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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "WAR GAMES" PPV RP Board
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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10-23-2014, 03:16 PM

"I told them if they would just humble themselves and turn to me, I would return back to them. They left me and never returned. I let them be as they were and allowed them to choose, and so they did. Parents would no longer teach the ways of truth nor speak of the great works I had done to their children, and so all my love had been lost in the midst of ignorance. Few would walk out into the field and sit under the stars and wonder. I removed their wonder and placed it with the hard minds their parents had taken up. The taste of a sweet flavor will now kill the taste buds, and they will have no answers because they were not taught who I am. I will not turn my ear when they cry. I will not speak when they ask questions. I will not show compassion when they are in need.

.... I Regret I Ever Created Them.....

......I Regret I Ever Rescued Them From The Fire......

.......I Regret I Ever Uttered A Word To Them......

.....But I Will Show Myself To Them Again....

.....And When I Do, They Will Fear My Name.....

It was while they were in chains I set them free and spoke up for them. They asked for anything to eat so they can live on, and I gave them not just anything but food they enjoyed. They sought me for comfort while they were in pain, and I covered them in the wings of gold and silver. They were my people and I was there Creator. They offered sacrifice and praise to my ears, and in return I showered them with truth and met all their needs. They smiled and I was pleased. When they mourned, I too mourned. We shared in life and they understood why I punished the wicked.

I defined wicked. I defined good. It was the judgment they had predefined before they ever let a breath leave their body. I cared for the young and looked after the old. I let them increase in numbers and gain life. I was the safe haven. I was their treasure. Songs were written about my name and the great works I had done. Ceremonies and celebrations were done just to say thank you. Life got old and they wanted more. Their eyes looked at what was beyond the fence of protection and lusted for it.

"What is that out there? I want that!" they yelled.

"It is the way of the wicked. They appear fulfilled, but will crumble when I call them away from this world. Do not covet. I am all you'll ever need."

It wasn't enough. They slowly started to drift away. Physically, they remained in my city but in the heart they had taken another oath. The body was mine but their hearts were far away. They had dreams about leaving and going to the place of the wicked. I ignored it and continued to supply everything. Then, one day it happened.

They shouted up to the heavens, "Let Us GO! We want what they have! We are tired of living here! Give us what they have or let us roam free from this land you've brought us to so we can take it ourselves!"

Day and night... Minute by Minute... at the top of every hour.... that is what they all wanted. They screamed it as loud as their volume could take, and when the heads would lay to rest... they whispered it. I continued to love them. I continued to shine them with the sun and watch over them. I would not give them what they were asking, for they did not know what it really would do.

"Let us leave. It is time!" one man said to the rest.

One by one they gathered their possessions. I watched from afar with a tear filling my eye. I loved them deeply and never withheld my hand from their lives, but they have chosen in their heart. I will not strike them down.... yet. They will have their fun and make wild claims they have defeated me. They will have spring in their step and laughter in their belly. This will take place for years to come. My name they will no longer remember. The works I did will no longer be a thought. They will disappear from my eyes and they will teach their children the wrong way.

...They Will Be At War With Me...

...It Was By Their Actions This Would Take Place...

...The Sun Will Not Bring Warmth To Their Face, But Burn Their Flesh...

...The Cold Will Not Only Kill Crops, But Strike The Heart...

...They Have Rejected My Words, Therefore I Have Rejected Them...

...They No Longer Want My Ways, So I Will Let Them Have Their Own...

I saw the last one leave my presence. I remember it well, that is when I had to send him...

He would be the last voice that uttered truth. He would live among the light and the dark. They would spread mercy with his left hand while holding a sword in his right.

Back in his barn.... rocking in his chair.... candles burning all around... is Eli James. The messenger of truth and spokesman of the Almighty. The eerie smile that never leaves his face casts a strange shadow. The casual dress he's been known to wear offers a sense of crazy. He remains the same. Rocking. Laughing.

"Behind every mystery lies a message we often overlook. Look at the simple word Raw. Sometimes we enjoy things left in the state of raw, and others we wait for them to be raw no more. And yet you simply reverse the letters, and we get War. Some want peace. Others want war. Another division that conquers mankind. There must be a concept of truth in there, right? I mean, is war that bad? Can we have peace? Does war bring solutions or does it create chaos? Some answers were never meant to be discovered.

Here we are in the same place I've been preaching at... the XWF... and it is yet another war that sparks the interest of hearts. It wasn't enough to glamor in the mindset of World War X... they needed more blood on their hands.

The showers you'll take will no longer be done with water, but it will shoot out blood. It will be blood of the innocent and the violent alike. You will immerse yourselves in the very thing you crave. You will be haunted by dreams that will one day come true. You will display a smile of gold while your neighbor is waiting to take the ax to your mouth so his hands will have gold. Your children will turn on you. You will raise them well, but the shadow will creep in and you'll never recognize them again. The names of the unknown will drag you into a deep tunnel that has no escape.

You will look up at night and search for stars, but they will all be burned up. You will try to mourn for the loss of those close to you, but will not be able to. You will laugh when you want to cry. You will cry when you want to laugh. You will be so confused and ask to meet death. Death will be far from you. You will sit and rot in the confusion you've made for yourself. It will be an endless maze you never leave. It will be your fate.

War will be what you want, and it will be what you receive.

You'll want more time, but time will cease.

You'll ask to love, but hate will be the only thing left.

You'll band together and work as a force, but turn on each other the moment a blink is made.

You think War Games in just a short amount of time is about a XWF pay per view event? Heh. You think that every match in a steel cage where teams fight each other is just another night to claim victory or defeat? Nah, man. Heh. You lack the insight to truth. You wish you had an idea of what was coming...

Place your bets and make your peace.

Kiss your loved ones one last time...

Share your heart so all can hear.. for the clock ticks.

What happens, Eli... What happens when it stops? I don't need to tell ya. I already have.

Those who oppose me in this match...


Steven Kessler.

Aeriel Knight.

Avery Martin Alden.

Azrael Erebus.

You should flee. Your words have carried no weight, and therefore will perish before they ever reach meaning.

Jack.. you should always write your words before you utter them from your mouth. You said, "What kind of God would let their children die before they even know what lies in wait for them? ..... If either of them are the real Gods in this world, I ask you why do they let their creations pass on before they can form a decision about the world around them?...... Because life is but a joke to them? ..... Because they are angry with what they've created and want to start over? ...... Or is it because all of you are deranged enough to start believing or acting like things that don't exist? ........ If there is a God, then we are the children that he forgot."

The one thing you said was God. Ya talk like there is a pre-thought there is a God by the first few words ya said... then ya talk like you don't believe in any god, since ya said "if there is..." If there isn't, then why even care what he thinks.. why he creates.. or why he destroys? If there is, then you get to wonder who is the truth teller. You should really pick if ya believe or don't believe, man. Then the rest of your speech might make sense. Perhaps you should stop worrying about the war governments play, because eventually everything will fall. That is the war you all will lose.

Then ya have a boy by the name of Steven Kessler. Ya called me a "basement-dwelling leader." I've never dwelt in a basement, so I'm not sure who exactly you're talkin' to or about. I know... ya had to speak my name in somewhere when you spoke up for your team.. I get it. My name had to make its way across your mouth, and it did.. except you were thinkin' about someone else who dwells in basements. Is that who you are, man? Another Steve who lives in the basement of his folks home.. tryin' to make a name for himself and he just got so caught up in his speech ... he tried to talk about me when he was talkin' about himself, minus the leader part?

The great mind thinker Aeriel Knight. His outlook at war is precious. "War Games is a great place to watch animals brutally slaughter each other, as I am told. And since we are technically animals from our lineage," is such a beautiful phrase. We are technically animals from our lineage. Another mind who probably doesn't think we were created, but evolved. Maybe next time ya try to utter some truth, eat a banana instead. Why stop there, though? Eat a deer, and be called a person who practices cannibalism since you are technically eating another human who hasn't been developed. Stick to talkin' about what ya know and not what ya think ya know.

Avery Martin Alden. Just a confused individual that I can help, but he would be like most I sense.

And now to the leader, Azrael. You're right. You were apart of the team that defeated my team at World War X. And yet, here I still stand. Maybe not as owner, but still speaking truth. Our roads have crossed many times and I tend to think it's all for purpose. I fear you miss the purpose and will go on in your life... living in your own world and trapped in a simple mind. Rise up, Azrael. We both know we are different from everyone else. While you speak to me like a weak one... don't tempt me to let Elisha back into your world. We both recall what happened, since you like talking about losses like they mean something.

I lost at World War X and it did nothing to my spirit or my purpose. It only fueled the message.. and it will never go away.

You all know noting of war. You know of the predefined term and what you've all been led to see as war... like a child looking up to a hero in a mask.. thinking it's how all heroes look. We know they come in divine nobodies the act out to become a somebody.

Your term.. your thought... about war.. is shallow and will be met with truth. It's not about wins or losses.... it's about sending a message.. and that message is the same I've been preaching since day one. It's TRUTH!

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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