I don’t think we have officially met yet…I am MORBID Angel! The one and only Morbid! Not some fucking punk ass pussy wanna-be listening to Drowning Pool…does that make you a bad ass? No…no it does not! POSER! So, what do you say? Morbid Angel vs. the Morbid-like-guy! I want to see how Morbid you can actually be and prove it is something earned! We can both name a stipulation to see who has a more MORBID mind!
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Won at War Games 2014
The screen goes from an old episode of the Golden Girls then begins to fade out into static. The static slowly recedes and we look at a pair of silhoutted figures. The shorter and stockier of the two moves into the light and reveals Grave Digger...
Tonight a challenge was issued by the so-called Morbid Angel. He seems to believe that he is the true and only Morbid in the XWF.
Grave Digger lets out a squeaky, maniacal laugh as he rubs his hands together and stares into the camera.)
My dear boy, the age of damnation is upon you. And my dear old friend Morbid accepts your challenge. And even more so... He challenges you to a '3 Cages of Hell' Match. It is simple. 3 cages will be stacked on top of the other. The winner is the man that can reach the top and grab the briefcase. Inside the briefcase will be the entitlement to the Morbid name... The loser will not only be beaten and near death, but will have to change their name.....
The screen fades back to static and back to the Golden Girls...
Oh…OH! That was so good! I am glad you came alive!
You want to have three cages? Is that really morbid? It seems more like something you would see in the WWE…but if that is your idea of MORBID…sadly I accept!
I doubt you will win! No one can take my title from me! In fact! I have another stipulation for you! Just to make things a little more fun!
Not only does the loser have to change their name BUT the winner gets to pick the name they have to keep for 2 months before getting renamed! AND!!! I want something on fire! I don’t give a shit if it’s Jessica Diaz’s fucking panties! FIRE!
болезненное ангел!
Intercontinental Champion
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Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
I have to say, I didn't quite expect this, however since you're wanting a match to take place, and I have just finished formal referee training, I feel I need to offer my services. That is, unless you're intimidated of having someone who holds a victory over you ever so close to you again, Angel.
Come on you fucking massive, blubbering vagina. Accept!
Or don't. You really don't have to.
It's your choice.
The following 2 users Like Jessie-ica Diaz's post:2 users Like Jessie-ica Diaz's post (09-11-2014), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (09-17-2014)
Jessica Diaz!!! You fucking cunt...I guess you want a job that doesn't involve spreading your legs...fine...FINE! Cunt is the referee. But I want flaming corpses hanging in the cages like they are in a meat locker! I don't give a fuck who they are as long as they are on fire!
болезненное ангел!
Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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Vincent Lane
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Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
Naked? I can certainly do that if it sweetens the deal, Morbid. Hey, who knows? It might be fun!
Or humiliating.
Oh hush you.
Besides, if this match is on Madness; that slobbering creep Heyman would probably make it manditory for me to wear that stereotypical female ref whore suit. If I'm going to show more skin than usual on television, why not do it all and do so on my own volition?
And out cum the voyueristic creeps, now prepared to actually watch this match. I should help them advertise. Then again I'd probably just throw tits on everything and it would be awesome.
The following 1 user Likes Jessie-ica Diaz's post:1 user Likes Jessie-ica Diaz's post Vincent Lane (09-14-2014)
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