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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "WAR GAMES" PPV RP Board
The Fox & The Gator.
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Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-19-2014, 08:08 PM

*Gator walks down a quiet road in the New Zealand countryside. He strolls down the side on the road, the dry dirt under his heels; Gator whistles as he listens to ambient sounds of nature. The whistling stops as he sticks the filter of his cigarette and draws a long breath, enjoying the unique taste. The smoke is expelled from his mouth and is carried away by the cool breeze. The whistling of David Bowie’s Life on Mars continues as Gator lowers the cigarette and checks his phone once more and raises it into the air, staring at the screen. A sigh of exhaustion*

“Still no signal.”

*He takes a quick toke of his cigarette and rubs his brow as he continues to walk down the small slope, following the road. He coughs but tries to keep it in, but the cough is far too aggressive as Gator leans over to cough out his guts; once the coughing fit ends he lifts his mask to spit onto the hot tar of the road. Gator stays motionless looking at the gooey red substance on the floor, slowly sliding through the cracks of the broken street. He gulps and adjust his mask back to normal and slowly walks under the shadow of a tree, patting his jeans pockets. He stops as he reaches the tree trunk and lightly places his forehead on the tree*


*Gator turns and rests his back against the tree, slowly falling to the ground, grinding his shirt against the bark, now sitting in the shade. He checks his phone once more, then plants it on the floor. His hand moves to his mouth to take another drag of the cigarette but his head turns to look at the smoke raising, examining the death stick and throwing it away from him*

"I left my pills in the car…"

*Gator throws the back of his head into the tree trunk and sighs. He pulls out his phone and sits up excitedly staring at the one bar of signal, he punches in 111 (New Zealand emergency services) on the keypad and puts the phone to his hear*

”Hello thank you for call- *zzzt* -services, how may we help?”

“Hello! My name is Jacob Woods, my car broke down and I’m stranded on some road in the middle of nowhere and I’d appreciate some help.”

“Okay, no problem Mr. Woods *zzzt* have your exact location?”

“Exact location? Well, I’m under a tree and there’s a road next to me.”

“We’ll need more information than that, sir.”

“How the hell should I know!? Can you just send someone on every road? How many can there be in New Zealand.”

“I’m so-*zzzt* sir. Can you not ring a tow service instead?”

“Sure, you got a number?”

“I’m afraid I don’t sorry sir.”

*Gator clicks hard on the phone to end the call and quickly scrolls to find Vinnie Lane in his contacts list, he taps on the phone again and places it to his ear, massaging his forehead with his spare hand*


“Vinnie! I’m stranded in the middle of fucking nowhere you gotta-“

“Psych! This is his voicemail stupid! If you’re a hot chick leave your number and bra size after the” *BEEP*

*Gator chucks the phone on the floor and rest his head in his hands, trying to supress a cough. He lowers his head to cover his eyes for a moment but jolts up when he hears someone*

“Hello Jacob.”

*Gator looks around and then down to a small red fox sat beside him*

“… Okay, I’ve got insane.”

“No Jacob, you haven’t gone insane, you’re simply dreaming and I’m here to help you.”

“Okay … And who are you?”

“Why I am your spirit animal.”

“My spirit animal’s a fox?”

“You sound disappointed.”

“Well, I would’ve thought it would be an alligator.”

“Pfft. Have you ever met an alligator? They’re cold and ornery, they just want to lurk in muddy water and eat. They make horrible spirit animals. Also, you’re British! Have you ever seen a wild alligator in England?”

“Alright, I see your point. So, Mr. Fox, why am I seeing you?”

*Gator lights up a cigarette while looking at the fox*

“I’m here to guide you, help you out a little. You’re most likely going to be stuck here for some time.”

“… Guide me back to Mastermind’s mansion then.”

“Why of course, the town you passed is only a forty minute walk down the road.”

*Gator looks out at the road and tries to stand but coughs loudly, slumping back down*

“I-I can’t get up, I feel so tired.”

“I wouldn’t worry too much about it, I’m sure someone will drive by soon and pick up a masked man asleep at a tree, with splatter of blood around him.”

“Really filling me with a ton of confidence fox.”

“I’m just trying to provide a lesson Jacob. Also, help you a little, the one impersonating Frodo has talked more.”

“So? Not really on my mind at this moment in time.”

*The fox laughs to itself as it moves in front of Gator and sitting down, staring into his eyes*

“Do you know what fuels humans best? Emotions. Anger, hatred, love, jealousy they all motivate human beings to do their best, and at times, their worst. So, I’m adding gasoline to the fire, so to speak. Listen well to what Simon says.”


*The fox slowly morphs into Frodo Smackins and paces in front of Gator*

“Gator, good, we get to talk again. For real, you just don't fucking listen. You're losing ground in the match, and yet you keep trying to step forward, only to be shoved back harder each time. It's fucking sad. At least you're paying more attention than Vinnie. Seriously, give that piece of shit some fucking glasses or at least write him some notes. This dude is running in blinder than a fucking bat with its eyes sewn shut. He's still addressing me like I'm Frodo.

So, you're questioning my accomplishments, or Frodo's? Because he and I both achieved things in here. I can't lay claim to his work anymore, but guess what I can claim. Being a half blind, untrained fighter, and beating Heartsford, and pulling this move out."

*Frodo motions a Shoryuken, as Gator looks at him with his jaw hung. Gator shakes his head and looks at the Frodo in front of him*

“You’re calling beating Heartford an accomplishment? Todd on a bad day could beat that dumb bitch in a match! Also, no matter what you do with your Shoryuken, it’s nowhere near as impressive as Ryu or Ken’s, you’re just uppercutting a dude. Also, what the hell are you talking about? I’m losing ground? Seriously, the fuck are you talking about!? I know where I stand, I’m not all over the fucking place like you are yelling at the walls thinking you’re making sense when you sound like a half-baked full ."

"Because an untrained fighter, I managed to win my first match here. Didn't you fail to do that?"

"Holy shit, I fucking love this! Say it again please."

"Because an untrained fighter, I managed to win my first match here. Didn't you fail to do that?"

"Haha you fucking ! You done goofed! Yes, my second and third matches were losses. I regret them but I accept them, I learned from them, if you bothered to do five minutes of reading you would know that I won my first match. A bunch of nobodies, around the same level as you, Simon. Fuck, I love that line too much. You go on and on about people getting shit wrong and missing the point and you fuck up collosally because you are too goddamn lazy to watch my first match in the XWF, you are too fucking lazy to go onto the XWF website and click on my name, and click on my backstage page and scroll down to see that I listed my first match as a win. Holy shit."

*Gator laughs to himself as he listens to the Frodo in front of him, talking and shouting and morphing into a Ditto at one point, but Gator stares at him laughing to himself. When he finishes talking this Frodo sits and looks at Gator*

"So, this is it? You just coming at me with the same old shit as last time? Fuck, I'm sorry for laughing, I'm just enjoying how much of an idiot you are. You keep coming at me saying I'm doing this whole 'no you' when you're carrying it on. You call me a copy cat, when you actually copied someone's appearance and attitude, you stole someone's life. I tell you that and you admit I'm right but still come back with more shit about how I'm some fucking fraud. No you. Fuck your pop culture references, I don't know why you keep bringing them up like I'm using them as a crutch, stop claiming everything is Frodo's when you and him have no fucking worth. Stop the whole fucking act and just think for a goddamn second. Nothing you claim is yours. Literally nothing. You and Frodo have nothing, you never did, you never will. No one is trying to steal from Frodo, but you Simon. I'm not trying to be a bad ass here, I'm not joking I'm telling the truth. Frodo equals shit. Some stupid fucking cunt who thinks he's some originator of wrestling and promos when he's just another face backstage. And who the fuck are you to defend him Simon? Some talentless hack who got hired to act like Frodo because he wasn't good enough to act in films or the theater. Some fucking born loser who was forced to act like the XWF's black sheep. It's sad man, it's really fucking sad."

"Cyren isn't in the match, no he most certainly is not. But I used him to bring up a point. Hey, I thought you said we couldn't bring up people we haven't met anyway, stop bringing up Cyren Simon, it's making you look like some dumb fan. I'm done with you now, seriously, just give up on trying to win this back and forth. You're not as good as Frodo thinks he is and you already fucked up badly by being lazy, like really fucking badly. Haha, one more time."

"Because an untrained fighter, I managed to win my first match here. Didn't you fail to do that?"

"Hahahahaha .. No, Simon, no I did not fail to do that. Fuck, Frodo must be pissed that you made an error like that. I'm sure Frodo isn't dumb enough to not research his opponents, I mean, I hate reading up on my opponents too, it's fucking boring but I do it. I didn't use too but that made me lose matches, just like that little brain fart that you did, that little error that may seem inconsequential let loose a big fucking flaw in you Simon. You don't know shit about your opponents and you underestimate them, because you copied Frodo who is so fucking dense and arrogant, he thinks he can walk in and someone will hand him a victory. Well, Simon, you and Frodo are dead fucking wrong. No surprises there. I want to be done with Simon. I want the match to come and I want to fucking kill you, that's what I want right now, the most frustrating thing to me right now is how I'm imaging you in front of me and I can't hurt you. Talking to your dumb ass is wasting my precious time sitting here slowly dying. Just give up and move on to someone else on my team, make yourself look more like a worthless brainless worm to them."

"Hehe . The one called Peter Gilmour said something too."

"Go ahead."

*Frodo morphs into Peter Gilmour and sits cross legged facing Gator*

"Hello Gator, How are you today?"

"Hey Peter, I'm good thank you, just trapped between the peaceful town of 'Fucking' and the roaming hills of 'Nowhere'"

"This will be our first meeting together and I'm sure as hell it won't be our last. You say that you're the best in the XWF. That may be true since you are the TV Champion, a belt I have held twice before in another shithole. But that's besides the point. Gator, you are a very strong man and you have what it takes to be champion but so am I. I am stronger, faster and smarter than you and when we meet, it will be magic! But seeing your promos I have to question your intentions in this match. It seems that you're more focused on Frodo and Pest than you are me and the others. That's a rookie mistake and you're no rookie. You shouldn't worry about Frodo and Mr. Shitfed. You should really be worrying about me because I intend to destroy you and your teammates one by one until there is nothing left but a giant bloodstain on the mat. I wish you luck Gator. It should be fun."

"Haha. Peter, thank you. Thank you for knowing who I am and what I'm about, thank you for realising that this will be a good match with the two of us and thank you for the challenge. I did not say I was the best in the XWF, I said I was one of the best, maybe you misspoke, but hey you're right, I may be the best, I'm a champion after all, and you! You're a fucking legend man, I can't wait til me and you go one on one, it'll be a moment recorded in the history books. I apologise for not giving you the attention you crave, it's just I like to focus on the idiots flapping their limp wrists and making the most noise, those are the people that need to be put down first. I never forgot about you, I aim to take you down. I am on the frontline of this war, I will run in and kill and I will not stop. Right now I'm dizzy and confused lying under a tree because my pills for my condition are out of reach, but I refuse to give up. That is what make me a good soldier. I refuse to die, I refuse to lose, no matter what you and your teammates throw at me I will not lie down, I will not submit I am The Walking Disaster! I walk into a building and bring everyone to their knees, I walk in and crumble the foundations and I walk out the last man standing with a grin on my face and blood on my fists. So, Peter, I wish you luck too. This will be fun."

*Peter chuckles and morphs back to the fox walking to Gator's side once more as rain hits the leaves of the tree and fall onto Gator*

"How do you feel now?"

"Better. Still think I'm going crazy and I think I'm going to die soon, but I feel better."

*The rain gets heavier*

"That rain is not good. Jacob, you've been passed out longer than you think, I will help you as much as I can, which is little at this time. You are on the West Coast of the Southern Island."

"Is that bad?"

"Let's say it's rugged bush land and very wet."

"Pffft. HAhaha phrasing dude."

*Gator begins to cough again and sinks quickly threw the ground. We go to tall grass and see Gator lift his head quickly from a large puddle gasping for air as rain pours down on him, heavy grey clouds in the sky. Gator catching his breath looks up at the tree he was sat under and the steep hill leading to it*

"... Fuck ..."

*Gator gets to his feet and looks around before running through puddles and overgrown grass, trying to find his way back to the road. The footage fades to black and comes back to Todd who sits in the rental car, waiting for hours for Gator to return, the heavy rain hitting the roof. His eyes scan the road in front of him and he checks his phone again do see that his battery is dead.*

T: " ... Fuck ..."

*The footage fades to black*

To be continued...

[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
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