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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
A bit of history about random teams rp.1
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Clean Lucena Offline
the cleanest player of the game

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-18-2014, 06:51 AM

- the image shows a couch, and Clean Lucena seated on it with a "The New Rockers" shirt, reading a book, like looking not aware that he's been filmed. Suddenly, he looks to the center of the image, and, looking surprised, he starts to talk -

Clean Lucena: Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were there, you got me reading. Well, as you know, my name is Clean, the former "Worst in the World" Lucena, The Cleanster, Mr. Respeto! the man who after a severe beating comes back stronger than ever to beat not one, but two opponents CLEAN and received a title shot... THE MOST RESPECTFUL MAN THAT ALMERIA, ANDALUCIA, SPAIN HAS EVER OFFERED, and let me tell you, my friends, that this humble people pleasant wants to tell you something. Maybe it could look that the team of Zoey Ryback, Loverboy and myself seems a bit "random", therefore it's matter of time that the three of them receive the beating of our lives from that three dark things, former universal champions as Erebus and Duke and the mask thing, Enigma. Well, it'd like to respectfully disagree with that ones that surround internet forums bitching and moaning about random teams. They're like: "Oh, the fuck are they doing, two young lions like Ryback and Loverboy and a former United States champion are not enough at all to beat the dark, mysterious guys! and the fuck, they have completely different attitudes and personalities, they're gonna fall just as the next relationship that will have Demi Moore". But let me tell you something. Wrestling history is full of random teams and not of all them existed only to be destroyed that people, ok?. In fact, in the competence, WWE, we have tons of examples. In fact they match everything that think that have some kind of relationship and make it profitable and succesful teams. Everybody remembers when they did "Air Boom" because the two of the components were high flyers, R-Truth and Kofi, both blacks (this is a very usual pattern to match up guys there" and the most recent one, O'Neil and Slater, a not very strong try to show everybody that they're not racist at all. Isn't the fact that you have to prove that you're not racist speaks itself? Anyway, it has trios too as The Shield for example, all of them won titles. That goes also for our company. The fuck, aren't Enigma, Erebus and Duke, all of them, dark and mysterious? They're pretty random in my opinion. And they have the gold I want since they put me in a match for it so we'll destroy them. I have experience in random teaming since I hired the stupid little man that is recording right now that helped me to win my first title here at Xtreme Wrestling Federation. I'm succesful at random teaming and this time won't be different. But anyway this idea of "random teams" isn't only a wrestling thing... I've been checking this book...

- Clean shows the book, "The good soldiers" -

Clean Lucena: Well, it's about the Irak war and I've been thinking, weren't the Azores Summit, the Azores trio the most random team in the history of teams? You probably would say no, because they share the interest of steal the... I mean, defend themselves from a not very probable attack from Shadam and that's the kind of characteristic that wrestling companies loves to use to match up people, but think for a bit. Bush, the man that runs the most powerful country in the world, alongside the englishman, Blair, that were a english from a "socialist" party and Aznar, the moustache, one of my former presidents and a pretencious spanish that wanted Spain to be the biggest possible when, with all the respect of the world, is shit. If you watch closely, none of them have big similarities, none of them looks are similar or anything, but they had a common goal, pin the dark force of the world that never attacked anybody before them, Irak. And it was the most succesful and powerful team that the face of the earth have housed and if you don't believe me, go and ask to Shadam's head. Obviously there is also bad examples as Payton, Malone, Kobe and Shaw at Lakers. But I have news for you, dark scary guys, Erebus, Duke and Enigma, we would not be that Lakers. We are the Azores Summit. And unluckily for you, you'll be that sand desert that Irak is since we, the Azores Summit, made a little trip there and bomb everything. We'll steal your oil... I mean titles and, mark my words, we'll be the most successful and powerful random teaming on history on random teams.

it will continue
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