From The Shadows
XWF FanBase: Teens, some men, few kids (cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)
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08-15-2014, 05:43 AM
Large drops of heavy rain fell from the night sky. The only light that could be seem was the frequent lightning that would briefly light up the sky. The sound of the rain and occasional cracks of thunder drowned out any other noises. On top of a large Victorian style building Sacrelidge perched wearing a black trench coat with his head bowed. The rain ran through his hair and dripped from his face. “You will catch your death out here” his mother told him as a child. Her voice ran through his head like the blood ran through his veins. He stepped down through an open window into the old abandoned building.He reached for a mostly melted candle setting on a window seal. He lit the candle and set it back in its spot before blowing out the match.
Sacrelidge: Ah... the smell of the smoke.
Sacrelidge took a seat in an old wooden chair that also creaked when he sat in it. He reached to a small table and retrieved a glass goblet half full of a dark substance. He takes a sip from the glass and sets it down. Next to the goblet lies a small photo album that he picks up and opens. He takes particular notice to a picture of a young beautiful blonde woman holding a baby. Sacrelidge’s face is overcome with emotion as another thought enters his mind. He sees himself as a young boy playing outside near a tree. He climbs the tree but slips near the top. He fell directly on his arm and broke it instantly. In pain he whimpered for his mother but she never came. He was finally able to push the pain aside enough to get inside his house only to find his mother passed out on the sofa with an empty liquor bottle and a small pile of crushed pills on the coffee table.
When Sacrelidge was only fourteen years old he ran away from home. He had no reason to stay and took care of himself as is. His mother was a whore on the famous Las Vegas strip and became pregnant when she was allegedly raped by a group of priests that were in town and wanted a God free night of sin. These thoughts were beginning to simply become too much for him to bare. He slammed the album down to the ground and stood from the chair. In a rage he threw the old chair and broke another nearby window. He drank the rest of his drink before throwing the glass which shattered on the floor. He reached down and retrieved an almost full bottle of the substance he was drinking. He takes a drink directly from the bottle before stuffing a piece of cloth he found down the neck of it and picking up the lit candle. He set fire to the cloth and as he walked toward the door of the room he tossed the bottle across the room. As it shattered most of the room became engulfed in flames. The fire momentarily entranced him before leaving the room. He walked down ten flights of old wooden steps and then into a large room full of pews and a large wooden cross mounted on a wall. This old building was once a church. The flames began catching up to Sacrelidge as he exited the building. Once he stepped out onto the street, a poster caught his eye that was nailed to the side of the old church building. It was an advertisement for the upcoming XWF event Relentless and featured on the poster was a picture of himself and Cain. By now the flames had burnt through a crack in the wall and caught the poster on fire. Sacrelidge stood and watched as the flames reached the picture of Cain first. The poster started to warp and curl as the face of Cain turned to charred ashes that fell to the ground and dissolved on the wet ground. Sacrelidge took the action as a taste of things to come for his opponent.
Off in the distance Sacrelidge could hear approaching sirens. He grinned devilishly then walked away into the night and disappeared into the darkness.
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(08-15-2014), Ozymandias (08-15-2014)