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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
"Loverboy" - training montage (3/3)
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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08-19-2014, 11:14 PM Heart  "Loverboy" - training montage (3/3) -->

(("Loverboy" Vinnie Lane has not arrived at the gym in Phoenix on time. His friends, Donny, Alex, Dave and Johnny are all there, ready and waiting, sitting in their wrestling gear.))

Donny: What the hell, where is he? It's been two hours! Alex are you sure you didn't cripple him?

Alex: He could walk last time I saw him, Donny. Not very well, true, but he could walk.

Donny: Well what are we supposed to do? I don't plan on sitting in a damn gym all day.

Johnny: Hey, Donny, why don' you and the Iceman roll for a few?

Dave: Yeah, why not? You guys have worked matches together before, why not show us some ESPN Classic shit?

Donny: First of all, screw you, you guys are the same age as me. Alex is old as shit, sure, but not me.

Alex: Eat shit, Donny.

Donny: Second of all, no. Old doesn't mean weak, and I'm not in the mood to get hurt today either. I'm here for Vinnie, otherwise I'd be sitting at the pool or at the pub.

Dave: You might not be old, Donny, but what you showed us the other day was a bunch of ring rust as red as your Irish hair.

Johnny: You too, Alex. I mean, you're still the man, but you've seen better days. You shoulda kept wrestling like me and Dangerous have, man.

Alex: Maybe. The competition got stale though. Donny was the only guy left who even put up a fight.

Donny: Hell of a fight, though.

((Just then, Loverboy swings open the door of the gym and dashes in. He's carrying his duffel bag, but is oddly already in his ring gear.))

Loverboy: Guys, man, I'm so sorry!

Donny: Where the fuck have you been, Vinnie?

Loverboy: Man, the WFX guys wanted me to swing by the arena and cut a promo to use during the pay per view, like a lead in to the match.

Alex: What, just you? What about Lucena and Ryback?

Loverboy: Dude, I've been texting Zoey all week and getting nothing. I'm starting to think that midget finally got ahold of her and dumped her body out in the desert. Clean's good though.

Alex: How do you know?

Loverboy: Well, he answered me. See?

((Loverboy holds his Nokia up for Alex and the guys to see.))

Clean Lucena

8-18-14 4:33 pm

We go do good playa!

Loverboy: See? He says we're good.

Alex: Right. Well, okay, so Lucena is confident, I know you're confident, but what kind of trio promo can you do with just the two of you?

Loverboy: Dude, I don't know. I just did my part alone. You want to check it out? I brought my laptop and they sent me a video of it, pre-production.

Alex: Yeah, sure, let's see it already.

((Loverboy sits on a bench and unzips his bag, pulling out the small laptop he got earlier in the week from the airport. He opens it up and types for a moment as Alex and the others crowd around behind him. The screen lights up with the grinning face of Loverboy as he stands in front of a green screen. He looks off screen uncertainly for a moment but then starts rapidly speaking.))

Okay... now? Okay...

Well, you know something, Azrael Erebus? You know what dude? You talk a hell of a game, that's for sure, but I don't know what to make of you. I don't know if you're all bluff and no stuff, or if you're just trying to mess with my head. But, you know what? It doesn't matter, man. You and me are gonna settle all that nonsense once we finally step into the ring together, mano a mano, toe to toe, and it isn't gonna make a difference if you're a former Universal Champion, a tag team champion, a trios champion... all that's gonna matter is you and me in the middle of the ring.

I learned a lot about me in the desert this week, Azrael... and you're right,man, that stuff was in me, in my own head, it wasn't some demon possession on your part. Like you said, you're just a man. The thing is, I think you need to turn that same magnifying glass around onto yourself, dude! You talk about things I saw or felt like they're impossible, but then you just casually say your a thousand years old or something? And you talk about burning the world and being an alien? And you think I'M on drugs?

I might have had a momentary lapse of reason out here in Arizona... but you? I think you're just out of your damn mind. I think your time as the big bad wolf in this federation has made you soft, Azrael. You got comfortable being the end boss on this roster, and you got sloppy, and you lost your belt. Now look at you... going along for the ride with Kendall Sawyer's 24/7 briefcase. It would be funny, dude, if it weren't so god damn sad.

Azrael, you, Enigma and Sebastian Duke are in for a hell of surprise when we hit the ring. You three think you're the cream of the crop here - and you might have been right at one time. But now? Dude, Azrael, now all you are is a stepping stone for a hungry son of a bitch named Vinnie Lane.

See you soon, Champ.

((The screen fades out and Loverboy looks back and forth between his friends' faces, looking for opinions.))

Loverboy: Well guys? Feedback? Come on, Alex what did you think?

Alex: You seriously started with "Well let me tell you something?"

Loverboy: Yeah, why? What's wrong with that?

Alex: Just... nothing. It's fine. Actually it was all fine, it was good.

Donny: I thought it was great. I'm proud of you, man. When you signed up here I definitely don't think you expected to be in the ring with Azrael within a month.

Loverboy: Yeah, you're right about that.

Dave: Vinnie, hey, look, you cut a halfway decent promo for once in your life, congrats - but you know what we're here for today, and you know what me and Johnny are good at, and it ain't talking.

Johnny: He's saying to hurry up and pick which one of us gets to knock your ass around the ring first, Loverboy.

((The two partners laugh and slap hands, then turn expectantly to Loverboy.))

Loverboy: Dudes, you're both getting in there with me. Two on one.

((The Disintegrators' mouths drop open in surprise as Loverboy heads to the ring.))

Donny: Are you fucking nuts, Vinnie? You've been getting your ass beat for two straight days by two retired wrestlers, and now you want to get into a handicap situation against a team that's still on top of the sport?

Loverboy: Donny, listen, that's exactly what I need, dude! The trios champions are no joke, man, and this Friday I am definitely going to end up in the ring against more than one tough bastard at a time.

Donny: I mean, yeah, probably, but dude...

Loverboy: Dude nothing. One of my two partners is a guy I've never talked to for more than a second, and the other one is MIA. I'm up against three guys who are all big time names and former champions. CURRENT champions. This is a title shot, Donny, and I'm going in there to win. Davey, Johnny, get your ugly asses in this ring and lets do this.

((Dave and Johnny shrug and walk to the ring as Donny shakes his head and walks to the bell.))

Donny: Jesus Christ... just don't kill him, guys.




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