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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
Visions Of Hell Pt. 2
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Sacrelidge Offline
From The Shadows

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-19-2014, 08:20 PM

The early morning humidity was already turning the deserts of Arizona into an oven. Rain fell the night before but by the feeling of the current weather you never would have guessed it. Sacrelidge emerged from the desert a different man than he was when he entered it. As he approached the outskirts of Phoenix he still had traces in his mind of what he had seen the night before.

A spirit of some sort came to him. He didn't take the presence very serious as he was still able to distinguish that he was under the influence of a powerful drug. Whether it have been a hallucination or an actual entity, it spoke to him. The object was in the form of an animated shadow that took the shape of a human form. It had no features and was all one shade of black.

"Know no bounds and nothing can touch you" the shape said to him.

In addition to the object, Sacrelidge also felt in his mind that Cain was afraid, maybe not of him, but still afraid of something. Sacrelidge had already proven Cain to be a fraud by hiring actors to pretend to be killed by him. Sacrelidge also knew that Cain was not the child of Adam and only his own delusions would make him think otherwise.

Sacrelidge never claimed to be some high and mighty entity or force, he just loves to hurt people and bring the pain and suffering onto his enemies that he feels himself. Sacrelidge was preparing for a fight, not a wrestling match and when he meets Cain in the ring on Friday he will end all of these psychotic delusions that Cain has and leave him lying in a pool of his own shame as everyone laughs at him and makes him realize that his whole existence is just as much of a joke as the book he stole it from.

After walking for many miles, Sacrelidge stood on top of a hill and looked on at the tall buildings of Phoenix that stood in the distance. He was almost there.

"Soon" Sacrelidge muttered as he neared the end of his journey.

[Image: SACRELIDGE_zps973489d7.jpg]
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