than the respect I deserve. I expect nothing less than people to look at me, and know who I am, and fear the prospect of facing me. When I win King of the Ring, you will all look at me and know that to face me, to dare and go toe-to-toe with me, to not respect me, is to bring about your own...
He grinned wide before licking his lips and speaking deeply, in a growl
The camera fades as he begins to laugh, and the neon green words flashed on the screen