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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
The 3 People You Meet in Hell (or DC)
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Khalif Compton Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-14-2014, 07:34 PM

Monday 8:30 P.M. The night sets on a dreary night in Washington D.C. as a plane touches down at the Ronald Reagan Washington National airport.

Pilot: Uhh passengers the time is now 830 we are hunted descent on to Washington DC please pick up your bags at the baggage station as soon as possible... and uhh enjoy your stay....

Older woman: Young man, young man it is we are here in DC are you excited

Khalif is awaking from a slumped position: Washington, DC... Home of the Fags. I guess Ashe Dawson should feel right at home here Hahahah

The older women with a puzzled look on her face as Khalif bellows by to himself turns to Khalif.

Older Woman: Who is Ashe Dawson, and is why are you using such vile language?

Khalif: Because the Nigga is a ! If you saw the way he fights you would think that he was gay. I mean how many times does a guy end up on his stomach, with ass in the air during a fight. I mean I understand trying to get yours I am that way with my lady, but in
a fight...Come on Son!

Old lady clearly disgusted with the words that Khalif is using, gets up from her seat and proceeds to walk towards the door to the terminal

Old Woman (turning around): Well.... uhh you have a good time here in DC.

Khalif continues to laugh at the older woman's reaction as she walks away rapidly...

10 Minutes later Khalif is walking down the airport terminal, picking up his bag when he sees a group of women yelling

Group of Women:Equal Job Equal Rights Equal Job Equal Rights.

Khalif walking by the group of women chanting breaks out into laughter. One of the women noticing Khalif's laughter to their chanting stops preaching and walks up to Khalif

Young Woman: What do you find so funny?

Khalif: Nothin', y'all bitches remind me of this old ass bitch that I am fighting with your begging to be heard and shit.

Young Woman: Don't you think you are being misogynistic. Especially to be calling women "bitches", and if I heard correctly you are fighting a women as well?

Khalif: Ehh I don't mean no disrespect to be calling women bitches, but I am an equal opportunistic. I got this cunt calling me a fake ass gangsta and she chose to enter a fight against me, so she can get her ass busted like the other two dudes who also don't know when to shut the fuck up. I mean this old ass cunt has one thing going for her, some big ass titties, but other than them super soaker cannons that she rocks on her body. I mean when the shit was announced it was her and 3 dudes, I bet the smut though she was about to get a train ran on her ass.

Young Woman: You are such a sick fuck, I hope that women kicks your ass when she sees you.

Khalif: What ever hoe, if you think that cunt has any shot of beating me or in this fight, then you might want to stop smokin' that Bali that you are on right now and go get yourself a real job, like pushing that weight.

The women clearly disgusted by the last statement that Khalif says mutters a few words and turns to try and slap Khalif. Before her hand can wrap around to connect to Khalif's face he snatches her hand like Larry Fitzgerald snatching slant route.

Khalif turns to the women and in a calm voice: Eyy look like I told yo ass before, I don't disrespect "real woman", this cunt who I am suppose to be fighting is a professional, who chose to step into the ring. It ain't got anything to do with women everywhere, and I ain't going to hit you, because at the end of the day I respect most women ight . Now go back to your little bra burning session or whatever the fuck ya'll are doing and I will leave y'all alone ight?

The women now picks up her sign and calmly walks back to her set of friends, and a gentleman dressed in a police uniform.

Khalif looking at the cop throws a snark smile in the cops direction, which leads to the cop lunging in his direction

Khalif (then walking past the cop): Fucking pigs sending these hoes out here to catch a nigga with the trap. Even at the airport... Fuck outta here

Khalif then walks out of the airport with almost a look of relief on his face, as he opens up the XwF Itinerary and begins to read.

"All non-main eventers will be staying at The Lanthem Hotel. A car will be there promptly at 5:30"

Khalif then hails a cab and proceeds to be driven to the Lanthem Hotel. Once he is at Lanthem Hotel he walks out of the cab, pays the driver and sees a man outside of the dingy hotel.

Khalif: Man XwF really knows make a nigga feel at home... Hope these prissy white fucks can handle this type of style of a hotel like this man.

The man who is holding up a sign which reads, "The End is Near, Reject Good and Accept Evil". Sees Khalif and quickly runs up to him.

Man: Young man the signs are all pointing that the end is near...reject Christ... the Anti-Christ is near.

Khalif (looking at the man almost tripping over himself): Are you looking for Morbid Angel?

Man: Who is that?

Khalif: Hahahah my point exactly. Dude is some joke of a Russian who thinks that he is the anti-Christ, realistically he is a 45 year old lonely fuck who lives in his momma's basement. The only thing Anti-Christ about him is that when he plays Dungeons and Dragons way too much. Come tomorrow that ma'fucker will be begging me to end his mercy so that he can actually see God. I mean plain and simple he is a disrespect to you and all of you Satanic Society... Look tomorrow I will make sure this mock Undertaker that will be showing up in this fight will be begging that he never said shit about your religion, claiming he is your profit. Come tomorrow he will have to out does the video games and fight a real man. And when you see him walk here tell him he is in the fight of his life.

Khalif walks into the hotel and the scene fades to black....

Less then 24 Hours Bitches
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(07-15-2014), Morbid Angel (07-14-2014)

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